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2.1 Literature Review

2.1.1. Preview Research

There are two related studies about words game and writing skill that would

be discussed. Firstly, research entitled “Improving The Writing Skills Trough

Words Games of The Seventh Grade Students of SMPN 2 BUNGKAL

PONOROGO, Yogyakarta in The Academic Year of 2015/2016” by Rachmaati

(2016). This research was action research. The words games were applied to

improve the students’ skills in learning writing English. The result of this study

showed that the implementation of words games in the writing class was believed

effective to improve students’ skills to learn writing English, maximized students’

participation during the writing activities, and reduced the students’ boredom on

learning. This implied that the implementation of words games gave positive effects

on improving students’ skills in writing English.

Secondly, a research entitled “Improving Students’ Writing Skill in English

Lesson With Action Learning Strategy at Eighth Grade of SMP Al-Zahra Indonesia

by Putri (2019/2020)”. This research was conducted in two cycles which each

consists’ of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The data were gathered

through quantitative and qualitative data. The result of this research showed that

there was increasing of students in writing skill. The mean of the pre-cycle test was

59. The mean of the cycle 1 test was 75.04. The mean of the cycle 2 test was 82.11.


It indicated that the scores and the mean in second cycle were better than the first

cycle. The percentage of students who got point >75 also grew up. In the pre-cycle,

the students who got point >75 up were 4 students (9.09%). In cycle 1, student who

got point >70 up were 30 students (68.18%). Cycle 2, students who got point >75

were 38 students (86.36%). In other words, the students’ ability in speaking

improved and became well in the first meeting to the next meeting.

The similarity that can be found in this study is the purpose of the research,

the study by Rachmaati (2016) and the work of the writer were both intended to

improve writing skills. The difference is a strategy that is chosen, the research by

Putri (2019/2020) and Rachmaati (2016), both use an active learning strategy, while

the writer chose to use an active learning strategy that be combined with the " How

Many Words Do You Get " game. The writer combined an action learning strategy

as a media to improve students' writing skills in the teaching and learning process

from the two studies above. When students use new learning media and usually use

it, it will make them feel that English is fun and easy.

2.1.2. Writing Definition of Writing

Writing is one of four language skills which is probably the most demanding

skill of English. It isn’t natural skill of human-like listening and speaking because

it has been developing in a civilized society to past on knowledge or messages

beyond contains here and now.


Urquhanrt (2005) defines writing as a recursive process, which means

students revise throughout the process, frequently moving back and forth among

the stages. Then, students should learn strategies for invention and discovery, and

teachers should help the students generate content and discover a purpose. Also, it

is stated that readers, purpose, and occasion define all types of writing and effective

writing fulfils the writer’s intention and meets the readers’ needs. It means that

writing is a complex process and it seems reasonable to expect, then that the

teaching of writing is complex as well.

Brown (2000: 336) explains that writing is a way to produce language.

Writing is also an act of discovering and organizing ideas, putting them on paper

and revising them in language teaching, we must practice and practice, again and

again. Just watch a small child learning his mother tongue. He repeats things over

and over again. During the language learning stage' he practices all the time. This

is what we must also do when we learn a foreign language. Language learning is

mainly a matter of imitation. You must be a mimic. Just like a small child. He

imitates everything. First, we practice the separate sounds, then words, then

sentences. That is the natural order and is therefore right for learning a foreign

language. Watch a small child's speech development. First he listens, then he

speaks. Understanding always precedes speaking. Therefore, this must be the right

order of presenting the skills in a foreign language. A small child listens and speaks

and no one would dream of making him read or write. Reading and writing are

advanced stages of language development. The natural order for first and second

language learning is listening, speaking, reading, and then writing. You did not have

to translate when you were small. If you were able to learn your own language

without translation, you should be able to learn a foreign language in the same way.

A small child simply uses language. He does not learn formal grammar. You don't

tell him about verbs and nouns. Yet he learns the language perfectly. It is equally

unnecessary to use grammatical conceptualization in teaching a foreign language.

Based on that above explanation, it can be concluded that writing is a system

of communication with a visual representation of spoken language according to of

writer’s way to sharing ideas with the reader by the decode of visual symbols ruled

by the writing language and literature. The Components of Writing

Jacobs (1981) states that there are five significant components of writing.

They are content, organization, vocabulary, language use and mechanics.

1) Content

There are at least three things which can be measured in connection with

content, the points that are presented and formal signals are given to the reader to

guide in understanding the topic fully.

2) Organization

The process of organizing materials in writing involves coherence, the order

of importance, general to specifics, specifics to general, chronological order pattern

and spatial order pattern.


