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European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences 2020; 24: 4548-4553

Current practice and potential strategy in

diagnosing COVID-19
D.-Y. WAN1, X.-Y. LUO1, W. DONG2, Z.-W. ZHANG2

The West China College of Medicine, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China


Department of Intensive Care Medicine, West China Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China

D.-Y. Wan, X.-Y. Luo, and W. Dong contributed equally in writing this article

Abstract. – OBJECTIVE: To summarize the SARS-CoV-2 is a single-stranded RNA virus

current practice and potential strategy in diag- that belongs to the coronavirus β genus, struc-
nosing coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). tural proteins of which include S proteins, N
MATERIALS AND METHODS: PubMed, Web proteins, M proteins, and E proteins2. Its infecting
of Science were systematically searched us-
ing terms including “COVID-19”, “SARS-CoV-2” procedure shares a great similarity with SARS-
and “2019-nCoV”. After removing duplicates, we CoV2,3. By binding to the angiotensin-converting
then identified articles, letters and commentar- enzyme 2 receptor on the outside membrane, the
ies regarding diagnosing COVID-19. virus gradually fuses into the host cell, causing
RESULTS: Here we summarized relatively ma- great damage to its original function.
ture diagnostic methods like nuclear acid test This novel coronavirus is mainly transmitted
and computed tomography. Besides, new aspects
regarding these detection methods like suitable
by aerosol like respiratory droplets generated
specimens for nuclear acid test, possible use of during coughing and sneezing by symptomatic
18F-FDG PET/CT were also reported. Especially, patients4. Caution is due here since asymptom-
we also presented several novel techniques for di- atic patients in incubation period can also help
agnosing COVID-19 like lung ultrasound. its transmission. Besides, the median incubation
CONCLUSIONS: Chinese Clinical Guidance for period is 6.4 days, ranging from 2.1 days to 11.1
COVID-19 Pneumonia Diagnosis and Treatment days5. This long period can cause great trouble in
(7th edition) by National Health Commission is
recommended to follow as it provides detailed containing this widely-spread pandemic. Failing
diagnostic procedures using currently available in restraining international transportation result-
tools. We suggest clinicians further explore the ed in a surge in the number of suspected and
saliva’s utility as a specimen for nuclear acid test confirmed infections globally. To slow down its
and the use of lung ultrasound. spread and eventually contain it, accurate, rapid
and convenient screening and diagnostic methods
Key Words:
COVID-19, Diagnosis, Nuclear acid test, CT image,
are of great significance. Here we summarized
IgM-IgG test. current practice and potential strategies in diag-
nosing COVID-19. This brief review may be of
help to clinicians who work in fever clinics or
perform screening in public areas.

In December 2019, a new type of coronavirus Diagnosis

broke out in Wuhan and spread rapidly in China.
Later, other regions around the world soon report- Clinical Features
ed confirmed cases. In February 2020, the coro- At the early onset of this pandemic disease, a
navirus study group of the International Com- report from Hubei initially summarized clinical
mittee on Taxonomy of Virus named the virus characteristics of 138 patients6. The authors found
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus that the most common symptoms were fever
2 (SARS-CoV-2). As of March 16, 2020, the virus (98.6%), fatigue (69.6%) and dry cough (59.4%)
has infected more than 80,000 people in China and that elderly patients were more likely to prog-
and more than 90,000 in other countries, posing a ress into a severe stage and later be transferred
significant threat to global public health security1. to intensive care units. Recently, Spiteri et al7

