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Words Meaning in English Meaning in Urdu Usage
Language that is elaborate,
If someone does not stop the political rhetoric in that country, a civil war
1 Rhetoric pretentious, insincere, or ‫بیان بازی‬
is likely to break out soon.
intellectually vacuous

To conceive an image or a
2 Envisage picture of, especially as a ‫تصور کرنا‬ I envisage that this new year's evening will be a delightful occasion.
future possibility
Subject to debate; arguableo Since the judge has decided the child will live with her mother, the
3 Moot ‫متنازعہ‬
r unsettled custody argument between the parents is moot.
Increased activity in
4 Impetus ‫رفتار کا زور‬ The approaching deadline gave impetus to the investigation.
response to a stimulus
to snub, reject, or refuse (a
person offering help or Unfortunately I have to rebuff your expensive gift because we hardly
5 Rebuff ‫جھڑک دینا ۔ ٹھکرا دینا‬
sympathy, an offer of help, e know each other.
tc) abruptly or out of hand
The act of expressing joy or
acknowledgment, as for the
6 Felicitation ‫مبارکباد‬ Heartiest felicitation to you on your success.
achievement or good
fortune of another
To deceive or drop (a She's as upset as a jilted lover over Quinn's attitude and I'm afraid she's
7 Jilted ‫بیوفائی کَرنا‬
lover) suddenly or callously going to do something irrational.
To make a rush or an attack
with a sudden sweeping This morning's events followed three arrests after police swooped on
8 Swoop ‫جھپٹا‬
movment, often used with homes across the district in a series of raids yesterday.
1) To search through
(something) throughly &
often roughly Police were reminded that the Constitution requires warrants before
9 Ransack ‫ توڑ پھوڑ‬- ‫چھان مارنا‬
2)To go through (a place) they may enter and ransack a home.
stealing valuables &
causing disarray
1) to persist or continue, 1) The school bus will not linger so it is important you arrive at the bus
especially in the mind stop on time.
10 Linger ‫ ٹھہرنا‬- ‫تاخیر‬
2) to delay or prolong 2) Twenty years after the woman’s murder, questions about her death
departure continue to linger and remain unanswered.
Something that causes
11 Detriment ‫نقصان‬ Smoking is a detriment to good health.
damage, harm or loss
1) to buoy up or hearten
Before the nervous comic went on stage, he drank a beer to bolster his
12 Bolster 2) to prop up with a pillow ‫ گاؤ تکیہ‬- ‫حوصلہ افزائی‬
or cushion
13 Deference courteous regard; respect ‫ تعظیم‬- ‫احترام‬ If you treat others with deference, then people will respect you back.
14 Agile Mentally quick or alert ‫فرتیلی‬ Since the thief was so agile, it made it difficult to track his movements.
To take something back or Under pressure, the girl was forced to retract her complaints and issue a
15 Retract ‫واپس لینا‬
disavow it written apology to her abuser.
To improve or augment,
‫ بڑھانا‬- ‫زیادہ کرنا‬ One of the best ways to enhance your vocabulary is by reading and
16 Enhance especially in efectiveness,
discovering new words.
value or attractiveness.
freedom from punishment
17 Immune ‫سے محفوظ‬ No one is immune to the effects of this legislation.
or prosecution
As a smoker, I find the government’s attempts to proscribe smoking to be
18 Proscribe To banish or outlaw ‫کالعدم‬
dictatorial in nature.
The caring manager was not happy to apprise his employees that their
19 Apprise to make aware; inform ‫آگاہ‬
jobs were in jeopardy.
to communicate or Before the trial, the prosecutor will liaise with the detectives to ensure
20 Liaise (Liaising) ‫رابطہ بننا‬
maintain contact (with) the best case will be presented in court.
To insult intenionally, By not bowing to the queen, you have shown an affront to the entire
21 Affront ‫توہین‬
especially openly royal family.
1) After he had the temerity to dispute the company’s policies, Ed was
reckless boldness, fearless forced to resign from his position as company treasurer.
22 Temerity ‫بے باکی‬
daring 2) The teenager’s temerity led him to do dangerous things, like driving
1) Margie is an eloquent storyteller who can paint a picture with her
skilled in fluent, forcful and words.
23 Eloquent ‫فصیح‬
appropriate speech 2) Although James was a brilliant writer, he was not an eloquent speaker
and always stuttered in front of a crowd.
something of doubtful 1) The ambiguity begins to disappear as more explanations are made.
24 Ambiguity ‫ابہام‬
meaning 2) She chose her clothing carefully to avoid gender ambiguity.
someone who takes more
Because Jenna is always the last one to arrive on our outings, she is
25 Laggard time than necessary, ‫سست‬
considered the laggard of our group.
someone who lags behind.
At last; in the end;
26 Ultimately ‫باآلخر‬ The doctor is ultimately held responsible for the patient's death.
to produce anger or
27 Outrage ‫غم و غصہ‬ Many people expressed outrage at the court's decision.
resentment in
to calm the anger of; soothe The manager tried to mollify the angry workers by giving them longer
28 Mollify ‫شانت‬
or appease breaks.
charge falsey or with
malicious intent; attack the Because Gail wanted her supervisor’s job, she did everything in her
29 Besmirch ‫بدنام کرنا‬
good name & reputation of power to besmirch the woman’s character.
newspaper with half- Timberlake accepted damages from a tabloid newspaper that falsely
30 Tabloid ‫اخبار‬
size pages accused.
not easily convinced;
I was skeptical when the doctor suggested I try massage for my
31 Skeptical having doubts or ‫شبہ‬
headaches, but it really helped.
not established as valid or
32 Unsubstantiated ‫غیر مصدقہ‬ All his allegations against the secretary were unsubstantiated.
a difficult or disagreeable Being a leader is difficult because in this position one must bear the onus
33 Onus ‫ذمہ داری‬
responsibility or necessity of making decisions for a group of people.
smallness of number; Although the government claims the unemployment rate is decreasing,
34 Paucity ‫ قلت‬- ‫کمی‬
fewness there is still a paucity of jobs available.
A statue was erected in his name because of the many positive
35 Erect put up; set up ‫کھڑا کرنا‬
contributions he made to the city.
relating to the matter at The politician promised to answer all questions which were pertinent to
36 Pertinent ‫مناسب‬
hand; relevant his campaign promises.
firm in position or place;
37 Steady ‫مستحکم‬ Could you hold the ladder steady while I climb up?
a shaking or vibrating
38 Tremor ‫جھٹکے‬ I thought it was either an earth tremor or an extremely low flying aircraft.
movement, as of earth
the act or practice of
refaining from indulging an
Abstinence After two weeks of abstinence from unhealthy foods, Sophia started to
39 appetite or desire, ‫پرہیز‬
(Abstain) feel fitter.
especially for alcohlic drink
or sexual intercourse
careful or wise in handling 1) Even though I consider myself to be a prudent planner, I still have not
ppractical matters; saved enough money for a new car.
40 Prudent ‫ ہوشیار‬- ‫محتاط‬
exercising good judgement 2) As parents, we must teach our children to make prudent choices about
or common sense their futures.

1) The US economy is on the brink of a recession.

the edge, border, or verge of
41 Brink ‫ کنارہ‬- ‫دہانے‬ 2) My son is on the brink of getting forced to leave his university because
a steep place
his grades are bad.
1) Jill had to truncate her presentation so it would not exceed five
to shorten by cutting off a p 2) The magazine editor decided to truncate the article so it would fit on
42 Truncate ‫ تراشنہ‬- ‫ کاٹنا‬- ‫چھانٹنا‬
art, end, or top one page instead of two.
3) Bill will truncate the huge Christmas tree so it will fit in our small
living room.
1) The employees were not happy when they learned their pay raises
unsure; not definite or
43 Tentative ‫عارضی‬ were tentative and could be cancelled at any moment.
positive; hesitant
2) Due to the storm, the plane’s arrival time is tentative.
to spread or open
44 Unfurl (something) out or become ‫لہرانا‬ We watched the soldiers respectfully unfurling the American flag.
spread or opened out.
Being a usually inferior
‫ قائم مقام ۔ متبادل ۔ بطور‬1) The jeweler immediately noticed the flaws in the ersatz diamond.
45 Ersatz imitation or substitute;
‫بدل کام کرنے واال‬ 2) The art expert quickly recognized the ersatz painting as a fake.
to keep possession of; If you want to retain your self-respect, you should not put yourself in an
46 Retain ‫برقرار رکھنے‬
continue to have unbecoming position.
a person lacking 1) When Alan gets drunk, he starts to act like an imbecile.
47 Imbecile intelligence or common ‫کم ذہن انسان‬ 2) The teacher was reprimanded for referring to one of her students as
sense an imbecile because he constantly asked silly questions.
1) According to researchers, the lack of exercise causes muscles to
to weaken in ability or atrophy and become feeble.
48 Atrophy ‫کمزور پڑتا‬
function 2) Students who rely on the Internet for research purposes soon discover
their manual research skills have begun to atrophy.
Causing harm, ruin, or After years of smoking a pack of cigarettes a day, John was diagnosed
49 Baneful ‫نقصان دہ‬
death; harmful with cancer and realized the baneful result of smoking.
1) The killer’s wife begged the judge to give her husband clemency so he
A merciful, kind, or lenient a would be out of prison before she died.
50 Celemency ‫معافی‬
ct. 2) In their letter to the governor, the victim’s family asked him not to give
clemency to their son’s murderer.
starting to grow or Online dating has gone from a nascent idea to an established concept that
51 Nascent ‫ پیدا ہونے واال‬- ‫ابتدائی‬
develop; being born helps millions of people find love.
to drink deeply and On Fridays many of the workers carouse at the neighborhood bar and
52 Carouse ‫کھل کے شراب پینا‬
frequently. grill.
1) She wore a lascivious dress, which attracted the attention of almost
Exciting sexual desires; every man she passed.
53 Lascivious ‫ شہوت پرست‬- ‫فحش‬
salacious 2) Often known for lascivious behavior, it was quite surprising how
polite he was behaving this evening.
a) Causing or designed to
1) As a highly strategic politician, he is known to pepper his speeches
cause fires
with incendiary language to arouse his listeners’ emotions.
b) A person who
54 Incendiary ‫آگ لگانےواال‬ 2) Although the investigation indicated the arsonist must have used
intentionally starts a fire
some kind of incendiary device to start the fire, the police could find no
with the purpose of causing
traces of it.
damage or injury.
To remove or destroy
If the hurricane hits the city directly, it will completely obliterate the
55 Obliterate completely so as to leave ‫ مٹانا‬- ‫ختم کرنا‬
town and leave nothing standing.
no trace
1) While the flowers arrived looking fresh and beautiful, they have
shrivelled, wrinkled, or grown wizened over the past few days.
56 Wizened ‫مرجھایا ہوا‬
dried up, esp with age 2) My grandmother’s wizened face broke into a smile when I placed my
newborn daughter in her arms.
Of, relating to, resembling, o
‫سبز شیشے کا ۔ زجاجی‬
57 Vitreous r having the nature of The lake was so calm that it looked vitreous in the pre-dawn light.
‫۔ کانچ کی طرح ۔‬
glass; glassy.
The interviewer could tell by the candidate's vacuous comments that he
58 Vacuous Devoid of intelligence ‫ کہوکھال‬- ‫ال حاصل‬
was not qualified for the position.
any prolonged feud, ‫ قبائلی‬- ‫ خاندانی دشمنی‬No one remembers how the vandetta between the families began, but it
59 Vandetta
quarrel, etc ‫جھگڑا‬ will only end when the desire for revenge is not heeded.
a feeling of anger caused by
60 Umbrage ‫ناراضگی‬ I had tried to phrase it politely, but he still took umbrage at my question.
being offended
To reduce the value or We can’t allow that corporation to vitiate the purity of our drinking
61 Vitiate ‫خراب کرنا‬
quality of; impair or spoil water by building a factory next to the river.
to work hard or with a Alan made the decision to travail during training so he would be invited
62 Travail ‫شقَّت ۔ محنَت‬
َ ‫ُم‬
great deal of effor to join the elite unit of soldiers.
to stay calm, especially While the other competitors were visibly anxious while awaiting their
63 Equanimity under stress; to maintain ‫تحمل‬ turns at the platform, the American diver showed a great deal of
composure equanimity.
diligent, hard working and Her sedulous efforts to learn French eventually enabled her to become
64 Sedulous ‫ مستقل‬- ‫ثابت قدم‬
persistent almost fluent.
1) Reading regularly will augment your vocabulary skills.
to increase the size or
65 Augment ‫اضافہ‬ 2) The general has decided to augment his forces by bringing in ten
amount of something
thousand additional soldiers.
to reprove or scold,
66 Admonish especially in a mild and ‫ تاکید کرنا‬- ‫نصیحت‬ Stewart is going to admonish the restaurant for poor customer service.
good-willed manner
conveying a poor opinion When talking about his rival, the politician made a derogatory statement
67 Derogatory ‫توہین آمیز‬
of something or someone that became a trending topic on Twitter.
one whose job is to keep The armed sentinel stood outside of the meeting room to make sure no
68 Sentinel ‫محافظ‬
watch and protect one interrupted the two world leaders.
1) Since I am not very good at math, earning an “A” in geometry is an
elusive goal for me.
difficult to find, catch, or
69 Elusive ‫مشکل‬ 2) In a house of young triplets, my husband finds sleep to be very elusive.
3) After searching for a job for six months with no leads, Marvin started
to believe employment was elusive.
the hours immediately
70 Wee Hours ‫تہوڑا سا وقت‬ Jim goes to bed in the weehours and gets up at lunchtime.
after midnight
the quality of being unfit or Since the doctor’s ineptitude led to my husband’s death, I filed a lawsuit
71 Ineptitude ‫ناقابلیت‬
inept against him.

Characterized by or 1) Paul’s amicable personality allows him to be friends with everyone.

72 Amicable exhibiting friendliness or ‫دوستانہ طور پر‬ 2) Hopefully, the insurance company and the driver can reach an
goodwill; friendly. amicable agreement regarding the property value.

To seize (a fugitive or ‫ موقع واردات پر گرفتار‬The nabbed terrorist confessed that he was trained by Indian retired
73 Nabbed
wrongdoer); arrest. ‫کر لینا‬ official.
When the ravishing woman entered the room, all eyes were drawn to her
74 Ravishing extremely beautiful ‫دلکش‬
Full of or conducive to
good will among To work successfully as a group, we must share information in a collegial
75 Collegial ‫دوستانہ طور پر‬
colleagues; friendly and manner.
- ‫اندرونی معلومات‬
76 Tip-off to give a hint or warning to ‫کچھ ہونے واالہے‬ I tipped off the mayor about the financial crisis.
feeling or showing no
77 Ruthless ‫ سنگدل‬- ‫بے رحم‬ The dictator is ruthless and will kill anyone who challenges his authority.
mercy; hardhearted
to interfere in an incident If our country does not intervene in the war between the two nations,
78 Intervene ‫مداخلت‬
for a specific purpose many of our citizens will be held hostage overseas.
a state of confusion or The turmoil in the stock market is causing investors to rethink their
79 Turmoil ‫بحران‬
disorder buying and selling decisions.
to do or say something ‫ دوبارہ‬- ‫ بار بار دہرانا‬The purpose of this email is to reiterate the points we discussed on the
80 Reiterate
many times; repeat ‫کہنا‬ telephone.
The teacher was impressed by the gifted student’s unequivocal
81 Unequivocal unquestionably clear ‫واضح‬
explanation of the complex subject.
1) When I received my license to practice medicine, I knew I had reached
a pivotal moment in my quest to help others.
82 Pivotal of crucial significance ‫اہم‬
2) In this day and age, social media marketing is pivotal to a company’s
one who rudely acts as
The young professor thought he knew everything and was too arrogant
83 Arrogant though he is better than ‫مغرور‬
to listen to his mentor’s advice.
other people
To roam through stealthily,
84 Prowl as in search of prey or ‫پھرتے رہنا‬ I think I'll prowl around town on such a nice night.
one who performs a crime None of the students in the class would identify the perpetrator who
85 Perpetrator ‫مجرم‬
or offense stole the teacher’s watch.
to affirm (a claim, etc) He reaffirmed his commitment to the country's economic reform
86 Reaffirm ‫دوبارہ تصدیق کرنا‬
again; reassert programme.
87 Elation a feeling of joy and pride ‫خوشی کا احساس‬ After graduation, there was a feeling of elation amongst all the graduates.

believing oneself to be
He doesn’t have many friends due to his egotistical personality keeping
88 Egotistical better, more talented, and ‫مغرور‬
them away.
more important than others

1) When I heard the computer programmers talking about coding, I

a way of speaking that is
ُ ‫اسلُوب ُگفت‬ could not understand a word of their parlance.
89 Parlance typical of a certain group or ‫گو‬
2) Although Kim listened to the assistant on the helpline, she could not
understand the technical parlance well enough to fix her computer.
1) Because of a legal review, the criminal was granted a reprieve on his
to cancel or postpone a bad ‫ وقتی‬- ‫عارضی سکون‬
90 Reprieve sentence.
situation ‫آرام‬
2) The rain is a welcome reprieve to the staggering heat.
91 Defer to postpone until later ‫ملتوی‬ The doctor has decided to defer the surgery until my health improves.
hatred directed at a
92 Prejudice particular culture or group ‫تعصب‬ Ethnic minorities struggle against prejudice, poverty, and oppression.
or at a specific individual

without any decoration; 1) Rachel prefers an austere working-class look to her house.
93 Austerity ‫ سادگی پسند‬- ‫سادہ‬
strict and serious in manner 2) He is an austere Muslim man and prays five times a day without fail.
1) During the press conference, the disgraced senator pretended he was
in oblivion to avoid answering tough questions.
the condition of being
94 Oblivion ‫تغافل‬ 2) Since Charles let his accountant handle all of his business dealings, he
unaware or uninformed
was in oblivion when the Internal Revenue Service asked him about tax
producing wealth;
95 Lucrative ‫منافع بخش‬ Mr. Chen makes a lucrative income by selling fresh tuna at the market.
1) When Roddy became angry, his visage completely changed from a
The face or facial
charming smile to an irritated frown.
96 Visage expression of a person; ‫صورت‬
2) After the blind sculptor touched her daughter’s face, she was able to
perfectly create her child’s visage in clay.
1) When children reach the period of adolescence, they crave freedom to
the time period when a
make their own choices.
97 Adolescence young person becomes a ‫نوجوانی‬
2) Perhaps my worse challenge during adolescence was the acne that
covered my face.
1) I think Claire was under duress when she signed the agreement; she
force or threats meant to
never would have voluntarily accepted those conditions.
98 Duress make someone do ‫ ناجائز تشدد‬- ‫دباؤ‬
2) The judge overturned the case because the defendant’s attorney
proved that his client’s confession had been given under duress.
To punish (a person)
without legal process or
authority, especially by
99 Lynch ‫مار پیٹ‬ The blood-thirsty mob lynched the alleged killer of the child.
hanging, for a perceived
offense or as an act of
Causing or capable of Because the medicine had a lethal side effect, I needed to take it under a
100 Lethal ‫ مہلک‬- ‫جان لیوا‬
causing death doctor’s supervision.
I can recall tales my father told of the downtrodden people of his native
101 Downtrodden Oppressed; tyrannized. ‫مظلوم‬
102 Remorse guilt or regret for a misdeed ‫پچھتاوا‬ Bill felt remorse when he crashed his friend's car.
worthy of envy; very
103 Enviable ‫قابل رشک‬ Most of the real estate agents are jealous of Peter’s enviable sales record.
To cry out loudly, as in
There are going to be people who violate traffic rules and yell at you
104 Yell pain, fright, surprise, or ‫چیخنا‬
105 Dunce A stupid person; a dolt ‫احمق‬ He was an absolute dunce at school.
To make ineffective or By being clever, Marvin was able to negate his opponent’s strategy
106 Negate ‫نفی‬
invalid; nullify during the card game.
107 Courtly polite, refined, or elegant ‫مہذب‬ His courtly manners made him a favorite escort of widowed socialites.
a show of sympathy or When the soldier died protecting his comrades, his wife received a call of
108 Condolence ‫تعزیتی‬
comfort condolence from our nation's president.
To execute (a person
109 Electrocute sentenced to death) by ‫بجلی سے جان لینا‬ The criminal was electrocuted according to law.
means of electricity
A sudden and un-
controlled contraction of
the diaphragm, causing
There was a loud hiccup from the back of the room and the class erupted
110 Hiccups the breath to be quickly ‫ہچکی‬
in laughter.
drawn in and then
immediately cut off by a
closing of the throat.
111 Deliberately Intenionally ‫جان بوجھ کر‬ I'm sure he says these things deliberately to annoy me.
A lyric poem of some
length, usually of a serious o
r meditative nature and
112 Ode ‫ گیت‬- ‫غزل‬ The poet spent years writing an ode that takes many hours to recite.
having an elevated style
and formalstanzaic
1) wildly extravagant or
1) Tim made a lot of profligate purchases after winning the lottery.
113 Profligate ‫ بدکار‬- ‫فضول خرچی‬ 2) Though a man of profligate and arrogant character, he enjoyed a great
2) a dissolute man in
reputation as a teacher.
fashionable society
‫بدعنوانی سے‬
to search for and expose
‫پردہ اٹھانا( خاص طور‬
114 Muckrake corruption, scandal, or the The reporter muckraked the corruption of the politicians.
‫پر سیاست میں بدنام‬
like, esp. in politics.
Lacking importance or
115 Footling ‫ معمولی‬- ‫تھوڑا‬ His footling gestures were insufficient to win back my favour.
1) The candidate's racist comment attracted public opprrobrium.
disgrace arising from
2) Even though the young man has paid the court-ordered fine for
116 Opprobrium exceedingly shameful ‫ بدنامی‬- ‫رسوائی‬
vandalizing the school, he still deserves the opprobrium of everyone in
the community.
someone who helps
We had to convince the jury that he was an aider and abettor and a
117 Abettors another person commit a ‫مددگار جرم‬
all the various people,
118 All & Sundry ‫خاص و عام‬ I don't want all and sundry knowing about our problems.
individually and collectively
to put someone or
119 Muss up ‫بگاڑنا‬ You mussed up my hair.
something into disarray
to walk in a pompous
120 Strut ‫اکڑکر چلنا‬ She told him not to strut around because it made him look silly.
manner; swagger
to fight in a disorderly
121 Scuffle ‫ دنگا فساد‬- ‫لڑائی‬ There was a scuffle among the students during recess.
122 Skyscraper A very tall building ‫بہت اُونچی عمارت‬ All of a sudden, the thirty-story skyscraper went up in flames.
to leave someone at a time
Leave in the ‫مصیبت میں کسی کو‬
123 when they need you to He said he would help with the rent, but he left me in the lurch.
lurch ‫چھوڑ دینا‬
stay and help them
an acrobat who performs
I was enchanted by the funambulist crossing the tight rope above us at
124 Funambulist on a tight rope or slack ‫کرتب دکھانے واال‬
the circus.
1) The boy looked in his father’s direction for reassurance when he felt
1)To restore confidence to
125 Reassurance ‫اطمینان دالتے ہوئے‬ nervous during his speech.
2) To assure again
2) We reassured him that the project was on schedule.
Completely; absolutely; It was utterly ridiculous to cry about something so trivial, and yet it felt
126 Utterly ‫سراسر‬
entirely. good.
Of the highest or greatest
If you hope to make a good impression, you must treat your host with the
127 Utmost degree, amount, or ‫آخری حد تک‬
utmost respect.
intensity; most extreme
to drink all of something,
128 Gulp down ‫غٹ غٹ پی جانا‬ He gulped his coffee down and left.
usually quickly
An act showing respect, Not surprisingly, everyone treated the Pope with a great deal of
129 Reverence ‫تعظیم‬
especially a bow or curtsy reverence at the event.
not faithful to a spouse or
130 Two Timing ‫بدکار‬ Infidelity and two-timing cannot be tolerated in love.
To damage the reputation,
The newspaper was sued for defamation after publishing lies about a
131 Defamation character, or good name of ‫بدنام کرنے واال‬
(someone) by slander

informal term for an upperc How can a toff like you understand what is like to be umemployed &
132 Toff ‫ مالدار شخص‬- ‫بڑا آدمی‬
lass or wealthy person poor?