3) Vocabulary

Vocabulary is one of the language aspects dealing with the process of writing.

The choice of vocabulary could describe the writer’s knowledge. Mastery of

vocabulary can improve by writing and listening to a lot.

4) Language Use

It is the elements of grammatical forms, systematically pattern, and sentence

structure consists of phonology, morphology, and syntax. Grammar is one of the

important components of writing. It has a great influence on the quality of a piece

of writing.

5) Mechanics

Mechanics of writing deals with capitalization, spelling, and punctuation.

Capital letters are used to start sentences, name of person, cities, countries, day and

month. The punctuation has a function to make writing clearer for the reader. The

ability to spell correctly can be acquired with a little persistent practice.

The function of the way of writing is to communicate a message as clearly

and efficiently as possible. The Types of Classrooms Writing Performances

In his book, Brown (2001:343) suggests five major categories of classroom

writing performances, as follows.


1) Imitative Writing

At the beginning stage of learning a language, students will simply imitate

what they see. They can only write down English letters, symbols, or probably

sentences to learn the conventions of the orthographic code in English.

2) Intensive or Controlled Writing

Writing can be performed as a tool for learning, reinforcing, and testing

grammatical concepts. This kind of activity usually appears in an intensive written

grammar exercise. Some activities such as giving students tasks that need them to

change present tense into past tense.

3) Self-Writing

Self-writing, which is also called free writing or creative writing, is usually

performed to promote creativity and build writing habits.

4) Display Writing

In every school, there is a requirement that obligates the students to make

essays in the examination, research reports, and classroom assignments.

5) Real Writing

It is aimed to be made for people who actually need the information or


6) Micro and Macro skills of Writing


Here are the indicators of micro-macro skills of writing based on the Browns’

idea (2004:399):

a) Micro skills

1. Produce graphemes and orthographic patterns of English Produce

writing at an efficient rate of speed to suit the purpose

2. Produce an acceptable core of words and use appropriate word order


3. Use acceptable grammatical systems (e.g., tense, agreement, and

pluralization), patterns, and rules.

4. Express a particular meaning in different grammatical forms.

b) Macro skills

1. Use cohesive devices in written discourse

2. Use the rhetorical forms and conventions of written discourse

3. Convey links and connections between events and communicate such

relations as the main idea, supporting the idea, new information,

generalization, and exemplification.

4. Distinguish between literal and implies meanings when writing

5. Correctly convey culturally specific references in the context of the

written text.

6. Develop and use a battery of writing strategies, such as accurately

assessing the audience’s interpretation, using prewriting devices,

writing with fluency in the first drafts, using paraphrases and synonyms,

soliciting peer and instructor feedback, and using feedback for revising

and editing.

Based on the above explanation, writing a recount text in this research is

categorized as the macro skills of writing which the use of writing media will
convey links and connection between sentences into a paragraph. The use of media
also has a contribution to building ideas. The Writing Process

When writing, students work through the stages of the step in the writing

process. The creation of writing occurs in basically free stages, there are pre-

writing, drafting, revising, editing, and evaluating (Johnson, 2011).

1) Pre-writing

In this stage, the writer made the preparation before beginning to write or to

draft. This phrase includes gathering ideas, choosing a purpose and audience,

ordering ideas.

2) Drafting

Drafting is helping someone’s putting the words, sentences, and paragraphs

on paper. There are three principles of drafting:

a) Keep the text fluid as long as possible.

b) Keep the concentration focused on what/how to say it.

c) Balance, comfort and concentration to enhance a and b.


3) Revising

Revising is something like drafting. It means improving what the writer has

already written. When the writer revises, the writer examines how to tell the first

draft makes its point and achieves its purpose for its reader. The writer can revise it

using the reader’s feedback. Then the writer reads what he have written at another

set of writing project so he can get the best result.

4) Editing

Editing is dealing with surface errors like grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

The students must eliminate the surface errors of the writing. The writer has to make

sure in using appropriate verbs incorrect sentences.

5) Evaluating

Evaluating is checking to make sure that it has reached the writing or not. Teaching Writing in Junior High School

In senior high school students are expected to communicate in English

through the four language skills, there are speaking, listening, reading, and writing.

This competence is purposed to create the students to develop their ability in

learning English. So it is very important for the teacher should enforce his or her

effort to teach the student. The teacher should make sure the improvement of their

writing skills.

The text is one of the materials in senior high school which is coherent and

appropriate in education life. The kinds of text are narrative, descriptive, recount,

report, procedure, explanation, news item, review, discussion, analytical

exposition, hortatory exposition, and anecdote.

