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2019-07-27: Part 1 ........................................................................................................... 5
2019-07-27: Part 1 ........................................................................................................... 5
2019-07-27: Part 2 ........................................................................................................... 5
2019-07-27: Part 2 ........................................................................................................... 5
2019-07-27: Part 2 ........................................................................................................... 5
2019-07-27: Part 3 ........................................................................................................... 6
2019-07-27: Part 3 ........................................................................................................... 6
2019-07-27: Part 3 ........................................................................................................... 6
2019-07-26: Part 1 ........................................................................................................... 6
2019-07-26: Part 1 ........................................................................................................... 7
2019-07-26: Part 2 ........................................................................................................... 7
2019-07-26: Part 3 ........................................................................................................... 7
2019-07-24: Part 1 ........................................................................................................... 7
2019-07-24: Part 1 ........................................................................................................... 8
2019-07-24: Part 1 ........................................................................................................... 8
2019-07-24: Part 1 ........................................................................................................... 8
2019-07-24: Part 2 ........................................................................................................... 8
2019-07-24: Part 2 ........................................................................................................... 8
2019-07-24: Part 3 ........................................................................................................... 9
2019-07-24: Part 3 ........................................................................................................... 9
2019-07-23: Part 1 ........................................................................................................... 9
2019-07-23: Part 1 ........................................................................................................... 9
2019-07-23: Part 1 ........................................................................................................... 9
2019-07-23: Part 2 ......................................................................................................... 10
2019-07-23: Part 3 ......................................................................................................... 10
2019-07-22: Part 1 ......................................................................................................... 10

2019-07-22: Part 1 ......................................................................................................... 10
2019-07-22: Part 2 ......................................................................................................... 11
2019-07-22: Part 3 ......................................................................................................... 11
2019-07-21: Part 1 ......................................................................................................... 11
2019-07-21: Part 2 ......................................................................................................... 11
2019-07-21: Part 3 ......................................................................................................... 12
2019-07-20: Part 1 ......................................................................................................... 12
2019-07-20: Part 2 ......................................................................................................... 12
2019-07-20: Part 2 ......................................................................................................... 12
2019-07-20: Part 3 ......................................................................................................... 13
2019-07-20: Part 3 ......................................................................................................... 13
2019-07-19: Part 1 ......................................................................................................... 13
2019-07-19: Part 1 ......................................................................................................... 13
2019-07-19: Part 1 ......................................................................................................... 13
2019-07-19: Part 2 ......................................................................................................... 14
2019-07-19: Part 2 ......................................................................................................... 14
2019-07-19: Part 2 ......................................................................................................... 14
2019-07-19: Part 2 ......................................................................................................... 14
2019-07-19: Part 2 ......................................................................................................... 15
2019-07-19: Part 3 ......................................................................................................... 15
2019-07-19: Part 3 ......................................................................................................... 15
2019-07-19: Part 3 ......................................................................................................... 15
2019-07-19: Part 3 ......................................................................................................... 16
2019-07-19: Part 3 ......................................................................................................... 16
2019-07-18: Part 1 ......................................................................................................... 16
2019-07-18: Part 1 ......................................................................................................... 16
2019-07-18: Part 2 ......................................................................................................... 17
2019-07-18: Part 2 ......................................................................................................... 17
2019-07-18: Part 3 ......................................................................................................... 17
2019-07-18: Part 3 ......................................................................................................... 17

