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Nama : Kevin Nisa Kartika Sari

NIM : 202010200013

1. Give 10 comments about the advantages and the disadvantages that related with the journal
1) the language is easy to apply
2) there are words that inspire and make the spirit of living life
3) detailed explanation
4) suitable to be read by many circles because it contains about education
5) a detailed explanation is boring
6) clear and detailed discussion
7) do not have to explain his family background so as not to verbose
8) the story is not interesting
9) contains about education
10) easy to understand

2. Write the summary from your understandingabout the journal. Min 500 characters

Inflation is an economic phenomenon related to the extent of the agreed-upon

macroeconomic impact, such as economic growth, external balance, competitiveness,
interest rates, and even income distribution. The relationship between inflation and
economic growth is one of the most debatable issues and macroeconomic discussion among
macroeconomists, policymakers and monetary authorities in all countries. Inflation can be
interpreted as the process of increasing prices that are in effect in an increase. high inflation
rate will not encourage economic development. costs that continue to increase make
productive activities very unprofitable. Such high and sustained price increases have a
negative impact not only on economic activity, but also on the well-being of individuals and
societies which tend to reduce the level of prosperity of large groups of people. This study
aims to determine the theory of inflation according to al-maqrizi and how to overcome it
and determine the differences in the theory of inflation according to al-maqrizi and modern
economics. The results of the study show that inflation is a natural phenomenon that has
affected the entire life of the world's people from the past until now. inflation will occur
when prices generally increase and continue. the way to deal with inflation is to overcome it
by eliminating the causes of inflation such as corruption, excessive taxation and excessive
currency creation. he emphasized the use of dinars and dirhams in dealing with inflation. al-
maqrizi's thinking was not inferior to western economists of the 19th and 20th centuries

His father's weak economic condition caused al-maqrizi to live a childhood and obedience
under the responsibility of his maternal grandfather, Hanafi Ibn Sa'igh and a follower of the
Hanafi school of thought. during his life, al-maqrizi had many interactions with religious
experts or religious leaders. with good morals and noble relationships, someone who offers
and has ideals. al-maqrizi is a person who loves knowledge. he studied various disciplines,
such as nahu, tafsir, calculation, fiqh, hadith and history of the great scholars who lived at his
time. he has many teachers, most of whom are teachers who memorize the Koran and
The theory of inflation according to rahardja and manurung is a symptom of a general and
continuous increase in the price of goods. Meanwhile, according to Sukirno, inflation is an
increase in the price of goods and services, which occurs because demand is greater than
the supply of goods in the market.

On Wikipedia, inflation is defined as the process of increasing prices in general and

continuously. in other words, inflation is also a process of continuous decline in value of the
currency. an increase in the price of one or two items alone cannot be called inflation, unless
the increase expands or results in an increase in another good.

it could be that inflation is considered a monetary phenomenon due to a decrease in the

monetary value of the unit of calculation of a commodity. an increase in inflation is called
deflation, which is a general and continuous downward trend in prices. when the economy is
experiencing continuous inflation.

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