Writing is very important for the students of senior high school which is also

the strategies to express their ideas and extend their knowledge. It needs sufficient

knowledge, such as context, organization, vocabulary, and mechanics.

2.1.3. Text Definition of the Text

According to Glenn’s idea in Board of Studiest NSW (1994:67) when using

language to write, it means creating texts. When read, it means interpreting texts,

when talk and listen, it means creating and interpreting texts. A text is a product of

a particular context of culture and context situation. Need to understand a text in

terms of the context in which it is produced.

Derewianka (1995: 17) states that a text is the only meaningful stretch of

language oral or written. However, not all texts are the same and a functional model

of language tries to describe how they differ. When people use language to write,

they are creating a text. When people read, they are interpreting a text. When people

talk and listen, they are also creating and interpreting a text.

From the above explanation, it can be summarized that a text is a product of

particular context which is meaningful in oral written form and word which is

coherent and appropriate for its context. Genres of the Text


According to Gerot’s opinion (1994), the genre can be defined as a culturally

specific text type which results from using language (written and spoken) to help

accomplish something. There are:

1) Report

The report is a text to describe the way things are with reference to arrange of

natural, man-made and social phenomena in our environment.

2) Recount

The recount is a text to retell events for the purpose of informing or


3) Descriptive

Descriptive is a text to describe a particular person, place or thing.

4) Narrative

The narrative is a text to amuse, entertain and to deal with actual or various

experiences in a different way.

5) Procedure

The procedure is a text to describe how something is accomplished through

sequence steps.

6) Explanation

The explanation is a text to explain the process involved in the formulation or

workings of natural or socio-cultural phenomena.


7) News Item

The news item is a text to inform the reader about events of the day which are

considered newsworthy or important.

8) Review

The review is a text to critique an artwork or event for a public audience.

9) Discussion

Discussion is a text to present (at least) two points of view about an issue.

10) Analytical Exposition

An analytical exposition is a text to persuade the reader that something is the


11) Hortatory Exposition

Hortatory exposition is a text to persuade the reader that something should or

should not be the case.

12) Anecdote

The anecdote is a text to share with others an account of an unusual or

amusing incident.

2.1.4. Descriptive Text Definition of Descriptive Text


Descriptive text is a part of factual genres. Its social function is to describe a

particular person, place or thing. Description in writing is the process of creating

visual images and sensory impression through words.

Endang (2005: 147) claims that “Writing as one of four language skill, writing

has always occupied a place in most English language course, and one of the

reasons is that more and more people need to learn to write in English for

occupational or academic purposes and the most difficult skill to master for

language learners.”

According to Axelrod and Cooper (1985:3), “writing is a complex process

and as such contains elements of mystery and surprise. But writer knows and

believes that writing is a skill that anyone can learn to manage”.

Based on Gerot and Wignell (1994) descriptive text is a kind of text with. The

purpose of providing information. The context of this type of text is a description

of certain things, animals, people, or other people, for example: our pets or people

we have known well. It differs from reports that describe things, animals, people,

or others in general.

Based on the definition above, the writer concludes that Descriptive text is

text of a social function as describe something for the purpose of information. A

description shows and allows the reader to see, hear, and feel the subject matter

clearly. The Purpose of Descriptive Text


Based on Clouse (2004:143) the purpose of descriptive text is to detail or

describe the object from the author's point of view, to inform (for a reader

unfamiliar with the subject) so that the reader can feel, see, and hear the object

described in detail. The Structures of Descriptive Text

Like other genres, the descriptive text also has its structure or stages. The

elements of schematic structures of descriptive text are called identification or general

statement and description. Identification is aimed at introducing and identifying

specific participant such as a person, a thing, a place, an animal, and or an event.

Description, on the other side, is structured to describe that participant from its

characteristics, appearances, personality, and habits or qualities (Butt, Fahey, Feez,

Spinks, & Yallop, 2000; Derewianka, 1990; Gerot & Wignel, 1994; Knapp & Watkins,

2005). Gerot and Wignel (1994:208) mention that “there are two components in the

descriptive text: identification; identifies phenomenon to be described, and description;

describes parts, qualities, and characteristics”.

The identification usually occurs in the first paragraph and the description stated

in the continuing paragraph. The description consists of three parts: the parts of the

place, the quality of the place and the characteristic of the place.

Based on the statements above, the writer concluded that the generic structure of

the descriptive text is different from other texts. There are two main components in the

generic structure of descriptive text. They are identification and description. The Language Feature in Descriptive Text.