2019-07-17: Part 1 ......................................................................................................... 18
2019-07-17: Part 2 ......................................................................................................... 18
2019-07-17: Part 2 ......................................................................................................... 18
2019-07-17: Part 3 ......................................................................................................... 18
2019-07-04: Part 1 ......................................................................................................... 18
2019-07-04: Part 1 ......................................................................................................... 19
2019-07-03: Part 1 ......................................................................................................... 19
2019-07-02: Part 1 ......................................................................................................... 19
2019-06-30: Part 1 ......................................................................................................... 19
2019-06-30: Part 1 ......................................................................................................... 19
2019-06-24: Part 1 ......................................................................................................... 19
2019-06-24: Part 1 ......................................................................................................... 20
2019-06-22: Part 1 ......................................................................................................... 20
2019-06-01: Part 1 ......................................................................................................... 20
2019-05-06: Part 1 ......................................................................................................... 20
2019-05-05: Part 1 ......................................................................................................... 20
2019-05-04: Part 1 ......................................................................................................... 20
2019-04-30: Part 1 ......................................................................................................... 21
2019-04-29: Part 1 ......................................................................................................... 21
2019-04-27: Part 1 ......................................................................................................... 21
2019-04-23: Part 1 ......................................................................................................... 21
2019-04-23: Part 1 ......................................................................................................... 22
2019-04-22: Part 1 ......................................................................................................... 22
2019-04-13: Part 1 ......................................................................................................... 22
2019-06-29: Part 2 ......................................................................................................... 22
2019-06-29: Part 3 ......................................................................................................... 22
2019-06-29: Part 2 ......................................................................................................... 23
2019-06-29: Part 3 ......................................................................................................... 23
2019-06-28: Part 2 ......................................................................................................... 23
2019-06-28: Part 3 ......................................................................................................... 23

2019-06-24: Part 2 ......................................................................................................... 24
2019-06-24: Part 3 ......................................................................................................... 24
2019-06-23: Part 2 ......................................................................................................... 24
2019-06-23: Part 3 ......................................................................................................... 24
2019-06-23: Part 2 ......................................................................................................... 25
2019-06-23: Part 3 ......................................................................................................... 25
2019-06-19: Part 2 ......................................................................................................... 25
2019-06-19: Part 3 ......................................................................................................... 25
2019-06-18: Part 2 ......................................................................................................... 25
2019-06-18: Part 3 ......................................................................................................... 26
2019-06-07: Part 2 ......................................................................................................... 26
2019-06-07: Part 3 ......................................................................................................... 26
2019-06-06: Part 2 ......................................................................................................... 26
2019-06-06: Part 3 ......................................................................................................... 27

2019-07-27: Part 1
1. Do people drink a lot of tea and coffee in your country?
2. Do you often go out for tea or coffee?
3. Would you invite a friend to drink tea or coffee?
4. When did you last time drink tea or coffee?

2019-07-27: Part 1
1. Who is your favorite movie star? Why?
2. Do you often see movie stars in your country?
3. Do film stars popular in your country?
4. Why do you think they are popular?
5. Have you met an international films star ever?
6. Would you like to be superstar someday? Why?

2019-07-27: Part 2
Describe an advertisement you have watched and will never forget.

You should say:

• what it is about
• when you watched it
• and explain why you will never forget it.

2019-07-27: Part 2
Describe a time when you give advice to someone.

You should say:

• who the person is

• what the advice you gave
• what the person did after receiving your advice.
• Do you think you gave the correct advice?

2019-07-27: Part 2
Talk about a famous person in another country whom you want to meet in future.

You should say:

• who the person is

• what he/she does
• why you want to meet him.
• What do you want to tell to this person if you have a chance to meet him/her?

2019-07-27: Part 3
1. What is the popular media for advertising in your country?
2. Is online advertising popular in your country?
3. Are there many modes of advertisements in your country?
4. Do people usually buy stuff after watching advertisement?
5. Why do people get irritated by advertisement?
6. What do advertisement do with famous people or business people?
7. What are the advantages of TV advertisements? How about internet?

2019-07-27: Part 3
1. Do you usually give advice to others? Why?
2. Do you usually take advice from others? Why?
3. Do teenagers take advices seriously? Why?
4. What kinds of advice do parents give to their children?
5. What advice do parents give to teenagers about making friends?
6. Why do people seek advice from professionals?
7. Will people continue to seek advice from professionals in the future? Why?
8. Why do some people refuse to take good advice?

2019-07-27: Part 3
1. How can people become famous?
2. Why do some people want to be famous?
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of becoming a celebrity?
4. Are celebrities a good role model for students? Why?
5. What influences can famous people have on society?
6. Can celebrities have a positive influence on youth? How?
7. Why can some celebrities stay famous for a long time while some cannot?

2019-07-26: Part 1
1. Where do you living?
2. Why do you stay in the place?
3. Is it an interesting place?
4. How long have you been staying at this place?

