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Activating Your Magical Capacities & Abilities

Clearings for Call 3

Everything that does not allow you to use your magic capacities and abilities to
commune with everything around you, Everything that is will you destroy and
uncreate all of that times a godzillion, Right, wrong, good, bad, all nine, pod, poc,
shorts, boys, and beyonds. ®

All of the Projections expectation separation judgements rejections that you have of
Molecular communion, Everything that is will you destroy and uncreate all of that
times a godzillion, Right, wrong, good, bad, all nine, pod, poc, shorts, boys, and
beyonds. ®

Everywhere you have tried communing with the molecules and it did not change or it
did not work out the way you thought it should or you asked it to, so you decided
that you have no abilities to commune with the molecules, will you destroy and
uncreate all of that times a godzillion, Right, wrong, good, bad, all nine, pod, poc,
shorts, boys, and beyonds. ®

What energy, space and consciousness can my body and I be to commune with all of
the molecules with total ease for all eternity? Everything that is I destroy and
uncreate all of that times a godzillion, Right, wrong, good, bad, all nine, pod, poc,
shorts, boys, and beyonds. ®

Anywhere where you have been creating magic from the space of Trauma Drama will
you destroy and uncreate all of that times a godzillion, Right, wrong, good, bad, all
nine, pod, poc, shorts, boys, and beyonds. ®

Glenyce Hughes, Facilitator of Possibilities

What have you made so vital about never communing with the molecules that keeps
you stuck in the limitations of this reality? everything that is will you destroy and
uncreate all of that times a godzillion, Right, wrong, good, bad, all nine, pod, poc,
shorts, boys, and beyonds. ®

Everywhere where you have been stopping the possibilities in your life, within your
world, within the entire universe by not being willing to the space to communicate with
the molecules around you , will you destroy and uncreate all of that times a godzillion,
Right, wrong, good, bad, all nine, pod, poc, shorts, boys, and beyonds. ®

All of your DJCCs (decisions, judgments, conclusions, computations) and PSERs

(projection, separation, expectation, rejection) you have about what it means if
something is light to choose it, will you will you revoke, recant, rescind, renounce,
denounce, reclaim, destroy, and un-create all of that times a godzillion? Right, wrong,
good, bad, all nine, pod, poc, shorts, boys, and beyonds.  ®

Everywhere where you have mis-identified and misapplied light and heavy, will you
destroy and uncreate it times a godzillion, Right, wrong, good, bad, all nine, pod, poc,
shorts, boys, and beyonds. ®

All the oaths, vows, commitments, promises, obligations, commealties,

fealties and anything I haven't mentioned that you have to opening
portals will you revoke, recant, rescind, reclaim, renounce, denounce,
destroy and uncreate all of that, right, wrong, good, bad, all nine, pod,
poc, shorts, boys and beyonds.®

Glenyce Hughes, Facilitator of Possibilities

What if magic is a choice? everything that doesn't allow that destroy, and un-create
all of that times a godzillion? Right, wrong, good, bad, all nine, pod, POC, shorts,
boys, and beyonds. ®

Everywhere where you are equalising your magic, Everything that is will you destroy
and uncreate all of that times a godzillion, Right, wrong, good, bad, all nine, pod,
POC, shorts, boys, and beyonds. ®

Everywhere you're hiding the magic you truly be, Everything that is will you destroy
and uncreate all of that times a godzillion, Right, wrong, good, bad, all nine, pod,
POC, shorts, boys, and beyonds. ®

What equalization are you using to create the limited magic you were choosing,
Everything that is will you destroy and uncreate all of that times a godzillion, Right,
wrong, good, bad, all nine, pod, POC, shorts, boys, and beyonds. ®

Glenyce Hughes, Facilitator of Possibilities

What equalisation are you using to make others your equals are you choosing,
Everything that is will you destroy and uncreate all of that times a godzillion, Right,
wrong, good, bad, all nine, pod, POC, shorts, boys, and beyonds. ®

How many forms of equalisation are you using to create The non- magical, Limited life
you are choosing Everything that is will you destroy and uncreate all of that times a
godzillion, Right, wrong, good, bad, all nine, pod, POC, shorts, boys, and beyonds.

Would you be willing to be greater than others, Everything that is will you destroy and
uncreate all of that times a godzillion, Right, wrong, good, bad, all nine, pod, POC,
shorts, boys, and beyonds. ®

Everywhere you mis-identified and misapplied acknowledging your capacities and

abilities meant you have to tell the world, Everything that is will you destroy and
uncreate all of that times a godzillion, Right, wrong, good, bad, all nine, pod, POC,
shorts, boys, and beyonds. ®

How much equalisation are you using to maintain The wrongness of you & The
wrongness the magic you truly be are you choosing Everything that is will you destroy
and uncreate all of that times a godzillion, Right, wrong, good, bad, all nine, pod,
POC, shorts, boys, and beyonds. ®

How much Equalisation are you using to avoid the magical life Beyond anything you
never know possible are you choosing Everything that is will you destroy and
uncreate all of that times a godzillion, Right, wrong, good, bad, all nine, pod, POC,
shorts, boys, and beyonds. ®

All of the magic you have been in any life time everything that doesn't allow you to
access that now destroy and uncreate all of that times a godzillion, Right, wrong,
good, bad, all nine, pod, POC, shorts, boys, and beyonds. ®

What are you refusing to be that if you Be it would activate more magic in your life
than you never imagined possible everything that does not allow you to be it now,
destroy and uncreate all of that times a godzillion, Right, wrong, good, bad, all nine,
pod, POC, shorts, boys, and beyonds. ®

Glenyce Hughes, Facilitator of Possibilities

Everywhere where you are refusing to be greedy will you destroy and uncreate all of
that times a godzillion, Right, wrong, good, bad, all nine, pod, POC, shorts, boys, and
beyonds. ®

Everywhere you have decided Magic is outside of you and you have to access it
instead of be it will you destroy and uncreate all of that times a godzillion, Right,
wrong, good, bad, all nine, pod, POC, shorts, boys, and beyonds. ®

Anywhere you're not willing to choose to be the magic you truly be will you destroy
and uncreate all of that times a godzillion, Right, wrong, good, bad, all nine, pod,
POC, shorts, boys, and beyonds. ®

All the Hows in your life you have been trying to figure out, will you destroy and
uncreate all of that times a godzillion, Right, wrong, good, bad, all nine, pod, POC,
shorts, boys, and beyonds. ®

Are you willing to be a judge for being scandalous, Everything that is will you destroy
and uncreate all of that times a godzillion, Right, wrong, good, bad, all nine, pod,
POC, shorts, boys, and beyonds. ®

Anywhere you're not willing to be the capacity of scandalous, Everything that is will
you destroy and uncreate all of that times a godzillion, Right, wrong, good, bad, all
nine, pod, POC, shorts, boys, and beyonds. ®

How much equalisation are you using to create the always trying to figure out the how
you are choosing, Everything that is will you destroy and uncreate all of that times a
godzillion, Right, wrong, good, bad, all nine, pod, POC, shorts, boys, & beyonds. ®

Everywhere your equalized to slow down, dumb yourself down so that other people
can feel good about themselves, Everything that is will you destroy and uncreate all
of that times a godzillion, Right, wrong, good, bad, all nine, pod, POC, shorts, boys,
& beyonds. ®

Glenyce Hughes, Facilitator of Possibilities

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