Characterized by openness 1) Instead of hiding the truth, you and I should have a candid
and sincerity of expression; conversation about our relationship.
133 Candid ‫ صاف دلی‬- ‫خلوص‬
unreservedly straight 2) Because the politician made a candid speech, he earned the respect of
forward the voters.
Willful or malicious
The mob engaged in vandalism during the strike and damaged many
134 Vandalism damage or destruction of ‫توڑ پھوڑ‬
the property of another.
When the president learned of the dictator’s atrocity, he promised to
135 Atrocity a horrific action ‫ظلم‬
remove the cruel leader from power.
To move briskly and
repeatedly from side to ‫ادھر سے ادھر ہلنا یا‬
136 Wagging The happy dog wagged his tail.
side, to and fro, or up and ‫ہالنا‬
When the governor takes office, he has promised to reform the state’s
137 Abysmal extremely bad ‫انتہائی خراب‬
abysmal educational system.
intelligent; showing good Many agree that replacing typewriters with computers is a sagacious
138 Sagacious ‫دانشمندانہ‬
judgement idea because computers make typing, editing, and proofreading easier.
To keep down by severe
139 Oppressor and unjust use of force or ‫ظالم‬ The rebels called upon the people to rise up against their oppressors.
a person who tells
The kindergarten teacher was an excellent raconteur who had no
140 Racnoteur anecdotes in a skilful and ‫ماہر داستان گو‬
problem keeping her young charges engaged with her stories.
amusing way.
Prone to outbursts of ‫ جلدی غصے میں آنے‬It does not take much to aggravate my irascible neighbour who is
141 Irascible
temper; easily angered ‫واال‬ annoyed by any little noise.
To feel remorse, contrition,
or self-reproach for what Every Muslims commit sins, but the best of those who commit sins are
142 Repent ‫پشیمان ہونا‬
one has done or failed to do; those who repent.
be contrite
To speed up the progress The court has agreed to expedite the case so the athlete will be able to
143 Expedite ‫تیزگام‬
of or execute quickly start his football season on time.
a speech or written
composition used to pay Everyone cried when Jim’s best friend delivered a moving panegyric at
144 Panegyric ‫ مدح خوانی‬- ‫قصیدہ‬
tribute to a person, place, his funeral.
or thing
easily angered, always
Although Jenna’s father can be quite cantankerous at times, he will do
145 Cantankerous complaining or arguing and ‫جھگڑالو‬
anything to make her happy.
difficult to get along with
to convince people to
‫ کوئی‬- ‫نظریاتی تعلیم‬
146 Indoctrinate believe a certain idea or Every preacher is too busy to indoctrinate his own Islam.
‫عقیدہ سکھانا‬
147 Snotty Snobbishly aloof; haughty ‫حقارت آمیز‬ The people round here are very snooty.
people who think very It's strange how Lynda is humble and modest with me but snotty and
148 Supercilious ‫متکبر‬
highly of themselves supercilious toward her coworkers.
completely obvious,
The thief’s blatant attempt to steal the police car angered everyone in law
149 Balatant especially in an offensive ‫کھلم کھال‬
someone who makes
charitable donations The popular actor is a philanthropist who works to build homes in areas
150 Philanthropist ‫مخیر حضرات‬
intended to increase that have been destroyed by natural disasters.
human well-being
151 Woes grief or sorrow ‫پریشانیاں‬ Financial woes compelled me to do a job.
152 Inept having or showing no skill ‫نااہل‬ The inept attorney did not know how to properly address the judge.
Courteous behavior;
153 Civility ‫ شرافت‬- ‫تہذیب‬ What can we do to return civility to our society?

an attitude of mind
Since the basketball player had a proclivity to play well at crunch time,
154 Proclivity especially one that favors ‫ شوق‬- ‫رجحان‬
the coach kept him on the bench until the fourth quarter.
one alternative over others

a brief, often funny, telling To get a smile from the bullied student, the counselor shared an anecdote
155 Anecdote ‫ قصہ‬- ‫واقعہ‬
of something that happened about her school days.
A phenomenon supposed According to my mother, the itching of your right hand is an omen that
156 Omen ‫شگن‬
to portend good or evil predicts a cash windfall.
Having a harsh, unpleasant A band of musicians entered the hall & began a series of cacophonous
157 Cacophonous ‫ بَد آواز‬- ‫بے سرا‬
sound; discordant. sounds on a drum.
to bring together a large If Jill does not curb her shopping habits, she will amass a large amount of
158 Amass ‫ اکٹھا‬- ‫جمع کرنا‬
amount credit card debt.
An aggressive entrance
When the troops made an incursion across the border, they ruined any
159 Incursion into foreign territory; a ‫دشمن کا حملہ‬
chance for peace between the two countries.
raid or invasion.
lengthened in time; The meeting was prolonged because we were waiting for our boss to
160 Prolonged ‫طویل‬
extended; drawn out arrive.
reserved or
161 Taciturn uncommunicative in ‫کم گو‬ By nature, Sheila is a taciturn woman who keeps her thoughts to herself.
speech; saying little
to fill or overcome with ‫ کسی‬- ‫ َخوف زَ دَہ کَرنا‬1) Virginia was appalled when she learned her thirteen-year-old
162 Appall horror, consternation, or ‫ بُری یا نا خوشگوار چیز‬daughter was pregnant.
fear; dismay ‫ سے ڈرا ہوا یا دہشت زدہ‬2) We were appalled by the bomb damage
Many people laud the scientist for discovering the cure for the deadly
163 Laud To give praise to; glorify ‫تعریف‬
To oppose and defeat the In his televised speech, the Prime Minister assured the citizens that the
164 Thwart efforts, plans, or ambitions ‫ناکام بنادینا‬ government was doing everything it could to thwart the activities of both
of (someone). foreign and domestic terrorists.
extremely wicked or The President lauded the soldiers for thwarting the nefarious plan of the
165 Nefarious ‫ مذموم‬- ‫ناپاک‬
villainous; iniquitous enemy.
1) While some believe IQ tests are tantamount to measuring your true
intelligence, others believe these tests cannot survey your intellect.
166 Tantamount equal to something ‫مترادف‬
2) Nervously answering the investigator's questions is almost
tantamount to admitting guilt.
1) Because the circus is in town for an ephemeral amount of time, you
anything short-lived,
167 Ephemeral ‫مختصر طور پر‬ better go there soon before it is too late.
doesn't last long
2) Fame can come and go like an ephemeral dream.
One who steadfastly
168 Stalwart supports an organization ‫وفادار شخص‬ He is one of the most stalwart worker of our company.
or cause
to criticize someone or ‫ سرزنش‬- ‫آڑے ہاتھ لینا‬ Hypocrites are people who castigate others for making the same
169 Castigate
something severely ‫کرنا‬ decisions they have made.
To put aside or desist from ( 1) Once the scandal hit the newspapers, the chairman agreed to
something practiced, relinquish his position voluntarily.
170 Relinquish ‫ چھوڑدینا‬- ‫ترک کرنا‬
professed, or intended); 2) No matter how many setbacks you have to face, don’t relinquish your
stop doing or adhering to. dream of getting into veterinary school.
to view in a particular Because I am still running a very high temperature, the doctor does not
171 Deem ‫خیال کرنا‬
manner deem me fit to leave the hospital.
One that is inconvenient, 1) The bee was a huge nuisance as it kept buzzing around the picnic table.
172 Nuisance annoying, or vexatious; a ‫پریشانی‬ 2) Because my girlfriend’s possessive nature has become a nuisance, I
bother think it is time for us to take a break from each other.

To flow or leak out slowly, a

173 Ooze out ‫باہر رسنا‬ Blood was oozing out from his wound.
s through small openings.
A possibility that must be
During a disastrous contingency, agencies like the Red Cross and the
174 Contingency prepared for; a future ‫ہنگامی‬
Salvation Army work to assist displaced people.
175 Untoward Unfavorable or adverse ‫ناخوشگوار‬ The Police has prepared a contingency plan for any untoward incident.
An instinctive physical
َ ‫ ُم‬Americans' appetite for wine has increased significantly over the last few
‫س َّرت یا خیر کے لِیے‬
176 Appetite desire, especially one for
‫طبعی خواہِش‬ years.
food or drink.
Possessed with or
The fanatical fan ran wildly around the stadium, shouting his team’s
177 Fanatical motivated by excessive, ‫جنونی‬
irrational zeal.
As soon as the residents of the village saw the vanguard of the king’s
178 Vanguard the forefront in any field. ‫ہراول دستہ‬
forces heading their way, they ran and hid.
Very strange or unusual,
The bizarre movie we watched last night was so odd we left the theater
179 Bizzare especially in a striking or ‫عجیب‬
in stunned silence.
shocking way
1) To the nature lover, the sound of the birds chirping is akin to
Having a similar quality or charming music.
180 Akin ‫ایک طرح کا‬
character; analogous 2) For me, being interviewed by the human resources team was akin to
being interrogated by a team of police detectives.
1) In hopes of keeping her small business afloat, Mary will emulate her
strive to equal or match, competitors' business practices.
181 Emulate ‫ہمسری کی کوشش‬
especially by imitating 2) Sue is going to emulate her brother's strong work ethic in order to be
Being such that formal
It is debatable whether restrictions on religious discussions in public
182 Debatable argument or discussion is ‫قابل مباحثہ‬
need to be imposed in a secular democracy.
1) Even though Juan is a denizen of Spain, he frequently travels to the
United States for business.
183 Denizen An inhabitant; a resident ‫باشندے‬
2) Because Janet visits her local casino every day, she is considered a
denizen of the gaming hall.
1) While in court, the defendant tried to intimidate the jury with
made timid or fearful as by
184 Intimidate ‫دھمکانا‬ menacing looks.
2) The mob tries to intimidate shop owners into paying protection fees.
to urge, provoke, or incite
185 Instigate ‫ بھڑکانا‬- ‫اکسانا‬ The violence was instigated by ex-members of the secret police.
to some action or course
1) Even when Mitchell knew he was about to be arrested for selling
a confident and daring drugs, he had the audacity to continue to sell his products on the street
186 Audacity quality that is often seen as ‫ بے باکی‬- ‫جرات‬ corner.
shocking or rude 2) The teacher warned the students that any audacities committed
during the graduation ceremony would be punished.
187 Slumber To pass (time) in sleep ‫نیند‬ He fell into a deep slumber.
1) Mrs. Smith is such a great teacher that she is always getting one
any award, honor, or
188 Accolade ‫خراج تحسین‬ accolade after another.
laudatory notice.
2) The Medal of Honor is the highest accolade a soldier can win.
189 Confabulate To talk casually; chat ‫گپ شپ کرنا‬ She could be heard on the telephone confabulating with someone.
To make a judgment about (
Since Jose had never passed any of his other tests, the teacher could only
190 Surmise something) without ‫اندازہ کرنا‬
surmise he had cheated to earn an A+ exam.
sufficient evidence; guess

1) To surround with hostile

1) The soldiers besieged the walled city.
191 Besiege forces ‫ گھیر لینا‬- ‫محاصرہ کرنا‬
2) Fans besieged the star as she came out of the hotel.
2) To crowd around; hem in

to lock a person up as a
The detective promised the father that he would incarcerate his
192 Incarcerate consequence for his or her ‫قید کرنا‬
daughter’s killer.
The movie critic took every opportunity to deride the A-list actor for
193 Deride to subject to bitter ridicule ‫تمسخر کرنے واال‬
making the awful film
Government by a few,
especially by a small While the system of democracy allows everyone to vote, oligarchy gives
194 Oligarchy ‫اشرافیہ‬
faction of persons or the power to only a few individuals.
1) The sailors watched the horizon anxiously, wary of the approaching
marked by keen caution storm.
195 Wary ‫ چوکس‬- ‫ہوشیار‬
and watchful prudence 2) One of the most important lessons that parents must teach young
children is to always be wary of strangers
to overwhelm with
amazement; shock with For his first wedding anniversary, Rick wanted to buy a gift that would
196 Astound ‫ حیرت زدہ‬- ‫تعجب خیز‬
wonder or surprise; astound his wife
1) When the racist group learned the civil rights leader had won an
an image or likeness of a
international award, they burned an effigy of him on a cross.
person or thing that is
197 Effigy ‫پُتال‬ 2) Anti-war protestors are burning an effigy of the president as a way of
made to express dislike or
demonstrating their disapproval of his decision to send troops into yet
to instill fear
another war.
to let secret information Everyone's trying to make me spill the beans about who will be our new
198 Spill the beans ‫کوئی راز اَفشاں کر دینا‬
become known boss.
A drawing consisting of th
outline of something, ‫ کسی شخص کی خطی‬Although the bedroom was separated into two halves by a sheet, Logan
199 Silhouette
especially a human profile, ‫تصویر‬ could still see Jean’s silhouette as she undressed.
filled in with asolid color.
Did you know you could be arrested for trying to incite an uprising
200 Incite To provoke and urge on ‫مشتعل‬
against the government?
1) The financial recession has made many of our problems
insurmountable, but that does not mean we will lose hope.
not capable of being 2) She knew that she had accepted an insurmountable challenge, but she
201 Insurmountable ‫ ناقابل فتح‬- ‫ناقابل تسخیر‬
surmounted or overcome also knew that she had the power to accomplish it.
3) History often celebrates rulers and leaders who have led their nations
to insurmountable victories and triumphs.
1) Although Charles was bereft of his rights to physically see his children,
Deprived of something
he was still allowed to communicate with them on the telephone.
202 Bereave/Bereft (past tense and a past ‫محروم کیا ہوا‬
2) Even though I was bereft of the money from my inheritance, I was still
participle of bereave)
able to collect enough funds to open my restaurant.
secret or hidden; not
openly practiced or The purpose of the agency’s covert operation is to rescue the kidnapped
203 Covert ‫خفیہ‬
engaged in or shown or soldiers before the enemy troops can prepare a defense.
1) Although we tried, we could not resuscitate the puppy who got hit by
to bring someone or
‫ از سر نو‬- ‫تازہ کرنا‬ the speeding car.
204 Resuscitate something back to an active
‫ جان پڑنا‬- ‫جان ڈالنا‬ 2) When he had a second heart attack in the hospital, the doctor was
unable to resuscitate him.
to supply to satisfaction or Since I get hungry in between lunch and dinner, I keep snacks on hand to
205 Satiate ‫سیر‬
capacity satiate my appetite.
Sufficient to satisfy a
‫ضرورت کے لیے کافی‬
206 Adequate requirement or meet a Adequate water intake is necessary for your body to function properly.
Something declared or 1) The defendant’s assertion he shot in self-defense can hardly be true
stated positively, often when his alleged attacker was forty feet away and unarmed.
207 Assertion ‫دعوی‬
with no support or attempt 2) The lawyer’s assertion will have us believe her client was not in the
at proof. state at the time of the murder
Emotionally hardened; There is so much crime in this country that many people have become
208 Callousness ‫ کٹھور‬- ‫سنگدل‬
unfeeling callous about it and tend to look the other way.

Characterized by
1) When people learned the banks were going to be bailed out by the
forcefulness of expression o
209 Vehement ‫ سخت‬- ‫شدید‬ government, they made vehement protests across the country.
r intensity of emotion or
2) There has been widespread and vehement condemnation of the attack.
conviction; fervid
At the governor’s behest, the attorney general will reopen a closed
210 Behest An authoritative command ‫ایماء‬
homicide case.
to improve your behaviour
afteer you have been
211 Mend ways ‫اصالح‬ Terry had better mend his ways or Rosie will leave him forever.
behaving badly for a long
the activity of travelling so
‫روز تہوڑے فاصلے پر‬
212 Commute me distance to work every d She commuted each day to her office downtown by subway.
‫آنا جانا کام کے لۓ‬
ay by car, bus, or train
a type of government in
which an area is controlled Because the monarchy is losing the support of the people, the king has
213 Monarchy ‫ شہنشاہیت‬- ‫بادشاہی‬
by a monarch like a queen decided to share his power with elected officials.
or king
to speak (a word, phrase,
etc) with recurring Although James was a brilliant writer, he was not an eloquent speaker
214 Stutter ‫ہکالنا‬
repetition of consonants, and always stuttered in front of a crowd.
esp initial ones
to prove wrong by Many church authorities refute the idea Christ was actually born on
215 Refute ‫تردید کرنا‬
argument or evidence December 25th.
choose and follow; as of While most parents would like their children to espouse the same value
216 Espouse theories, ideas, policies, ‫ انتخاب کرنا‬- ‫اختیار کرنا‬ system as they do, today’s young people are typically very independent-
strategies or plans minded and prefer to follow their own path.
one who excels at speaking If you want to be a successful politician, you should strive to become a
217 Orator ‫ مقرر‬- ‫خطیب‬
to an audience great orator so you can win votes with your words.
Public speaking marked byt
1) We came to know the oratory skills of my daughter only when we
he use of overblown
listened to her talk in the college anniversary programme.
218 Oratory rhetoric; Eloquence or skill ‫ خطابت‬- ‫تقریر کا فن‬
2)The oratory skills of a good public speaker can easily be judged by a
in making speeches to the
short speech they make.
Morally depraved; ignoble
219 Vile ‫ نیچ‬- ‫حقیر‬ A rapist is a vile person who has no morals at all.
or wicked
1) If you wear that short dress to church, many people will consider you
to be brazen.
220 Brazen bold and without shame ‫ بے باکانہ‬- ‫بے شرم‬
2) The troops were shocked by their enemy’s brazen early morning
1) Safety guidelines exist for a reason, and if you flout them, there could
to intentionally disobey (a be serious consequences.
221 Flout ‫خالف ورزی‬
law, rule, convention) 2) People find themselves in trouble because they think they’re clever
enough to flout the law without getting caught.
To oppose or resist with Opponents of the prohibition against smoking say they plan to defy the
222 Defy ‫ للکارنے‬- ‫انکار کرنا‬
boldness and assurance ban in a mass smoking demonstration on Monday.
A laudatory speech or
written tribute, especially o Because the deceased soldier was such an honorable man, his
223 Eulogy ‫ ستائش‬- ‫مدح‬
ne praising someone who h commanding officer delivered his eulogy.
as died.
a person who opposes the
current political structure,
224 Dissident ‫باغی‬ The dissident was jailed for refusing to obey the law.
group or laws; one who
1) Although the singer took a two-year hiatus from touring, she has not
A gap or interruption in
lost her ability to entertain a crowd.
225 Hiatus space, time, or continuity; a ‫تسلسل میں مداخلت‬
2) While my husband is stationed overseas in an isolated area, our
nightly phone chats will be on a temporary hiatus.
to do something special as
On Veterans Day, flags are lowered at half-staff to commemorate the
226 Commemorate a means of tribute or ‫یاد منانا‬
sacrifices of the nation’s military members.
an official order issued by a The queen issued a royal decree which stopped people from visiting the
227 Decree ‫حکم‬
legal authority royal gardens during the holidays.
to gradually decrease in
228 Wane ‫ کم ہونا‬- ‫گھٹنا‬ Ben knows his financial woes will wane as soon as he gets a job.
value or intensity
To escape or avoid,
Timmy would evade his father's questions about the missing money by
229 Evade especially by cleverness or ‫بچ نکلنا‬
changing the topic of conversation.
1) Even though James performed very well as a college undergraduate,
requiring strict attention he was unable to meet the stringent admission requirements of the
230 Stringent to rules, procedure, detail, e ‫بہت سخت‬ medical school.
tc 2) Several schools are being closed as a result of the county’s stringent
budget crisis
Loud or noisy and lively or
231 Boisterous ‫اودھم مچانیوالہ‬ You are peaceful at school, but you are boisterous at home.
To regard with awe, It wasn’t so long ago that parents taught their children to revere their
232 Revere ‫نہایت قابل احترام‬
deference, and devotion teachers, but these days it’s hard to find any respect in the classroom.

appearing or happening at
The doctors are finding it difficult to identify the cause of Tom’s sporadic
233 Sporadic irregular intervals in time; o ‫ کبھی کبھار‬- ‫اکا دکا‬
headaches because they occur infrequently
not conclusive or decisive; n
According to the detectives, there is inconclusive evidence that links the
234 Inconclusive ot finally settled; ‫غیر فیصلہ کن‬
suspect to the crime.
A person who attacks I was able to give the police a detailed description of the assailant who
235 Assailant ‫حملہ آور‬
another attacked me in the parking lot.

