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A V Narasimhadhan

Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Surathkal, India.

Email ID:

Machine to do classification/recognition/regression is a difficult reduction of accuracy in the classification or regression. Elaborately,

task as it understands the numerical values which may be similar to more number of layers would give the more complicated non linear
different objects to recognize. More precisely, in terms of features, function to minimize. Since the optimizers use gradient descent
there is a lot of variability in patterns of a single class, and methods, it may cause vanishing gradients and may end up in
probability that features vectors of patterns from different classes the worst local minimum [13]- [14]. The computation graph that
can be arbitrarily close [1]. the neural network allows to use the backpropagation algorithm
Because of simplicity in implementation, learning of machines which is recursive. However, research is going on for the efficient
was started by linear models which are generally efficient. However, optimizer other the gradient methods where we have the advantages
linear models are not always sufficient to fit the data [2]- [5]. of backpropagation algorithm. In addition to this area, research
And, we know that the nonlinear models are always good fit is going on for the weight initialization, activation functions and
for the data. Support vector machines(SVMs), Decision trees batch normalization techniques. The weight initialization plays an
and neural networks provide the good parameterized class of important role in training the neural network. One of the popular is
nonlinear functions to fit the data. Among these approaches, Xavier initialization which maintains the sufficient dynamic range
neural networks gained momentum as it has the advantage of back at each layer. Activation function also plays crucial in avoiding
propagation algorithms [6]- [8], unlike other approaches such as the vanishing and exploding the gradients. In 2016, people have
SVMs and Decision trees and many more. More of we have high proposed the new architecture named residual network (RESNET)
end computing devices to implement the non linear models. Fitting which has the concept of learning as good/equivalent as the
is generally classified as classification or regression depending on previous network [15]- [18]. None of the architecture is able to
the usage. In case of classification, the output of the model takes dominate the RESNET as all most all layer architectures are merely
two or finite values whereas for the regression, out of the model the modifications of RESENTs [19]- [20].
takes values from real line, for instance, localization, filtering,
denoising and synthesis etc. come under regression which is a class One of the common problems that we would face in machine
of fitting. Perceptron algorithm, least squares method, fisher linear learning is overfitting. This is because of insufficient data to train
discriminant analysis and popularly the logistic regression are used the machine. Solutions to this problem are to either increase the
to learn the linear classifiers [9]. On the other hand, SVMs, neural data size or use the regularization term. Adding regularization to the
networks present the linear and non linear classifiers as well. All data is nothing but giving prior information to the machine. Usually,
these classifiers are the approximations of the Bayesian classifiers with no prior, the learning is named classical inference and with
[10], meaning that, error we get using the Bayesian classifier is not prior, the learning is named as the Bayesian inference in statistical
more than the error obtained by any other classifier. Essentially, sense [21]- [24]. However, in 2017, from Geoffrey Hinton’s lab,
Bayessian sets bound on the error. However, Bayesian classifier CapsuleNet [25] has been proposed, which is different from all the
is unused since it has a problem of estimating the densities from other architectures available. Importantly, the CapsuleNET does not
the available fewer samples. Among the linear classifiers, the use the pooling layer as it only passes the dominant features to the
logistic regression is more close to the Bayes classifier in sense, next layer resulting at high end layers that do not have the spatial
and in some situations, the error produced in both cases is the information. The advantage of this NET is that it works effectively
same [2]. The non linear SVM classifier was popular more than a even if we have a limited number of samples in the data. Precisely,
decade before the revisit of the convolutional neural network. The parts of the network works as a regularization term [26]- [29].
idea of this non linear classifier is that features are non linearly The discussion is for the cases where we have the data with
transformed into higher dimension where in the classes are linearly lables which is the tranining data. Learning that we get with these
separable to which one can apply the linear classifier [1]. samples of the data is called the supervised learning. However, in
most of the cases, we obtained the data with no labels. Hence, we
There are many types of neural networks out of which, need to train the classifiers without labels. This type of learning
convolutional neural networks (CNN) are most popular. First is called unsupervised learning. The goal of this learning is to
convolutional neural network, which is LeNet [11], came in 1998, get the underlying hidden structure of the data. Unsupervised
but due to the implementation issues, people had not shown interest learning includes clustering, dimensionality reduction, density
in it. With the advent of fast computing devices, convolutional estimation etc. Some of the most commonly used algorithms
neural networks came in light in 2012 with the introduction of the in unsupervised learning include: clustering, neural networks, and
Alexnet [12]. The main advantage of convolutional neural networks approaches for learning latent variable models. Before the evolution
is removal of finding the features which are input to the linear or of neural networks, the popular algorithms in this learning were
non linear models, and importantly, these networks learn deeply clustering , and approaches such as expectation maximization and
hence it is called the deep nets. Many modifications of Alexnet have blind separation techniques. Blind separation techniques are still
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