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“Your planet needs YOU”

Casibang, Kassandra Chelsea

Climate Change
Climate Change has been alarming us for years and until now it hasn’t been solved
completely. We humans are affected by this to the point that different calamities are
happening such as wildfires, droughts, floods, global warming, melting of ice glaciers
and so on. These calamities would still exist but we can resolve this by taking action for
our mother Earth. But first we need to know the cause of climate change.

There are three causes of climate change, Orbital Changes, Carbon Dioxide and
Human Activities.
Orbital Changes
According to the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC), the current scientific consensus is that long and short-term variations in
solar activity play only a very small role in Earth’s climate. Which means that global
warming and human activities affects more to the climate change.
When the Earth orbits around the Sun, it’s axis tilts and this affect our temperature
and how our seasons changes. In addition, the distance of Earth to the Sun, whether
its near or far affects our condition as well.
Carbon Dioxide
Before explaining how carbon dioxide affects climate change, let’s discuss
Greenhouse effect first. Greenhouse effect is a phenomenon where the heat traps to
the Earth’s lower atmosphere, a cycle where in daylight the sun heat enters and at
night the Earth cools down. But there greenhouse gasses which makes sun heat
stays at Earth. Greenhouse gasses mostly composed of carbon dioxide.
Finally, Carbon dioxide is mainly made by humans such as burning fossil fuels for
power generation and transportation use. If carbon dioxide increase, Earth will be
more hotter than it’s original and normal temperature.
Human Activities
We mentioned that human activities is the main cause of climate change because we
humans create lots of carbon dioxide that negatively affect Earth. Because of this we’re
experiencing more calamities and dangerous phenomenon that was never seen before.
If we continue this action, our temperature will rise more than we currently have.
This is our planet and our home, we need to protect it and treasure it. Changing our
ways of lifestyle like doing recycles, banning plastics, use ecofriendly materials and
many other things that could help our planet is enough to help our mother Earth.
How to solve Climate Change?
The solution for climate change is mostly rely on humans action. If we change our ways
of life we can reduce the effect of climate change and here are the list of actions to help
us decrease the effect of climate change:
 Consume Less
Buy stuffs that is ecofriendly and recycle as much as possible to lessen buying
unnecessary things.
 Move closer to Work
It is known that transportation is one of the leading effects of increasing
greenhouse gasses. So to decrease its effect we could use transportation that
doesn’t use anything other than human energy like cycling.
 Don’t use Fossil Fuels
There are other alternatives to make energy, for example, wind power, solar
panels, and so on.
 Be Efficient
Turning off lights, saving water, checking your use of electricity is a big impact to
change our situation.
 Stop Cutting Trees.
Trees are significant to us not just its ability to provide oxygen but because it also
helps us to remove carbon dioxide from the air so its very important to us
 Eat Smart
The way we produce food, the way food is manipulated and moved around the
world and what we decide to put on our plate matters for the climate change. So
eat healthy and consume what you can eat and don’t overeat.

We are living in a planet full of challenge to face and resolve. We should braced
ourselves of what problems we would encounter, adapt it and provide solution to it.
Always remember that your planet needs you.

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