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1. The cornea consists of the following layers except:

A) epithelium
B) endothelium
C) stroma
D) pre-Descemet’s
E) sub-Bowman
2. Dense scar of cornea with incarceration of iris is known as:
A) Adherent Leucoma
B) Dense leucoma
C) Ciliary staphyloma
D) Iris bombe
E) Descematocele
3. Bacteria, which can attack normal corneal epithelium is:
A) Neisseria gonorrhea
B) Staphylococcal epidermidis
C) Moraxella lacunata
D) Staphylococcal aureus
E) mycobacterium tuberculosis
4. Collagen found in the stroma is:
A) Type II
B) Type VI
C) Type I
D) Type XI
E) Type IV
5. With regard to the sclera, which statement is LEAST likely to be correct?
A) It consists of regularly spaced collagen fibres
B) It fuses posteriorly with the dural sheath of the optic nerve
C) It is pierced by the vortex veins posterior to the equator
D) It is thinnest behind the insertions of the rectus muscles
E) Its thickness at posterior pole is 1 mm
6. A numerical value used as a summary measure for a sample, such as a sample mean, is
known as
A) Population Parameter
B) Sample Parameter
C) Sample Statistic
D) Population Mean
E) population median
7. The thinnest part of the sclera is
A) Just behind the insertion of the rectus muscles
B) At the Limbus
C) At the equator
D) Around the optic nerve
E) Just posterior to the Limbus

� Dr. Mazen Rahahlah �

Ophthalmology � Dr. Mazen Rahahlah � 2

8. Which of the following statements is FALSE?

A) The ciliary epithelium is rich in mitochondria
B) Aqueous formation has a diurnal rhythm
C) The outer pigment layer has a greater metabolic activity than the inner non-pigmented
D) Cyclic GMP is involved in the control of aqueous secretion
E) The Na+ component of aqueous is secreted by primary active transport
9. Which of the following mechanisms lowers intraocular pressure in the ciliary body?
A) Stimulation of B2 receptors through activation of adenylate cyclase
B) Stimulation of alpha-2 receptors through activation of adenylate cyclase
C) Stimulation of alpha-2 receptors through inhibition of adenylate cyclase
D) Stimulation of B2 receptors through inhibition of adenylate cyclase
E) Inhibition of alpha and B receptors
10. One of the following arises from ophthalmic artery between superior oblique muscle and
medial rectus muscle:
A) Anterior ethmoidal artery
B) Medial palpebral artery
C) Posterior ethmoidal artery
D) Supraorbital artery
E) Supratrochlear artery
11. Infraorbital artery arises from the maxillary artery in:
A) Pterygopalatine fossa
B) Inferior orbital fissure
C) Infraorbital foramen
D) Sphenopalatine fossa
E) Optic canal
12. All of the following are actions of direct-acting muscarinic agents except:
A) Contraction of the iris sphincter
B) Relaxation of the zonular tension on the lens, allowing for accommodation
C) Tension on the sclera spur
D) contraction of the longitudinal fibers of the ciliary body
E) posterior displacement of the lens
13. Which is true about ciliary muscles?
A) Are striated muscles
B) Are stimulated by muscarinic antagonists
C) Its stimulation produces miosis
D) Attached to scleral spur
E) Composed solely of longitudinal fibers
14. What is the weakest bone within the orbit
A) The Lamina papyracea portion of the ethmoidal bone
B) The sphenoid bone
C) The Lacrimal bone
D) The maxillary bone
E) The palatine bone

� Dr. Mazen Rahahlah �

Ophthalmology � Dr. Mazen Rahahlah � 3

15. During accommodation, all the following are correct, EXCEPT:

A) Contraction of the longitudinal fibers of the ciliary muscle pulls the choroid forward
B) Contraction of the circular fibers draws the ciliary body closer to the lens, decreasing the
diameter of the ring formed by the ciliary body
C) Accommodation has been found to increase the intraocular pressure
D) The lens capsule adopts a more spherical shape
E) The lens thickens, and the anterior surface curve increases
16. Surgery to the inferior oblique could damage all of the following except:
A) optic nerve
B) ciliary ganglion
C) fovea
D) inferonasal vortex vein
E) conjunctiva
17. The following are true about the extraocular muscle fibers except:
A) They are poorly fasciculated
B) they are all supplied by single motor end plate
C) they contain a higher ratio of nerve axons to muscle fibers compared with the skeletal
D) the outer orbital fibers have a larger diameter than the inner global fibers
E) in the orbital zones, the majority of fibers are of fibrillenstruktur type
18. Adduction is a tertiary action of:
A) medial rectus muscle
B) superior rectus muscle
C) superior oblique muscle
D) inferior oblique muscle
E) lateral rectus muscle
19. Regarding lens fibers all of the following are true except
A) Are hexagonal in cross section
B) Attach to the lens capsule
C) Lose their nuclei when mature
D) Interlock with each other
E) Have small extra cellular spaces
20. Regarding cornea all of the following are true except:
A) Contains 3500 endothelial cells per mm square at birth
B) Receives its nerve supply from the short ciliary nerves
C) Contains an acellular collagenous stroma
D) Receives nutrients from the anterior ciliary artery at its periphery
E) Contains five layers of cells in the epithelium
21. Regarding the sclera one of the following is true
A) Has a higher content of glycosaminoglycan than the cornea
B) Is avascular
C) Is thinnest at the posterior pole
D) Consists mainly of collagen type II
E) Has similar water content to the lens

