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How to Generate Organic Traffic 


5 Quick Tips to Generate more Traffic 


1. Ask Yourself Who is your Audience? 

Who do you wanna work with? Where are those people - find them - get to know them so 
you understand HOW to talk to them. 

2. Create Great Content  

If you go for Organic Traffic, you need to Create Great Content. This is a big problem for 
many, so if you listen to Podcasts, read/listen to (audio) books... and still cant find a 
way to create an Appealing Text > OUTSOURCE! 
There are great copywriters out there, who will be happy to help you. 

3. Start a Facebook Group 

A group is a place where - if you do it right, put in Time and Work - Magic can happen. I 
have, together with my Partner grown our group within 2 month from 500 to 1600. 
All targeted. 
Invest Time, Love and Energy in your Group and you will see that it pays off. 

4. Get ACTIVE in OTHER Groups 

Answer Questions, Help people out - 
become the "Go To Person"! 
Share your Story, share your Knowledge and make people think "this guy/gal seems to 
be everywhere"  
Visit and hang out in Groups where People are Chatting about your product/service. 


5. Use YOUR Personal Facebook Profile 

Make sure you have your Profile all set up, so it looks Appealing to your Audience. 
What do I mean by that? 
Your Profile must not look like a Salespage. 
Make it personal, keep it clean, show up every day by posting & sharing your story with 
your audience! 
Keep in mind, that your FB Profile is driving more traffic to your business/opportunites 
than anything else and by building a good one, you will not only drive traffic, but also 
build up a Personal Brand. 
Give out everything you know, without expecting anything in return. Value first - then 


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