1) To move back or away

from a limit, point, or mark
Within a few days, the floodwaters are expected to recede.
236 Recede 2) To become or seem to ‫پیچھے کو ہٹنا‬
become more distant and
fainter or less distinct

In the movie, Karen and John are hapless lovers who are separated by
237 Hapless Luckless; unfortunate ‫بدقسمت‬
their class differences.
To shut away from the
The religious man found great peace in his decision to cloister himself in
238 Cloister world in or as if in a ‫سماج سے دور رہنا‬
a monastery.
cloister; seclude.
To attract or entice, Overseas workers pay thousands of dollars to come to Australia as
239 Lure especially by wiles or ‫ اللچ‬- ‫پھسالنا‬ temporary skilled migrants, some lured by promises of permanent
temptation residency.
occupied with or fond of
If you cannot be convivial, then you should not invite people over for
240 Convivial the pleasures of good ‫دعوتی‬
241 Antics silly or outrageous conduct ‫مضحکہ خیز حرکات‬ The students’ disruptive antics caused the speaker to stop talking.
Obtained in an evil manner
242 Ill-gotten ‫ناجائز حاصل کرنا‬
or by dishonest means
To put or throw flat with
The monk’s prostrate form was clearly visible as he bowed before the
243 Prostrate the face down, as in ‫سجدہ کرنا‬
statue in the temple.
submission or adoration
A state or feeling of 1) This morning, lassitude is preventing me from getting out of bed. 2)
- ‫کمزوری محسوس کرنا‬
244 Lassitude weariness, diminished Since I had been feeling exhausted for several weeks, I started taking
energy, or listlessness vitamins to cure my lassitude.
1) One who is absent
without permission,
- ‫ اسکول سے غیر حاضر‬The soldier who left base without permission is a truant who is always
245 Truant especially from school.
‫کام چور‬ trying to avoid performing his duties.
2) One who shirks work or
Harshness of manner; ill When questioned about his marital separation, the unhappy celebrity
246 Asperity
temper or irritability. responded with asperity.
marked by resistance or
During the police interview, the defiant teenager hid his fears behind a
247 Defiant bold opposition, as to ‫ ڈھیٹ‬- ‫بےباک‬
wall of asperity
authority; challengin
Quickness, accuracy, and
John’s business acumen, along with his computer skills, made him an
248 Acumen keenness of judgment or ‫تیز فہمی ۔ باریک بینی‬
asset to the software company.
Heated, often violent The strife between the coach and the quarterback negatively affected the
249 Strife ‫اختالف‬
conflict or disagreement team’s performance.
1) to clear or absolve from
blame or a criminal charge
‫ کسی الزام سے بری کرنا‬The job of the defense attorney is to exonerate his clients and keep them
250 Exonerate 2) To free from a
‫ بوجھ اتارنا‬- out of jail.
responsibility, obligation,
or task.
So that someone or some
Don’t push people too hard, lest you damage close friendships
251 Lest thing not; in case some ‫کہیں ایسا نہ ہو‬
one or something might
‫ بد‬- ‫ غصے سے بھرے‬Because my uncle has a splenetic personality, it does not take a great deal
252 Splenetic short-tempered
‫مزاج‬ to get on his bad side.
respectable because of When the illustrious soldier returned to his hometown, he was welcomed
253 Illustrious ‫شہرت یافتہ‬
one’s accomplishments with a grand parade.
a traditional story
accepted as history; serves
254 Myth ‫داستان‬ He wrote a novel based on ancient myths.
to explain the world
view of a people
a. To reach the highest
1) After eight sessions, the summer camp will culminate in a group
point or degree; climax ‫ بلند‬- ‫اختتام پذیر ہونا‬
255 Culminate presentation from all of the sessions.
b. To come to completion; ‫ترین مقام تک پہنچنا‬
256 Downpour A heavy fall of rain. ‫موسال دھار بارش‬ It was a downpour that hasn't been seen in Kandy for months.
To exclude from a group or Bill knew his community would ostracize him after his release from
257 Ostracize ‫برادری سے باہر کرنا‬
society prison so he moved to another town.
1) As soon as the apartment manager comes on site, I am going to
to argue with, complain to,
‫ گلہ‬- ‫اعتراض کرنا‬ remonstrate about the plumbing problems in my building.
258 Remonstrate or criticize someone about
‫ شکایت کرنا‬- ‫ گزاری کرنا‬2) When the winners of the contest were announced, one of the
performers who did not win tried to remonstrate with the judges.
To prevent the free 1) The stormy weather will hamper rescue efforts in the mountains.
259 Hamper movement, action, or ‫رکاوٹ ڈالنا‬ 2) According to economists, the high rate of unemployment will continue
progress of to hamper economic growth.
1) Even though the teacher knew her students had no interest in the
to frequently instill an idea
‫ تعلیم‬- ‫ ذہن نشین کرانا‬lesson, she still attempted to inculcate them with an interest in history.
260 Inculcate or belief firmly in
‫دینا‬ 2) When my puppy chewed up my slippers, I realized how difficult it was
someone's mind
to inculcate obedience in a young dog.
conform to or follow rules
261 Adhere ‫عمل پیرا‬ Adhere to the speed limit or you are at risk of being pulled over.
1) It was hard for Rick to ignore his wife’s shameless coquetry with other
behavior that is flirty in 2) During the party, Anna displayed her coquetry by batting her eyes at
262 Coquetry
nature every man in the room.
3) Liza fixed her makeup and hoped she could use coquetry to avoid
getting a speeding ticket.
To have an intense desire When children reach the period of adolescence, they crave freedom to
263 Crave ‫شدید خواہش‬
for make their own choices.
free from punishment;
Often, foreign ambassadors feel they can do whatever they want because
264 Impunity exempt from the ‫معافی سزا‬
of the impunity afforded to them by visiting governments.
to send an individual
accused of a crime back to ‫ مجرم کو اس کے ملک‬Rick did not want the Mexican authorities to extradite him back to the
265 Extradite
the area in which the crime ‫کو حوالے کرنا‬ United States where he was accused of murder.
took place
escape into hiding; to leave
‫ چپکے سے‬- ‫ فرار ہونا‬The greedy accountant was caught at the airport before he could abscond
266 Abscond quickly and hide to avoid
‫ روپوش‬- ‫ نکل بھاگنا‬with the company’s profits.
To put off doing something,
267 Procrastinate especially out of habitual ca ‫آج کل کرنا‬ My project is late because I constantly procrastinate.
re-lessness or laziness.
1) When the beauty queen accepted her crown, she had a refulgent smile
Shining radiantly;
268 Refulgent ‫ روشن‬- ‫چمکدار‬ on her face.
2) The sunlight appeared refulgent on the church’s window.
To speak imperfectly, as a
269 Lisper ‫تتال کر بولنے واال‬ He used to lisper while speaking.
child does.
270 Restrain to control or restrict ‫ روکنا‬- ‫محدود کرنا‬ She was restrained from selling the house by her fond memories.
A place or condition
suggestive of hell,
271 Inferno ‫دوزخ نما مقام‬ The heat was so overwhelming, no one could look at the inferno.
especially with respect to
human suffering or death
To clear of accusation,
- ‫صحیح ثابت کرنا‬
blame, suspicion, or doubt Although the new evidence seems to vindicate the defendant of the
272 Vindicate ‫الزامات سے بَری کرنا‬
with supporting argument breaking and entering charges, there is still the matter of the assault.
or proof
To be or act in accord with
1) These activities do not conform with diplomatic rules and
a set of standards,
273 Conform ‫مطابق بنانا‬ regulations.
expectations, or
2) We conform to the norms of the society.
Eliciting or deserving It is highly regrettable that your request was considered to be
274 Regrettable ‫قابل افسوس‬
regret unacceptable.

to beat with a whip, stick, ‫ چابک‬- ‫کوڑے مارنا‬

275 Flog (Flogged) The teacher often flogged the students.
etc., esp. as punishment. ‫مارنا‬

1) The rebels were arrested for sedition when they protested outside of
Conduct or language
the dictator’s palace.
276 Sedition inciting rebellion against ‫بغاوت انگیز تقریر‬
2) The newspaper editor was accused of sedition when he encouraged
the authority of a state.
his fans to rise up against police officers.
277 Erupt start abruptly ‫بھڑکنا‬ Violence erupted all over the city because of the food shortages.
a literary work or device Since the politician did not want to become a target of the writer’s next
278 Satire ‫طنزیہ نظم‬
that makes fun of its subject satire, he tried to avoid doing anything foolish in public.
Having a hole or holes, 1) He perforated the sheet with his pencil and put it in his binder.
279 Perforate especially a row of small ‫ سوراخ واال‬- ‫ چھدا ہوا‬2) Cover the bowl with aluminum foil, and then use a fork to perforate
holes. the foil.
forget about unpleasant
Let bygones be There is a feeling here that we should let bygones bebygones and move o
280 things that have happened ‫جو ہو گیا سو جانے دو‬
bygones n to more important things.
in the past
1) To make known to the
public; popularize or
‫ کُھلے اعالن کے ذریعے‬The purpose of the documentary is to promulgate the importance of
281 Promulgate 2) To put (a law, for
- ‫ لوگوں کے علم میں النا‬raising funds for additional cancer research.
example) into effect by
formal public
The CEO was infuriated when he saw the fictitious news piece insulting
282 Infuriate To make furious; enrage ‫اشتعال دالنا‬
his company.
To return to health and
283 Convalesce strength after illness; ‫صحت بحال ہونا‬ He is convalescing from his leg injuries.
One who willfully or
maliciously defaces or ‫ سرکاری یا ذاتی امالک‬A vandal has damaged the giant portrait of late Chinese chairman Mao
284 Vandal
destroys public or private ‫ کو نقصان پہچانے واال‬Zedong that hangs over the Forbidden City.
To be full of things;
285 Teeming ‫بھرا ہوا ہونا‬ During the summer, the beach is always teeming with teenagers.
abound or swarm
1) Sally did not give up her phone easily as her father had to wrest it
To take possession of forcef from her hands.
286 Wrest
ully; seize or usurp
‫چھین لینا‬ 2) Because Julian was flailing his knife in the air and threatening to kill, I
had to bravely wrest it from him.
To bring heavy
287 Ravage ‫تباہ کرنا‬ Despite the efforts of the firemen, the fire continued to ravage the forest.
destruction on; devastate
‫فریب خیال کے ذریعے‬
1) Indulging in or
‫زندگی کی تلخ حقیقت‬
characterized by escapism.
288 Escapist ‫ سے گریز کرنے کی‬He enjoys reading escapist fiction in his free time.
2) a person who escapes
‫کوشش کرنے واال‬
into a world of fantasy
To engage in fanciful - ‫ خیالوں میں گم شخص‬My woolgathering was abruptly interrupted by a question from the flight
289 Woolgatherer
daydreaming. ‫شیخ چلی‬ attendant.
To seize and hold (the
‫قابُو میں کر لینا جیسے‬
power or rights of another, f
290 Usurp - ً‫ کِسی عہدے کو جبرا‬After the king dies, his brother will usurp the throne from the prince.
or example) by force or
‫ غصب کرنا‬- ‫دبا بیٹھنا‬
without legal authority
1) The Armed Forces have been put on full alert amid rumors of a
Surrounded by; in the planned terrorist attack on the White House.
291 Amid ‫ دوران‬- ‫درمیان‬
middle of. 2) Confusion reigns over the country's capital today amid reports that
the President has been assassinated.
1) With precision or
1) No one knows precisely how many immigrants to our country end up
absolute conformity
292 Precisely ‫صحیح طریقے سے‬ returning to their homeland.
2) indicating exactness or
2) I can't remember precisely when I saw her, but it wasn't very long ago.
Exactly suitable; Because the student did not aptly explain the chemical reaction, he lost
293 Aptly ‫ُمناسِب انداز میں‬
appropriate ten points off his lab grade.
An outward semblance that 1) The military base is well camouflaged to keep it from being seen from
‫ بھیس‬- ‫روپ کی تبدیلی‬
294 Camouflage misrepresents the true above.
‫بدلنے کا عمل‬
nature of something. 2) The soldiers camouflaged their equipment with branches and leaves.
1) A driblet of water emerged from the spring to flow along a winding
1)A tiny falling drop of channel and finally trickle down into the chasm.
‫ چھوٹے‬- ‫قطرہ قطرہ‬
liquid. 2) I have a little money of my own from my mother's estate, which my
295 Driblet ‫چھوٹے اجزا یا ٹُکڑوں‬
2) A small amount or father sends me by driblets.
easily diffused or spread as
296 Contagious ‫چھوت والی‬ A contagious disease descended on the town.
from one person to another
The small particles of
wood or other material
297 Sawdust ‫لکڑی کا چورا‬ There was a lot of sawdust in my room when it was under construction.
that fall from an object
being sawed.
Jill deleted the password on her phone to avoid the rigmarole of typing in
298 Rigmarole needless actions or talk
the code every time she wanted to use the phone.
1) To drive back; repel
1) The army were prepared to repulse any attack.
2) To rebuff or reject with
299 Repulse ‫ دھتکار‬- ‫دھکیلنا‬ 2) Because of his rude behavior that would repulse many people, he was
rudeness, coldness, or
without close friends.
1) Her rudeness intensified his dislike for her.
To make intense or more
300 Intensified ‫ شدید بڑھانا‬- ‫ اضافہ کرنا‬2) The battle is expected to intensify this evening as reinforcements
reach the rebel army.
surplus to requirements; The programmer deleted the redundant line of code that added no value
301 Redundant ‫ بے کار‬- ‫فالتو‬
unnecessary or superfluous to the software program.

to scribble or draw ‫ بے‬- ‫آڑا ترچھا خاکہ‬ There were other doodles on the page, some were the simple geometric
302 Doodle
aimlessly ‫مقصد نمونہ‬ ones that meant her mind was on the discussion and not her doodling.
Ambience/ a particular environment or
303 ‫ گردوپیش‬- ‫ماحول‬ The restaurant had a delightful ambiance.
Ambiance surrounding influence
To wet through and
through; soak.
304 Drench ‫ تر بہ تر کر دینا‬- ‫ بھیگنا‬She was drenched completely in the rain
To provide with something
in great abundance; surfeit
1) The novice actor missed cue after cue.
305 Novice inexperienced ‫ ابتدا کرنا‬- ‫نو سکھیا‬ 2) The bike race is only for novice riders who have never participated in
a professional race.
something that tempts,
entices, or allures.
something that causes a
306 Temptation strong urge or desire to ‫ اکساؤ‬- ‫بہکاوا‬ Don't succumb to the temptation to have just one cigarette.
have or do something and
especially something that is
bad, wrong, or unwise
to make clear or easy to Even if you cannot read, the pictures under the words will elucidate the
307 Elucidate ‫واضح کرنا‬
understand comic’s message.
displaying regret and/or Because the judge felt the defendant wasn’t rueful, he gave him a harsh
308 Rueful ‫ غمگین‬- ‫ نادم‬- ‫شرمندہ‬
sorrow for one’s actions sentence.
To submit to an
1) Don't succumb to the temptation to have just one cigarette.
overpowering force or
309 Succumb ‫ مغلوب ہو جانا‬- ‫ تابع ہونا‬2) Even though my knee is aching, I will not succumb to the pain and
yield to an overwhelming
drop out of the race.
desire; give up or give in.
The commercial builder has plans to raze the buildings and develop the
310 Raze to demolish ‫ توڑنا‬- ‫گِرانا‬
area into a series of strip malls.
311 Alias An assumed name ‫ لقب‬- ‫عرف‬ The swindler worked under various aliases.
1) To take place afterward
1) After Gerry insulted Larry, everyone thought a fight would ensue in
or as a result
‫ نتیجہ‬- ‫نتیجہ نکلنا‬ the cafeteria.
312 Ensue 2) to occur as a part of
‫سامنے آنا‬ 2) Dehydration will ensue when the body is unable to obtain enough
something or after
water to maintain its biological functions.
to fight or quarrel angrily
313 Brawl ‫ غل غپاڑہ کرنا‬- ‫ جھگڑنا‬Gangs of youths brawled in the street.
and noisily; wrangle
1) Although Joseph considers himself to be a staunch Republican, he has
not voted for a Republican candidate in over six years.
2) Since the two countries are staunch allies it is not surprising they will
loyal, trustworthy, reliable,
314 Staunch ‫ کٹر‬- ‫پکا‬ work together in the war to defeat their shared enemy.
3) The political candidate lost the favor of many voters when he
announced he was a staunch advocate of the war that had been going on
for years.

1) to walk in an awkward,
‫لڑکھڑا کر چلنا‬
unsteady, or unsure way 1) The drunk man stumbled about.
315 Stumble ‫غلطی ہونا یا کرنا‬
2) to make mistakes or 2) The administration stumbled badly on foreign policy.
hesitate in speech or actions

316 Concocted invent, fabricate, hatch. ‫من گھڑت‬ He said the prisoner had concocted the story to get a lighter sentence.
the start or beginning of a In our first programming class, you’ll learn the main rudiment of
317 Rudiment ‫اصل بنیاد‬
concept or plan software design.
a person who returns, esp. ‫واپس آ جانے واال‬
after a long absence. ‫ مرنے کے بعد‬- ‫ شخص‬Since Mary assumed her husband had died in the war, she was joyous
318 Revenant
a person who returns as a ‫ روح کی صورت میں‬when he returned home as a long-lost revenant.
spirit after death. ‫واپس آ جانے واال‬
To bring into or leave in a The astronauts became stranded on Mars when their rocket broke down
319 Stranded ‫پھنسے ہوئے‬
difficult or helpless position soon after landing on the red planet.
To have or present the
often false appearance of 1) Why does Karen purport she knows Spanish well when she is only
being or intending; claim or familiar with two words in the language?
profess - ‫جھوٹا دعوی کرنا‬ 2) The man used a fake badge to purport he was a law enforcement
320 Purport
to imply something is true ‫مفہوم‬ officer.
although it is most likely 3) Although the con man never went to college, he did purport he was a
false Harvard graduate when interacting with society’s elite.
Intention; purpose
1) I suddenly had the notion of walking by the river.
321 Notion an inkling to do something ‫خیال ۔ وہم ۔ تصور‬ 2) When the girl saw how much her friends liked her sugar cookies, she
had the notion to open an online bakery.
1) Because Matthew is a senior vice-president, he feels he should own a
luxury car befitting a high level executive.
Appropriate; suitable;
322 Befitting ‫مناسب‬ 2) William’s behavior is not befitting that of a future king.
3) Many people do not believe short dresses are befitting for women over
the age of forty.
a ranking system designed
Under the military hierarchy, a private must always follow a sergeant’s
323 Hierarchy to maintain order in a ‫تنظیمی ڈھانچے‬
society or organization

1) A community or
territory over which a
sovereign rules; a kingdom. ‫ بادشاہت‬- ‫سلطنت‬ 1) The King was loved by all the people of his great realm.
324 Realm 2) a subject or area in ‫ کسی شعبے یا مضمون‬2) In recent years, many technological innovations have deepened my
which an individual has ‫ میں محارت یا علم ھونا‬interest in the realm of computer science.
curiosity, experience,
and/or knowledge

to lose or cause to lose the

shine, esp by exposure to
1) The silver was tarnished by the long exposure to the air.
air or moisture resulting in
325 Tarnish ‫ میال کرنا‬- ‫آلودہ کرنا‬ 2) His reputation was tarnished by misdeed.
surface oxidation; discolour
to stain or become stained;
taint or spoil

Imposed as an obligation or
1) It is incumbent upon all of us to make an extra effort.
duty; obligatory
326 Incumbent ‫ عہدہ دار‬- ‫الزم‬ 2) The incumbent president of the company is resigning from office so a
Currently holding a
younger person can take control of the business.
specified office
To make insistent demands 1) During the annual meeting, the disappointed shareholders are
or complaints - ‫ چیخ کر مطالبہ کرنا‬expected to clamor for the president’s resignation.
327 Clamor
A vehement expression of ‫عوامی آواز‬ 2) As soon as the people learn about the little boy’s murder, they are
discontent or protest going to clamor for justice.
a means of entry or the There will be no ingress into the school until the fire department makes
328 Ingress ‫ داخلہ‬- ‫د ُخول‬
action of going into an area an “all clear” announcement.