5. What do you like most for living there?
6. What would you like to change?

2019-07-26: Part 1
1. When do you smile the most?
2. When did you last see a bunch of people smiling?
3. How can you identify a fake smile?
4. Do you often smile when taking photos? Why?

2019-07-26: Part 2
Describe a piece of information that you think is not correct.

You should say:

• what was the incorrect information

• when did it happen
• how you got it
• explain why you think it is incorrect.

2019-07-26: Part 3
1. Do you think google is a good source of information? Why?
2. Do you think information from google is accurate? Why?
3. Would you say people trust the information that is found online? Why?
4. What kind of professions are related to giving information to others?
5. What is the difference between giving information by phone and email?
6. How can people check whether a piece of information is correct or not?

2019-07-24: Part 1
1. Do you work or study?
2. What do you do?
3. Why did you choose this work?
4. Do you enjoy your work?
5. What do you enjoy about your work?
6. What are the ways you can improve your skills at work?
7. Do you think of changing it in the future?

2019-07-24: Part 1
1. How many seasons are there in your place?
2. Do you prefer wet season?
3. what do you do in your spare time in that season?
4. Which weather do you like the most?
5. Why do you like that weather?
6. Does it impact your mood and work?

2019-07-24: Part 1
1. Can you describe your hometown?
2. Do you like your hometown? Why?
3. Is it nice place?
4. What is special about it?
5. What did you like about your hometown when you were a child?
6. Is there anything you don’t like about your hometown?
7. Is there anything you would like to change about your hometown?

2019-07-24: Part 1
1. How often do you click photographs?
2. Do you think photographs are important in our lives?
3. Do you prefer to take pictures with your phone or a camera?

2019-07-24: Part 2
Talk about a situation when a child made you laugh.

You should say:

• when it happened
• what the child did
• explain why you laugh about it.

2019-07-24: Part 2
Describe a history period which you interested in.

You should say:

• what time it was

• what you know about it

• why it is interesting to you.

2019-07-24: Part 3
1. What can make children laugh?
2. Do you like spending time with children?
3. In your opinion, what is the best age for people to have children?
4. Do you think people should be trained before becoming parents?
5. Is it good to give freedom to children? Why?

2019-07-24: Part 3
1. Do you think it is true about the history that you’ve Learn?
2. Do you think children should be taught about history? Why?
3. Is it good to study about the history? And why?
4. Why do some people like to watch historical movies?
5. What do you think about preserve a historical buildings or things?
6. What is the influence of historical buildings?
7. Who should respond for the cost? And why?

2019-07-23: Part 1
1. How do you commute to work?
2. What other transport can you use to get there?
3. Are there any other ways to reach your working place?

2019-07-23: Part 1
1. Do you enjoy what you do?
2. Do you plan your time?
3. How do you plan your time?
4. Do you make plan every day?
5. Are you good at managing your time?
6. What is the latest plan you made?
7. What is the hardest part about making plans?

2019-07-23: Part 1
1. Are you a patient person?
2. Is it important to be patient? Why? Why not?
3. Are you more patient now than you were younger? Why?

4. Do you think this is important?
5. How do you feel when some people make you wait?

2019-07-23: Part 2
Talk about a friend who accomplished something you are proud of.

You should say:

• who your friend is

• what he or she accomplished
• what your friend’s feeling was
• why you proud of him/her.

2019-07-23: Part 3
1. What is your idea of happiness and success?
2. Do you think success lead to happiness?
3. Why are some people not happy after they accomplished something?
4. When a person is successful, is the person happy or not?
5. Does relationship affect success?
6. Do opportunity and hard work are important for achieving success?
7. Do you think achievement in science is better than arts or sports?

2019-07-22: Part 1
1. What is importance of transportation?
2. Do you think transportation on the streets damages environment? Why?
3. Which development is required in transport facilities in your country?

2019-07-22: Part 1
1. Do you like pets?
2. In your country, which pets animal is popular?
3. Which animals make good pets?
4. Which animal do not you like as a pet?
5. Did you have a pet when you were a child?
6. Is it good for children to have pets? Why?

2019-07-22: Part 2
Describe a time when you received a bad service at a hotel/restaurant.

