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1. Distinguish a holistic perspective from a partial point of view
2. Recognize human activities that emanated from deliberate reflection
3. Realize the value of Doing philosophy in obtaining a broad
perspective in life
4. Doing a philosophical reflection on a concrete situation from holistic


Read and analyse the following conversation between a senior high school teacher and a
student in her class:

Teacher: Juan, what would you like to be when you grow up?

Juan: Ma’am, I want to be happy!

Teacher: Juan you did not answer my question.

Juan: Ma'am you don't understand what life is all about!

1. Do you think that Juan’s answer was appropriate for his teacher’s question?
answer: Yes, because it is his choice to be happy when he grow up, regardless of what
profession his teacher looking about.

2. What do you think was Juan’s interpretation of his teacher’s question?

answer: I think Juan interprets his teachers questions that what will he want when he grow up,
not what he likes to be when he grow up.

3. Based on his responses, what kind of student do you imagine Juan to be?
answer: Juan is one of a kind person, he is a simple student who like to be happy everytime. I
think he is a fun person.

4. If you were Juan’s teacher, how would you respond to him?

answer: If I would be the teacher of Juan. I would be proud with his answer. I would say to him
that " I am happy with your answer Juan because you just simply like to see yourself in future
happy. We all wanted to live happy but Juan know this that we have a trade of profession we
want to see ourself when we grow up. And what's yours?

5. How is philosophy related to this situation? 

answer: The philosophy relates to it's basic questions of a preson's existence like Juan's
conversation to his teacher because he answered more philosophically with a knowledge and
his own perspective.
Look at the pictures below. What can you say about them? Describe their
similarities and differences.

Answer: These two pictures represents as a point of view in philosophy the first image is holistic
point of view whle the second is partial point of view. The similarities of these two point of view
is they characterized in philosophy as a way or method of how the fact or the situation be seen or
interpreted. The differences of these two point if view is that a holistic point of view aims,
analyze the behaviour and operation of certain component to describe more of a certain system.
While partial perspective if the one speaks from a partial perspective made clear the fact or the
way he sees the reality, a view centered on a single portion of an entire object.

Complete the table below. Write your answer in your notebook.


1. Buying new clothes You must consider it's quality, if it is
worth to your money.
2. Choosing friends You must choose the person you can be
trusted and can rely on.
3. Eating food Make sure that you wash your hands
and thank god for the food.
4. Deciding where to study for Senior You need to know if your strand to take
High School is there.
5. Attending classes in the afternoon You must eat lunch before you go to
6. Going to school You must eat breakfast ,have your baon,
and make sure you bring all the things
that are necessary.
7. Visiting a friend You must have greetings before you
proceed to your main purpose.
8. Joining an organization in school You must look for your schedule and
academic units if you are able to come
with the meetings in org.
9. Playing computer games You must think if the time you spent in
playing computer ganes is worth than
cleaning or studying.
10. Buying a new gadget You must consider it's quality and brand.
11. Asking permission if you would like to You need to have a proper permession, be
go out with friends honest for whatever you say.
12. Helping a stranger I never think before when I'm helping
13. Traveling without your family You must have enough cash, and plans
on your trip.
14. Going to mass or any religious You must dress proper when you go to
activities religious activity.
15. Watching movies that are not allowed You must think clearly if this kind of
for your age movie will be good on you.
16. Posting your opinion or feelings in the You must think if it is the right place to
social media show your real emotions or feelings.
17. Communicating to your siblings about Listen to both sides and save your
a conflict thoughts after he/she speaks.
18. Giving opinions You need to make your opinions sure
and effective.
19. Going out with the opposite sex You should know first if the person you
will go out can be trusted.
20. Confronting a person who verbally You must prepared for what you say,
hurt you and you don't need to blame anyone, just
show your real feelings.


Answer the following questions and write your answer in your notebook.
1. Based on your answers in Activity of
2, what must before making actions?
Answer: You need to think clearly before you do the actions.
2. Is it helpful that you do this before making actions? Why or why not?
Answer: Yes, it is very helpful to think clearly because at the end of the actions , i never regret the
decisions i made.

3. As a grade 11 student, what have you realized about this activity? Reflect and
explain your answer in your notebook.
Answer: As a grade 11 student I realized that i must not follow my emotions when I do the actions, the
most important is to use your mind and thinks twice so that you will not regret at the end.


1. What words come into your mind when you hear the word philosophy? Write the
words in the blank circles.
Lover of wisdom

2. What does it mean to be a lover of wisdom?

answer: It means to have an interest of what they're doing . Just like Juan I consider him as a
lover of wisdom because he has a great knowledge of the modern society. He Love
is a human being
that is simple living , but a high thinking believer, that how I mean to be a lover of wisdom.
3. Why is there a need to philosophize?
answer: Because it enhance the intellectual of a person. To have thier
reasons as a philosopher in their own PHILOS ideas. And makes our existence do
everything and makes us alive. OPHY

4. What characteristics should a philosopher possessed?

answer: It tends to have a positive emotions and a sociable person.

5. What other philosophical questions have you asked yourself?
answer: Wisdom
answer: Is it worth to have a failure without trying?
What is the purpose of my existence?
How would I live my life?

What can you say about the quotation below? Do you agree with this? Express
your answers on the space provided.

Answer: I truly agree that broadening your perspective can be life- enhancing. Because a broad
perspective brings truth in life, gains another experience and be a person who is free minded. Stay
out with your comfort zone and begin to experience something first hand. Face your challenges
without fear because a broad perspective will help you. So broadening your perspective can be life
enhancing and a life enhancing means a life that is contented and happy. "Broad your perspective
and make your life happy.

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