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Name:________________________ Grade: second (2nd)

Date: 21/01/2021 Teacher: Ade Haris

Feelings and Body Conditions

(Perasaan dan Kondisi Tubuh)


1. Happy = bahagia
2. Sad = Sedih
3. Angry = Marah
4. Upset = Kesal/jengkel
5. Glad = Senang
6. Satisfied = Puas/kenyang
7. Disappointed = Kecewa
8. Hungry = Lapar
9. Thirsty = Haus
10. Tired = Lelah/Cape
11. Full = Kenyang
12. Ill / sick = sakit
13. Healthy = Sehat
14. Strong = Kuat
15. Weak = Lemah/lemas

1. I am hungry now. Let’s eat .

Aku lapar sekarang. Ayo kita makan

2. My mother is happy because I am dilligent to study..

Ibuku bahagia karena Aku rajin belajar.

3. My old sister is sick so I feel sad.

Kakak perempuanku sakit jadi Aku merasa sedih.

4. My father looks glad because I help him to clean the car.

Ayahku kelihatan senang karena Aku membantunya membersihkan mobil.

5. I feel satisfied/full because I ate two bowl of meatballs

Aku merasa kenyang karena Aku makan dua mangkon bakso


I. Arrange these jumbled letters into a correct english word!

1. l – G – a - d = ……………………………………………………….

2. d – i – T – e – r = ………………………………………………..

3. y – a – p – H – p = …………………………………………………

4. r – t – S – n – o – g = ……………………………………….
5. A – g – y – n – r = …………………………………………..

6. t – e – p – U – s = ……………………………………..

7. y – e – H – l – a – t – h = ……………………………………….

8. u – g – r – y – H – n = ………………………………………………………….

9. h – i – T – r – y – t – s = ……………………………………………………..

10. k – a – W – e = ………………………………………………..

II. Translate into a good english sentences! Terjemahkan ke bahasa Inggris

1. Aku merasa senang sekarang = _______________________________

2. Ibuku lelah hari ini= ____________________________________

3. Ayahku merasa haus= ___________________________________

4. Aku sehat sekarang = _____________________________________________

5. Ibuku kecewa karena aku malas(lazy) = __________________________________

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