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12 Misconceptions About Member

Missionary Work
Originally posted by Jeremy Goff.

Are one of the 12 misconceptions about missionary work holding you back from sharing
the Gospel? Here are 12 misconceptions about missionary work. We either tell
ourselves these things, or we’ve been told them by others. Once we understand these
are misconceptions, we can overcome them, and receive the blessings of sharing the
Gospel. And, once we are true member missionaries, we truly will unleash an army that
would make hell itself shake in fear.

1st. It’s the missionaries job, not mine.

This is the most common misconception, “It’s not my duty, it’s the missionaries” it has
taken hold in the culture, and stems from the idea that missionaries do the missionary
work. But the doctrine is they are to help us do our missionary work.

When I was a missionary, I was talking with a ward mission leader and he asked, “What
is your goal in this area Elder Goff?” and I replied, “We are here to help the members in
their missionary duties” He replied “That is a nice propaganda line” I replied “That’s the
doctrine” he replied “where does it say that?” I told him “April 2008 Elder Bednar.”

This Ward Mission leader was humble, and he read the talk, then the following fast
Sunday he stood up and bore his testimony about our conversation he then told the
congregation (paraphrasing) “It is not propaganda, it is doctrine, I’ve had it wrong my
whole life, we’ve all had it wrong, let’s do our duty”

Here is what he read that changed his mind.

“A common element in many of our prayers is a request that the missionaries will be led
to individuals and families who are prepared to receive the message of the Restoration.
But ultimately it is my responsibility and your responsibility to find people for the
missionaries to teach. Missionaries are full-time teachers; you and I are full-time finders.
And you and I as lifelong missionaries should not be praying for the full-time
missionaries to do our work!” -Elder David A. Bednar April 2008

Sharing the Gospel is every members duty.

2nd. We are “helping” the missionaries, in “missionary work”.

When the missionaries ask for help teaching a lesson, or for a ride, we often think to
ourselves “Do I have time to help the missionaries?” Often the reply is nope, I am too
busy. We should be rethinking this to “Do I have the time to keep my covenants? Do I
have time to help hasten Salvation?” or “Do I have time to teach my family I am a
disciple of Christ?” When we approach the work of Salvation as a covenanted duty we
find added measures of the spirit to help us in all other endeavors of life.

I’ve seen marriages mend, children embrace the gospel, finances turn around, and
people and families find greater joy and happiness. Do you want those things? Then,
put your shoulder to the wheel of the work of Salvation.

3rd. I must be perfect to share the Gospel, or I am a hypocrite.

No one except Christ is perfect. The thought we must be perfect to share the Gospel
comes from Satan. He’s afraid of the good we will do, and is trying to stop us. The
thought that one should wait to get better before going to the hospital makes no sense.
The key with sharing the Gospel, we just need to be trying, and say, “Come with me, as
I try to be better”. If we are trying, then the Spirit will validate our words, and we will find
chances to share the Gospel, and we will be genuine.

One of the best member missionaries I’ve ever known was a lady named Ruth. She
struggled with smoking and drinking, and never came to church. We started teaching
this lady and she started trying to keep the commandments, she stilled smoked, drank,
and rarely came to church, but she was trying. She realized living the Gospel alone is
hard, jokingly I said then get your friends to do it also. And she did. She started inviting
all of her friends to join with her! From this one less active lady over 15 referrals, and
four of her friends were baptized!

“Except in the case of His only perfect Begotten Son, imperfect people are
all God has ever had to work with. That must be terribly frustrating to
Him, but He deals with it. So should we.”

Elder Jeffery R. Holland. April 2013

4th. I need to know everything about the Gospel.

We must study the scriptures, but you don’t need to be an expert to share the Gospel.
When someone asks about the Gospel they want a personal testimony of why you
believe, and what you believe. You should know “why” you believe. When it comes to
the “what” of the Gospel, the doctrines of the Gospel are vast and can take a life of
learning, to just scratch the surface. There is nothing wrong with replying to a question “I
don’t know, let me find out. I’ll talk with the missionaries and get back to you” this shows
them the missionaries can help answer the “questions of the soul”.

In many faiths, questions are discouraged. But, in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints questions are encouraged. The Gospel is all encompassing, and because it
is so large there is nothing wrong with the fact you’re still learning about the Gospel, we
all are! Just keep learning, and sharing.