to make a situation more

329 Tight the noose They tightened the noose around the enemy by cutting the supply lines.
difficult for someone

to anticipate and prevent

After his mother had fallen in the bathtub, Farley installed safety rails in
330 Obviate or render unnecessary by ‫کچھ ہونے سے روکنا‬
order to obviate any recurrence of such a mishap.
effective measures.
to forcefully and suddenly
‫ اختيارات‬- ‫ معزول کرنا‬Many Shiites in the Basrah region answered the call of the Americans to
331 Depose remove someone from ‫ن‬
‫چھي لينا‬ depose Saddam after the first Gulf War in 1991.
The publicity-hungry politician often made harsh statements about
332 Foment to stir up or incite ‫اشتعال دالنا‬
immigrants in order to foment unrest among the public.
to catch a person for Hopefully the law enforcement agents will apprehend the killer before he
333 Apprehend ‫گرفتار کر لینا‬
criminal reasons harms anyone else.
Lacking qualities necessary
Phil showed how incompetent he was when he failed to meet a critical
334 Incompetent for effective conduct or ‫نااہل‬
deadline at work.
Parched with the heat of In the summer, the desert’s torrid climate makes it incredibly unpleasant
335 Torrid ‫بہت گرم‬
the sun; intensely hot for most people.
336 Busted Bankrupt or out of funds ‫ تباہ کرنا‬- ‫ دیوالیہ ہونا‬I'd offer to pay, but I'm busted.
an act or instance of
The army disliked entering the area, which offered many convenient
337 Ambush attacking unexpectedly ‫گھات لگا کر حملہ‬
locations for the enemy to form ambushes.
from a concealed position
While some of the group’s members could not stop talking during the
a feeling of having no
338 Apathy ‫ بے حسی‬- ‫ سنگدلی‬budget discussion, other members were frozen with apathy and did not
interest in or enthusiasm
engage in the conversation.
The movie was a strange melange of romance, science, fiction, comedy &
339 Melange Mixture ‫مرکب‬
The condition of being
obese; increased body
340 Obesity ‫موٹاپا‬ Excessive consumption of sugar and fat leads to obesity.
weight caused by excessive
accumulation of fat
1) A cornucopia of rides and attractions will keep you occupied for hours
1) a large amount of at the amusement park.
something ‫ کوئ چیز کثیر تعداد میں‬2) According to the cruise director, passengers can choose from a
341 Cornucopia
2) any copious or abundant ‫ہونا‬ cornucopia of activities during the voyage.
supply or source 3) My wife is a shopping addict who has a cornucopia of clothing that fills
three closets.
1) The director of the homeless shelter is an indefatigable woman who
never showing signs of works almost eighteen hours every day.
342 Indefatigable ‫ ان تھک‬- ‫بے حد محنتی‬
getting tired 2) Mother Teresa will be forever known for her indefatigable war against
a lengthy journey during The explorer underwent an odyssey of dangerous adventures as he
343 Odyssey ‫طویل تجرباتی سفر‬
which many events occur trekked through the unknown area.
moral, intellectual, or
spiritual improvement; Because Shirley is a committed lifelong learner, she visits the library at
344 Edification ‫تعلیم و اصالح کا عمل‬
through encouragement least once a week for personal edification and intellectual enrichment.
and instruction
Occurring without restraint
345 Rampant and frequently, widely, or ‫ روز بروز بڑھتی ہوئی‬During the riots, crime was rampant in the streets.
menacingly; rife
1) To cause (someone) to
be unable to think clearly; 1) After Kate woke up in a stranger’s bedroom with a major headache,
- ‫چکرانا‬
346 Befuddle confuse she was befuddled about her activities of the previous evening.
‫پال کر دھت کرنا‬
2) To stupefy with alcohol; 2) Hari was befuddled with drink.
1) The truckload of food is a benefaction that will feed thousands of
1) The act of conferring aid
- ‫بھالئی کا کام‬ hungry people.
347 Benefaction of some sort
‫خیرات‬ 2) The benefaction from an anonymous donor eased the orphanage’s
2) A charitable gift or deed
financial worries.
1) A short but complete
1) His book is a delightful compendium of miscellaneous knowledge.
summary of something ‫خالصہ‬
348 Compendium 2) During the event, a football player will auction a compendium of his
2) A list or collection of
personal items including a signed jersey and football.
various items
1) The police officer is in pursuit of the escaped prisoner.
the action of going after
349 Pursuit ‫ جستجو‬- ‫ تالش‬- ‫ حصول‬2) During my pursuit of a college degree, I attended two universities.
something or someone
3) In my pursuit of a job, I have filled out nearly fifty applications.
1) Being in a state of
1) When a snow day was announced, the students were ecstatic to miss a
ecstasy; joyful or
day of school.
350 Ecstatic enraptured ‫خوش ہونا‬
2) It is hard to be ecstatic when you are stranded on the side of the
2) in a trancelike state of
great rapture or delight
influenced or controlled by
‫ خیال وغیرہ‬،‫ وہم‬،‫آسیب‬
351 Obsess a powerful force such as a He was obsessed by science fiction films.
‫کا مسلط ہو جانا‬
strong emotion
To restore to a previous
352 Reinstate ‫بحال کرنا‬ Marc will reinstate his bookkeeper due to her stellar work history.
condition or position.
Violent and needless
353 Mayhem ‫تباہی‬
1) With the budget deadline just around the corner, Congress does not
To think about (something)
have time to ponder petty issues.
354 Ponder with thoroughness and ‫غور کرنا‬
2) While sitting in rush hour traffic, James had plenty of time to ponder
the miserable state of his marriage.
1) While the restaurant’s kitchen is not overly attractive, its utilitarian
useful and not simply for layout allows the cooks to prepare meals quickly and competently.
355 Utilitarian ‫مفید‬
appearance 2) Because Ann sees her car only as a utilitarian asset that transports her,
she is not concerned about its appearance.
1) I am afraid to be alone with Tom because when he gets upset he goes
out of control with high totally berserk as if he is mentally ill.
356 Berserk ‫ دیوانہ‬/ ‫پاگل‬
emotions; wild 2) Jimmy went totally berserk when Sandra told him that she was
breaking off their engagement.
a person who is physically
357 Weakling ‫ضعیف یا کمزور مخلوق‬
or morally weak.
1) After the terrorist attacks, the government established a domestic
security agency to help avert future tragedies.
to stop an incident from - ‫کچھ ہونے سے روکنا‬
358 Avert 2) To avert a loss in the big game, the team needs to focus on playing as a
occurring ‫ٹالنا‬
single unit.
3) No matter what you do you cannot avert death.
A sudden headlong rush or
359 Stampede ‫ ہڑبڑا کر بھاگنا‬- ‫ بھگدڑ‬The crowd stampeded and many were crushed or trampled underfoot.
flight of a crowd of people
The state of being
prepared, especially
360 Preparedness ‫ قمربندی‬- ‫تیاری‬ Dubai's emergency preparedness helped avert a major disaster.
military readiness for
1) an idea or belief that is
false but many people think 1) Having money makes you happy is a fallacy because happiness has
is true nothing to do with wealth.
361 Fallacy ‫گمراہ کرنے والی چیز‬
2) a misconception 2) Since Dr. Smith’s theory is based on a fallacy, the university is not
resulting from incorrect interested in hearing it.
1) When I won ten million dollars in the lottery, it was the most
producing intense feelings exhilarating moment in my life.
362 Exhilarating ‫پر جوش‬
of joy or excitement 2) The new roller coaster ride lasts four minutes and is an exhilarating
1) Since Alan did not study for the test, he found the exam to be quite
a task that appears daunting.
363 Daunting ‫مشکل‬
challenging 2) To an inexperienced chef, making a multi-layer wedding cake may
seem like a daunting task.
1) to deliberately mislead
someone or the person 1) In order to steal the rare coin, the criminal will have to dupe Jan into
who is easily used or believing he has fallen in love with her.
364 Dupe ‫ الو بنانا‬- ‫بیوقوف بنانا‬
tricked 2) My brother is a schemer who is always trying to dupe people out of
2) To deceive (an unwary their money.
To make an imitation or
1) The man was arrested for making counterfeit money.
copy of (something),
365 Counterfeit ‫ نقلی‬- ‫جعلی‬ 2) Before the painting is placed in the museum, an art expert will
usually with the intent to
evaluate it to make sure it is not a counterfeit.
1) to officially go on the
1) Unfortunately, half of the legislators refuse to ratify a bill that would
record as approving
increase funding for public schools.
366 Ratify something ‫ منظور کرنا‬- ‫توثیق کرنا‬
2) The oil producing countries will not ratify an agreement that limits
2) To approve and give
their ability to raise fuel prices.
formal sanction to; confirm
A flamboyant swordsman or ‫لڑنے مرنے پر تیار‬
367 Swashbuckler
adventurer. ‫رہنے واال‬
Difficult to undertake,
368 Formidable َ َ‫ طاق‬- ‫مضبوط‬
‫تور‬ She looked every bit as formidable as her mother.
surmount, or defeat
1) Before fleeing, the bandit set the home ablaze so that any possible
burning fiercely; in a blaze; evidence would be obliterated.
369 Ablaze ‫نذر آتش‬
on fire 2) After shooting the captive in the head, the terrorist doused Chris’s
body with gasoline and set it ablaze.
To put into a rage;
370 Enrage ‫غصہ دالنا‬ The enraged crowd stonedthe car, then set it on fire.
1) I need to find a humane way to deter all the wildlife from ravaging my
to prevent something from ‫ کسی کام‬- ‫باز رکھنا‬ vegetable garden.
371 Deter
happening ‫سے روکنا‬ 2) Opponents of the death sentence insist that its existence does nothing
to deter crime.
Large scale killing or 1) The suicide bomber left immeasurable carnage in the mall.
372 Carnage maiming, as in war or an ‫قتل عام‬ 2) We banned our child from playing his favorite video game because of
accident. the violence and carnage it contained.
In or into a high place; high
373 Aloft ‫ اونچائی پر‬- ‫بلندی پر‬ Four of the nine balloonswere still aloft the next day.
or higher up
A maneuver, stratagem, or 1) The general’s gambit did not pay off, and soon we were surrounded by
opening remark, especially ‫کوئی چال ِجس سے‬ enemy soldiers.
374 Gambit
one intended to bring ‫اِبتدائی فائدہ ہو‬ 2) Do you think the singer’s song-leaking gambit will pay off with huge
about a desired result. album sales?
1) The mayor is likely to enact a curfew to limit the number of people on
to authorize as a law or ‫ نافذ‬- ‫ قانون وضع کرنا‬the streets during the riots.
375 Enact
decree ‫کرنا‬ 2) If congress decides to enact the law, you’ll either adhere to it or risk
the chance of facing criminal charges
a complex scheme devised
Everyone knows Martha gained her seat on the city council through
376 Intrigue to gain something in a
intrigue and blackmail.
sneaky way
Something that relieves or 1) Baking soda is often used as an antidote to indigestion.
377 Antidote
counteracts something 2) Jogging is an antidote to nervous tension.
1) If you wish to absolve yourself of your sins, you must first confess
to make (someone) free
- ‫ معافی دینا‬- ‫ بری کرنا‬them and not repeat the same actions.
378 Absolve from guilt, responsibility,
‫چھٹکارا دالنا‬ 2) The lack of funding does not absolve the city government from its guilt
of not being prepared for the storm.
1) Overnight rain had turned the grass airstrip into a quagmire.
1) Land with a soft muddy
2) Since Jim lost all of his money gambling, he is stuck in a financial
379 Quagmire ‫دلدل‬ quagmire.
2) A difficult or precarious
3) Since Kurt was running late for an important meeting, his inability to
situation; a predicament.
find his car keys was quite a quagmire.
(the state of fear and
ignorance resulting from)
the belief in magic, 1) Jean was superstitious and believed that green brought bad luck.
380 Superstitious ‫اندوشواسی‬
witchcraft and other things 2) A wave of superstitious fear spread among the townspeople.
that cannot he explained by
When you don't honestly
believe something to be the
I half expected him to actually jump off the water tower into a tub of jello
381 Half-expect case, but wouldn't be ‫نصف کی توقع‬
when the radio station offered him $10.
surprised if it turned out to
be true.
1) not produced by natural
382 Factitious 2) Produced artificially ‫بناوٹی‬
rather than by a natural
1) not real; imaginary;
made up 1) Andrew is awesome at spinning fictitious stories out of thin air, which
2) Concocted or fabricated, ‫ غیر حقیقی‬- ‫ خود ساختہ‬is why he is so good at story-telling.
383 Fictitious
especially in order to ‫ فرضی‬- 2) We were duped by the new employee’s supposed credentials, which
deceive or mislead; make we later learned were entirely fictitious.
to arrange, coordinate, or
384 Orchestrate manipulate the elements of ‫ مرتب کرنا‬- ‫ ترتیب دینا‬I tried to orchestrate a get-together once every two or three months.
to achieve a goal or effect

1) In order to ascertain which applicant was most qualified for the

learn or discover with - ‫ دریافت کرنا‬- ‫ تعین کرنا‬position, the hiring manager spent a long time reviewing the resumes.
385 Ascertain
certainty; determine ‫پتا لگانا‬ 2) From looking at Monica's grim face, I was able to ascertain she was in
emotional distress.
1) to grab an individual by
1) There is a nationwide search for the woman who tried to abduct the
trickery or force ‫ زبردستی‬- ‫اغوا کرنا‬
386 Abduct little boy from the school playground.
2) To carry off by force; ‫غائب کرنا‬
2) She was charged with abducting a six-month-old child.
active and strong in a After the actress gave birth to twins, she began a vigorous exercise plan
387 Vigorous ‫زبردست طاقَت‬
physical sense to restore her pre-pregnancy shape.
1) I do not trust my mysterious neighbor because of his obscure
388 Obscure relatively unknown ‫غیر واضح‬ 2) When the obscure company came out with its new computers,
everyone laughed until the company became one of the biggest tech
giants in the world.

1) To make so confused or
opaque as to be difficult to 1) They are deliberately obfuscating the issue.
389 Obfuscate ‫دھندال کرنا‬
perceive or understand 2) The fog obfuscated the shore.
2) To render indistinct or
dim; darken
1) full of mystery and 1) Although I could not understand the enigmatic message on the blood-
difficult to understand stained paper, I knew someone was in trouble.
390 Enigmatic ‫وہ جو واضع نہ ہو‬
2) not clear to the 2) After I did a little research, the subject of metaphysics was no longer
understanding so enigmatic to me.
1) To equip or supply
with a talent or quality
1) The billionaire will endow the school of nursing with a huge donation.
2) to bestow something in a ‫ فراہم‬- ‫ بخشنا‬- ‫عطا کرنا‬
391 Endow 2) If we cannot find a donor to endow the library, we will not have the
natural way or to give ‫کرنا‬
necessary funds to construct the building.
funds that are needed to
support a project
a reflex that expels gas
392 Burp noisily from the stomach ‫ڈکار‬ Wait for the baby to burp and put her to bed.
through the mouth
1) The frail old lady was having a hard time carrying her suitcase to her
room, so I offered my help.
393 Frail weak and delicate ‫ ناذک‬- ‫کمزور‬
2) The bridge was declared to be too frail for use after it was inspected
by government officials, which is why it was demolished.
Knowledge of a person
acquired by a relationship 1) He exchanged a few words with the man, an old acquaintance of his.
394 Acquaintance ‫ جان پہچان‬- ‫واقف کار‬
less intimate than friend- 2) I made her acquaintance when on holiday in France.
To capture and hold the inte - ‫اپنی طرف مائل کرنا‬
395 Fascinate I have always found the marine life to be fascinating.
rest and attention of ‫لبھانا‬
1) Because people are concerned about their safety on the internet, many
To make less severe or inte social media sites have enacted policies to mitigate privacy concerns.
396 Mitigate ‫ ہلکا کرنا‬- ‫کم کرنا‬
nse; moderate or alleviate. 2) The government hopes the tax break will mitigate unemployment by
allowing big companies to hire more people.

1) Because my mother-in-law is trying to meddle in my marriage, I want

to interfere in something her out of my house immediately.
397 Meddle ‫مداخلت‬
that is not your concern 2) The machine is working fine so please do not meddle with the settings.
3) The government should never meddle with religious affairs.
a violent individual who
The ruffian became violently angry when the cashier refused to sell him
398 Ruffian more than likely engages in ‫بدماش‬
criminal activity
To rate too low; under-
399 Underrate ‫کَم اندازہ کَرنا‬ He underrated the seriousness of William's head injury.
To cover with water, The natural force of the hurricane will soon inundate the state with
400 Inundate ‫زیر آب‬
especially floodwaters. water.
1) The teacher accused Jerry of plagiarism because she knew he could
using another’s work
never write such an exceptional paper.
401 Plagiarism without having permission ‫مضمون کی چوری‬
2) Since Phil believed his television concept had been stolen, he took the
or giving credit
producer to court and sued him for plagiarism.
1) The latent tension between the two brothers came to a head when the
existing or present but older brother punched his sibling in the face.
402 Latent ‫ اندرونی‬- ‫پوشیدہ‬
concealed or inactive 2) Advertisements attempt to project a latent meaning behind an overt
1) His political adversaries were creating trouble for him.
one's opponent in a
403 Adversary ‫ مخالف‬- ‫ دشمن‬- ‫ حریف‬2) Sometimes I think my math teacher is my adversary who loves to
contest, conflict, or dispute
watch me fail.
1) To make smaller or less;
reduce or lessen
He never diminished her in front of other people.
404 Diminish 2) To detract from the ‫ گھٹانا‬- ‫کم کرنا‬
authority, reputation, or
prestige of
an individual or situation
405 Menace ‫خطرے کا باعث‬ The state retained the latent capability to menace people's security.
that causes problems
1) the act of being reborn
in a new form or body
One example of reincarnation is when shredded paper is recycled into
406 Reincarnation 2) Rebirth of the soul in ‫ازسرنو تجسم‬
paper towels.
another human or
nonhuman body.
1) It was an obvious case of overt discrimination when the newly hired
1) open and not secret
Caucasian man was promoted instead of the African American worker
2) Open and observable;
407 Overt ‫ کھال ھوا‬- ‫ظاہر‬ who had been with the firm for ten years.
not hidden, concealed, or
2) I cannot believe she has a crush on me because he has never shown
any overt interest.
1) He hollered for help.
408 Holler To yell or shout. ‫ چالنا‬- ‫چیخنا‬
2) The men were celebrating with drunken whoops and hollers.
1) To reduce the length
1) The editor abridged the manuscript by cutting out two chapters.
of (a written text); ‫ خالصہ‬- ‫مختصر کرنا‬
409 Abridge 2) His agent told him that he needed to abridge some of the content of his
condense ‫لکھنا‬
novel so that it would be under 400 pages.
2) to make shorter
1) to breathe noisily,
usually because you have
1) They're so unfit they start huffing and puffing if they have to run
been doing physical
further than twenty yards.
410 Huff and Puff exercise
2) He huffed and puffed and finally got up the steep hill.
2) to complain noisily
3) They huffed and puffed about the price, but eventually they paid up.
about something but not be
able to do anything about it

1) A general pardon
granted by a government 1) The man’s petition for political amnesty was declined because of his
2) a formal pardon or violent criminal past.
411 Amnesty ‫عام معافی‬
reprieve given to one who 2) Although Bill Smith was sentenced to life in prison in 1998, he was
has committed a criminal later released after receiving amnesty from the president.
or political offense
1) to return to a healthy 1) Hopefully the meeting between the world leaders will revive the peace
‫ پھر‬- ‫دوبارہ شروع کرنا‬
412 Revive condition that once existed between the two countries.
‫سے زندہ کرنا‬
2) To restore to use 2) After three days in a coma, he revived.
To sleep lightly and
413 Doze off ‫بیٹھے بیٹھے سوجانا‬ The old lady dozed in her chair.
‫ کسی‬- ‫شدید اشتیاق‬
a lot of energy, effort, and The military forces are looking for men with zeal who are not afraid to go
414 Zeal ‫مقصد کے حصول کے‬
enthusiasm the extra mile to get things done.
‫لیے جذباتی شدت‬
A person who is long
415 Veteran experienced or practiced ‫تجربہ کار‬ Graf was already a tennis veteran at the age of 21.
in an activity or capacity
a group of people who
Mostmembers of the congregation arrive a few minutes before the
416 Conregation worship together in a ‫ اجتماع‬- ‫جماعت‬
certain place
My uncle is a peculiar man who wears the same outfit several days a
Not ordinary or usual; odd o
417 Peculiar ‫ غیر معمولی‬- ‫عجیب‬ week.
r strange
2) He has his own peculiar way of doing things.
something intended to
Investigators often resort to subterfuge in an attempt to make criminals
418 Subterfuge misrepresent the true
admit wrongdoing.
nature of an activity
‫عالنیہ خالف ہونا یا بولنا‬
To condemn openly as
‫ کسی‬- ‫ مخبری کرنا‬- When the flight attendants learned about their proposed pay cuts, they
419 Denounce being wrong or reprehen-
‫ کے بارے میں معلومات‬decided to denounce the airlines at a news conference.
someone deranged and
420 Loony ‫پاگل اور خطرناک‬ She was working with a bunch of loonies.
possibly dangerous
To prosecute or defend (a
1) It was clear to me that the lawyers were deliberately attempting to
421 Litigation lawsuit or legal action); ‫مقدمہ لڑنے کا عمل‬
slow things down so that they could increase the litigation costs.
pursue (a legal case).
to rise or cause to rise and
float in the air, without
I am learning how to levitate an inanimate object in mid-air for 20
422 Levitate visible agency, attributed, ‫روحانی قوت سے اڑنا‬
esp formerly, to super-
natural causes
1) The drawings on the cave walls depict the lives of the earliest men on
to describe in words or ‫ نقشہ‬- ‫وضاحت کرنا‬ the planet.
423 Depict
pictures ‫کھینچنا‬ 2) In his painting, the artist used a lot of red paint to depict the brutality
of war.
To shake with a slight,
‫ لرزنے کا‬- ‫تھرتھرانا‬
424 Quiver rapid, tremulous
425 Swarm Move in large numbers ‫بڑی تعداد میں نکلنا‬ Shoppers have swarmed into the mall.
1) To unite into one system 1) While we were stranded on the island, we chose to consolidate our
or whole; combine resources for the benefit of everyone.
426 Consolidate ‫ مضبوط کرنا‬- ‫یکجاکرلینا‬
2) To make strong or 2) The Prime Minister hopes to consolidate existing trade ties between
secure; strengthen the two countries.
to charge with the fault, ‫ الزام‬- ‫ قصور وار ٹھہرانا‬1) He accused her of having an affair with another man.
427 Accuse
offense, or crime ‫دینا‬ 2) Her assistant was accused of theft and fraud by the police.
To pay back or compensate
‫ واپس‬- ‫ نقصان پورا کرنا‬Mrs. Smith was unhappy when she learned the school district wouldn’t
428 Reimburse (another party) for money
‫دینا‬ reimburse her for the funds she spent on classroom supplies.
spent or losses incurred.
1) People who suffer from severe depression rarely experience days of
‫ انتہائی‬- ‫ انتہائی خوشی‬bliss.
429 Bliss Extreme happiness; ecstasy
‫شادمانی‬ 2) Even though Jack had been sad in the earlier part of the day, he felt
only bliss when he saw his granddaughter for the first time.
something handed down
from passed generations, 1) It can be exciting to explore your heritage and see where your
such as traditions, beliefs, ancestors came from.
430 Heritage ‫ میراث‬- ‫وراثت‬
languages, values, culture, 2) He was not proud of his heritage, which is why he worked extra hard
property, family customs, to separate himself from his family.
1) The politician plans to blather for hours in an attempt to stop voting
to ramble on for a long - ‫بے تکی باتیں کرنا‬ on the bill.
431 Blather
period of time ‫احمقانہ باتیں کرنا‬ 2) I didn’t want to listen to my teacher blather on about his sister’s
wedding in math class.
Easy and pleasant to speak t Because Jenna was sometimes quite sarcastic, her friends often forgot
432 Affable ‫ ملنسار‬- ‫خوش اخالق‬
o; approachable. how affable she could be.
to take property or funds
Since Adam was the company accountant, it was easy for him to
433 Embezzle one has been entrusted to ‫ فراڈ کرنا‬- ‫غبن کرنا‬
embezzle money from the employee retirement fund.
A direct vote in which the
entire electorate is invited t ‫ رائے‬- ‫مجلس عوام‬ The results of the plebiscite will determine whether or not the bill will
434 Plebiscite
o accept or refuse a ‫شماری‬ become law.

