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• It is perhaps the most popular tool in generating
creative and rich ideas.

• It helps people establish patterns of ideas,

develop new ways of thinking, activate
background knowledge, and overcome mental
Method in Brainstorming
How to make an idea list :

This strategy is especially appropriate to textual people, or those who are

more comfortable in processing words than visuals. It simply requires
you to make you to write the main topic and then write down all related
How to make an idea map:

Put the big idea or question at the center. Then, add a related
idea by writing it down in a circle near the big idea, and drawing
a line between the two to show how the ideas are connected.
Continue this process of connecting ideas until you have
generated enough concepts.
If you are going to brainstorm on your own, make sure to choose a
comfortable place and minimize distractions. Try using images to
stimulate your mind.

For group brainstorming, make sure to create a fun atmosphere all

throughout the activity. If the members are not used to working together,
open with a warm-up exercise or an ice-breaker. Assign a facilitator who
will lead the discussion, but give every member an equal opportunity to
Graphics Organizers
It is an visual representations of concepts that help us structure
information into organizational patterns. They present essential
information and connect these pieces of information into a coherent

They are helpful tools for brainstorming, facilitating reading and

writing, promoting active learning, and accessing previous knowledge
and experiences. Through graphic organizers, you can focus your
attention on key elements and help you integrate new knowledge into
your current knowledge.
Types of Graphic Organizers
1. VENN DIAGRAM – Is used to compare and contrast ideas and
events. This diagram uses two or more overlapping circles to show
similar and different attributes.
2. Network Tree – Is used to represent hierarchy, classification, and
branching. It is useful in showing relationships of scientific categories,
family trees, and even lineages.
3. Spider Map – Is used to investigare and enumerate various aspects
of a central idea, which could be a concept, topic, or theme. This central
idea is placed at the center of the map. The main idea is placed along its
diagonal line, which details of the main idea are placed on the sides of
the diagonals.
4. Problem-Solution Map – displays the nature of the problem and
how it can be solved. This map usually contains the problem’s
description, its causes and effects, and logical solutions.
5. Timeline – Is used to show how events occurred chronologically
through a long bar labelled with dates and specific events. Timelines can
be linear or comparative.
A linear timeline shows how events happened within one period
A comparative timeline shows two sets of events that happened within
the same period
6. Plot Diagram – Is a tool used to map events in a story. It is used to
analyse the major parts of a plot. The major events to be placed in the
plot diagram are:
a. Exposition – the initial part where the characters, settings,
and relationships are established.
b. Inciting moment – the part which brings about the change or
the conflict.
c. Rising action – the section where the conflict and the
characters are developed.
d. Climax – the highest point of the story where the major events
are confronted.
e. Falling action – the events immediately following the climax
which lead to the closure of the conflict.
f. Resolution – the conclusion or closure of the story.
7. Series of Events Chain – is used to show the logical sequence of
8. Fishbone Map – is used to better understand the casual relationship
of a complex phenomenon. It shows the factors that cause a specific
events or problem, as well as details of each cause.
9. Cycle – describes how a series of events interact to produce a set of
results repeatedly.
10. Persuasion Map – is
used to map out arguments
and evidence that prove a
viewpoint. This map is
especially useful when
processing persuasive or
argumentative texts.
An outline is a tool for organizing ideas. It is used
not only as a pre-writing strategy but also as a post-
reading activity. When preparing an outline, you can
either use a decimal outline or an alphanumeric outline.
A decimal outline uses numbers as labels while an
alphanumeric outline uses both letters and numbers as
• COORDINATION – Requires ideas of the same
relevance to be labeled in the same way.
• SUBORDINATION – shows that minor details have to
be placed under their respective major details.
• DIVISION – requires that no cluster should contain
only one item.
• PARALLEL CONSTRUCTION – requires all entries in
each cluster to use the same structure and format.
Kinds of Outline According to
1. TOPIC OUTLINE uses words and phrases as
its entries. Generally, a topic outline is used if
the ideas being discussed can be arranged in a
number ways.

2. SENTENCE OUTLINE uses complete

sentences as its entries. You uses a sentence
outline when the topic being discussed is
complicated and requires details.

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