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Security Breach Evaluation

Student Name

Course Name

Professor Name

January 19, 2021


Security Breach Evaluation

This week's assigned reading of The Educations Review online concerning the security

breach showed how sensitive personal information could be when not sufficiently protected. The

user and the organization can be open to problems by not properly securing records. A security

breach happens if an attacker receives unwanted access to secure systems and records within an

organization. A breach of security represents an early breach that may lead to devise harm and

data loss[ CITATION Jum20 \l 1033 ]. Some steps that should be taken to avoid future security

breaches are:

Good password policy

A password policy is a set of regulations designed to improve the device's protection by

encouraging users to build safe passwords and then save and use them properly. It is a big step in

the right direction to retain an unforeseen and complicated secret. Be sure that they would never

repeat and update passwords frequently as and when an expiry warning is prompted. The

strongest security measure of all is to use a good password.

Update regularly

There are not just many pop-ups they get from time to time that reminds everyone of

updates. These updates do many things to enhance protection. One of the easiest ways to

continue to counter breaches is to upgrade the operating system and all programs, as updated

updates are most certainly finely tuned to avoid attacks. If programs are not routinely upgraded

and patched, the network is insecure.

Educating the employees


It is necessary to educate the staff about the lethal effect of code violations. When a

security philosophy is embraced at all levels, from junior workers to the CEO, they would be

much less likely to face a data breach that can otherwise be prevented. Employees will require

experience in the latest attacks on phishing[ CITATION Day18 \l 1033 ].

Installing centralized firewalls

Firewalls are network security's first line of protection. A firewall that is properly

installed acts as a barrier between networks of different confidence levels. It's important to

protect the local firewall because this is the only way to avoid malware attacks on the network.

Firewalls should be installed between any network linked to the internet to ensure full-spectrum

security. Organizations should set up specific machine protection programs for external network

policy and store of data.

Encrypted transmission

Secure transmission involves the transmission over a secure medium of data such as

classified or proprietary information. Many safe methods of communication require Encryption

of a kind. For cybercriminals, hacked encrypted data is useless. It will limit access to data and

make it worthless for those who have no key. The strength of cryptography is that Encryption is

a significant step in reducing the harm incurred by a security breach.


Dayanim, B., & George, E. (2018). Data breach litigation and regulatory enforcement: A survey

of our present and how to prepare for the future. Cyber Security: A Peer-Reviewed

Journal, 1(4), 301–315. Retrieved from

Juma'h, A., & Alnsour, Y. (2020). The effect of data breaches on company performance.

International Journal of Accounting and Information Management, 28(2), 1-28.

Retrieved from


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