Regarding its linguistics features, Derewianka (1990); Emilia and Christie

(2013); Gerot and Wignell (1994); Knapp and Watkins (2005) state that descriptive

text employs some linguistics features as summarized below:

a) Focus on specific participants as the main character;

b) Use present tense as dominant tenses;

c) Use linking verbs or relational process frequently (is, are, has, have, belongs to)

to classify and describe appearance or qualities and parts or functions of the


d) Use action verbs or material process and behavioural process in giving additional

description regarding action and behaviour done by the participants in the text;

e) Use the mental verb or mental process when describing feelings;

f) Use adjectives and adverbs to add information to nouns (participant) and add

information to verbs (actions) to provide a more detailed description of the topic;

g) Use adverbial phrases to add more information about manner, place, or time and

sometimes realized in an embedded clause which functions as circumstances.

Gerot and Wignel (1995:208) state that the language features usually found in a

descriptive text are;

1) Focus on the specific participant. In describing something in written descriptive

must focus only on one subject, for example, Borobudur Temple, a cat, my new

house, and so on.

2) The use of simple present tense. In which usually found the passive voice in the

descriptive text especially when describes a particular place.


3) The use of attributive and identifying processes. It is about the use of have and


4) The use of frequent epithets and classifiers in a nominal group, like attractive

and beautiful.

From the explanation above, the writer can conclude that some requirements are

dealing with the language features of descriptive text. A descriptive text must have

specific characters: using simple present tense, using attributive and identifying

processes, focusing on specific participant, and using descriptive adjective to build up

a nominal group.

2.1.5. Games in Foreign Language Learning The Definition of Games in Learning

There are many definitions of the game in learning English. McGonigal

(2012) proposes four properties that define games: they are that a game should have

a goal, a system of rules, a feedback system and voluntary participation. Using this

definition many other activities, including higher education itself could easily fall

into the classification of a game.

Games have also featured as part of learning both through game-based

learning and gamification of education. Game-Based Learning is about learning

from playing games (Squire, 2011).

Based on the statements above shows that game in learning English has some

properties to reach purposes. Games have also featured as part of learning through

Game-Based Learning. The games are very useful to support teaching and learning

English. The Nature of Games in Learning

Game is a fun activity. Most of the students especially for teenagers’ students

like playing a game. They can get not only enjoyment but also many other benefits

of playing game. Games help and encourage many students to sustain their interest

and work. Play is a purposeful activity and games are a part of playing. Games are

very appropriate teaching technique in the classroom (Linse and Nunan, 2005).

Robeson (2003: 49-50) expresses those games supply a nonthreatening

environment for coping with new learning. When the learners are having fun, they

are likely to accept risks, make mistakes without having a feeling of failure, and try

to solve their initial feelings and use them in their daily life. Robeson (2003) also

adds that games are the most effective learning to take place. A learner who

encounters a new English word, expression, pattern or even reading English text

she/he is immersed in a game, is far more motivated to learn it and much more

likely to internalize it than a child who receives the new knowledge from her/his

teacher before a game.

Based on the description above shows that the game is very useful to stimulate

and motivate students in the teaching and learning process of English. Students are

more active and interested in learning English because they feel happy and

confident. This gives students optimal opportunities to use English and they look

less embarrassed. Because it provides stimulation and motivation, the game makes

English useful and meaningful for students. How Many Words Do You Get Game?

1). Definitions of How Many Words Do You Get Game

This English vocabulary game is called "How Many Words Do You Get?"

Why is it named so? Because this game asks students to make as many words as

possible based on a word given by the teacher (Yuli 2003).

2). The Procedure

The meaning of procedure is a series of actions that are done in a certain

way or order: an established or accepted way of doing something (Yuli 2003).

a) Divide students into several groups. Or also the student can be paired

with seatmate.

b) Write on the board a word such as INDONESIA.

c) Ask students to make 20 words on the condition that the word has letters

that come from the word INDONESIA. Provide examples if necessary,

for example: DONE, SEA, NOSE.

d) Give students 10 minutes to complete the task.

e) Give a prize to the group that finds 20 words in 10 minutes.

3). Advantages and Disadvantages

By knowing the advantages and disadvantages of this strategy, we can find

out the effectiveness of the strategies used in learning writing skills (Yuli 2003).

a). Advantages of How Many Words Do You Get Game


This game is very useful for increasing students' vocabulary. In

addition, this game also trains students' creativity and improves


b). Disadvantages of How Many Words Do You Get Game

It needs a lot of time.

