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Using speed time graphs to analyse a car chase 

Incident  (A)  (B)  (C)  (D)  (E)  (F) 
Car moves  Twin  Gold car  Black car  Twin flies  Agent 
onto  shoots at  turns over  turns over  into car  jumps 
motorway  car  onto car 
Speed(m/s)  20  20  20  25  30  30 
Time on  8.26  33.19  56.43  75.53  125.54 

Time in  8  33  56  76  126 


Incident  (G)  (H)  (I)  (J)  (K) 

Agent pulls  Trinity  Tyre on car  Car gets  Car stops 
off top of  slams on the  burst  slammed 
car  breaks  into wall 
Speed(m/s)  35  0  25  20  0 
Time on  154.33  160.76  193.35  207.63  224.87 
Time interval  154  161  193  208  225 
in seconds 
Activity 1 
Plot these results on a speed time graph, with time on the bottom axis 
(the x axis) and speed on the side axis (the y axis). 
Label the points where there is a change in motion A,B,C,D,E,F,H,I,J and 
K. Example: point A is at time 0 and has speed 0. 
(I don't know why the G is not there. It is in the original chart I made. 
Here’s the link: ​Physics 11: Chart​) 
Activity 2 
Using the equation: 
Change of speed (f inal speed − initial speed)
acceleration (magnitude of , i.e. without direction) = Change in time = (f inal time − initial time)  
Work out the following accelerations (on paper and then in Desmos): 
Acceleration A to B  Acceleration B to C  
Acceleration C to D  Acceleration D to E 
Acceleration E to F Acceleration F to G 
Acceleration G to H  Acceleration H to I 
Acceleration I to J  Acceleration J to K 
A​ to ​B ​= 0 m/s^2 F ​to ​G ​= 0.18 m/s^2

B ​to ​C ​= 0 m/s^2 G ​to ​H ​= -5 m/s^2

C ​to ​D ​= 0.22 m/s^2 H ​to ​I ​= 0.71 m/s^2

D ​to ​E ​= 0.25 m/s^2 I ​to ​J ​= -0.33 m/s^2

E ​to ​F ​= 0 m/s^2 J ​to ​K ​= -1.18 m/s^2


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