1) My animosity for Cliff is so great that I cannot stand to be around him.

a strong feeling of disliking
435 Animosity ‫ تلخی‬- ‫بغض‬ 2) Why do you have such animosity towards me when I have done
someone or something
nothing to you?
thrown into a state of ‫ پریشان‬- ‫بے چین کرنا‬ 1) Even though I know I am a great teacher, I am still perturbed by the
436 Perturb
agitated confusion ‫ کرنا‬،‫ہونا‬ thought of my supervisor observing me in my classroom.
in a manner that leaves no
In spite of Andrea’s indubitably high level of intelligence, she has
437 Indubitably possibility of doubt; ‫ بال شک‬- ‫یقینی طور پر‬
certainly made some foolish mistakes.
capable of being done with
- ‫وہ چیز جو ممکن ہو‬ Because the company is struggling financially, the executive board has
438 Viable means at hand and circumst
‫قابل عمل‬ devised a viable recovery plan.
ances as they are
1) The serial killer’s lack of a conscience made it very easy for him to kill
the feeling that lets you
439 Conscience know if you have done ‫ ایمان‬- ‫ضمیر‬
2) The doctor’s conscience will not allow him to refuse treatment to any
something wrong
patient, regardless of his ability to pay.
Susceptible to physical The raccoon did not stay in the open for long because it knew it was
440 Vulnerable ‫غیر محفوظ‬
harm or damage vulnerable to an owl attack.
1) The man was asked to leave the restaurant because of his obnoxious
Very annoying or
441 Obnoxious objectionable; offensive or ‫ناقبل برداشت‬
2) As soon as I got on the plane and saw I’d be sitting next to an
obnoxious child, I asked the flight attendant for another seat.
1) The mother played serene music as her baby slept.
442 Serene calm; peaceful ‫پرسکون‬ 2) During the test, I tried to remain serene so I would not get nervous
and make careless mistakes.
1) If anything bad should befall me, I leave all my possessions to my
to occur or happen to a loving husband.
443 Befall ‫ واقع ہونا‬- ‫آن پڑنا‬
person 2) The millionaire promised to pay the ransom as long as no harm would
befall his kidnapped daughter.
Causing horror and
The scary movie was filled with lots of gruesome scenes that made my
444 Gruesome repugnance; frightful and ‫ لرزہ خیز‬- ‫بھیانک‬
stomach queasy.
Extremely distressing; ‫ درد‬- ‫انتہائی تکلیف دہ‬
445 Harrowing I was apalled by the harrowing dead bodies of the children in the carnage.
agonizing ‫ناک‬
One who is very reluctant
446 Skinflint ‫ بخیل‬- ‫کنجوس انسان‬
to spend money; a miser.
A period of time 1) Since I had not studied for the exam, I was happy when the fire alarm
approximately in the went off in the midst of the test.
447 Midst ‫ درمیان‬- ‫بیچ‬
middle of a continuing 2) In the midst of his latest argument with his wife, Jack realized it was
condition or act time for a divorce.
1) Since the police have not arrested the crooked officers on the force,
Forceful, often vindictive they now have to deal with the public’s wrath.
448 Wrath ‫ قہر‬- ‫شدید غصہ‬
anger 2) The man earned the wrath of an entire nation when he assassinated
the president.
To be composed of or The staff comprises eight physicians, two dozen nurses, and various
449 Comprise ‫ مبنی ہونا‬- ‫مشتمل ہونا‬
contain administrative people.
a message of divine truth
450 Prophecy ‫ نبوت‬- ‫غیب گوئی‬
revealing God's will
1) X-rays are used to prevent fresh food from deteriorating.
To diminish or impair in ‫ خاصیت بگڑ‬- ‫خراب ہونا‬
451 Deteriorate 2) Since Jan stopped attending piano practice, her playing skill has
quality, character, or value ‫ زوال ہونا‬- ‫جانا‬
started to deteriorate.
1) It would be difficult to have an intimate conversation at a crowded
football game.
2) Because I am a private person, I do not like to share intimate details
452 Intimate not public; private ‫ دوستانہ‬- ‫دلی دوست‬
about my home life.
3) My husband and I requested a secluded room in the restaurant so we
could have an intimate dinner.
1) Because the billionaire wanted seclusion, he built his home on a
private island.
the circumstance of being
453 Seclusion ‫ الگ تھلگ کرنا‬- ‫ تنہائی‬2) The tall fence will provide the property owners with a sense of
isolated from others

A person belonging to the 1) The prince’s fiancee was looked down upon because of her bourgeois
454 Bourgeois ‫متوسط طبقے کا شہری‬
middle class. upbringing.
1) The king was cynical of his adviser’s motive for wanting to declare war.
distrustful of human nature
455 Cynical 2) My experiences have made me cynical about relationships.
and motives
456 Dreary cheerless, bleak, and dull ‫بے لطف‬ I've got to go to another dreary meeting tomorrow
The general location where ‫ وہ مقام جہاں پر کوئی‬1) The police are anxious to hear of this man's whereabouts.
457 Whereabouts
something is. ‫ شخص یا چیز موجود ہو‬2) I questioned him about his whereabouts on the night of the crime.
To make impure or
The town's water-supply has been contaminated by chemicals from the
458 Contaminate unclean by contact or ‫آلودہ‬
Having the ability to
A perceptive comment made by the lawyer in the court was appreciated
459 Perceptive perceive or understand; ‫ عقلی‬- ‫شعور‬
by all.
keen in discernment.
1) If the manager does not perceive our team as working well as a whole,
To become aware of (some-
‫ حواس کے‬- ‫ سمجھنا‬he will probably rearrange our work groups.
thing) directly through any
460 Perceive - ‫ ذریعے علم حاصل کرنا‬2) Since young children often perceive images differently than adults do,
of the senses, especially
‫ادراک کرنا‬ you should not be surprised if your child’s view of a photograph differs
sight or hearing
from yours.
1) The students sat quietly as Mrs. Garcia continued to berate them for
to yell at; to criticize or the way they had treated the substitute.
461 Berate scold someone in a loud ‫ ڈانٹنا‬- ‫سرزنش کرنا‬ 2) Because the bailiff had brought the message that the jury could not
and angry way reach a decision, the judge called them into the courtroom to berate them
about how a hung jury was a waste of taxpayers’ money.
1) It put Juan at ease to be sitting next to a fellow compatriot on the plane
somebody from one's own
462 Compatriot ‫ہم وطن‬ trip from Spain to the United States.
2) Many of his compatriots were killed in the war.
abusive speech or piece of As a part of her diatribe against local police officers, Mary launched a
463 Diatribe ‫ تلخ تنقید‬- ‫شدید تنقید‬
writing Website for police complaints.
1) The public’s odium towards the congressman is an advantage for the
state of disgrace resulting candidate opposing him in the election.
464 Odium ‫شدید نفرت‬
from detestable behavior 2) When Jill learned her best friend kissed her husband, she could only
stare at her with odium.
a residential district
If you have driven through the suburbs, you have seen a lot of homes that
465 Suburb located on the outskirts of a
look exactly the same.
city ‫عالقے‬ ‫مضافاتی‬ ‫کے‬ ‫شہر‬
To cause to be overcome wi Sally was flabbergasted when she learned the company wanted to buy
466 Flabbergast ‫حیران ہونا‬
th astonishment; astound her business for fifteen million dollars.
1) Because Arlene is a phenomenal writer, she has won several writing
astonishing; extremely ‫ غیر‬- ‫حیرت انگیز‬ accolades.
467 Phenomenal
remarkable ‫معمولی‬ 2) The opera singer’s phenomenal performance earned her a lengthy
standing ovation.
a state of intense happiness
468 Ecstasy ‫بے حد خوشی‬ I was in ecstasy as I embarked on my long-awaited trip to Paris.
and pleasure
a spy who makes uninvited
469 Snoop inquiries into the private ‫ خواہ مخواہ تجسس کرنا‬She's always snooping into other people's business.
affairs of others
Goods bought and sold in
470 Merchandise business; commercial ‫ کسی چیز کی تجارت کرنا‬This store sells merchandise from all over the world.
likely to occur at any ‫ نزدیک‬- ‫آنے واال‬ The firemen told us it was safe to leave the building slowly because we
471 Imminent
moment ‫ قریب‬- were not in imminent danger.
Being a member of the
‫کسی خاص جگہ پایا‬ Because these trees require very moist temperatures to grow, they are
472 Indigenous original inhabitants of a
‫جانے واال‬ only indigenous in rain forests.
particular place.
very generous or forgiving; Several magnanimous members of the congregation made sizable
473 Magnanimous ‫ فراغ دل‬- ‫عالی ظرف‬
unselfish donations to rebuild the community center after the fire.
The act of ridiculing or 1) His remarks were greeted with shouts of derision.
‫تضحیک۔ تمسخر۔‬
474 Derision laughing at someone or 2) Laughed at being a virgin all her life, Mary will spend a passionate
‫ٹھٹھول کرنے کا عمل‬
something. night with her boyfriend to end the merciless derision from her friends.
In plentiful supply;
475 Aplenty ‫ بہت زیادہ‬- ‫بکثرت‬ There were problems aplenty, and it was an uncomfortable evening.
To lower in character, When the man was intoxicated, he would often debase his wife by calling
476 Debase ‫بے قدر کرنا‬
quality, or value; degrade. her cruel names.
The first appearance of - ‫دن کی پہلی روشنی‬
477 Aurora Jim goes to bed in the weehours and gets up at aurora.
daylight in the morning: ‫طلوع آفتاب‬
To dislike (someone or 1) I loathe having to sit in the waiting room for hours.
478 Loathe ‫ نفرت کرنا‬- ‫ناپسند کرنا‬
something) greatly; abhor. 2) If you loathe your job so much, then go work somewhere else!
To cause to break or burst 1) The outcome of the conflict shattered our dreams of peace and
‫ بری‬- ‫چکنا چور ہوجانا‬
479 Shattered suddenly into pieces, as prosperity.
‫طرح نقصان پہنچانا‬
with a violent blow 2) The glass shattered when it hit the floor.
Contemptuous or profane
480 Blasphemy speech or action concern- ‫ بے ادبی‬- ‫بے حرمتی‬ When Jake made a joke in church, his mother accused him of blasphemy.
ing God or a sacred entity.
1) Juan is a great worker, albeit he often arrives late to the office.
Even though; although; not
481 Albeit ‫اگرچہ‬ 2) I am a huge fan of Madonna’s music, albeit I do not own any of her
1) Our maid didn’t have a key, so we left the backdoor ajar for her.
482 Ajar Partially opened ‫ پوری طرح کھال نہ بند‬2) Our toddler got into the cookies because we left the pantry ajar.
3) Because the garage door was left ajar, a mouse entered our home.
A personal enemy or The king demanded to know the whereabouts of his foe, because he
483 Foe ‫ذاتی دشمن‬
opponent. wanted him dead.
1) The billionaire is an altruistic man who gives away millions of dollars
sincerely concerned about ‫ دوسروں کی بھالئی‬every year to various charities.
484 Altruistic
the well being of others ‫چاہنے واال‬ 2) Because John is an altruistic person, he has decided to spend two
years of his life volunteering in Africa.
Friendly and agreeable in
Because she was nice to all her fellow students, my cousin Sally was
485 Amiable disposition; good- ‫ خوش اخالق‬- ‫ملنسار‬
voted the most amiable female at her school.
natured and likable.
486 Plead To appeal earnestly; beg ‫ التجا کرنا‬- ‫اپیل کرنا‬ He was kneeling on the floor pleading for mercy.
1) There is nothing more tedious than driving in congested traffic.
boring; annoying because it ‫ اکتاہٹ پیدا‬- ‫بیزار کن‬
487 Tedious 2) You may find sewing fun and interesting, but I find it very boring and
is long or slow ‫کرنے واال‬
an intense anger that is
Gail flew into a rage when she learned her husband was leaving her for a
488 Rage extremely difficult to ‫ طیش‬- ‫شدید غضب‬
younger woman.
1) Before making a bad decision, take some time and contemplate the
To consider carefully and
consequences of your actions.
489 Contemplate at length; meditate on or ‫ سوچنا‬- ‫غور کرنا‬
2) When the accountant was asked to contemplate the current budget, he
discovered many ways the company could save money.
‫ایسا شخص جو جنگ‬
One who advocates or
490 Warmonger ‫ کرنے کی خواہش رکھتا‬The president was denounced by many as adangerous warmonger.
attempts to stir up war.
1) The manufacturers of cheap olive oil often adulterate the liquid to
to debase by adding increase their supply of the merchandise.
491 Adulterate ‫ مالوٹ کرنا‬- ‫غیر خالص‬
inferior material 2) The evil pharmacist was arrested after he tried to adulterate the
cancer medicines for profit.
1) The president is known for his ability to articulate his thoughts in
Expressing oneself easily
‫ صاف طور سے اظہار‬front of millions of people.
492 Articulate in clear and effective
‫کرنا‬ 2) Because John found it difficult to articulate his love for Jessica, he
wrote her a poem about his feelings.
To run away with a lover,
especially with the
493 Elope ‫ عاشق کے ساتھ بھاگنا‬The young couple eloped and got married in Las Vegas.
intention of getting
1) The apogee of my happiness was when I married the love of my life.
494 Apogee the highest point ‫عروج‬ 2) The hikers reached the apogee of the mountain at sunset and were
glad to start descent the following day.

confidence and skill shown, 1) Because the negotiator handled the hostage situation with aplomb, the
495 Aplomb especially in a difficult ‫ اطمانیت‬- ‫ضبط نفس‬ kidnapper released everyone without harm.
situation; keeping your cool 2) With aplomb, the bomb expert quickly defused the deadly device.
The act or an instance of
killing a large number of ‫ انسانوں کا بڑی تعداد‬After the terrorist blew himself up prematurely, the Mayor spoke about
496 Massacre
humans indiscriminately ‫میں قتل‬ how proper vigilance would prevent a future massacre.
and cruelly.
1) The principal makes the students wait in his anteroom before he calls
‫ وہ کمرہ جو‬- ‫پیش کمرہ‬
a small waiting area that them into his office.
497 Anteroom ‫دوسرے کمرے میں‬
leads into a bigger room 2) The attorneys sat comfortably in the anteroom as they waited to meet
‫کھلتا ہو‬
with the judge in his chambers.
1) Surprisingly, my critical professor returned the rough draft of my
a note or comment added essay without a single annotation.
498 Annotation
to a document or book 2) At the bottom of the lab report, there is an annotation which describes
the environmental conditions on each day of the experiment.
1) The students amble through the halls because they’re not eager to go
‫ آرام‬- ‫ ادھر ادھر پھرنا‬to class.
499 Amble to stroll in a relaxed manner
‫ آرام سے چہل قدمی‬2) Since we arrived too early to check into the hotel, we decided to amble
down the beach.
welcoming and warm to Although the restaurant does not have the best food, I go there often
500 Hospitable ‫مہمان نواز‬
visitors because the hospitable staff treats me like family.
1) The community was highly spirited and resilient despite a hurricane
recovering readily from disaster.
501 Resilient adversity, depression, or 2) Some small businesses were resilient following the recession; but
the like unfortunately, many were defeated in hard economic times and had to
close shop.
1) Because our mayor is the epitome of a good citizen, he has been in
an example that represents
office for over ten years.
502 Epitome or expresses something ‫ نمونہ‬- ‫نقش اول‬
2) Even under great pressure, the emergency room doctor was the
very well
epitome of professionalism.
1) The country consisted of several small states and was unified only
To make into or become a
503 Unify ‫ مربوط کرنا‬- ‫ متحد کرنا‬recently.
unit; consolidate.
2) He said he would seek to unify the Party and win the next election.
‫بالغ جو جنسی طور پر‬
an adult who is sexually
504 Pedophile ‫بچوں کو اپنی طرف‬
attracted to children
‫متوجہ کرے‬
1) It’s hard to not feel resentful when your boss gives a promotion to his
expressing bitterness or
lazy son.
505 Resentful anger towards an unfair ‫برا ماننے واال‬
2) Many Americans feel resentful towards illegal immigrants who live off
situation or person
their tax dollars.
feeling nausea; feeling ‫ متلی‬- ‫ الٹی کا احساس‬1) The motion of the boat made her feel queasy.
506 Queasy
about to vomit ‫میں مبتال‬ 2) He was prone to sickness and already felt queasy.
1) A majority of the country’s people have decided to rise up against the
an individual who governs
507 Tyrant ‫ جابر‬- ‫ظالم‬ tyrant who kills anyone he views as a threat to his power.
unfairly and brutally
2) Since 1947 the country has been mostly ruled by tyrants.
‫نسلی یا مذہبی بنیاد پر‬
to place apart because of 1) Airlines segregate passengers into economy and first class so they can
- ‫الگ کیا ہوا‬
508 Segregate real or perceived charge higher ticket prices for premium seats.
‫دوسروں سے الگ کردہ‬
differences 2) They segregate you from the rest of the party.
A serious crime, such as The director was initially charged with six felony counts, including rape
509 Felony ‫سنگین جرم‬
murder or rape. and sodomy.
The stage of adolescence in
which an individual There were six students around five-years-old and an older boy on the
510 Puberty becomes physiologically verge of puberty sitting around a beautiful blond.
capable of sexual
1) When the kidnappers mailed the bloody finger, they hoped to petrify
to scare someone into the hostage’s family into not going to the police.
511 Petrify ‫خوف سے نہ حرکت کرنا‬
inaction 2) The terrorist group tries to petrify the public by showing gruesome

state of uncertainty or
The witness was struggling with a dilemma on whether or not to take the
512 Dilemma perplexity especially as ‫ گومگو کی حالت‬- ‫تذبذب‬
stand and testify.
requiring a choice between
equally unfavorable options
1) The captain of the exhausted unit knew his soldiers would receive
A military post, especially
food and medical care as soon as they arrived at the garrison.
513 Garrison one that is permanently ‫چھاونی‬
‫ٴ‬ ‫فوجی‬
2) Because the old building was used as a garrison to house troops in the
war, it was recognized as a national historic site.
514 Whirlwind Tumultuous or rapid
1) Harmful or destructive
515 Venomous ‫ نقصان دہ‬- ‫زہریال‬ He made a venomous personal attack on his opponent.
2) Malicious; spiteful
The action of raising or
516 Nuture ‫ پالنا پوسنا‬- ‫ پرورش کرنا‬Nurture your positive qualities and strive to erase your negative traits.
caring for offspring
1) Tending to recall or
1) The smells coming from the bakery were reminiscent of the scents
suggest something in the
that used to come from my grandmother’s kitchen.
517 Reminiscent past ‫ یاد آور‬- ‫یاد دالنے واال‬
2) Since there appears to be no originality left in Hollywood, all the new
2) triggering memories of
movies appear reminiscent of the films made in prior years.
past times
1) Because of his history of cheating, the girl was reluctant to take him
unwilling; not wanting to 2) Having just met her, the man was reluctant to trust that she would
518 Reluctant ‫تذبذب کا شکار‬
take some action keep his secret.
3) Though she was in a crowded church, the woman was reluctant to
leave her purse unattended.
To have or express an 1) Even though Jane usually agrees with her husband, she had to dissent
opinion different from a with him on the subject of selling their summer home.
519 Dissent ‫اختالف راۓ ہونا‬
prevailing or official 2) The union is going to dissent with management’s offer of a small pay
position; disagree. increase.
1) To disclose; reveal.
2) to remove the veil from ‫ نقاب کشائی‬- ‫ پردہ اٹھانا‬1) Women must not unveil themselves in public in Islamic societies.
520 Unveil
(one's own or another ‫ ظاہر کرنا‬- ‫کرنا‬ 2) Mr Werner unveiled his new strategy this week.
person's face)
While Emily is an extrovert who enjoys socializing, her twin Emma is an
one who concentrates on
introvert who prefers being alone.
521 Introvert his own life and shows little ‫مشاہدہ باطن میں مشغول‬
2) By nature, Jim is an introvert who spends most of his time analyzing
interest in socializing
his own wants and needs.
a farewell, a goodbye;
especially a fond farewell, There was a bittersweet adieu between me and my friends leaving for
522 Adieu ‫الوداعی کلمات‬
or a lasting or permanent college.
To flow or fall in drops or
523 Dribble ‫ قطروں کا گرنا‬- ‫ٹپکنا‬ Water dribbled from the leaky faucet.
an unsteady stream; trickle

1) During her audition, Marilyn showed her vocal finesse by singing a

Skillful, subtle handling of a song that revealed her ability to cover a wide range of notes.
524 Finesse situation; tactful, ‫ کاریگری‬- ‫مہارت‬ 2) The winner of the chess match displayed his finesse in the game by
diplomatic maneuvering. beating his opponent in less than fifteen minutes.
3) The stunning wedding cake showed the baker’s finesse and creativity.

Using or having the ability Many people in Wales are bilingual and speak both Welsh and English
525 Multilingual ‫کئی زبانیں جاننے واال‬
to use several languages but some are multilingual and speak other languages too.

A person who speaks ‫ایک سے زیادہ زبانیں‬

526 Linguist
several languages fluently. ‫بولنے واال‬
1) Despite the defendant’s apology, the judge was obdurate and gave him
unmoved by persuasion,
a thirty-year sentence.
527 Obdurate pity, or tender feelings; ‫ ضدی‬- ‫سنگ دل‬
2) Because Janice was obdurate, she did not shed a single tear while
hearing the tragic story.
greatly agitated, confused, Although the famous actor hoped to make it to his plane unnoticed, he
528 Tumultuous ‫افرا تفری سے بھر پور‬
or disturbed was met by tumultuous fans at the airport entrance.
Make withdrawn or
529 Alienate isolated or emotionally ‫الگ کرنا‬ His ex-wife was determined to alienate him from his two boys.
1) During Dean’s sojourn in Paris, he spent two weeks visiting all of the
‫ کسی جگہ عارضی طور‬city’s cultural attractions.
530 Sojourn To reside temporarily
‫پر کچھ عرصہ رہنا‬ 2) His family had sojourned in New Jersey for one year only, and had
then gone back to Dallas.
1) Keeping money in a savings account is a financial exigency that will
something that is necessary ‫ اہم‬- ‫ ہنگامی صورت حال‬serve you well if you ever lose your job.
531 Exigency
in a particular situation ‫ضرورت‬ 2) In the case of Frank's severe illness, a leave of absence from work is an
1) For the right amount, the sleazy lawyer will represent even the most
extremely wicked, deeply
532 Heinous ‫ وحشیانہ‬- ‫سفاکانہ‬ heinous criminals.
2) The criminal received the death penalty for his heinous crime.
To interpret incorrectly;
533 Pervert ‫ خراب کرنا‬- ‫ مسخ کرنا‬They perverted the truth to help further their careers.
misconstrue or distort
Continuing without 1) With this incessant rainfall, we might get flooded out.
534 Incessant ‫ لگاتار‬- ‫مسلسل‬
interruption 2) The incessant crying of a baby drives me nuts.
1) Since her son had already served his hours of community service for
uncalled for; unwarranted; the vandalism, Selena thought that the school’s additional punishment
535 Gratuitous ‫غیر ضروری‬
unnecessary was gratuitous.
2) The film has been criticized for its gratuitous violence.
a situation of unrestrained The hostages were in a state of hysteria when they were rescued by the
536 Hysteria
enthusiasm or intense fear police.
a false idea or a belief that
537 Delusion ‫تصور کا دہوکا‬ I was under the delusion that he intended to marry me.
is not true
Something that may occur;
538 Eventuality ‫ممکنہ نتیجہ‬ When you go on holiday, try to be prepared for every eventuality.
a possibility.
To be victorious or Earning a high school diploma was a huge triumph for the young man
539 Triumph ‫کامیابی کی خوشی‬
successful; win. with a learning disability.
1) Milk products from cow are used in preparing wholesome dishes and
Conducive to or indicative food products.
540 Wholesome of good health or well- ‫ متناسب‬- ‫ صحت بخش‬2) I know their voice is often rude and rough, but it utters wholesome
being; salutary truth.