4548 Corresponding Author: Zhong-Wei Zhang, MD; e-mail:

Current practice and potential strategy in diagnosing COVID-19

reported 20 cases of COVID-2019 in European One of the limitations of RT-PCR is the

region, clinical manifestations of which share time-consuming procedures involved in prac-
some similarity with those of patients reported tical settings. Besides, its accuracy also needs
from Wuhan. Fever was also found to be the most great improvements. To satisfy the growing
common syndrome (n=20; 52.63%), followed by needs for a rapid and accurate NAT method for
cough (n=14; 36.84%), weakness (n=8; 21.05%) COVID-19, several researches were done and
and headache (n=6; 15.79%). some of them generated rather promising out-
comes. Pfefferle et al17 described a new method,
Laboratory Examination cobas 6800 in detail. This integrated technol-
Blood samples of suspected patients were rou- ogy performed on a high-throughput platform
tinely collected when they entered the hospital. allows less hands-on time while maintaining
Indexes like white blood cell count and concen- fast and reliable results. In another study, Chan
trations of C-reactive protein were then detected. et al18 illustrated three novel real-time RT-
Lippi et al8 summarized several abnormal labora- PCR methods targeting at the RNA-dependent
tory manifestations in COVID-19 infected peo- RNA polymerase, envelope and nucleocapsid
ple. They recommended some possible indexes genes from SARS-CoV-2. Of notice, this newly
for identifying suspected patients like increase in developed assay, entitled COVID-2019-RdRp/
CRP concentration and decrease in both leuko- Hel, had a relatively lower limit of detection.
cytes and lymphocytes. Combined with the fact that saliva contained
higher concentration of viral load14, this tech-
Nuclear Acid Test nique may significantly reduce the false nega-
Real time reverse-transcription poly chain re- tive numbers and therefore limit the spread of
action (RT-PCR), the usual detection method for SARS-CoV-2. Apart from real time RT-PCR,
common respiratory virus is also the primary fluorescence quantitative PCR (FQ-PCR) was
diagnostic means for 2019-nCoV9,10. However, also proposed19. The report declared their expe-
current positive rates of this test can vary greatly, rience of applying high-throughput sequencing
depending on types of the specimens and gene to further the inconclusive result generated by
fragments used. the FQ-PCR.
Liu et al11 collected laboratory results of 4,880
cases from Jan 22 to Feb 14 in Renmin Hospital
of Wuhan University and found that the positive Imaging Features
rate of tests based on nucleocapsid protein se-
quence was 40.81%. But in Wang et al12, positive Computed Tomography
rate of test targeting at open reading form 1ab Though NAT is considered as the gold stan-
was reported to be 32.27%. As for different spec- dard for COVID-19, abundant false positive
imens, things were even more complicated. Re- cases indicate that another complimentary tool
cently, several researches investigated the biodis- is needed. Computed tomography (CT) then
tribution of COVID-19 in different tissues. It was acts as such tool20,21. This method was basically
found that, apart from excretion from respiratory available in all sorts of medical institutions and
tract, the virus can also be detected in blood12, can generate outcomes rapidly. Bilateral ground
tears13, oral fluids14 and feces12,15,16. However, tests glass opacity was discovered in 98% of the
on feces, blood, tears only have positive rates suspected cases in one study22. A more detailed
measuring 29% (n=44), 1% (n=3) and 5% (n=1) article reporting imaging features of different
respectively, which cannot satisfy the needs for disease stages was available recently23. Patchy
accurate diagnosis12,13. Fortunately, saliva had a ground glass opacities in the peripheral areas
remarkable performance in serving as samples. with partial consolidation in the center were
In a diagnostic study, self-collected saliva of found in most of the common patients. Larger
91.7% of patients generated positive outcomes14. areas of opacities and consolidations can be
Despite the high positive rates, procedures for discovered in severe patients. Of note, while one
sampling saliva also involve less exposure chanc- lesion can be absorbed under correct medical
es, further guaranteeing clinicians’ safety. How- care, another novel lesion may soon appear in
ever, the limited cases involved restrain its usage another area. This phenomenon may inform us
in practical settings. Thus, more relevant studies of the necessity of repeated CT scanning for
are urgently needed. closely evaluating disease progression.

