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Directions: Utilize this worksheet to help evaluate yourself and your project. Be as
complete and descriptive as possible. This self-evaluation should give the scoring team
a clear picture of what you accomplished in your project. When complete, copy/paste to
a textbox in your Weebly.

Name - Angela Cooper ​Project Start Date​ – Fall 2020

Title of Project​ - Pancreatic Cancer Awareness ​Project Completion Date​ - 12/10/2020

In approximately 40 words or more, describe who your project benefited and how. In
other words, what was the impact of your project?

- My project was able to target my local community family and friends on the
importance of pancreatic cancer and symptoms of pancreatic cancer. I was able to
raise money to donate to the pancreatic cancer network in hopes of using the
money for research. It was an amazing experience to be able to reach the minds of
so many and talk about the importance of paying attention to your body’s
messages to yourself when it is dangerous.

In at least 40 words explain how this was a stretch for you and forced you out of your
comfort zone?

- I have never been one to use social media or extend to social media for help in
spreading a message. Due to the current pandemic, all virtual, online advertising
was all we could do. I have never been comfortable with technology so having to
navigate through my project on social media and online has definitely been one of
the aspects that pushed me out of my comfort zone.
List and then describe 4-8 fundamental ideas/concepts/skills of your project, which you
learned/enhanced during your project. (See proposal- new/enhanced skills - see if you
learned what you anticipated.)

- Public speaking even if it is online

- Time management
- Planning accordingly
- Educating myself on what is and is not helpful/reputable information
- How to properly confront a crowd for my needs/wants
- Self awareness (being able to admit that it is perfectly fine if the beginning plan
does not work, there are other ways)

List and describe 4-8 problems/obstacles/issues you encountered in your project, and
briefly describe how you solved each.

- Getting no responses to emails/help

- Not getting as many people on my zoom as expected
- Having to switch media platforms to advertise for my project due to low interest
- Figuring out what was the best way to communicate with elders who did want to
donate but were not very well with technology
- Not being able to do anything in person

List all people who helped you on the project and briefly describe the help given.

- My senior project mentor - Luz Hall - my amazing aunt. She is a nurse and was
able to give me information for my essay and also help me format my project.
- My mom, being that we both lost my grandma it was nice to have an encouraging
moral support
- My family, friends, and local community who donated and joined my zoom to
create awareness

How does your completed project compare to the picture you had in mind when you
started the project? Explain the reason behind any changes from your proposal.

- I actually did everything I chose to do on my proposal, which was doing a zoom

walk/run, and then doing a gofundme to raise money for my organization.

If given the opportunity, explain what you would have done differently now that you
speak from experience?
- I definitely would have focused more on advertisements on my zoom walk/run. I
feel as though my gofundme turn out was absolutely amazing because I was so
persistent on advertisement; whereas I could have done a little more for my zoom
meeting for a bigger turnout.

Beyond the project itself, what did you learn about yourself?

- I learned to not be too hard on myself. I try too hard for everything to be perfect
and when one thing does not go exactly as planned I beat myself up for it. With
the minor tweaks and errors in my project I learned to accept that as long as I tried
my hardest and I know I loved my outcome and project topic that's all that

What grade would you give yourself on the project? Justify the evaluation of your grade
in at least 25 words.

- Including my essay I would give myself an A without it a B. I feel like I could have
pushed a little harder on my zoom advertisement and got a bigger outcome
pushing me over the A limit. I do feel like I tried my hardest, but have learned from
certain errors I made, giving myself a B.

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