You should say:

• where you received

• when it happened
• what happened
• and explain why the service was bad.

2019-07-22: Part 3
1. How important customer service to you?
2. In which areas is service not so good in your country?
3. What can be done to improve it?
4. What can be the reasons for bad customer service?
5. What should you do when you get bad service?
6. Why do you think some people choose to be quiet and walk away after receiving
bad service?
7. Are people having high expectation for customer service? Why?
8. Have you faced bad customer service during online shopping? How?

2019-07-21: Part 1
1. Do you like travelling?
2. Why is travelling important to you?
3. Where is best place for vacation in your country? Why?
4. Do you want to travel the world? Why?
5. Would you take a job that requires you to travel to different countries?
6. What challenges did you face when you were traveling?

2019-07-21: Part 2
Describe a person who encouraged you to achieve a goal recently.

You should say:

• who the person is

• what he/she encourage you for
• how he/she encouraged you
• Explain how this encouragement was important for you .

2019-07-21: Part 3
1. Have you every encouraged someone to achieve a goal?
2. How can children be motivated to study harder in school?
3. Who should motivate a child more, the parent or teacher?
4. Do you think parents need to motivate their children to achieve their goal?
5. What do you think that children should be motivated by their parents or teachers
from their teenage time?
6. What factors are important when you think of motivating someone?
7. Is it always necessary to set long-term goals for children to motivate them?
8. Why do some people seem to be more motivated than others?

2019-07-20: Part 1
1. Have you borrowed something from your friends?
2. Have you lent something to your friends?
3. Would you let a stranger borrow your mobile phone? Why or why not?
4. Do you think friends should borrow money from each other? Why or why not?

2019-07-20: Part 2
Describe a situation that your vehicle broke down during your travel.

You should say:

• where you were going

• who you were there with
• how long it took to fix the vehicle
• and explain how you felt about it.

2019-07-20: Part 2
Describe a time you got up extremely early in the morning.

You should say:

• what the occasion was

• What time you woke up
• What you did at that time
• Do you often wake up early in the morning?

2019-07-20: Part 3
1. What kind of transport in your country do mostly people use?
2. In the cities, outside the metropolitan area are there buses and trains available too?
3. Is it more convenient to commute?
4. Do you agree that it should concentrate more the impacts of the transport on the
5. Do you think zebras for pedestrians crossing the streets are safe enough?
6. Where can people find help when the vehicle they are traveling in breaks down?
7. Do you think it’s necessary to learn how to repair a vehicle?

2019-07-20: Part 3
1. Why is waking up early important?
2. What are the reasons some people get up early?
3. Why some people can wake early while others can’t?
4. Some people take short nap during day. Does that have ant effect on working?
5. How does sleeping patterns affect one’s lifestyle?
6. Does working in night shift affects sleep pattern?
7. What are the changes in their lifestyles?

2019-07-19: Part 1
1. Do you prefer to be indoors or outdoors?
2. Did you prefer to play outside or inside when you were young?
3. Did you often go over to your friends’ house when you were young?
4. Is it important for children to play outdoors?

2019-07-19: Part 1
1. Do you like music?
2. Have you ever been to a live concert?
3. What type of music do you like? Why?
4. What are the kinds of music that you don’t like?
5. Do music have connection with thoughts?
6. Do you play musical instruments?
7. Do you download music from website or buying a CD? Why?

2019-07-19: Part 1
1. How often do you visit your relatives?

2. What do you usually do when you visit them?
3. Do you spend more time with your friends, or relatives? Why?
4. Do you prefer visiting your relatives, or your friends? Why?

2019-07-19: Part 2
Describer an occasion when someone didn’t tell you the truth.

You should say:

• how the situation was

• who was involved
• how you came to know about it.
• What impact did it have on your life?

2019-07-19: Part 2
Describe a person who you want to be similar with when you were growing up.

You should say:

• who the person was

• when you first met the person
• what the person did
• and why you wanted to be like.

2019-07-19: Part 2
Describe an exiting sport you played in your childhood.

You should say:

• what the sport is

• with whom you played
• where you played it
• Why do you find it exiting?

2019-07-19: Part 2
Talk about an intelligent person that you know.