Neither take ye thought beforehand what ye shall say; but treasure up in

your minds continually the words of life, and it shall be given you in the
very hour that portion that shall be meted unto every man.
5th. I don’t need to speak, my example is good enough.
On my mission before a district meeting one week, we were in the Relief Society room. I saw on
the chalkboard the famous quote “preach the gospel at all times and when necessary use words”
it was from the RS lesson the week before, I shook my head and rewrote it. “Preach the gospel at
all times, it’s necessary to use words”. I thought nothing of it, the members did not give many
referrals in this ward at the time, and it was a small way for me to vent.

I forgot to erase what I did. When Sunday morning came around the Ward Council started and
about 10 minutes in, the RS president noticed the quote had changed, and said, “Someone
changed my quote”. My trainer looked at me. I was nervous as the Bishop read the new quote out
loud. A discussion started “Do we need to use words to Preach the Gospel?” for the next 20
minutes that became the topic of Ward Council. They talked about how actions are good, but we
need to combine our actions with words and invitations. It was a mini miracle. The doctrine was
settled with this verse.

….the time has verily come that it is necessary and expedient in me that you should open your
mouths in proclaiming my gospel, the things of the kingdom, expounding the mysteries thereof
out of the scriptures, according to that portion of Spirit and power which shall be given unto you,
even as I will.

Doctrine and Covenants 71:1

Things in this ward changed, and we started to have miracles and referrals. Baptisms and Temple
trips followed. We must live the Gospel, but to share it, we must use words.

6th. If my friend does not get baptized I failed.

Far too often we judge our efforts on results. We ask missionaries “How many people did you
baptize?” We should not judge efforts based on results. You never know the effect of your
efforts, after all, Abinadi did not baptize anyone, but look what fruits his labors produced! He did
not see the fruits in this life.President Wilkey (my mission president) would often tell us “In this
mission the average is nine positive contacts with the church before they will be baptized” You
might be the first or the seventh, some of you will be the ninth, but everyone plays a role, and
without the first, third, and eight, the ninth would not have success.In finding there is one rule of
success, did you try to share the Gospel? If you did, you’re successful. We cannot control the
agency of others, we can’t base our efforts on their actions. We can base it off our actions. On
my mission we had something called “Invitations to learn” or “ITL’s”. It was to remind us that
our effort was to talk, reach out and share. It was up to them if they listened, accepted, and acted
upon it.

In this battle for the souls of men, our effort is what we need to focus on, not numbers, and not
quota’s or results.
“Many of the things you can count, do not count. Many of the things you cannot count, really do

President Dieter F. Uchtdorf April

7th. I am an RM I’ve done my missionary work.

There is a tragic thought among returning missionaries. “I’ve done my duty, it is time to return
home to real life” If that is your thought, you missed one of the most important lessons of your
mission. And, like Peter, you’ve returned to your nets.

The lesson? Not just to be good people, but to “follow Christ”, and help others find, and follow
him. You have already covenanted to “feed His sheep” forever. I learned this lesson when I
heard these words from Elder Holland, it changed my life forever. (below is the final eight
minutes of the talk, I highly recommend you listen to it, and the whole talk. If you don’t have the
time to listen below are the paragraphs that affected me the most.)

“You need to decide tonight whether you’re on a course that’s committed to the idea that you
really do love God. You really do love the Savior. And if you do, and I know you do, and I pray
you do, and we’ll all do this together, we’ll all march into the future together, but when you do,
and when you say that and when you believe that then you’re call is to feed His sheep, forever.

Now, can you understand why you must never and may never and can never come back? It will
never be the same again. Peter, you can’t go home. You can’t go back to fish. You can’t go back
to Galilee. You can’t go back to boats. It’s over. It is a new life, a new day, a new time. This
Mission marks that hour in your life. You cannot go back. And if you do, you will break my
heart, and you will break the heart of God himself. If you turn your back on the gospel of Jesus
Christ, which you have pledged your life, or, at least, these next two years or eighteen months, to
teach. But my point is that it isn’t just eighteen months, and it isn’t just two years. And I stand
here at 49 years and counting, and say, I pray that it’s never ever over for me. And I pray that it’s
never ever over for you.

And if you are ever tempted on your Mission, or after, to leave this faith, or commit a
transgression, or to walk away from the covenants you’ve made, and the honesty of your heart –
not assuming that you’re going to be perfect, and knowing that we’re all going to have to repent
every day of our lives about something – but your course needs to be true. You need to stay the
course. You need to see it through. You can’t go back. You’ve left your nets, and you’re going to
feed sheep. You’re going to be disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, for time and eternity.

