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Student:Avetisyan Lilya

Faculty:Gestion 3

Teacher:Syuzan Poghosyan

Why Introverts May Be Better at Business Than Extroverts.

Every business environment in the world is comprised of a hodgepodge of

individuals, all with different traits that make any workplace unique. But, beyond
the obvious differences of race, gender and ethnicity lies something a bit more
complex and harder to discern: introverts and extroverts.
If I asked you who might make the best entrepreneur, an introvert or an
extrovert, most people would say extroverts. After all, most have the gift of gab,
never seem to meet a stranger and could sell ice to an Inuit.
Yet you wouldn’t be wrong if you're also thinking that introverts can bring just as
much to the table -- if not more.
Introverts after all have the ability to focus for long periods of time; they have a
propensity for balanced and critical thinking; and they feel comfortable
empowering others. In fact, there are some famous introverts out there who have
changed the way we do business -- among them Bill Gates, Steve Wozniak, Mark
Zuckerberg and Warren Buffett. No one can deny how those guys have changed
things and how much they’ve brought to the table.
Introverts tend to be successful entrepreneurs because they are capable of
leading a company from a very focused place. They are also interested in
leadership -- not for personal glory, but for the good of the company. Their
emphasis is on creating something, rather than amplifying their own persona.
Here are a few other traits that make introverts well-suited for entrepreneurship:

1. They crave solitude.

Most of the time it’s easy to dismiss the person sitting quietly in the corner as
weird or anti-social, but instead of thinking that, you should ask yourself, what
are they seeing or thinking right now? Why? Because introverts process
information internally. Whereas extroverts verbalize a lot more, and often,
introverts prefer to observe. Don’t worry, they’ll chime in when they have
something to say.Introverts prefer to think about the task at hand or the next
project before acting upon an idea. This is beneficial when executing a business
plan, tasks that require a lot of attention to detail or come up with new
strategies once the venture is launched.

2. They have no need for external affirmation.

When introverts believe their ideas are good, they don’t back down, nor do
they look for someone else to validate their position. While they welcome
external validation, that validation is not a crucial part of the process, nor does
it define or distract them from the ultimate goal. They have a clear vision about
what’s worth pursuing and what’s best being left alone.

3. Can you hear me now?

Introverts like to make order out of chaos and they achieve that by listening,
observing and analyzing a situation.

Introverts may not be the best speakers, but they certainly are good listeners
and tend to ask the right questions. In some instances, talk is cheap. Listening
is worth its weight in gold. Introverts also don’t seek the limelight. They prefer
to have their work speak for them, and this can be an advantage if you’re in
sales or marketing.

Just remember: Sometimes listening is just as good, if not better, than talking.

4. They’re realists and can remain objective.

Just as happened during the Enlightenment period, when ideas centered
around reason, introverts can remain objective through tense moments; they
have the ability to see multiple points of view and different ways of reaching a
solution to the problem at hand. They may have an emotional connection, but
emotion won’t overrule their rationality. As a result, they can act diplomatically
if needed and take control of the situation.

In conclusion I would say that you never know where the next Bill Gates or
Mark Zuckerberg will come from. And "introvert" may not be the first word
you think of when you think "entrepreneur," but don’t ignore it either. You
could be the one missing out on something great.

1)hodgepodge-a confused mixture; a hotchpotch

2)obvious-clear, self-evident

3)entrepreneur-a person who sets up a business or businesses, taking on

financial risks in the hope of profit.

4)empower-give (someone) the authority or power to do something.

5)crave-feel a powerful desire for (something).

6)inner-situated inside or further in; internal.

7)back down-withdraw a claim or assertion in the face of opposition.

8)validation-an act, process, or instance of validating

9)interrupt-stop the continuous progress of (an activity or process).

10)edgewise-from one side

11)infuriate-make (someone) extremely angry and impatient.

12)remain-continue to exist, especially after other similar people or things

have ceased to do so.

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