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A. Writing

1. The Definition of Writing

There are three definition of writing according to experts. According to White

(1986:10) writing is the process of expressing the ideas, information, knowledge, or

experience and understand the writing to acquire the knowledge or some information

to share and learn. Besides that, Tarigan (1994: 3) stated, writing is activity to produce

or draw graphic symbols which represent a language that is understood by people, so

that other people can read the graphic symbols presented. People will understand the

graphic symbols presented if they understand the language and the graphic itself.

Almost the same with Tarigan, Ramelan (1992: 14) also stated, writing is

representation or symbol of language.

From the definition above the writer can conclude that writing is an activity to

express ideas, events, feeling or thinking in written form that can be the tool to

communiacate with the other people.

2. The Importance of Writing

The reason for teaching writing to the students of English as a foreign language

include reinforcement, language development, learning style, and the most

importantly writing as a skill in it‟s own right (Harmer, 2002:79).

Improving Students’ Writing…, Nailatul Khasanah, FKIP UMP, 2015


According to Harmer (2004: 31-33) there are some importance of writing. Those


a. Writing encourages students to focus on accurate language use because they think

as they write, it may provoke well development as they resolve problems which

writing puts in their mind.

b. Writing is often used as a means of reinforcing language that has been thought.

They use writing skill to make a note about what they have learnt while learning

process happens.

c. Writing is frequently usefull as preparation for some other activity.

d. Writing can be used as an integral part of a larger activity where the focus is on

something else such as language practice, acting out, or speaking.

e. Writing is also used in questionnaire-type of activities. Writing is important to

face questionnaire test. In the examination, students are asked their answer in the

form of written.

3. The Process in Writing

Harmer (2004: 4-6) states that there are four main elements in writing process.

Those are planning, drafting, editing (editing and revising), and final version.

a. Planning

Harmer (2004: 4) stated that in planning process, there are three main issues

have to be thought by students. The first, the students have to decide the purpose

Improving Students’ Writing…, Nailatul Khasanah, FKIP UMP, 2015


of writing. Next, students have to think about language styles. Finally, students

have to consider the content.

b. Drafting

Harmer (2004: 5 ) stated that drafting is the first version of a piece of writing.

In this point the students should be given a lot of time, because they need to focus

on the development ideas and the organization of those ideas more than the

development of perfect grammar, punctuations or spelling.

c. Editing

Harmer (2004: 5 ) stated that in editing the students read again what they write

as a draft to check their writing if there are mistakes. After the students found the

mistakes, then revise it. By doing those, the mistakes can be minimize.

d. Final version

Harmer (2004: 5-6) said that the last stage is the final version. After all process

have done, the students make final version. It is possible that the final version is

much different in the plan and the draft has been made before. It happens since

there are many change in editing process. Any unimportant information stated in

the draft can be deleted.

After finishing that processes, the result of writing is ready to be sent out to the

reader. It is different if students write spontaneously. Therefore, the result of

writing will be better with following those processes.

Improving Students’ Writing…, Nailatul Khasanah, FKIP UMP, 2015


4. The Purpose of Writing

Tarigan (1994 : 24) summarize the purpose of writing, those are :

a. Assignment purpose

The writers will start writing when someone asks writers to write about

something. Therefore, the idea which will be written by the writers does not come

from writers itself.

b. Altruistic purpose

The purpose is to entertain the readers, to remove the readers sadness with the

writer‟s work.

c. Persuasive purpose

It has purpose to convince the readers about the true opinion presented.

d. Information purpose

The purpose of writing is to give information, explanation to the readers.

e. Self-expresive pyrpose

The purpose is to introduce the writer to the readers.

f. Creative purpose

The writing has to achieve artistic value, value of art.

g. Problem-solving purpose

This writing is used to solve problem faced by the writer. Writers want to

explain and observe carefully about his thought and idea to be understood and

accepted by the readers.

Improving Students’ Writing…, Nailatul Khasanah, FKIP UMP, 2015


B. Descriptive Text

1. Definition of Descriptive Text

A descriptive text is a text that describe the features of someone, something,

animal, or a certain place. Wardiman in fitriyanti (2014: 16) stated that descriptive

text a kind of text which describes particular thing, person, or other.

Descriptive Text is a kind of text with a purpose to give information. The context

of this kind of text is the description of particular thing, animal, person, or others.

(Linda Gerot in M Mursyid PW, 2005: 4).

From the explanation above, it can be concluded descriptive text is a text which

describes a person, place, animal, or thing.

2. Generic Structure of Descriptive Text

The generic structures of descriptive text according to Pardiono (2007: 34), as


a. Identification : consisting of identification phenomenon to be described.

b. Description : consisting of the description parts or things (physical appearance),

qualities (degree of beauty, excellence, or worth of value), characteristics

(prominent aspects that are unique).

3. Language Features of Descriptive Text

Wardiman (2008 : 122) states that there are some main language features of

descriptive text :

a. Specific Participant

Descriptive text describes about specific object, not in general, and unique.

