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The Story of Yoshiro Sondakh, Refused to Complain Even

Though He Didn't Have A Phone for Online Study

Yoshiro Sondakh, a 10th grader of Pineleng 2 Senior High School, everyday

traveling 3 KM from his house to school using bicycle. This was forced to do in
order to receive formal education.

The first child of the three siblings does not have a phone to study online. There is
only one property of his mother, even his younger brother who is still in
elementary school has used it.

Her mother could not afford to buy a smartphone because apart from being a single
parent, the mother who previously worked in a coconut oil processing factory had
to be sent home due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Every day, at around 6:30 am WITA he uses his bicycle from his house in
Mogandi no.5, Sea, Pineleng district, Minahasa district, North Sulawesi, to his
school on Veteran Street, Sea I, Pineleng district.

By using his bike, he travels about 3 KM everyday. Once his bicycle was damaged,
he was forced to walk to his school.

Yoshiro often arrives at the school earlier than his teachers. Each day he studied
offline in his class first, got an assignment, and then moved into a computer lab to
study by watching youtube while completing the assignment.

He has been doing that activity since May, although he admits that he is tired of
using his bicycle every day. However, all of that can be defeated with a high
enthusiasm for education.

"From the beginning of school, I always come to school since May. Sometimes I
also feel tired when I have to ride my bicycle every day, but because I want to
study, I still come to school anyway," says Yoshiro, who wanted to become an
English translator someday.

In addition to receiving scheduled lessons, often during spare time, his other
teachers gave him additional lessons.
The vice principal (Wakasek) of curriculum Mike Buol said since entering school
year 2020/2021, the student has been requesting an offline school.

"So we serve him according to the proper schedule at this school. Sometimes I
followed the schedule until noon, he would take the rest of the subject home, do
the assignment, and bring the report to school the next day," he said.

He said that besides Yoshiro there were some other students doing offline study,
the difference is Yoshiro came every day while the other students only came to
take the assignment for one week, then finished the assignments, then brought back
to school next week.

"If Yoshiro, we serve him every day because we carry out learning from school not
from home," he said

Pineleng 2 senior high school sets 2 education models: online and offline. That is
why teachers are required to go to school each day and provide online lessons from
school that are equipped with WIFI and offline for students who come to school.

This story of Yoshiro went viral on social media because it was shared by the
Anisa Angle Rambi's account, one of the teachers at the school. This was done
because she was concerned about the struggle being carried out by Yoshiro while
several other students who were well off actually complained about learning during
the Covid-19 pandemic.

"Most of the students blamed the teacher for the learning situation, while Yoshiro I
see from the beginning of the study that he is always diligent to come to school,
then he follow the lessons, then the teachers give the assignments, but he never
complain, he come every day to school,"

Seeing that she was moved by her heart to bring up Yoshiro’s story as a reflection
for the other students, who though he did something more than others, he did not
complain, most who complained did not do the study well.

She said that Yoshiro has the character of a leader, independent, he's not affected
when he wants to go to school whether he has friends or just himself. He focused
that he was a student and his duty was to study.
"So that every day, early in the morning, even before the teacher was there he was
already at school because he realized his status as a student and his duty was to
study even though the government suggested for online study, but from the
beginning Yoshiro had told her that he could not follow the online study, he would
come to the school," she explained.

The teachers themselves had adviced him to study at school only once a week, but
he preferred study at school everyday. However the teachers still continued to
serve him everyday with pleasure.

"This child has spirit to study and going to school every day, maybe because he's
used to it," she said.

Nama: Napitupulu Yosefino Rivaldo

Kelas: 12 IPA 4
Nomor: 25

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