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Psychology of Learning

Johanna Katherine Carvajal, Leonardo Andrés Duque

Paul Kim, Sara Juliana Camacho and Eduin Nicolas Castaño


Positive stereotype.
- Good universities and a different culture.
In the USA, the scholarship is not everything. If someone goes to university, it isn’t because they
want to learn, but because of the judgment and pressure on having a degree. In recent years, there
is a perception that you must have a college degree to succeed due to job requirements. This has
led universities to obtain a large income and funding and upgrade the quality of education and
research they can provide.
Negative stereotype.
- The people are very bad at geography.
The stereotype that people in the US are very bad at world geography is somewhat true. The US
education system focuses more on the history of the US and its states rather than the rest of the
world. This had led to citizens not being able to identify countries other than the ones that were
taught in school.
Positive stereotype.
- Colombian people are insanely hard-working.
This is relative, because sometimes colombian people usually are very lazy at work. However,
other people are very responsible and very endeavour/dedicated to their work. When they like
their work, Colombians are very persistent. But, when it is not a job they like, they are very
- Happy and kind people.
It is true, in our culture we are very kind and friendly. Many times we tend to help others without
receiving anything in return. I think it's because we know we need help.
Also it's because in our culture we're taught than emotions are valid and closeness is more of a
perk than mistake; as Colombians we think about each other as a partner and as a sibling, our
Colombian blood is our bond and that is something to be proud of because we can be really
empathetic with our neighbor.
Negative stereotype.
- All food in Colombia is like Mexican food.
The first stereotype is false, because Colombian and Mexican food is too different, this is
because the same food is not grown, for example beans… Here in Colombia are primarily red
while in Mexico are black.
Also its an interesting stereotype because it shows that on North Americans point of view, south
America it's just México's lands and that brings into conversation our culture development and
- Colombians are lazy and unpunctual.
This is relative, we think this is by region. Most of the people from Bogotá are very unpunctual,
but the people of Santander are very punctual. As for how lazy, Colombian people in general are
not. When we are passionate about something we are dedicated and we are not lazy, but on the
contrary, if we don’t like something we can be very lazy and show no interest.

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