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Weekly Meeting

Peter : Head Of Business Development → Chairman

Ms. Queen : Head of Finance → Participant
John : Head of Operation → Participant

Mr. Peter : Assalamu’alaikum everyone. We meet again today for our weekly meeting.
The topic for today is the strategy to increase our company’s income. First let’s review our
last meeting that was held on December 9th, 2020. Ms. Queen, could you please give us the
report of the last meeting?

Ms. Queen : Thank you Mr. Peter. Let me just summarize the main points of our last
meeting. We began the meeting with the issue that company income has decreased
because of the covid-19 pandemic. The next issue was our company has an overload of
employees in the field, and the last issue was operation expenses are more larger than the

Mr. Peter : Thank you Ms. Queen. Based on the three issues, we should find the
solution to increase our income. Mr. John, can we get your input to solve our problems?

Mr. John : In my opinion since the pandemic, all of our malls have closed, but we
could keep selling our products online. I recommend we make partnership with online
platforms for marketplace such as Lazada, Shopee, etc, to grab new customers.

Ms. Peter : I get your point, so we should have partnership with online platforms to
create a new marketplace. Have I made that clear?
Mr. John : Yes, exactly.
Ms. Queen : May I have a word? The way I see things, we should focus on the solution
to keep the Mall open for customers during the pandemic, while obeying the mandatory
health protocol. Why don’t we make a new concept for our Malls?
Mr. Peter : Could you explain more details please?
Ms. Queen : We could build hangout spots for the millenials such as sport facilities,
outdoor cafes, and drive through theater with a unique theme. Customers can still hangout,
watch movies in their own car without worries. Furthermore, this new concept of cinema
could make our company more efficient in the number of employees.
Mr. Peter : I have never thought about it that way before. What do you think about this
proposal Mr. John?
Mr. John : I agree with Ms. Queen. I will prepare the data from the operational
perspective for the baseline of our new concept.
Mr. Peter : That’s great, Ms. Queen and I will prepare the feasibility studies (FS) and
analysis of the investment cost for our new mall concept. Ok let me summarize the main
points of our meeting today:
1. we plan to collaborate with online platform marketplace
2. New concept for the mall
3. We will make FS and analyze the cost for our mall’s new concept.
Thank you very much everyone, we’ll report our progress in the next meeting on 29th Dec
2020, at the same time.
Task 2

1. I think we should start now. Husna, Aisya…… could you…? Thanks

2. OK. So, is everybody here? Who are we waiting for? well, i think we’ll have to make
start without them. We’ve got a lot to get through this morning.

3. Right, well, as you know the purpose of today’s meeting is to see where we are with
the plan of new health and safety procedure about Covid-19 and to work out what
we still need to do before lunch, Beacuse it is important to apply immediatelly

4. By the end of the meeting, we need to have a list of firm action points for the next
meeting. Hopefully we’ll then need only one more meeting next week to tie up any
remaining loose end
5. Did everyone get a copy of the agenda I sent round? OK. Good

6. As I say, we’ve got a lot get through, so please let’s stick to the agenda, i’ve set
aside two hours and half for this meeting, and we really can’t afford to run over.
Ideally, we can cover everything in two hours. Does that sound reasenable?

7. ah, Mr. X come and take a seat. We Started without you

8. So perhaps we can get the ball rolling by going through the list of action points
from the last meeting

9. Lisa, yo were going to look into the goverment health regulations that came up one
year ago. Could you tell us what you found out?

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