Boy, that’s weighty to put on the shoulders of a 19-year-old sitting in Provo, Utah. Or a 21-year-
old, or whatever you are. But that’s what this adds up to be. “Do you love me? Well then, feed
my sheep. And do it forever.”
8th. I’m too busy to do missionary work
God has given us the whole day, and He asks us to do many things. We must learn the balancing
act of life. The talk by Elder Dallin H. Oaks Good, Better, and Best is a good reference. Sharing
the Gospel does not take long, and if you’re living right, and praying for opportunities you will
find them, and they will be worth every minute they cost.

It is important to remember other than raising your family, the work of salvation is the most
important thing you could do. And, participating in the work of salvation is one of the best things
you can do for your family. And, if you want an eternal family you need to keep your covenants,
and you’ve covenanted to help in the hastening of salvation.

9th. God won’t answer my prayers.

Missionaries always ask people, “will you pray for opportunities to share the gospel?”. When I
returned from my mission I casually prayed for “opportunities” they never came. Back in April
(of 2015) I was thinking about it. God answers all faithful prayers right? I need to pray with faith,
and real intent! I started praying “Father, please, bless me with an opportunity to share the
Gospel with someone tomorrow, bless me with a chance to bear my testimony or to help them”
as I am writing this it is the middle of May. I’ve been blessed with “opportunities” to share the
Gospel with many people, bearing testimonies, I’ve been able to help give out 5+ copies of the
Book of Mormon, I’ve given three referrals to the missionaries of people who agreed to meet
with them. Every one of these “opportunities” came from God, in answer to a plea to have a
chance to share the Gospel.

God answers prayers, pray for opportunities to share the Gospel! Then, share your experiences
with others to inspire their faith! And, encourage them to pray for experiences!

10th. I live in Utah, there is no one to share the Gospel with.

There is work to do in ever part of the vineyard. There is no exception clause in the command to
share the Gospel. Every area of the vineyard has work to do, sometimes it just takes a different
face. President Benson gave us 5 things we can do to fulfill “Our Responsibility to Share the

1. “You can live the principles of the gospel.”

2. “We can prepare our sons to serve missions.”
3. “We can financially support the missionary program.”
4. “We can introduce our friends and neighbors to the missionaries.”
5. “We can participate in missionary service by preparing for and serving a mission.”

Each of us can be doing, at least, one of these 5 things no matter our circumstances. Even if it is
just the first one, live the gospel, serve others, love them like Christ loves them, sometimes that
is the perfect way to be an emissary of Christ, is to be there for them.
Also, Home Teaching is missionary work!

“Missionary work is but home teaching to those who are not now members of the Church, and
home teaching is nothing more or less than missionary work to Church members.”

Harold B. Lee

11th. None of my friends are ready.

Let me reply with a short story from my mission.

The lesson after dinner had just ended, and then the question everyone knew was coming was
asked, “Has a name come into your mind?”. “Yes” replied the member. “But, they’re not ready”.
The missionaries replied “The Spirit is telling you they’re ready” “Ok, it is my friend Glenn”…

Fast forward the member shared the Gospel with their friend who was “Not ready” they accepted
it, were baptized and, this friend shared the story with us. He said, “I am the friend who was not
ready, I stand before you today, asking you not to judge, but to let the Spirit guide” The man at
the time was functioning as the 2nd councilor in my mission presidency. He told us “We don’t
know who is ready, the Spirit does”.

I am thankful that member followed the Spirit to share the Gospel with their friend. I learned so
much from President Goodrich.

12th. If I share the Gospel, I could “lose” my friends.

This is the largest fear members have. I love this friend, I don’t want to ruin my friendship. Out
of love for that friend, fast and pray for the Spirit to direct you in sharing the Gospel with them.
And, if you follow the Spirit, and that friend gets mad at you. You will need to ask yourself. Do I
love God or man? Do I follow God or man? Always act out of love, help them FEEL your love,
and the most offense will be avoided.

In closing, the work of Salvation is the mission of the church. In April of 1982, President
Spencer W Kimball addressed the mission of the church.

“The mission of the Church is threefold:

First, to proclaim the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people;

Secondly, to perfect the Saints by preparing them to receive the ordinances of the gospel and by
instruction and discipline to gain exaltation;

Thirdly, to redeem the dead by performing vicarious ordinances of the gospel for those who have
lived on the earth. (See Ensign, May 1981, p. 5.)

All three are part of one work—to assist our Father in Heaven and His Son, Jesus Christ, in their
grand and glorious mission “to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.” (Moses
1:39.) I renew that declaration today.”

~President Spencer W Kimball

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