2.1.6. Motivation Definition of Motivation

Academic motivation is enjoyment of school learning characterized by a

mastery orientation,curiousity,persistence,task-endogens,and the learning of

challenging,difficult and novel tasks (Gottfried, 1990:525), while Turner

(1995:413) argues that motivation to be synonymous with cognitive

engagement,which he defines as “voluntary uses of high-level self-regulated

learning strategies,such as paying attention,connection,planning and mentoring”.

Motivation can lead person to do actions.

William and Burden (1997:20) say that motivation is a state of cognitive

arousal which provokes a decision to act and give rise to period of sustained

intellectual and physical effort,so that the person can achieve some previously set

goal. On the other hand,Dornyei (2001:56) defines that motivation explain why

people decide to do something,how long they are willing to sustain the activity and

how hard they are going to pursue it.

Based on the above explanations,the writer summarizes that motivation is a

state of cognitive arousal which is characterized by developing


orientation,curiosity,persistence,task-endogen and learning of challenging that can

provokes to do something. Type of Motivation

According to Harmer’s idea (2001:51), there are two types of motivation:

1) Intrinsic Motivation

By contrast, come from within the individual. Thus, a person is motivated

by enjoyment of the learning process itself of by a desire to make they feel better.

Most of the writer methodologist has come to the view that intrinsic motivation is

especially important for encouraging success.

2) Extrinsic Motivation

Extrinsic motivation is caused by any number of outside factors such as the

need to pass exam, the hope of financial reward or the possibility of future travel. How to Measure Motivation

Based on Guttman scale (1990), the result of the test represents the student’s

motivation could be classified into five categories, they are:

Categories Score Precentage

Very High 86-100
High 70-85
Fair 60-69
Low 50-59
Very Low <50

Based on Carla (2005) there are some ways to measure motivation, they are:

1) Projection Test

The projection test that is most known is Thematic Apperception Test (TAT).

What people say is a projection of the inside state of them. To know what the people

should give stimulus that can be interrupted.

2) Questionnaire

One of the instruments in measuring motivation is to ask the client to fill the

question that contains indicator to be used to know the motivation. Questionnaire

can be presented by checklist consists of positive question and negative question.

3) Behavioural observation

Creating a certain situation is one of the ways in measuring motivation. The

situation can be created according to the indicators that make and show an attitude

of the client that can be categorized as a motivation.

2.2 Theoretical Framework

Writing is one of four skills should be mastered for Junior High School

student. Students got difficulties in writing because most of the student does

not understand the grammar and vocabularies. Then the students need a long

time to write something. The students are also afraid to make a mistake

when they doing the task.


There are so many problems faced by students when they learn writing

skill. The students had low motivation an English writing, especially in

writing descriptive text because they did not understand how to explore their

ideas. Besides, the teacher usually taught by using events traditional

technique. Those may cause their motivation is low. To solve the problem,

the writer uses” How Many Words Do You Get” Game to improve writing

skill descriptive text at the Eight graders of SMPN 2 Mungkid, Magelang.

The writer assumed that “How Many Words Do You Get” Game is

expected to be a good media to teach writing skill in junior high school. To

conduct this research, the writer needs to do some steps. The first step was

the writer need to observe the school where it was going to conduct the

research. In this observation, the writer noticed some problems with

students’ ability in writing skill. After finding some problems, the writer

thought about the action to solve the problems. Then, “How Many Words

Do You Get” Game is used in teaching and learning process. After that, the

writer plant and employed some effort to improve students’ motivation and

writing skill of Descriptive text of eight graders of SMPN 2 Mungkid

Magelang through the use of “How Many Words Do You Get” Game.

Writing Descriptive

The teacher uses monotonous

teaching technique and media in
teaching writing.

The writer assumes that “How Many Words Do

You Get” Game is expected to be a good media to
teach writing skill in junior high school.

Using” HMWDYG” Game to Improve Descriptive Text

Writing Skill of The Eighth Graders of SMPN 2 Mungkid.

Figure 1 Theoritical framework

2.3 Actions Hypotheses

The Hypotheses:

In this study, the writer has two hypothesises as a temporary answer to some

of the problems that occurred in this research. This hypothesises of this research


1. The "How Many Words Do You Get” game can improve students writing

skills in Descriptive text of the eighth graders of SMPN 2 Mungkid in the

school year of 2022/2023.

2. There is a great improvment of the descriptive text writing skill of the eighth

graders of SMPN 2 Mungkid in the school year of 2022/2023 taught by

using the “How Many Words Do You Get” game.

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