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Tableau Public:!/vizhome/computershopeeTableauStoryboar

Three specific design choices

• The visualisation has been well marked with titles and subtitles and annotations
to show what the data represents in the charts so its easy to read and understand.
For better understanding of the data, I have provided context about the data
what it means and represent before going ahead with the charts and visualization
• I have used colour in my data to show different index score. I have attempted to
keep the colouring consistent throughout the presentation so as to minimise
cognitive load and related similar index score to same colour as well as keep
minimal use contrasting colours.
• As the data is consists of computers and furniture sales data ranges from 2000 to
2020 the chart choice has been to show economies performance into Maps and to
show growth trend from 2000 to 2020 into line chart. I have also made a dual axis
map in the ‘World Average Index Score’ Story slide in order to integrate data Income
time and index performance

Reflection of final project comparison to original project proposal.

Please see original Project Proposal below

The final project has been in line with the original project proposal, with the help of data I was able
to provide answers to the goal set for the presentation firstly to understand equal economic
growth among economies as well to identify the key areas where improvement is needed. I have
addressed both the key asks in my visualisation.

The initial challenge thought by me as to how to prioritise the category in order to identify which
category to prioritise over the other would be a difficult ask.

I was able to get answers to this question during the process as I could see the progress being made
over the year in each indicator category in more qualitative sense and I was able to come up with
conclusive answer in the end.
Original Project Proposal
Executive Summary.

I have picked data which explores into gender inequality in the context of economic empowerment
and opportunity. This is one of the targets on UN Sustainability growth to achieve equal economic
empowerment and potential for women. The data comes from World bank, they have collected
data on laws and regulation that restricts women’s economic opportunities. The reason why I have
picked the data is as it very extensive. It covers 190 countries and for time period 2000 to
2020.Hence making the data varying for longer time period and countries to have a
better understanding and stark difference between the economies.


Business Case: The goal of the project is to measure the progress made over the year by economies
to achieve gender equality. The data is extensive enough for comparison to be made across regions
and then further drill down at company level.

Intended Outcome: The intended outcome is to identify the progress made towards achieving
UN Sustainability goal over the years and gender equality across economies.


Audience: The final presentation is intended for policy advisor in order to provide them with the
analysis and understanding of trends across economies on laws and regulation that restrict
equal economic growth as well identify the areas of change in order to improve women’s
economic opportunities.


Data Sources: The data comes from World Bank project ‘Women, Business and Law’ which collects
data on laws and regulations that restrict women’s economic opportunities.

Data Quality: Data is very crisp and clean

Data Timeliness: Data is for the time period 2000 to 2020. The data is not updated very frequently
as it is vast and covers various topics


Format: The Visualization will in a story format, well narrated and largely static with very less
interactions provided. As the data covers over 50 years it becomes difficult to present that all so
a filter and interaction for time period seems accurate.

• Presentation Vehicle –Desktop and Printed Deck.


As the laws covers multiple areas of laws that are currently being measured in the data. Difficult to
emphasis or prioritize these issues over one another. Whether issue related to freedom of
movement is over and above another issue of financial independence for women. No single
answer can be provided of what to be improved first.
Persona: Policy Advisor

Role: UN Policy Advisor

Name: Helen

Age: 40

Gender: Female

Education: Master’s in Foreign Affairs and

Public Administration


• Wants quickly drive trends and present key challenges to colleagues

• Wants to measure progress towards achievement of UN Sustainability goal
• Wishes to identify key areas with least progress over the years

Challenges & Needs

• Interested in learning the trend over the years and across region.
• Is there a common theme of policy issues across regions and countries


Yearly update report for advisors to review current economic policies. Printed Summary.

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