1) Tammy gave her son a good scolding when she found a stash of
obscene magazines under his bed.
offensive or outrageous to
2) As I rode past the driver who cut me off, I made an obscene sign with
541 Obscene accepted standards of ‫ ناگوار‬- ‫فحش‬
my fingers.
decency or modesty
3) If you keep using obscene language, you're going to get in trouble at
1) The pirates will try to seize the gold from the billionaire’s yacht.
To grasp suddenly and ‫ قبضے‬- ‫گرفت میں لینا‬
542 Seize 2) The government will seize any property that has been purchased with
forcibly; take or grab ‫میں لینا‬
money earned through illegal means.
1) It was strange how the fire destroyed most of the city but left the
1) Not injured or harmed
church unscathed.
543 Unscathed 2) untouched or not ‫جسے نقصان نہ پہنچا ہو‬
2) Fortunately, the firemen were able to get out of the building unscathed.
Fraught with uncertainty When questioned about the night of the murder, the suspect's memory
544 Dubious ‫ مشتبہ‬- ‫ مشکوک‬- ‫مذبذب‬
or doubt; undecided. was dubious.
1) The basketball player was so upset about the referee’s decision he lost
A calm or tranquil state of his composure and threw the ball into the stands.
545 Composure ‫پر سکون‬
mind; self-possession. 2) Whenever Jane talks about her dead husband, she loses her
composure and starts to cry.
The ability to identify with
As a parent, I can only feel a great deal of empathy for mothers who lose
546 Empathy or understand another's ‫ ہمدردی‬- ‫ہم احساس‬
their children under tragic circumstances
situation or feelings
1) to remove completely 1) The president has the power to expunge any person’s criminal history
547 Expunge 2) To eliminate ‫مٹا دینا‬ in order to give that individual a fresh start in life.
completely; wipe out 2) I would like to expunge my ex-husband from my memory.
a word or expression used
1) The foreign students in the class were confused by the teacher’s use of
to talk about something
a euphemism.
548 Euphemism unpleasant, blunt or
2) Because people felt the title of “garbage man” was unappealing, the
offensive without
euphemism of “sanitation engineer” was created.
mentioning the thing itself
1) The manager went to the disgruntled customer’s table and offered to
take her dinner off of the total bill.
549 Disgruntle unhappy, dissatisfied ‫برہم‬
2) Even though Harry is disgruntled about losing his job, he still plans to
find another one in the same field.
1) planned in advance 1) Although the suspect swore the assault was not premeditated, the
2) To form an intent to ‫ پہلے سے سوچا جانے‬police believed the man had been plotting the crime for a long time.
550 Premeditate
carry out (an action, such ‫واال‬ 2) Unfortunately, the attack was premeditated and did not occur on the
as a crime) spur-of-the-moment.
to write or talk about 1) At the investment meeting, Jacques will expatiate on the merits of his
‫تفصیالت کے ساتھ‬
551 Expatiate something using many business proposal.
‫وضاحت کرنا‬
details 2) A long-winded talker, Carter can expatiate on any topic.
1) The new swimmer had to flounder in the deep end until the lifeguard
To move clumsily or with
‫ ڈگمگا‬- ‫ مشکل سے چلنا‬dragged him to safety.
552 Flounder little progress, as through
‫کر چلنا‬ 2) Unused to skating, the rookie hockey player would flounder on the ice
water or mud
until he learned to skate.
1) A difference in perspectives caused a rift that forced the two friends to
a circumstance in which an
end their business partnership.
553 Rift amiable relationship has ‫ دراڑ‬- ‫علیحدگی‬
2) Because of the rift between the two countries, everyone is waiting to
been broken
see who will break the truce first.
1) The book’s ending was poignant and caused me to reflect upon my
something that touches own family life.
554 Poignant ‫ دل خراش‬- ‫تکلیف دہ‬
your emotions deeply 2) Since my friend’s death, looking at her pictures has become a very
poignant experience for me.
555 Imperative Necessary or urgent ‫ اشد ضروری‬- ‫ الزمی‬It is imperative that we take immediate action to reduce pollution.
1) Hopefully the sequel will answer all the questions left unanswered by
a movie or book that the first novel.
556 Sequel ‫ تسلسل‬- ‫ بعد کا‬- ‫اگال‬
continues a tale 2) If all the lead characters die at the end of the movie, who will be in the
1) The presentiment lingered after I saw a black cat twice in one day.
the feeling something bad
557 Persentiment ‫خطرے کی پیش بینی‬ 2) As soon as Larry saw the man with the gun approaching, he had a
might occur
presentiment his life was in jeopardy.
1) The plane’s descent was so fast that my ears popped.
The act or an instance of
558 Descent ‫ ڈھلوان‬- ‫ نیچے کی طرف‬2) Due to inclement weather, the hikers had to be careful on their
descent down from the mountain.
A minor battle in war, as
one between small forces ‫ایک قسم کی چہوٹی‬ 1) This difference has led to several political skirmishes.
559 Skirmish
or between large forces ‫جھڑپ‬ 2) Police skirmished with youths on a council estate last Friday.
avoiding direct conflict.
1) If you yell at Jane after she yells at you, your actions will only
To cause to continue
perpetuate the argument.
560 Perpetuate indefinitely; make ‫ دوام‬- ‫ہمیشہ رکھنا‬
2) When no one does anything to fight crime in our neighborhood, the
problem only seems to perpetuate.
A district of a city or town
‫ انتظامی مقاصد کے لئے‬1) No-one carrying arms is allowed within the precincts of the temple.
561 Precinct marked out for
‫مخصوص عالقہ‬ 2) Hunting is not allowed within the precincts of the estate.
administrative purposes.
Failing to do what law or - ‫ الپرواہ‬- ‫غیر ذمہ دار‬
562 Denlinquent
duty requires. ‫غافل‬
to make void, annul, or set
The court last week dismissed Mr Brereton's request to quash the
563 Quash aside (a law, indictment, ‫کالعدم قرار دینا‬
summons, but he plans to appeal.
decision, etc.).
1) When Jack agreed to help his father cut the grass, he did not realize
involving great effort and
564 Onerous ‫ کٹھن‬- ‫مشکل‬ the chore would be so onerous.
2) Parents have the onerous task of bringing up a difficult child.
feeling bored or impatient 1) After just a week of summer vacation, the kids were bored and restive,
while waiting for demanding new things to do.
565 Restive ‫ بیقرار‬- ‫بے چین‬
something to happen or 2) As the clock ticked past 7:30, the wedding guests became restive and
change started to shift in their seats, wondering if something had happened.
1) Suzanne did her best to adorn herself before dating Paul because she
make more attractive or is really interested in him.
566 Adorn ‫ سنگار کرنا‬- ‫آرائش کرنا‬
beautiful 2) George likes to adorn his office with expensive paintings so that
everyone knows how wealthy he is.
strongly desirous and ‫ بلند‬- ‫ حوصلہ مندانہ‬The professor has an easy time controlling his class because the students
567 Ambitious
determined to succeed ‫حوصلہ‬ are ambitious about their studies.
1) Even though a mother-in-law may have good intentions, I do not
to try to help settle an
‫ دو فریقوں‬- ‫ ثالث بننا‬believe she should ever intercede in an argument between a husband and
argument or disagreement
568 Intercede ‫ کے درمیان مصالحت‬a wife.
between two or more
‫کرانے کا عمل‬ 2) Your union representative will intercede with management on your
people or groups
Unrefined sugar made from
569 Jaggery the sap of palm trees or ‫گڑ‬
A line of ancestors; a When the police reviewed the pedigree of the so-called prince, they
570 Pedigree ‫شجرہ نسب‬
lineage. learned he was not a member of any of the royal families.
1) Good parents will try and instill a strong sense of self-esteem in their
to slowly cause a person to children.
571 Instill ‫ذہن نشین کرانا‬
develop a feeling or attitude 2) As a teacher, I am always eager to find ways to instill a love of learning
in my students.
1) Elaine did not receive an invitation to Rachel’s birthday party because
A small exclusive group of she is not a part of the popular clique.
572 Clique ‫خاص لوگ‬
friends or associates. 2) There are very few people on the planet who are part of the
billionaire’s clique.
573 Stentorian incredibly loud ‫نہایت بلند آواز واال‬ Will drove to his mechanic after his car engine made a stentorian clamor.
1) The stench of death was so strong the coroner had to wear a mask
while examining the corpse.
574 Stench a very unpleasant odor ‫ بدبو آنا‬- ‫بساند آنا‬
2) If you’re in the chemistry lab and you smell the stench of rotten eggs,
the odds are someone is using sulfur in an experiment.
Important and highly
1) Newton’s laws are seminal in the field of physics.
575 Seminal influential on later ‫معنی خیز‬
2) Steve Jobs’ inventions were seminal in the world of technology.
1) As I walked through the quaint shop, I felt as though I was transported
appearing old-fashioned in back in time.
576 Quaint ‫ عجیب‬- ‫انوکھا‬
an appealing way 2) The quaint decorations in the hotel made me recall the fun summers I
spent in my grandparents’ mountain cabin.
to make disappointed or She is disenchanted with the marriage and decided to take divorce from
577 Disenchant ‫بدذن ہوجانا‬
disillusioned her husband.
1) She was unrepentant about her abrasive remarks.
tending to annoy or cause
578 Abrasive 2) If you use an abrasive tone with the flight attendant, you might get
ill will; overly aggressive
kicked off the airplane.
1) Since Lester only put forth mediocre effort on his paper, he was not
average; not great or
579 Mediocre ‫اوسط درجے کا‬ surprised when he earned the minimum passing grade on the task.
2) George will never get promoted if he keeps doing mediocre work.

1) When Jim read over the report his doctor gave him, he could not
communication that a ‫ بولی جو‬- ‫خفیہ زبان‬ understand any of the medical jargon.
580 Jargon
person cannot comprehend ‫سمج نہ آئے‬ 2) The jargon used by computer programmers seems strange to people
who do not program computers for a living.
1) To cover completely in a
1) She immersed the vegetables in boiling water.
liquid; submerge. ‫ وقف‬- ‫ ڈبونا‬-‫غرق کرنا‬
581 Immerse 2) The actor is a perfectionist who tries to immerse himself into all the
2) to become deeply ‫کرنا‬
characters he plays.
involved in something
1) To direct the eyes at or
toward something briefly - ‫ تیزی سے نگاہ ڈالنا‬1) I had a glance at the books last night.
582 Glance
2) To read quickly or in ‫ سرسری سی نظر ڈالنا‬2) She memorized the chart at a glance.
cursory fashion
To make ashamed or
583 Abash ‫ شرمسار‬- ‫شرمندہ‬ He was abashed at the compliments he received.
uneasy; disconcert
1) John’s aberrant behavior is going to get him in a lot of trouble one of
Deviating from what is ِ ‫عام سے ُمختَلِف ۔ َخ‬
these days.
584 Aberrant considered proper or ‫َمع ُمول ۔ تَسلیم شُدہ معیار‬
2) When the astronomer looked into the telescope, he was shocked by
normal ‫سے ُمختَلِف‬
the sight of a star moving in an aberrant path.
1) Her abnegation of ice cream and cookies is due to her Olympic team
1) renunciation of your
own interests in favor of
2) Because everyone knew Jane loved serving the public, they were
585 Abnegate the interests of others ‫پرہیز کرنا‬
shocked by her abnegation of the congressional seat.
2) the act of rejecting or
3) The school counselor hoped she could encourage her students to
refusing something
consider the abnegation of drug use.
1) As a diehard golf fan, Josh is unwilling to date anyone who claims to
586 Abominate to despise intensely ‫ گھن آنا‬- ‫ناپسند کرنا‬ abominate the sport.
2) Since I abominate meat, I will starve to death before I eat it.
1) The surgery was abortive and did not repair the damage to the man’s
1) Failing to accomplish an
2) The plan to build a bridge to link the two islands became abortive
587 Abortive intended objective; fruitless ‫ ناکام‬- ‫رائگاں‬
when the two governments refused to share the project cost.
2) an unproductive attempt
3) Although I watched the baking show repeatedly, my effort to make the
same cake as the master chef proved abortive.
1) As a courtesy, please do not talk while the flight attendant explains
588 Courtesy A polite gesture or remark. ‫ نوازش‬- ‫ کرم فرمائی‬safety instructions.
2) If you treat people with courtesy, they will be nice to you.
1) To stay relevant in the field of computer programming, Kurt must stay
abreast of the latest programming languages.
1) Side by side - ‫پہلو بہ پہلو‬ 2) My teacher gives extra credit to students who stay abreast of world
589 Abreast
2) Remaining up to date ‫ زمانےکےساتھ ساتھ‬issues by sharing newspaper articles with the class.
3) In order to gain new skills, you should stay abreast of training
workshops offered by the company.
1 While the United States abolished slavery back in 1865, some countries
‫َختَم کَرنا ( کِسی قانون یا‬
590 Abrogate to abolish; to do away with have yet to abrogate it.
) ‫روایت کو‬
2) Our city needs to abrogate outdated laws.
To cause to be sorrowful; 1) It grieves me to see you in such pain.
591 Grieve ‫ رنج پہنچانا‬- ‫غم زدہ کرنا‬
distress 2) It grieved me to see him in such distress.
1) The students avoided the professor's abstruse lectures.
1) difficult to understand 2) Some of the classic novels are too abstruse for beginning readers to
592 Abstruse 2) not easy to understand; ‫ مشکل‬- ‫ عسیر الفہم‬understand.
recondite; esoteric 3) While I could understand a little of the contract, the majority of the
legal text was abstruse to me.
1) At your insistence and to avoid a prolonged argument, I will accede to
to agree with someone or ‫دوسرے کی راۓ‬
593 Accede your contract terms.
give in to his or her wish ‫مطالبہ تسلیم کرنا‬،
2) Because Jack wants to make his wife happy on their anniversary, he
To kill by squeezing the
‫ گال‬- ‫گال دبا کر مارنا‬
594 Strangle throat so as to choke or The postmortem report showed that she had been strangled.
‫گھونٹ کر مارنا‬
suffocate; throttle.
1) Harry tried to accentuate the positive aspects of moving into a smaller
595 Accentuate make more noticeable ‫نمایاں کرنا‬ 2) When shopping, Kathryn always picks out blouses that accentuate her
tiny waist.
3) The bright colored eyeliner will accentuate Ann’s beautiful eyes.
To accustom or become 1) Hopefully Kurt will learn his new job duties quickly and will be able to
accustomed to a new easily acclimate into his new position.
596 Acclimate ‫ماحول کا عادی ہونا‬
environment or situation; 2) When you go up into the mountains, allow yourself a little time for
adapt your lungs to acclimate to the high elevation.
1) To inform 1) Please acquaint your colleagues of your plans to move.
‫ واقفیت حاصل‬- ‫آگاہ کرنا‬
597 Acquaint 2) To cause to come to 2) The faculty mixer is the perfect time for you to acquaint yourself with
know personally your teachers.

1) To consent or comply 1) Right now, John's parents do not want him to enroll in an art school,
passively or without protest but he believes they will acquiesce in time.
598 Acquiesce ‫ مان لینا‬- ‫رضامند ہونا‬
2) to agree or express 2) While I did not want to go to the show with Laura, her begging
agreement eventually caused me to acquiesce.

An upward slope, as of a
599 Acclivity ‫چڑھائی‬ 1) We scrambled up the acclivity to view the setting sun.
1) old saying that has come
to be accepted as truth over 1) Some old sayings are good advice, but that adage you quoted in your
time speech is just plain silly.
600 Adage 2) A saying that sets forth a ‫ مقولہ‬- ‫کہاوت‬ 2) He gets tired of all the same old sayings, so he is always trying to come
general truth and that has up with a new adage.
gained credit through long 3) The old adage 'Every baby brings its own love' usually turns out true.
the thing acquired or After appearing on a travel show, the small hotel was experiencing an
601 Acquisition ‫حاصل کردہ شے‬
gained; a gain. acquisition of reservations.
1) The yoga instructor will show us the best way to reach a tranquil state.
602 Tranquil relaxed; peaceful ‫پر سکون‬
2) Since we were the only ones on the beach, we enjoyed a tranquil day.

1) The critic gave the movie a poor review because it failed to engross his
to completely capture
603 Engross ‫ مشغول‬- ‫پوری توجہ‬ concentration.
attention or focus
2) Hopefully the plastic keys will engross the crying baby for a while.
1) The dictator used military force to coerce his citizens into following
To pressure, intimidate, or f his rules.
604 Coercion orce (someone) into ‫ مجبور‬- ‫دباو‬ 2) If someone tries to coerce you into committing a crime, you should
doing something immediately call the police.

Having fallen into a state of 1) The dilapidated shops on the western side of the stadium are going to
disrepair or deterioration, a ‫ ٹوٹا‬- ‫ خستہ حالت میں‬be demolished and replaced with a shopping mall.
605 Dilapidated
s through neglect; broken- ‫پھوٹا‬ 2) The dilapidated house on our street is sure to lower the property
down and shabby. values of the homes in our neighborhood.
to convince an individual or The lawyer tried to persuade his client to accept the generous settlement
606 Persuade ‫قائل کرنا‬
group to do something offer.
The popular celebrity receives an innumerable amount of fan mail each
Too numerous to be count- ‫ بہت زیادہ جو گننا مشکل‬week.
607 Innumerable
ed; numberless ‫ بے حساب‬- ‫ہو‬ 2) On the potato chip aisle, the snack choices are so innumerable it will
take the little boy a long time to make his selection.
1) The speaker hopes her inspirational story will resonate with audience
to move a person in an members and spur them to chase their dreams.
608 Resonate ‫گونج پیدا کرنے والی‬
emotional manner 2) When the author writes his stories, he tries to include a moral lesson
that will resonate with his readers.
Phil is sleeping in the den tonight because the vertigo has made him too
609 Vertigo The sensation of dizziness ‫چکر کرنا‬
unsteady to walk up the stairs.
1) It appears that filling out job applications in this troubled economy is a
incapable of producing any futile exercise.
610 Futile ‫ الحاصل‬- ‫بے نتیجہ‬
results 2) When the captain realized his efforts to steer his ship were futile, he
commanded his officers to release the lifeboats.
1) Unfortunately, online money scams are more prevalent during the
very common in a
holiday season.
611 Prevalent particular place or among a ‫مقبول‬
2) You should not assume everyone is a drug user simply because drug
particular group
use is prevalent.
Of, subject to, or caused by a 1) Great damage was done by a seismic wave following the shock.
612 Seismic n earthquake or earth ‫زلزلے سے متعلق‬ 2) The agency issued a tsunami alert, predicting seismic waves of 50
vibration. centimetres.
1) Since my weight loss has hit a plateau, I need to increase my workout
a time or point where no to start losing weight again.
613 Plateau
advancement is made 2) Once the ticket sales reached a plateau, we had to reduce the price in
order to attract more buyers.
1) Since you are not in my shoes, you will probably find it hard to
difficult, unpleasant, or understand my predicament.
614 Predicament ‫خطرناک صورت حال‬
embarrassing situation 2) Heather found herself in the awful predicament of being arrested for
check fraud.
1) I avoided my two best friends because I did not want to get embroiled
To involve in argument,
in their dispute.
615 Embroile contention, or hostile ‫الجھنا‬
2) When Jim accepted the package from his friend, he did not realize he
had embroiled himself in a drug smuggling operation.
616 Ginormous Extremely large; enormous
To utter indistinctly by
1) She could hear the low mumble of his voice.
617 Mumble lowering the voice or ‫بڑبڑانا‬
2) The old man mumbled quietly to himself.
partially closing the mouth
to mentally grasp the
‫ حواس کے ذریعے علم‬Unless you know sign language, you will be unable to comprehend the
618 Comprehend meaning or reason behind
‫حاصل کرنا‬ message the deaf girl is trying to convey.
1) The store did not expect a stupendous throng of customers to line up
So great in scope, degree, around the building.
619 Stupendous ‫ وسیع و عریض‬- ‫بہت بڑا‬
or importance as to amaze 2) When the singer saw the stupendous crowd at the front of the hotel,
she insisted her driver take her to the back entrance.
To imagine or know as a
620 Foresee probable occurrence; ‫پیشن گوئی کرنا‬ He could foresee the difficulties.
anticipate or predict
1) The deaf woman tried frantically to gesticulate her fears to the police
To make gestures
621 Gesticulate especially while speaking, ‫اشاروں سے اظہار کرنا‬
2) The defendant ran his finger across his neck to gesticulate what would
as for emphasis.
happen to the witness if she testified against him.
Having or marked by keen i Despite the fact that Jerome is an avid learner, he just can’t seem to grasp
622 Avid ‫پر جوش‬
nterest and enthusiasm the concepts involved in playing the stock market.
To acknowledge or declare
623 Avow ‫اقرار کرنا‬
openly and unashamedly
1) My father’s best friend Joe treats me in an avuncular manner and even
calls me his niece.
Regarded as characteristic o
2) When I was growing up, there was a kind man in my neighborhood
624 Avuncular f an uncle, especially in ‫چچا یاماموں کی طرح‬
who gave all the children advice in an avuncular way.
benevolence or tolerance.
A self-evident or
Although you keep using that axiom as the basis for your paper, the
625 Axiom universally recognized ‫مسلمہ‬
concept itself is not true.
truth; a maxim
1) The football players consume sports drinks to rejuvenate themselves
to provide with energy during the game.
626 Rejuvenate ‫دوبارہ جان ڈالنا‬
and/or strength 2) When I am exhausted after work, I count on a hot shower to
rejuvenate me.
1) When you go to a five-star restaurant, you should expect nothing but a
Greatly pleasing to the delectable meal that exceeds your expectations.
627 Delectable ‫ لذیذ‬- ‫خوش ذائقہ‬
taste; delicious 2) If you do not get to the bakery early, you will miss out on all the
delectable pastries.
To excite by exposing 1) In an attempt to tantalize me, my personal trainer offered a piece of
something desirable that cake as an incentive for me to finish my three miles on the treadmill.
628 Tantalize remains or is made 2) The purpose of a lottery commercial or radio advertisement is to
difficult or impossible to tantalize people into believing they can become wealthy with the
obtain purchase of a lottery ticket.
1) It is an horrific and extremely cowardly attack, which was totally
629 Unprovoked Not provoked or prompted ‫بالاشتعال‬ unprovoked.
2) The incident appears to be completely unprovoked.
Because the principal neglected to turn off the microphone on the PA
not intentional; not on
630 Inadvertent ‫نادانستہ طور پر‬ system, there was an inadvertent transmission of some very
purpose; not conscious
inappropriate language throughout the school.
A collection of various ‫ طرح‬- ‫ مختلف قسم کا‬Although there was an assortment of delicacies available for the guests,
631 Assortment
kinds; a variety. ‫طرح کا‬ the picky eater could find nothing that he liked to eat.
1) As long as everyone stays nice and open-minded, we can have a
- ‫گرم جوشی سے‬ cordial discussion.
632 Cordial Warm and sincere; friendly
‫خوشگوار‬ 2) The bellman’s cordial greeting made me instantly fall in love with the
Failing to adhere to guide-
633 Errant ‫بگڑا ہوا‬ His errant son ran up debts of over £3000.
lines or moral standards
1) During his third year in school, Jake became infatuated with
to have a strong liking for archaeology and changed his major.
634 Infatuated
someone or something 2) Although Bruce thought he was in love with the young woman, he
soon realized he was only infatuated with her.
1) Unfortunately, the man’s act of folly in the casino caused him to lose
An act or instance of everything he owned.
635 Folly ‫ حماقت‬- ‫حمقانہ حرکت‬
foolishness 2) The folly that caused the politician to lose the election was his failure
to address the economic crisis.
1) Jack lost his job because of his lackadaisical habit of not completing his
feeling or showing a lack of ‫ قوت و شوق کا‬- ‫ سست‬duties in a timely manner.
636 Lackadaisical
interest or enthusiasm ‫فقدان‬ 2) Because I care about my students, I refuse to simply let them sit in my
class and be lackadaisical while staring into space.
1) While young people tend to prefer contemporary music, the older
1) Belonging to the same
generation prefers to listen to music from the 1970’s and the 1980’s.
637 Contemporary period of time ‫آج کے دور کا‬
2) The contemporary restaurant opened last month and utilizes iPads at
2) Quite recent
each table to send orders to the kitchen.
From another part of the When I saw the exotic fruit, I was excited about eating something from a
638 Exotic ‫غیر ملکی‬
world; foreign different nation.
happening again (
639 Recurrence especially at regular ‫دوبارہ ہونا‬ Police are out in force to prevent a recurrence ofthe violence.
To make compensation to
for The construction company is going to indemnify the worker who lost his
640 Indemnify ‫ معاوضہ‬- ‫تالفی کرنا‬
damage, loss, or injury suffe arm because of another employee’s negligence.
The act of expecting or fores
1) In anticipation of the baby’s arrival, we have prepared the nursery.
eeing something;
641 Anticipation ‫ امید‬- ‫توقع‬ 2) The bride trembled in anticipation at the thought of marrying her
expectation or
dream guy.
To speak hesitatingly; Claire was afraid her voice would falter if she delivered the eulogy, so she
642 Falter ‫ہکالنا‬
stammer persuaded her brother to do it instead.
643 Eventful Full of events or incidents ‫واقعات سے بھرپور‬ Our next journey was longer and much more eventful.
1) Although I found the painting very unappealing, I smiled at the artist
Harshly critical or and kept my censorious thoughts to myself.
644 Censorious ‫عیب جو‬
expressing censure 2) After the critic finished the disappointing novel, he wrote a censorious
review that urged readers to save their money.
Inclined or showing an
1) Since my disputatious neighbors argue loudly at night, the police are
inclination to dispute or
645 Disputatious frequent visitors to their home.
disagree, even to engage in
2) John’s disputatious personality makes him a great lawyer.
law suits.
1) Because my aunt is quite punctilious when it comes to table settings,
paying scrupulous attention every utensil must be turned properly.
646 Punctilious ‫باریک بین‬
to correctness in etiquette 2) I attended a strict military school where punctilious behavior was
required at all times.
1)Even though dinosaurs are extinct, people can learn more about them
no longer active or in by visiting a museum.
647 Extinct ‫ناپید‬
existence 2) Scientists believe that climate change is a reason animals become
1) Jack is a philanthropist who only supports causes that aggrandize him
make great or greater in
in the eyes of the world.
648 Aggrandize power, rank, honor, or
2) The king uses every opportunity to aggrandize his family, making
wealth; increase
them into saints.
1) The man knew his interest in the bartender was unrequited when she
Not given, rewarded, or threatened to have him removed from the bar.
649 Unrequited ‫جس کا صلہ نہ ملے‬
felt in return 2) When the actor announced his marriage, thousands of females
realized their love would remain unrequited forever.
Someone who takes part in
‫ باہمی گفتگو میں شامل‬After Lynn listened to her friends’ conversation for a while, she became
650 Interlocutor a conversation, often
‫ہونے واال‬ an interlocutor and expressed her opinion.
formally or officially.
As I sat on the sumptuous seats of the luxury vehicle, I knew I was going
651 Sumptuous splendid; of the best quality ‫ اعلی‬- ‫شاندار‬
to enjoy the long road trip.
1) The doctor said it was only Mark’s tenacity that allowed him to walk
Characterized by extreme
‫ استقامت‬- ‫ثابت قدمی‬ again after the crippling accident.
652 Tenacity persistence; relentless or
2) While Aaron is not the largest football player on the team, he has a
tenacity that makes him just as productive as his biggest teammate.
1) Nelson Mandela helped to end Apartheid, which was racial
discriminatory policy of
discrimination in South Africa.
653 Apartheid racial separation used by ‫نسلی عصبیت‬
2) Apartheid was a policy of discrimination against black people in South
South Africa
1) I often confide my secrets to my best friend because I know she will
To tell (something) in not tell them to anyone.
654 Confide ‫راز کی بات بتانا‬
confidence 2) During his visit to the church, George decided to confide to the priest
in the confessional booth.
To identify (a person) as
having a particular disease After years of smoking a pack of cigarettes a day, John was diagnosed
655 Diagnose ‫مرض کی تشخیص کرنا‬
or condition by means of a with cancer and realized the baneful result of smoking.
656 Legislate To draft or enact laws. ‫قانون سازی‬ The government plan to legislate against the import of foreign cars.
1) With the bequest from the deceased billionaire, the school was able to
The act of giving or leaving build a new dormitory.
657 Bequest ‫ میراث‬- ‫وصیت‬
personal property by a will. 2) Upon his death, my church will receive a large financial bequest from
his estate.
1) When I refused to pay the fake fortuneteller, she warned me of
‫ نزدیک‬- ‫آنے واال‬ impending doom in my future.
658 Impending To be about to occur
‫ قریب‬- 2) As soon as the boss arrived, the workers became silent and waited for
the impending announcement about layoffs.
The act of bringing back to
659 Resurrection practice, notice, use, or ‫دوبارہ زندہ ہونے کا عمل‬
vibrancy; revival
So absurd or incongruous a The political candidate’s rival laughed at his opponent’s ludicrous job
660 Ludicrous ‫مضحکہ خیز‬
s to be laughable creation plan.
Requiring immediate
661 Exigent ‫توجہ طلب‬ The professor regarded literary questions as exigent and momentous
action; pressing
1) Although the cult leader knew he was being dishonest with his group
a reason or argument that
‫ بظاہر درست لیکن بیاطن‬members, he hoped they would believe his sophistry.
662 Sophistry sounds correct but is
‫غلط‬ 2) Though they had all been taken in by the argument, they later claimed
actually false
to have secretly known that it was pure sophistry.
A person who acts
The public relations firm believed that the key to victory was to capture
independently or remains
663 Mugwump ‫غیر جانب دار‬ the hearts and minds of the mugwumps who would otherwise remain
neutral, especially in
1) The cops had to pursue the suspect until they were able to capture
To follow in an effort to him.
664 Pursue ‫تعاقب کرنا‬
overtake or capture; chase 2) The lawyer just wanted to pursue the truth, which he believed would
show his client was innocent.
To issue a thunderous 1) At the town hall meeting, residents began to fulminate over the
665 Fulminate verbal attack or ‫شدید تنقید کرنا‬ proposed tax increase.
denunciation 2) He fulminated against corruption in governmental institutions.
A defect or shortcoming in 1) The two leaders share the flaw of arrogance.
666 Flaw ‫ نقص‬- ‫ خامی‬- ‫عیب‬
something intangible 2) The only flaw in his character is a short temper.
To turn aside or be turned
aside abruptly from a
667 Swerve ‫اچانک مڑنا‬ He swung the car to the left and that swerve saved Malone's life.
straight path or established
1) Last night firefighters worked tirelessly to control the blaze that
a fire that is burning consumed the old train station.
668 Blaze ‫آگ کا شعلہ‬
intensely 2) After an investigation, the fire chief announced the blaze occurred as a
result of arson.
1) All of the world leaders at the conference table have displayed their
ability to make good
669 Sagacity ‫ فراست‬- ‫سمجھ‬ sagacity.
judgments and decisions
2) Spies cannot be usefully employed without a certain intuitive sagacity.
1) In the novel, the famed detective is known for his intuitive thinking
being able to sense or
that allows him to detect leads from the smallest clues.
670 Intuitive understand things with
2) The intuitive young man was able to understand the card game after
little or no information
playing only one hand.
1) The surveillance mission included adopting disguises to procure
Close observation of a
information about the crime.
671 Surveillance person or group, especially ‫نگرانی‬
2) Because she didn’t trust her husband, the woman hired a private
one under suspicion.
investigator to conduct surveillance on his whereabouts.
Make a small hole into, as ‫ چہوٹا‬- ‫نوک چبھانا‬
672 Prick The nurse pricked my finger to get a small blood sample.
with a needle or a thorn. ‫سوراخ کرنا‬