Improving Students’ Writing…, Nailatul Khasanah, FKIP UMP, 2015


b. The use of Adjectives

Example : beautiful, sharp, strong, small, big, handsome, famous, and etc

c. The Use of Simple Present Tense

4. The Evaluation of Descriptive Text

The type of test to evaluate writing descriptive text is subjective test. The

subjective test which will be used is paragraph. From the topic given students choose

one of the topics, students make descriptive text by using its generic structure. They

also use language features of descriptive text such as use simple present tense,

adjective, etc.

There are some aspects of writing that can be evaluated (Nurgiantoro, 2001: 307),

those are:

a. Content (The agreement with the title chosen)

A good writing is when the title represent the content of it. The content of a

text should be relevant or equivalent and describe the title in complete. As stated

by Brown (2004: 73) the writing section measures the ability to write English,

including the ability to organize, develop ideas, to support those ideas with

examples or evidence, to compose response to one assigned topic in standard

written English, and to generate.

b. Organization (Paragraph unity, coherence, and cohesion)

It means that how the students organize their idea. Whether each paragraph

organize well or not. However, a good text consists of paragraphs which are

arranged well with some connecting words which can make the paragraph


Improving Students’ Writing…, Nailatul Khasanah, FKIP UMP, 2015


c. Vocabulary (The precision of using vocabulary)

Rivers as cited in Nunan (1992: 11), vocabulary is essential for successful

study on the second language. In writing, a writer should use the appropriate

vocabulary to express what they want to write.

d. Grammar

The tenses and structure mastery are really necessary to have paragraphs

constructed. It‟s not important to use a long sentense, but the grammar that is used

is correct. It is difficult for students to arrange a good paragraph if they lack of

tenses and struture mastery.

e. Mechanic (Spelling and punctuation)

Paragraph is a combination of some sentences which needs good spelling and

punctuation. Whether the students master the role how to write and make only few

faults in the spelling.

All of the aspects above, content, organization, vocabulary, grammar, and,

mechanic will be used to evaluate the writing result of the students in writing

descriptive text.

C. Write Pair Share

1. The Nature of Write Pair Share

Write pair share technique is one of the cooperative learning technique wrote

by George M. Jacob, at. al. (1995: 13). This technique consist of three steps. First,

students respond to a question or statement by writing an answer in their notes.

Improving Students’ Writing…, Nailatul Khasanah, FKIP UMP, 2015


Second, each learner discusses his or her result with a neighbor to solidify points of

mutual agreement, debate and resolve disagreements, and to flesh out inadequacies in

their original written response. Third, responses are shared with the whole class.

Write-pair-share exercises can take as little as 5 minutes or as long as 15

minutes. Write-pair-share also leads to wide participation in class discussion. The

students discuss their task in writing including revise their sentences whether it related

to the next sentences or not, check the grammar and misspelling, etc. The students

work cooperatively when constructing the sentences. So, it can be promoted self

confidence of the students. By pairing they have feedback from their pair about their

writing. So, they can construct the good sentences by revising their writing after

discussing with their pair. From the explanation above, the writer can conclude that

write pair share technique is the technique that teacher pose topics, questions or

statements to the students, then students write their answer in their note individually,

then discuss their work with their pair and finally, share their work in the whole class.

2. The Advantages of Write Pair Share

There are some advantages of write pair share technique (Mazda, 2013: 170):

a. Write pair share technique easily to be implemented in various levels of education.

b. Provide time writing to develop their own ideas before pairing.

c. Students become more active in discussion.

d. Students understand more about the concept of the topic for discussion.

e. Students can learn from other students.

Improving Students’ Writing…, Nailatul Khasanah, FKIP UMP, 2015


f. Each student in pair has the opportunity to share his/ her ideas.

3. The steps in teaching writing through write pair share technique:

a. The class is divided into some pairs.

b. The teacher gives some topics to the students.

c. Each pairs choose one of the topic given.

d. Students write their answer in their note individually.

e. Each learners discusses their result with their pairs to solidify mutual agreements,

resolve disagreement, and to flesh out inadequacies in their original written


f. Students share their final draft in front of the classes.

D. Basic Assumption

Most of the students in Vocational High School Muhammadiyah 1 Purwokerto

think that writing is the most difficult skill in learning English. It is caused by some

factors. They are not able to organize idea when making composition: they are lack of

vocabulary so their composition are unreadable; they do not master the grammatical ,

so that the students‟ composition are difficult to understand; and they are still

influence by their native language.

To make teaching writing successful, the teacher needs teaching techniqe

which will help the students to be able to write. Using write pair share technique

especially in writing process is a good teaching technique to be implemented in

Improving Students’ Writing…, Nailatul Khasanah, FKIP UMP, 2015


writing class. The students can discuss their writing activity with their pair and share

their final result in the whole class. By this learning technique students will be able to

decrease their problems in writing, because they will get discussion peer correction

with their peer when they write. So, the students will be able to write confidently.

E. Hypothesis

According to the problem and the aim of the research, the hypothesis of the research is

“Write pair share technique can improve the students‟ writing ability”.

Improving Students’ Writing…, Nailatul Khasanah, FKIP UMP, 2015

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