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22. Regarding crystalline lens all of the following are false except:
A) Is derived from neural crest ectoderm
B) Consist of 75% protein
C) Is suspended by the zonules which contains the protein fibrillin
D) The anterior capsule is responsible for the formation of new lens fibers
E) Is fully developed at birth
23. One of the following is false regarding Bruch’s membrane
A) Is an acellular connective tissue layer
B) Is a single layer of basement membrane
C) Is about 300 nm thick
D) Contains a central elastic zone
E) Consists of inner and outer collagenous zones
24. Regarding the lacrimal gland, all are true except:
A) is a tubulo-acinar gland
B) develops from surface ectoderm
C) its ducts are lined with columnar or cuboidal epithelium
D) receive post-gangilonic secretomotor fibers from the ciliary ganglion
E) the predominant cell type in the gland are serous secretory cells
25. The tear film, all true except:
A) it has three main layers
B) the lipid layer is the outer most and it is secreted from the meibomian glands
C) the mucin layer is the innermost one and its main function is to decrease tear evaporation
D) the tear film break up time is important test for tear stability and normally it is 10-15
E) the goblet cells are responsible for mucin secretion, they are scattered in the conjunctiva
with greater concentration inferonasally
26. Blinking, one answer is wrong:
A) the spontaneous blinking has a rhythm of 12-15 times per minute
B) the reflex blinking occur in response to tactile, optical or auditory stimuli such as in
menace and dazzle reflexes
C) the voluntary blink involves all three parts of orbicularis oculi ( orbital ,preseptal and
pretarsal muscles)
D) blind people do blink spontaneously
E) children have higher blinking rate than adults.
27. Which is the outer most layer supplied by the central retinal artery:
A) ganglion cell layer
B) inner plexiform layer
C) inner nuclear layer
D) outer plexiform layer
E) outer nuclear layer

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Ophthalmology � Dr. Mazen Rahahlah � 5

28. All of the following are located in the inner nuclear layer of the retina except:
A) amacrine cell nuclei
B) horizontal cell nuclei
C) muller cell nuclei
D) bipolar cell nuclei
E) rod nuclei
29. Phototransduction (capture of photons of light and conversion into electrical signal) takes
place in:
A) the nuclei of the photoreceptors
B) the retinal pigment epithelium
C) outer segment of the rods and cons
D) amacrine cell
E) horizontal cell
30. All of the following pathophysiologic roles take place in the retinal pigment epithelium
A) absorption of scattered light
B) blood retinal barrier function
C) visual pigment regeneration and synthesis
D) visual processing
E) maintenance of retinal adhesion
31. Related to eye embryology, all of the following are derivatives of mesoderm except:
A) choroid
B) ciliary body
C) iris stroma
D) iris sphincter muscle
E) blood vessels
32. During fetal development of the eye, hyaloid system disappears at which month?
A) 5th month
B) 6th month
C) 7th month
D) 8th month
E) 9th month
33. The location of embryonic fissure closure correlates with the usual clinically found
colobomas, the location of fissure closure correlates with:
A) superionasal quadrant
B) inferonasal quadrant
C) superiotemporal quadrant
D) inferiotemporal quadrant
E) macula