You should say:

• who he/she is
• Where you met him/her

• What he/she does
• Why you think he/she is intelligent.

2019-07-19: Part 2
Describe a game show or a quiz program you watched on TV or online.

You should say:

• Where you watched it

• What it was like
• How often you watched it
• How you liked it
• And explain why you liked/disliked it

2019-07-19: Part 3
1. What are reliable sources of information?
2. Do you believe in the information from internet?
3. Do you think it is a good practice to lie sometimes for good reasons? Why?
4. What are consequences of telling lie?
5. Do you think a single lie leads to more lies, to hide it?
6. Why is honesty important for kids?
7. What is the importance of teaching children to be honest?
8. Do you think honesty is more important than any other virtue?

2019-07-19: Part 3
1. What is more important for children while they are growing up?
2. Do you think the way kids growing up is different in than in the past?
3. Do you think today’s children are stressful? Why?
4. Why do people want to be famous?
5. Are famous people good example for children?
6. Do you think that companies should use celebrities to advertise for their products?
7. Do you think that celebrities have the responsibility for what they advertise?

2019-07-19: Part 3
1. Is winning important in games?
2. Is it the most important thing that we get from playing sports?
3. What is more important in team games, team victory, or individual performance?
4. Competition among kids is good or bad?

5. Do you think competitiveness is something you are born with or you learn? Why?
6. Should we give awards for participation and why?
7. What are the benefits of competition among rival companies?

2019-07-19: Part 3
1. What is intelligent to you?
2. Do you think the teacher has to be very intelligent?
3. What do you think about the new way of teaching?
4. What is the best way to educate children?
5. How can we help children realize their talents?
6. Do you think people with high IQ tend to be selfish?
7. Do you think computers can improve one's intelligent?
8. Does the government provide enough support to education in your country? Why?

2019-07-19: Part 3
1. Do you think it is good to play video games?
2. Why do people like to watch TV shows?
3. What kinds of TV shows do people like to watch?
4. Do children play more nowadays than in the past?
5. What is the difference between the games people play now and those people
played in the past?
6. Why do some people watch TV shows online?

2019-07-18: Part 1
1. Do you like street market? Why?
2. Are they popular in your country?
3. Why do people like street markets?
4. What the differences between shopping complex and street markets?
5. Would you like to go to street market of foreign country? Why?

2019-07-18: Part 1
1. Do you often use social websites? Why?
2. What are the advantages of social websites?
3. Is it a good idea for people to spend more time on social websites?
4. Would you like to spend more time on social websites? Why?

2019-07-18: Part 2
Describe your recent annual holiday travel.

You should say:

• where you went

• when and whom you went with
• what you did there
• who do you think would like this kind of travelling and why?

2019-07-18: Part 2
Describe a water sport you want to try.

You should say:

• what it is
• why you want to try
• and explain where you’ll try it.

2019-07-18: Part 3
1. Do you like travelling? Why?
2. Why do young people travel more than elder?
3. Where do most people in your country go during the holiday?
4. Do people in your city travel much across the county? Why?
5. Is it important to see your country first before travelling abroad? Why?
6. Why do people from your city choose to travel to Europe, not across your
7. What are the consequences of touristic activities for nature?
8. How to prevent nature from this harm?

2019-07-18: Part 3
1. What kind of water sport do people like in your hometown?
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of water sports?
3. Why do some people like to take walk near water?
4. Why do some people enjoy traveling by water?
5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of water transportation?
6. What are the importance of water transportation in your country?
7. Do you think cruise would be more popular in the nearest future?

2019-07-17: Part 1
1. Do you own a car?
2. How often do you use car?
3. Do you think it is necessary to learn how to drive?
4. Are there a lot of traffic jams in your city?

2019-07-17: Part 2
Describe something special you brought back home from a holiday.

You should say:

• what it was
• when and where you bought it
• why you bought it
• and explain how you felt about it.
• Did you bring home any other things from that trip?

2019-07-17: Part 2
Describe a park/garden you like visiting.

You should say:

• Where the park is

• When you visit it
• how the park looked like
• And explain why you like visiting it.