D.-Y. Wan, X.-Y. Luo, W. Dong, Z.-W. Zhang

To evaluate its accuracy in identifying pa- unpractical in most clinical settings, and the other
tients with COVID-19 from suspected groups, reason is the risk of disease spreading due to the
a report of 1,014 cases analyzed the correlation long period it takes.
of chest CT and NAT24. Researchers discovered
that the positive rate of CT test was much higher
than that of RT-PCR. Attention is needed when Immunological Examinations
clinicians interpret the results. 52% of 308 pa- When combined together, detection methods
tients with negative RT-PCR but positive CT mentioned above are of help in identifying in-
results were not considered as confirmed cases fected patients in clinical settings. Nevertheless,
at last. That is to say, CT test is more likely to containing COVID-19 demands detection meth-
generate false positive outcomes, which may ods with large scale screening and field detection
result in waste of medical resources. Worse still, ability, neither of which is satisfied by etiological
the error can hardly be estimated as suspected detection or medical imaging technology.
patients with positive CT images may eventually Fortunately, a qualified method was success-
be affected in hospitals full of genuine patients. fully developed31. This novel technique uses lat-
Li et al20 specially demonstrated its defect in eral flow immunoassay to detect IgM and IgG
differentiating COVID-19 from other viruses, antibodies against COVID-19 in human blood
partially explaining the high false positive rate. samples simultaneously. Apart from the short
Besides, the accuracy of CT test depends greatly period, both sensitivity and specificity are also
on the radiologist. In the research by Ai et al24, remarkably high. It may suggest its potential use
we may notice that an expert with 12 years of as a diagnostic tool for rapid screening in public
experience was involved in the interpretation. area like airport, station, etc. Of notice, this tech-
nique can only tell whether the subject is infected
recently instead of the current conditions.
Lung Ultrasound
Apart from CT, lung ultrasound (US) was also
recommended recently25. It was once reported Prospects
to be superior to standard CT for evaluation of
pneumonia or respiratory distress syndrome26. The paragraph above illustrated the results ob-
Peng et al27 performed lung US on 20 patients and tained from different specimens. Current samples
summarized five main clinical findings, including used in clinical settings are mainly nasal or pha-
thickening of the irregular pleural line. Besides, a ryngeal swabs, which usually generate positive
strong connection between ultrasonography find- rates only measuring 40% or so11. However, we
ings and the disease stages was also reported. may notice a study discovering that saliva showed
This indicates its great use in dynamically mon- a remarkable performance in RT-PCR tests14. We
itoring COVID-19 progression. Chinese Critical therefore recommend researchers to focus on this
Ultrasound Study Group published Critical-Ul- utility and further explore the accuracy of NAT
trasound-based Recommendations on Severe detecting this specimen.
COVID-19 recently, in which lung US findings Notably, though blood and tears did not seem
and relevant managements were described in to be of interest during diagnostic procedures,
detail28. they were reported to have a strong relationship
with specific clinical manifestations. Chen et
al32 reported a group of 58 cases. Patients with
F-FDG PET/CT detectable viral RNA in blood all gradually de-
F-FDG PET/CT is a technology that can re- veloped to a severe stage. The only sample of
flect changes in metabolic and functional states in tear that yielded positive results was collected
patients while observing pathogenic structures of from a patient with conjunctivitis13. Nevertheless,
lesion sites. Qin et al29 reported clinical findings inherent defects in both studies resulted in these
gained by 18F-FDG PET/CT. Ground-glass opaci- unconvincing statements. More researches are
ties showed a high tracer uptake of 18F-FDG. Be- still needed for further illustrations.
sides, the image firstly suggested that COVID-19 Besides, lung US also seemed to be a prom-
may cause lymphadenitis. However, a letter ising technology available in most clinical set-
against its use for diagnosis was published30. One tings with ability to provide rapid outcomes25.
reason is the complex procedure needed would be Of notice, this technique was also reported to

Current practice and potential strategy in diagnosing COVID-19

have several limits27. For example, it can not help those who are fighting at the frontline and
detect pathological changes that are deep in the the containment of this pandemic.
lung and therefore CT would still be of neces-
sity. 18F-FDG PET/CT proposed by Qin et al29
may not be available in clinical use due to its Conflict of Interest
inherent defects. However, as it can reveal ab- The Authors declare that they have no conflict of interests.
normal metabolic and functional manifestations
of COVID-19, it may serve as an investigation
tool for the time being.
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