� Dr. Mazen Rahahlah �

Ophthalmology � Dr. Mazen Rahahlah � 6

34. Which of the following is false about foramen spinosum:

A) It is located anteromedial to foramen oval
B) It is found in the greater wing of sphenoid
C) It connects the middle cranial fossa with the infratemporal fossa
D) It transmits the meningeal branch of the mandibular nerve
E) It transmits the middle meningeal artery
35. About the dura mater of the brain, which is false:
A) Dura is sensitive to stretching
B) The endosteal layer extends through the foramen magnum to become continuous with the
dura mater of spinal cord
C) The Falx Cerebri is a sickle-shaped fold of dura mater that is attached anteriorly to the
internal frontal crest and Crista Galli
D) The tentorium cereblli is a crescent shaped fold of dura mater that roofs over the posterior
cranial fossa
E) The Diaphragma sellae is a small circular fold of dura mater that forms the roof for the
sella turcica
36. The following are false about Staphylococus aureus:
A) under microscope they appears as diplococci
B) they form yellow colony
C) they are found in the nasal passage of normal population
D) they cause haemolysis on blood agar
E) they are often coagulase positive
37. About the eyebrow which is false:
A) It has 5 layers similar to that of the scalp
B) Its subcutaneous tissue is devoid of fat
C) All the muscles that move the eyebrow are innervated by the 7th cranial nerve
D) The venous drainage of the eyebrow is into the angular vein and so enter the facial vein
E) The lymphatic drainage of the medial end of the eyebrow is into the submandibular nodes
38. About the palpebral fissure, which is true:
A) The lateral canthus is rounded while the medial canthus forms an angle of about 60
B) The medial angle is directly in contact with the eyeball
C) In whites, the palpebral fissure is widest halfway along its length
D) In Orientals, the lateral angle is 5 mm higher than the medial
E) In Blacks, the medial angle is usually overlapped by a vertical skin fold
39. About the eyelid margin, which is false:
A) It is 2 mm thick and 30 mm long
B) The ciliary portion forms the lateral five-sixth of the lid margin and has squared edges
C) The lashes are longer and more numerous on the upper lid
D) The glands of Zeiss open into the hair follicles of eyelashes
E) The posterior row of lashes marks the site of junction between the skin and conjunctiva.

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40. Which statement about eyelid anatomy is true?

A) The peripheral arterial arch is often absent in the upper lid
B) Frontal nerve participates in the sensory supply of the lower lid
C) The peripheral and marginal arterial arcades allow for anastomosis between the internal
and external carotid systems
D) Orbicularis oculi muscle is divided into the palpebral and orbital parts, with the latter
being divided further into the preseptal and pretarsal portions
E) The gray line is formed by the muscle of Riolan and represents the observable edge of the
preseptal orbicularis at the eyelid margin
41. About Levator Palpebrae Superioris, which is true:
A) The medial aponeurosis horn fuses with the orbital septum and the medial palpebral
B) Has a smooth muscle component supplied by parasympathetic fibers from the superior
cervical ganglion
C) It originates from the greater wing of the sphenoid just above the optic foramen
D) The lateral horn divides the lacrimal gland into two completely-separated portions
E) The muscle belly is much wider than the aponeurosis
42. One of the following acts as Antigen Presenting Cell during inflammation:
A) Basophils
B) Macrophages
C) Neutrophils
D) Eosinophils
E) Mast cells
43. The following are true with regard to cell growth except:
A) Ionizing radiation can cause atrophy
B) Hypocalcaemia can lead to enlargement of the parathyroid gland
C) The main stimulus for hypertrophy is mechanical
D) In metaplasia, there is a change of a type of differentiated cell to a type of
undifferentiated cell
E) Achondroplasia does not affect membranous bone
44. Granulation tissue one is false:
A) Is a feature of wound healing
B) Contains fibroblasts
C) Contains thin-walled capillaries
D) Often contains granuloma
E) Leads to scar formation
45. Rubella one is false:
A) Is transmitted through the respiratory tract
B) Is a RNA virus
C) Has an incubation period of 14 to 21 days
D) Has maximal infectivity coincides with a papulomacular rash
E) More likely to cause fetal abnormalities when the mother becomes infected in late

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46. One is true about the inferior oblique muscle:

A) It arises from the lacrimal bone
B) It passes anterolaterally below the inferior rectus
C) It is innervated by the superior division of the third nerve
D) It intorts the globe
E) It elevates the globe
47. True statements about carbonic anhydrase inhibitors include:
A) at least 90% of the carbonic anhydrase needs to be inhibited before the intraocular
pressure shows a significant drop
B) they inhibits carbonic anhydrase found in the non-pigmentary ciliary epithelium
C) shallowing of the anterior chamber is a feature
D) Transient hypermetropia is a feature
E) it can cause thickening of the cornea if given topically in patients with diseased
48. The effect of pilocarpine include except:
A) increased incidence of retinal tear
B) increased tension in the zonules
C) contraction of the ciliary body
D) increased thickness of the lens
E) increased permeability of the iris vessels
49. With regard to HLA class 1 antigen, one is false:
A) they are expressed on all nucleated cells
B) they are made up of a heavy chain and a light chain
C) they are essential for viral antigen recognition by cytotoxic cells
D) the genes for HLA class 1 molecules are located on chromosome 6 and 15
E) CD4+ cells only recognize antigen presented in association with HLA class II molecules
50. One of the following is true:
A) Ig M crosses the placenta
B) thymus gland is responsible for cellular immunity
C) C1-9 is used by the alternative complement pathway
D) eosinophils are responsible for phagocytosis
E) interleukin-1 activates B cells to produce interleukin-2

� Dr. Mazen Rahahlah �

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