1) The audience had no problem understanding the presenter’s

Clearly expressed or
perspicuous speech.
673 Perspicuous presented; easy to
2) While many people are confused by the terminology their doctors use,
my physician uses perspicuous words I can comprehend.
To attract (someone),
1) Her dress was extremely enticing, drawing the attention of all the men
usually to do something, by
674 Entice ‫ پھسالنا‬- ‫جھانسا دینا‬ gathered.
arousing hope, interest, or
2) Though he didn’t need a new suit, the sale was too enticing to pass up.
Money given as a gratuity; a ‫ معمولی سا‬- ‫بخشش‬
675 Pourboire The bellboy waited expectantly, but no pourboire was forthcoming.
tip. ‫ ٹپ‬- ‫انعام‬
1) Because Jack had no experience with the financial markets, everyone
on the trading team considered him to be a neophyte.
someone who is just
676 Neophyte 2) It was the duty of the veteran soldier to teach the neophyte how to use
learning to do something
his weapon.

A mean-spirited, spiteful ‫ایسا شخص جو انتہائی‬

677 Grinch
person. ‫مروت ہے‬
ّ ‫مطلبی اور بے‬
1) When the composer wanted inspiration for a love song, he would stare
something or someone that at the muse he had been married to for over thirty years.
678 Muse
inspires 2) My infant daughter was the muse who inspired me to get healthy by
losing weight.
a style that involves
His head was swimming when the lecture finally ended, and he felt the
679 Ambage indirect ways of expressing ‫ہیر پھیر‬
speaker's ambages had taken him everywhere and left him nowhere.
1) Motivated by avarice, the employee stole thousands of dollars from the
Immoderate desire for company vault.
680 Avarice ‫ حرص‬- ‫اللچ‬
wealth; cupidity. 2) Africa is a country plagued by avarice as money to end hunger often go
in the hands of rich kings.
1) Why do we let acrimonious discussions get in the way of our
681 Acrimonious angry in tone; bitter ‫تلخی سے بھرا ہوا‬
2) Despite the acrimonious relationship I have with my boss, he respects
my quality of work.
have a particular interest 1) Because Janet was an inveterate traveler, it seemed as though she
‫ عادتا طویل‬- ‫پرانا عادی‬
682 Inveterate or habit that is unlikely to lived at the airport.
‫عرصے سے‬
change 2) He was an inveterate gambler, though a poor loser.
1) Even though April seemed interested in taking piano lessons now, her
mother knew her interest was only evanescent and would soon
lasting only for a very short
683 Evanescent ‫جلد مٹ جانے واال‬ disappear.
2) For a while, the scent of the roses filled the room, and then it became
1) During the weightlifting competition, a couple of brawny men lifted
684 Brawny Strong and muscular ‫ ہٹا کٹا‬- ‫ طاقتور شخص‬over four hundred pounds.
2) Using his brawny legs, the soldier kicked open the locked door.
Being or occurring between
685 Intergalactic ‫کہکشاوں کے درمیان‬
An area of low-lying, soggy
686 Morass ‫دلدل‬ The path from the wood leads to a morass.
1) My friend had an app on her phone that would distort our faces in
amusing ways.
to bring something out of 2) The funhouse mirror was designed to distort the visage of anyone who
687 Distort ‫اپنی حالت سے بگڑنا‬
shape or to misrepresent stood in front of it.
3) In order to not be recognized, the prank caller used technology to
distort his voice.
1) The disease produces a retrograde process which weakens normally
‫پیچھے کی جانب حرکت‬
688 Retrograde reverting backwards healthy muscles.
2) It would be a retrograde step to revert to the old system.
1) After kissing his wife, Jim had a tinge of lipstick on his lips.
a small but noticeable
689 Tinge ‫تہوڑی سی مقدار‬ 2) Since I have never travelled outside of the country, I felt a tinge of envy
when my best friend flew to Paris.
1) Because the professor is arrogant, he is not willing to listen to any
to disagree with what is argument that might contradict his opinions.
690 Contradict ‫حقیقت سے انکار کرنا‬
being stated 2) The security camera appears to contradict Gail’s claim that she never
left the hotel.
1) The elderly professor would sometimes make a digression and talk
A message that departs about his wife’s flowerbeds instead of physics.
691 Digression ‫رخ پھیرنا‬
from the main subject 2) The fight between the two students was an unwelcome digression in
the teacher’s organized classroom.
Since everyone wanted to discuss healthcare, we put it on the docket for
692 Docket A list of things to be done
the next town meeting.
His pyrexia made the doctors nervous, and they immersed him in a bath
693 Pyrexia Fever ‫بخار‬
of ice water to bring down his body temperature.
1) Because of my husband’s cupidity, he is now sitting in jail for making
Excessive desire, especially
counterfeit money.
694 Cupidity for wealth; covetousness or ‫ حرص‬- ‫اللچ‬
2) When the president was arrested for theft of company funds, he made
no attempt to apologize for his cupidity.
A rude expression intended When I met my ex-husband’s new wife, I treated her to a great deal of
695 Contumely ‫ گستاخی‬- ‫زبان درازی‬
to offend or hurt contumely because she destroyed my happy life.
1) When the party was over, not a scintilla of food remained.
A minute amount; an iota
696 Scintilla ‫تہوڑی سی مقدار‬ 2) I only have a scintilla of respect for her after she lied about her
or trace.
1) If the project becomes too large, it will no longer be tractable by a
Easily managed or ‫جسے آسانی کے ساتھ‬
697 Tractable single manager.
controlled; governable. ‫ترتیب دیا جا سکے‬
2) The tractable show horse instantly obeyed his handler’s commands.
Away from the right or
good, as in thought or My partying friends tried to lead me astray from my studies.
698 Astray ‫ بہکا ہوا‬- ‫بھٹکا ہوا‬
behavior; straying to or
into wrong or evil ways.
faithfulness to one's duties;
accuracy, or exact Because he has complete fidelity to the cause, Richard has always been
699 Fidelity ‫ ایمانداری‬- ‫اخالص‬
correspondence to some very successful at raising funds.
given quality or fact
1) In this recession, it is doubtful that decreasing the interest rate will
To meet present needs or suffice as a means of stimulating the economy.
700 Suffice ‫ضرورت کے ُمطابِق ھونا‬
requirements; be sufficient 2) When I stared into my mother’s angry eyes, I knew no explanation
would suffice for the broken window in her bedroom.
‫ کسی‬- ‫ایک دم سے‬ Janice was devastated when her husband abruptly announced their
701 Abruptly suddenly; without notice
‫پیشگی اطالع کے بغیر‬ marriage was over.
1) Because the captain was a valiant man, he refused to leave his ship
displaying determination until every passenger was on a life raft.
702 Valiant ‫ نڈر‬- ‫بہادر‬
or courage 2) During the ceremony, the president will present valiant soldiers with
medals of bravery.
A large group of people 1) The celebrity asked his bodyguard to clear him a pathway through the
gathered or crowded throng of fans blocking the theater entrance.
703 Throng ‫ مجمع‬- ‫ ہجوم‬- ‫اجتماع‬
closely together; a 2) As soon as the store opened at 5 am, a throng of customers rushed
multitude through the doors to get the limited deals.
704 Festivity Joyful, exuberant activity ‫خوشی کا موقع‬ The festivities included a firework display.
1) Even through the apartment walls, Jack was able to hear the strident
Loud, harsh, grating, or ‫ کان کے‬- ‫اونچی آواز‬ argument between his neighbors.
705 Strident
shrill ‫پردے پھاڑ دینے واال‬ 2) Since I had a headache, the bird’s chirping sounded quite strident to
a private place of education
706 Seminary ‫تربیت گاہ‬
for the young
A large military unit
1) Our military attacked the enemy legion from the rear.
707 Legion trained for combat; an ‫بڑا فوجی لشکر‬
2) The Roman legion was attacked by a horde of equal strength.
1) Listening to soothing music will not only alleviate stress, but it will
to make something less ‫ مرض کی‬- ‫شدت کم کرنا‬
708 Alleviate help you connect to your inner peace.
painful, severe, or serious ‫شدت کو کم کرنا‬
2) Take an aspirin to alleviate your headache.
1) After the judge reviews the evidence, he will decide whether or not he
to set free from slavery or wants to emancipate you by voiding your prison sentence.
709 Emancipate ‫غالمی سے آزاد کرنا‬
other strict or unfair control 2) Computer technology has done a great deal to emancipate office
workers from tedious jobs.
extremely appealing in - ‫شہوت انگیز‬ 1) Because the bread smelled luscious, Tom decided to go into the bakery.
710 Luscious
smell, taste, or appearance ‫ خوش ذائقہ‬-‫ خوشگوار‬2) Jim couldn't stop staring at the girl’s luscious lips.
1) Under the country’s military regime, criminal offenders were
A government, especially
punished harshly and swiftly.
711 Regime an oppressive or ‫ سرکار‬- ‫حکومت‬
2) During the dictator’s regime, he killed thousands of people who
undemocratic one
rebelled against his rule.
1) Working together, the two countries hoped they could uproot the
Unjust or oppressive dictator and free the small nation from tyranny.
712 Tyranny ‫جابرانہ حکومت‬
governmental power 2) According to the president, the country will be free of tyranny once
the unjust government is removed from power.
1) The rescue effort turned into a fiasco when the kidnapper set off an
explosive device that killed the hostages.
713 Fiasco A complete failure ‫ذلت آمیز ناکامی‬
2) Until someone accepts the blame for the military fiasco, the anti-war
protestors will continue to picket outside the White House.
1) While Greg has enjoyed living as an expatriate in Costa Rica, he is now
an individual who does not
ready to return home to Haiti.
714 Expatriate reside in his native nation ‫ملک بدری‬
2) My uncle is an expatriate who left the country of his birth to live in
or birthplace
1) I was so stressed out after a hard day’s work that I was not lucid by
easy to understand or
715 Lucid ‫ قابل فہم‬- ‫ سمجھ آنے واال‬any means.
thinking clearly
2) He wasn't very lucid; he didn't quite know where he was.
1) Many founders of the United States were merely farmers, but that
And nothing else or more; didn’t stop them from achieving their goals.
716 Merely ‫ فقط‬- ‫محض‬
only 2) Since he had merely $10 to his name, he was extremely grateful when
the man offered to pay for his lunch.
the action of going after 1) The soldier ran through the woods in pursuit of his enemy.
717 Pursuit ‫ کہوج‬- ‫ تالش‬- ‫تعاقب‬
something or someone 2) The police officer is in pursuit of the escaped prisoner.
1) 'Impeccable' is not a human quality as everyone makes mistakes.
718 Impeccable Having no flaws; perfect ‫ بے عیب‬- ‫ بغیر نقص کے‬2) How can you call yourself an impeccable baker after burning the apple
1) The hotel is the city's best because it offers unparalleled services not
Without parallel, equal, or ‫ جس کا کوئی‬- ‫ بے مثل‬provided by other area hotels.
719 Unparalleled
match; unequaled. ‫برابر نہ ہو‬ 2) The athlete earns over five million dollars a year because of his
unparalleled skill in basketball.
1) The scientist’s theory was based on rational evidence that had been
centered on reasoning or
720 Rational ‫ معقول‬- ‫عقلی‬ proven in laboratory experiments.
2) I cannot have a rational discussion with my delusional aunt.
1) The fertile ground and ample water supply will allow the crops to
To grow well or - ‫ ترقی پانا‬- ‫ اضافہ ہونا‬flourish.
721 Flourish
luxuriantly; thrive ‫پھلنا پھولنا‬ 2) The purpose of the meeting is to figure out why our company is failing
to flourish in such a healthy economy.
To feel or express sorrow 1) As a mother, I commiserate strongly with the woman whose child was
722 Commiserate or pity for; sympathize ‫ ترس کھانا‬- ‫ ہمدردی کرنا‬kidnapped.
with. 2) I hate it when rich people pretend they commiserate with the poor.
a disease that is 1) If the epidemic continues to spread, it will soon be on two continents
widespread and affects ‫ وبائی بیماری لوگوں کو‬and will pose a risk to billions of people.
723 Epidemic
many people in a specific ‫متاثر کرنے والی‬ 2) Medical researchers estimate the flu epidemic will affect over half the
area nation’s population.
To make (something) seem
724 Exaggerate greater than is actually the ‫بڑھا چڑھا کربتانا‬ You seem to be exaggerating his faults.
to drive out an evil spirit
from a person, place or - ‫جھاڑ پھونک کرنا‬
725 Exorcise
thing, especially by an ‫بھوت سے نجات دِالنا‬
incantation or prayer
1) Based on low album sales, the singer’s new release can be classified as
A sudden, disastrous
a debacle.
726 Debacle collapse, downfall, or ‫ذلت آمیز ناکامی‬
2) For the past seven years, the economy has been plagued with one
defeat; a rout.
financial debacle after another.
‫سس بیدار‬ ُّ ‫ کِسی کا تَج‬1) The movie looks intriguing so I’m definitely going to see it.
727 Intriguing Arousing interest or ‫ کِسی کی دِلچَسپی‬- ‫ کرنا‬2) Because Jack found the woman intriguing, he was determined to get
curiosity ‫بیدار کرنا‬ her phone number.
1) Jerry became distraught when his wife approached him with divorce
Deeply agitated, as from
728 Distraught ‫پریشان خیال‬ papers.
worry or grief.
2) The doctor gave the distraught woman a sedative to help her relax.
1) When the conversation turned to critical comments about her outfit,
To reply, especially to
‫کسی سوال کا فوری‬ Brenda had to stifle a retort about Emma’s crooked teeth.
729 Retort answer in a quick, caustic,
‫جواب‬ 2) Realizing that Rudy was trying to start an argument, Maria scowled at
or witty manner
him but decided not to retort.
To hold oneself back; 1) The treaty was signed when both world leaders agreed to refrain from
730 Refrain forbear from doing ‫ باز رہنا‬- ‫ اجتناب کرنا‬building nuclear weapons for ten years.
something 2) Taylor will lose weight if she can refrain from eating junk food.
I hate how Maria always leaves her shirt sleeve rolled up, so she can
‫ فخر سے‬- ‫شان دکھانا‬
731 Flaunt to show off (brag) flaunt her expensive watch.
‫ظاہر کرنا‬
1) Since the Smiths did not reciprocate by sending me a Christmas card, I
To show, feel, or give in ‫ بدلے میں کوئی کام کرنا‬will be removing them from next year’s mailing list.
732 Reciprocate
response or return ‫ جوابی عمل کرنا‬- 2) Jill is hesitate to loan money to people because most of them are
unwilling to reciprocate when she is in need financially.
Not clearly defined;
733 Indecisive ‫غیر واضع‬ He was criticised as a weak and indecisive leader.
A personality trait
including the qualities of
734 Ambivert
both introversion and
1) Rather than bemoan his poor luck, Josh decided to look on the positive
To express disapproval of side of things.
735 Bemoan ‫ غم ہونا‬- ‫افسوس کرنا‬
or regret for; deplore 2) As a military wife, I bemoan our country’s involvement in yet another
1) Since I do not enjoy reading long books, I avoid verbose authors who
described as using an ‫ کثیر الفاظ استعمال کرنے‬write tales that exceed five hundred pages in length.
736 Verbose
excessive amount of words ‫واال‬ 2) Although the test answer required only four or five sentences, John
wrote a verbose response that took up half the page.
1) Coach Marsh will spearhead our country’s gymnastic teams in the
someone who leads or ‫کوئی شخص یا گروہ‬
2020 Olympics.
737 Spearhead initiates an activity (attack ‫جسے کسی مہم میں پہل‬
2) We have hired a well-known firm to spearhead our marketing
or campaign etc.) ‫کرنے کےلیے چنا جائے‬
campaign this year.
1) The victim had to be subdued with sedatives before she would calm
To bring under control by
down enough to answer the investigator’s questions.
738 Subdued physical force, persuasion, ‫قابو میں ہونا‬
2) After working all night, the firemen finally subdued the gigantic blaze
or other means; overcome
that threatened the entire neighborhood.
an agent or drug that 1) She was so upset at the loss of her husband, that the doctor gave her a
sedates, having a calming sedative to calm her.
739 Sedative ‫سکون آور دوا‬
or soothing effect, or 2) My doctor advised me not to drive after I was given a sedative to relax
inducing sleep my nerves.
1) When my husband died, the anguish I felt was nearly unbearable.
‫ ذہنی‬- ‫شدید بے چینی‬
740 Anguish extreme suffering or grief 2) As an actor, you must often take your personal anguish and use it
while acting out a sad scene.
1) I had decided to keep my rendezvous with him.
A meeting at a prearranged
741 Rendezvous ‫ مالقات کا مقررہ مقام‬2) Their rendezvous would be the hotel at the airport.
time and place
3) The plan was to rendezvous on Sunday afternoon.
To give new life or energy
742 Reinvigorate ‫پھر توانائی سے بھر دینا‬
Deep awareness of the 1) Since the teenaged bully did not feel compassion for the young
suffering of another children he harassed, he never apologized for his actions.
743 Compassion ‫ رحم دلی‬- ‫ہمدردی‬
accompanied by the wish 2) The police officer’s voice was filled with compassion when she talked
to relieve it to the rape victim.
A difficult or painful 1) Even the experienced wedding planner found it quite an ordeal to plan
experience, especially one ‫ کڑی‬- ‫ کٹھن گھڑی‬and execute a ceremony in twenty-four hours.
744 Ordeal
that severely tests ‫آزمائش‬ 2) The hostage endured a horrible ordeal under the hands of his abusive
character or endurance kidnappers.
1) The scope of the project is so immense it will take us years to complete
the task.
745 Immense of a gigantic size ‫ نہایت وسیع‬- ‫انتہائی بڑا‬
2) The museum was so immense it took us two days to make our way
through it.
1) Your lack of erudition as a college graduate indicates that you have
acquired little knowledge.
profound scholarly 2) People appreciate Albert Einstein's erudition for structuring many
746 Erudition ‫علم و فضل‬
knowledge scientific theories.
3) Linda would challenge Sebastian's erudition by asking him the most
difficult questions.
Extremely unreasonable,
Spending the week in jail for stealing a loaf of bread is an absurd
747 Absurd incongruous, or ‫ بے تکا‬- ‫بے معنی‬
punishment for such a minor crime.
intended to destroy the 1) The government closely monitors subversive organizations to see if
power or influence of a they pose a threat to the country.
748 Subversive ‫انقالب پسند‬
government or an 2) The group published a subversive magazine that contained nothing
established belief but negative articles about the current government.
1) Only the diamond expert could see the subtle difference between the
real diamond and the fake one.
749 Subtle hard to notice or see
2) By looking closely, I could see the subtle difference between the twins.

Monica knew that images of the crash would always flash through her
750 Encumbrance burden or hindrance ‫ بوجھ‬- ‫رکاوٹ‬
mind at unexpected times and be an encumbrance to her peace of mind.
The activities of educating
or instructing; activities Because Mrs. Jones came up with lessons that were not only didactic but
751 Didactic ‫تعلیمی معلمانہ‬
that impart knowledge or also fun, everyone thought she was a fantastic teacher.
Be or do something to a When the demand for concert tickets outstrips supply, scalpers can make
752 Outstrip
greater degree a significant profit.
753 Begrime Make soiled, filthy or dirty Mother warned me not to begrime my clothes while playing outside.
754 Plenitude A full supply ‫ فروانی‬- ‫کثرت‬ They lived in a region blessed with a plenitude of natural resources.
The vacationers were enamored with the charming island and extended
755 Enamor To inspire with love
their trip so that they could spend more time there.
The floor just above the While waiting for our room to be prepared, we sat down for a cup of
756 Entresol
ground floor of a building coffee in the entresol of the hotel.
To transgress or exceed When Joan wrote her essay, she went out of her way to make sure she
757 Infringe ‫تجاوز کرنا‬
the limits of; violate did not infringe upon another writer’s ideas.
To give comfort or cheer to
I grieved quitely and solaced myself with the knowledge that she was in a
758 Solace (a person) in time of ‫ دالسا دینا‬- ‫تسلی دینا‬
better place.
sorrow or distress
The desire to stay in the
759 Heliophilia
sun; the love of sunlight
Nobility of spirit or action; Never have I seen such gallantry in the face of danger than I saw today in
760 Gallantry ‫ دلیری‬- ‫بہادری‬
courage these young women.
Immoderately desirous of His prehensile employers were so stingy that they replaced their workers
761 Prehensile ‫ اللچی‬- ‫حریص‬
acquiring e.g. wealth annual bonus with a keychain worth less than a dollar.
To complain peevishly or ‫ فریاد‬- ‫ رو کر فریاد کرنا‬I refused to do my chores, electing instead to yammer and whine about
762 Yammer
whimperingly ‫کرنا‬ the injustices of life.
Based primarily or surmise
Theories about the extincion of dinosaurs are still highly suppositious
763 Suppositious rather than adequate ‫قیاسی‬
and involve much educated guessing.
Large in number or
She took voluminous notes during the lecture, and her classmates begged
764 Voluminous quantity (especially of ‫کثیر‬
for copies.
To speak with involuntary "You--you must think me crazy," stammered Anne, trying to recover her
765 Stammer ‫ہکالنا‬
pauses or repetitions self-possession.
He was a cipher in the estimation of the public, and nobody attached any
766 Cipher A person of no influence ‫کم مرتبہ شخص‬
importance to what he thought or did.
Her sulfurous denunciation of the governor was aired on the news that
767 Sulfurous Harsh or corrosive in tone ‫ تلخ‬- ‫طنز یہ‬
Turned or twisted towards He noticed that his tie was cockeyed and made sure to straighten it
768 Cockeyed ‫مڑا ہوا‬
one side before meeting with the company executives.
769 Antsy Nervous and unable to relax ‫ بے چین‬- ‫بے سکون‬ The long wait made the children antsy.

Spoken, carried out, or

Having forgotten to prepare a lecture for today’s class, the teacher taught
770 Extempore composed with little or no ‫تیاری کے بغیر‬
an extempore lesson she came up with on the spot.
preparation or forethought
1) Since he had been remiss in making his car payments, Marcus was not
surprised when his car was repossessed.
2) Blake had become so remiss in his studies that he was now failing all
771 Remiss Lax in attending to duty ‫ الپرواہ‬- ‫غیر ذمہ دار‬
of his classes.

To turn aside from a

The car veered sharply to the left at the intersection and narrowly missed
772 Veer course, direction, or ‫ اچانک مڑنا‬- ‫سمت بدلنا‬
hitting a pedestrian.
When Joan gets upset, she often talks to inanimate objects that are
773 Inanimate Devoid of life ‫ بے روح‬- ‫بے جان‬
incapable of responding to her.
A light, self-propelled
‫ چھالنگ‬- ‫اچکنا‬
774 Saltation movement upwards or The kangaroo's effortless saltation was balletic and graceful.

1) I hardly ever learn anything in my history class because my teacher

always rambles off on a tangential topic that has nothing to do with
not directly related to history.
775 Tangential
something 2) In her latter years, my grandmother would often respond to our
questions with tangential responses that completely confused us.

A warning or an intimation
of something imminent, - ‫خبردار کرنے واال‬
776 Monition Verily, all too well do I understand the dream's portent and monition.
especially of impending ‫خبردار کرنے واال‬
To reimburse for a When the drug caused the man’s death, the manufacturer tried to atone
777 Atone ‫تالفی کرنا‬
wrongdoing for its mistake by offering the widow two million dollars.
Study intensively, as before I spent a week before my Latin final exam cramming, a strategy that paid
778 Cramming ‫رٹا لگانا‬
an exam off when I aced the class.
Not subject or susceptible Destiny was too potent, and her immutable laws had decreed my utter
779 Immutable
to change and terrible destruction.
‫کسی سوال کا فوری‬
A quick reply to a question
‫ ترکی بہ ترکی‬- ‫ جواب‬His sassy comment brought a sharp riposte from the teacher, and the
780 Riposte or remark (especially a
‫ منہ توڑ‬- ‫ جواب دینا‬shamed student's cheeks turned a deep crimson.
witty or critical one).
someone or something that 1) For the determined medical researcher, the cure for cancer is an
‫آسانی سے نہ سمجھ‬
781 Enigma is mysterious and difficult enigma which must be discovered.
‫میں آنے والی‬
to understand 2) The magician’s trick was an enigma to everyone in the audience.
Free from emotional Though chaos and panic swirled all about him, the fireman remained
782 Unperturbed ‫ پر اطمینان‬- ‫پر سکون‬
agitation or nervous tension unperturbed and calmly brought order to the scene.
‫ طرح‬- ‫ مختلف قسم کا‬The conference panel was comprised of a veritable smorgasbord of
783 Smorgasbord A varied collection
‫طرح کا‬ religious leaders promoting peace, unity, and understanding.
Failing to give due care or ‫ دھیان نہ رکھنے‬- ‫غافل‬
784 Unmindful And here he lived, unmindful of the world and by the word forgotten.
attention; inattentive ‫وال‬
Involving intelligence
She preffered to take a cerebral approach to the problem and sat for
785 Cerebral rather than emotions or ‫حکمت‬
hours in deep contemplation.
786 Adumbrate To give a sketchy outline of ‫ہلکی سی جھلک‬ The project's objectives were adumbrated in the report.
In order to score well on the exam, you must be able to regurgitate the
787 Regurgitate Repeat after memorizaion ‫دہرانا‬
Not knowlegable or skilled; To an uninitated onlooker, nothing could have been more ghastly or
788 Uninitiated
inexperienced absurd.
1) The woman’s husband was not a good cook, but was handy around the
Easily or effectively used; co house when things needed to be fixed.
789 Handy
nvenient or useful 2) A set of jumper cables in the trunk can be handy in the case of a
vehicle breakdown.
1) Since I didn’t study or attend class on a regular basis, it was simply a
an accidentally successful ‫ اتفاقی طور پر کوئی کام‬fluke that I passed the exam.
790 Fluke
stroke ‫درست ہونا‬ 2) Knowing my strict boss never found the good in any employee, it
seemed like a fluke that he would offer me a promotion.
1) Gas prices usually escalate during the summer because of the high
To increase in intensity, demand for fuel.
791 Escalation ‫ اضافہ کرنا‬- ‫زیادہ کرنا‬
extent, or amount 2) The tension between the police and city residents will escalate if the
officer is not arrested for shooting the unarmed teen.
1) If the hurricane comes near the city, the winds may enervate the flood
To weaken or destroy the walls and cause them to crumble.
792 Enervate ‫کمزور کردینا‬
strength or vitality of 2) The wrestler's plan was to deliver a crushing blow which would
enervate his opponent.

1) Even after being sentenced to life in prison, the impenitent man was
not sorry for his crimes.
793 Impenitent unapologetic; remorseless ‫ ناپشیمانی‬- ‫ڈھیٹ پن‬
2) The impenitent criminal felt no shame, but admitted guilt so that he
could avoid jail.

1) When Matt told Jill he loved her, he hoped she would respond with
actions or words that some type of endearment.
794 Endearment
convey affection 2) "Sweetheart” is an endearment that is frequently heard between two
people who are involved in a romantic relationship.
1) At the town hall meeting, residents began to fulminate over the
to complain angrily or
795 Fulminate ‫شدید تنقید کرنا‬ proposed tax increase.
2) He fulminated against corruption in governmental institutions.
1) According to many religions, it is a sin to terminate the sanctity of the
the condition of being holy marriage vows.
796 Sanctity ‫ حرمت‬- ‫تقدس‬
or having great value 2) The detective knew he could not violate the sanctity of the home
without a warrant.
1) The church members are trying to garner enough funds to purchase
the pastor a new house.
797 Garner to collect or accumulate ‫اکٹھا کرنا‬
2) If Gail wants to garner more laughs during her stand-up comedy
routine, she definitely needs to write funnier jokes.
1) My mother told me to always strive to do my best in school so that I
To exert much effort or could get into a good college.
798 Strive
energy; endeavor. ‫ کوشش‬- ‫ جدوجہد کرنا‬2) Even though she was the best swimmer on the team, she continued to
‫کرنا‬ strive to improve her swim times.
To handle, stroke, or touch l
799 Fondle ‫پیار سے چہونا‬ Mrs Williams fondled her cat as it sat beside her.
To make worse or more
800 Aggravate ‫ بدتر کرنا‬- ‫بگاڑنا‬ I left the party early so the noise would not aggravate my headache.
1) Because my brother has to spend more hours at his office than he
To feel strong or
likes, he tends to covet quality time with his family.
801 Covet immoderate desire for ‫ تمنا کرنا‬- ‫خواہش کرنا‬
2) As soon as the teen starlet wears an outfit in public, young girls
(that which is another's)
around the world immediately covet the same outfit.
1) Although Pat knew he was possibly putting his life in peril by enlisting
‫خطرے میں ہونے کی‬
Exposure to risk or harm; in the military, he wanted to help protect his country.
802 Peril ‫ خطرے کا امکان‬- ‫کیفیت‬
danger or jeopardy 2) To avoid peril, Helen should leave her house before the hurricane gets
any closer to shore.
1) Her description of her attacker was very vague.
Not clear in meaning or
803 Vague ‫غیر واضع‬ 2) Because Jason suffered a brain injury, he does not remember his
expression; inexplicit
childhood and has only a vague memory of his family.
1) If we ignore the gender dichotomy between the two candidates, we
a difference between two ‫ دو‬- ‫ دو اجزا میں تقسیم‬can easily tell they are both equally qualified for the security position.
804 Dichotomy
opposite things or ideas ‫فرعی تقسیم‬ 2) Because the dichotomy between my sister’s crazy actions and her
words was so obvious, everyone knew she had started drinking again.
To throw with great force; fl When people get mad at their computers, they will often think they want
805 Hurl ‫زور سے پھینکنا‬
ing to hurl it out the window causing it to smash on the ground.
1) Because of your repugnant behavior, I no longer want to be friends
Arousing disgust or
with you.
806 Repugnant aversion; offensive or ‫سخت ناگوار‬
2) There is nothing I find more repugnant in a relationship than
1) Since the students want to impress their teacher, they exhibit perfect
to purposefully show or
807 Exhibit ‫ ظاہر کرنا‬- ‫ نمایاں کرنا‬behavior in their class.
reveal something
2) Her work was exhibited in the best galleries in Europe.
1) The teenager displayed chivalry when he held the door open for the
girls in his group.
808 Chivalry courteous conduct
2) The lady was impressed by the knight’s chivalry and agreed to cheer
for him during the jousting match.
1) After the loan changes were made, the upshot was that more people
The final result; the out- qualified than in the past.
809 Upshot ‫ انجام‬- ‫نتیجہ‬
come 2) The likely upshot of fight is that both players will be banned from the
incapable of being Because Mark had not seen his wife in a long time, he felt an ineffable joy
810 Ineffable ‫ناقابل بیان‬
expressed in words when she walked off the boat.
harmful or evil in intent or
811 Maleficent ‫تکلیف دینے واال‬ The preacher said that Satan is a maleficent force that urges men to sin.
1) As a colonel in the army, John is a martinet who believes discipline is
an individual who the only path to success.
812 Martinet ‫سخت نظم و ضبط کا قائل‬
emphasizes discipline 2) The college football coach is known for being a martinet who suspends
his players when they do not follow the rules.
1) Although the billionaire claims to be a big proponent of AIDS research,
One who argues in support ‫کسی بات کی وکالت‬ he has not donated a single dollar to any of the research programs.
813 Proponent
of something; an advocate. ‫کرنے واال‬ 2) The politician is not a proponent of the healthcare system because he
believes the new system will cause a tax increase.
Determining or having the p
Even though three players got injured, a decisive point in the game came
814 Decisive ower to determine an ‫ حتمی‬- ‫فیصلہ کن‬
as my star player scored four times in a row.
A gentle touch or gesture
While the boy was in the hospital, his mother always made an effort to
815 Caress of fondness, tenderness, or l ‫پیار سے چہونا‬
caress his cheek and let him know she was still there.
1) If we do not find a way to circumvent this problem, we will not be able
To avoid or get around by to finish the project.
816 Circumvent ‫کسی طرح سے ٹال دینا‬
artful maneuvering 2) The computer hacker knew he would have to circumvent the firewall
in order to access the bank’s funds.
1) I am unable to make a final decision because of my protean nature
Readily taking on varied ‫ آسانی کے ساتھ جلد‬which makes me indecisive.
817 Protean
shapes, forms, or meanings ‫مختلف اشکال‬ 2) Because of Lance’s protean mood swings, the doctor thinks he may
have a bipolar disorder.
To cause to weaken, be
1) A bad diet can impair your ability to perform athletically.
818 Impair damaged, or diminish, as in ‫ قدر کم کرنا‬- ‫خراب کرنا‬
2) Smoking cigarettes will impair your overall level of health.
1) The intruder tried to give the authorities a specious excuse regarding
seems correct or true, but
his presence in the building.
819 Specious actually wrong or false;
2) Even though the defendant told a good tale, the jury found his
testimony to be specious.
Economic analysts reckon the economy is improving because fewer
820 Reckon To count or compute ‫ اندازہ لگانا‬- ‫تخمینہ لگانا‬
people are filing for unemployment benefits.
1) When Frank’s wife left him for another man, he became depressed,
To allay the sorrow or
821 Console ‫ تسلی دینا‬- ‫دالسا دینا‬ and there was nothing anyone could do to console him.
grief of (someone)
2) The President went to the hospital to console the military widows.
1) At the pinnacle of her career, Gail was on the cover of every
The highest point; the entertainment magazine.
822 Pinnacle ‫ بلندی‬- ‫عروج‬
culmination 2) George was making twenty million dollars a year when he reached the
pinnacle of his golf career.
having excessive
A rabid football fan, Jimmy paints his face with his team's colour before
823 Rabid enthusiasm for something ‫کٹر‬
every game, even if he is just going to be watching it on TV.
or someone
1) The exterminator said it would cost over three hundred dollars to
extirpate the termites from the foundation of our house.
824 Extirpate To destroy totally; kill off ‫جڑ سے ختم کرنا‬
2) If Jack is lucky, the surgery will extirpate all of the cancer cells from his
1) Despite the fact that he had lost everything, he would not let himself
825 Despair To lose all hope ‫ مایوسی‬- ‫ناامیدی‬
2) Rather than despair, the man was convinced to use this loss as
motivation to work even harder.
filled with anticipation and
826 Agog ‫اشتیاق‬ The little kids were agog as they waited for Santa Claus to arrive.
A feeling of great happiness ‫بہت خوشی محسوس‬
827 Euphoric His parents were less than euphoric about the news of his engagement.
or well-being. ‫کرنے واال‬
a picture of someone in
‫ایسا خاکہ جس میں کسی‬
which their features have The picture of the president is not a caricature because it does not distort
828 Caricature ‫شخص کا مذاق اڑایا‬
been exaggerated for his facial features.
humorous effect
The gymnast hopes she can reprise her perfect performance in next
829 Reprise to repeat something ‫دہرانا‬
week’s competition.
1) The committee meetings are desultory in practice because they
not having a plan or generally have no real purpose other than as a social gathering.
830 Desultory ‫ بے نظام‬- ‫بے ترتیب‬
purpose 2) Because he was not happy with his pay increase, James made only a
desultory effort to complete his duties at work.
1) A gift was given by the students to their teacher to demonstrate
The state of being grateful; t gratitude for all the things she taught them this school year.
831 Gratitude ‫ممنونیت کا اظہار‬
hankfulness. 2) Expressing her gratitude during the acceptance speech, the actress
thanked her husband and parents for their support.
1) In a troubled economy like this one, a recession is inevitable and
Impossible to avoid or
832 Inevitable ‫حتمی‬ expected within the next three months.
prevent; certain to happen
2) As the dark clouds loomed overhead, I realized the rain was inevitable.

833 Levity a lack of seriousness ‫سنجیدگی کی کمی‬ The levity in the author’s latest novel makes the book a winning comedy.
Capable of being accepted; a Judge Taylor declared the evidence against the defendant admissible in
834 Admissible ‫ قابل قبول‬- ‫قابل تسلیم‬
llowable court which became detrimental to the defense’s case.
1) The new iPhone will soon supplant last year’s model and become the
To take the place of or
835 Supplant ‫تبدیل کرنا‬ most popular mobile device.
substitute for (another)
2) A text message cannot supplant an actual phone call because it is
‫تفصیالت کے ساتھ‬
To explain in detail; The purpose of the author’s second book is to expound the philosophical
836 Expound ‫وضاحت کرنا‬
elucidate theories he proposed in his first work.
To make very angry or When I learned the airline had lost my luggage, I became exasperated
837 Exasperate ‫غصہ دالنا‬
impatient; annoy greatly. and screamed at the counter attendant.
to show or express clearly; Although they evince an appearance of stability, I’ve heard that their
838 Evince ‫ظاہر کرنا‬
to make plain marriage is beginning to crumble.
To take more time than If the servers dawdle when delivering orders, they will find themselves
839 Dawdle
necessary with a bunch of angry customers.
Lacking or marked by a - ‫ہچکچانے واال‬
Because Sarah had never sung in public before, she was diffident about
840 Diffident lack of self-confidence; ‫دوسروں سے کترانے‬
trying out for the talent show.
shy and timid ‫واال‬
To prove to be wrong or in e Hoping to confute her professor’s claim, the confident student looked for
841 Confute ‫غلط ثابت کرنا‬
rror; refute decisively. sources that would back her beliefs.
an abilility to immediately 1) He had an intuition that something had gone wrong.
842 Intuition understand something 2) Having decades of experience, his intuition told him that something
without reasoning or proof was not quite right.
Planned or accomplished Without concerted determination from lawmakers, the bill will never
843 Concerted ‫ متفقہ‬- ‫مشترکہ‬
together; combined become a law.
To promote the growth and 1) The man hoped to foster a strong work ethic in his son.
844 Foster
development of; cultivate 2) They are keen to foster trading links with the West.
Very skilled or accomplish- Although Stephanie seems to have a hard time in science, she is adept at
845 Adept ‫انتہائی ماہر‬
ed solving math equations.
To evade or escape from, as 1) The criminal was able to elude the police in the crowded mall.
‫ کسی طرح‬- ‫چکمہ دینا‬
846 Elude by daring, cleverness, or 2) Jason hurried out of the grocery store in an attempt to elude his crazy
‫سے ٹال دینا‬
skill ex-girlfriend.
To incur th dislike of;
847 Antagonize provoke hostility or enmity ‫ خالف کرنا‬- ‫ دشمن بنا نا‬She antagonized her officemates with her rude behavior.
To listen secretly to the
Six-year old Karen put her ear to the door to eavesdrop on her parents
848 Eavesdrop private conversation of othe ‫چھپ کر بات سننا‬
who were discussing whether Karen could attend the party.
The classroom looked like a war zone after the rambunctious
849 Rambunctious Boisterous and disorderly ‫ ہلڑباز‬- ‫ادھم مچانے واال‬
kindergartners ran around knocking things onto the ground.
The central idea; the ‫ کسی بات کا‬- ‫خالصہ‬
850 Gist Because Ken told his story in a confusing way, I could not get the gist of it.
essence ‫نچوڑ‬

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