2019-07-17: Part 3
1. Why do people buy souvenirs?
2. Do you think it is really worth the money to buy souvenirs?
3. Do you think some people just buy souvenirs to show off?
4. Do you think the price and quality of souvenirs are always reasonable?
5. Do you think it is a good investment for a local person living in a tourist area to
open a shop to sell souvenirs?
6. Do you like bringing a camera on holidays? Why?
7. How do you think people will feel when they see your photo on vacation?

2019-07-04: Part 1
1. How do you go to school?

2. Do you consider taking any other transportation?
3. When you were a kid how do you go to your school?
4. What is the interesting thing about going to school?

2019-07-04: Part 1
1. Why do people lose things? Are they careless?
2. Which things frequently can to find?
3. What do your parents teach you when you found things?
4. Why do some people can find more things than others?

2019-07-03: Part 1
1. Do you like math?
2. What are the importance of learning mathematics?
3. When did you start learning math?
4. Is it your favorite subject?
5. Do you use calculator for math?
6. How math skill helps us in daily life?
7. In your opinion, is it necessary to people nowadays to be good in mathematics?

2019-07-02: Part 1
1. What do people usually do with rubbish and recycling in your country?
2. What do you feel when you saw some rubbish materials on the road?
3. In your opinion, why do some people throw that rubbish on the road?
4. Do you ever recycled paper and plastic?

2019-06-30: Part 1
1. Do you enjoy teaching?
2. What is best thing about teaching?
3. How many hours do you work per week?
4. Why do you so many hours?

2019-06-30: Part 1
1. Do you drink much water?
2. Is bottle water expensive in your country?
3. Do you like to buy water in a bottle or in something else?
4. What would you like to change in your lyceum?

2019-06-24: Part 1
1. Where do you usually find large gatherings in your country?

2. How do you feel when you are in a crowded place or large gathering?
3. Tell me about the lad gathering that you found yourself.

2019-06-24: Part 1
1. Do you think it is good to make friends online?
2. How often do you use social networking applications?
3. Why do you use social networking apps?
4. What are the disadvantages of social networking apps?

2019-06-22: Part 1
1. How often do you write an email or cards?
2. Do you like texting or emails?
3. Do you prefer to have email or a card for you birthday? Why?
4. Do you think in the future email will replace letter?

2019-06-01: Part 1
1. How often do you see your family?
2. When was the last time you visited your family members?
3. How often do you see your friends?
4. If you had an opportunity to see your family or friends more frequently, would
you prefer family or friends? Why?

2019-05-06: Part 1
1. Do you like crowded places?
2. Do you feel the cities are crowded nowadays? Why?
3. What places do you think are often crowded? Why?
4. How do you feel when you are in crowded places?
5. What are the advantages of living in less populated area?
6. When did you last time enjoy being in the crowd?

2019-05-05: Part 1
1. What is your favorite color? Why is that?
2. As a child did you prefer brighter colors?
3. What is the color in your room? Do you like it?
4. If you buy a car, what color would it be? Why is that?

2019-05-04: Part 1
1. Do you watch movies?
2. How often do you go to cinema?

3. Why do you like to watch movies?
4. What type of movies do you like?
5. What's your favorite film?
6. Do you prefer to go with your friends or alone?
7. Did you watch movies while you were child? Why?

2019-04-30: Part 1
1. Do you like cities? Why?
2. Have you lived for a long time in your current city?
3. Why do you live in your current city?
4. Do you think this city will change in future?
5. What are interesting in this city?
6. Which city would you like to visit? Why?
7. Do most people live in the big cities in your country? why?

2019-04-29: Part 1
1. How is your workplace?
2. Can you describe your workplace?
3. How can it be improved?
4. Do you like the environment at your work place?
5. Would you continue to work there for long?

2019-04-27: Part 1
1. Do you like to wear sunglasses?
2. How often you wearing sunglasses?
3. Where can you buy sunglasses?
4. Are you ever lose sunglasses?
5. Do people in your country like to wear sunglasses?
6. Have you gifted anyone with sunglasses?

2019-04-23: Part 1
1. How often do you visit parks?
2. What do you like doing in that park?
3. Are there a lot of green spaces around you?
4. When was the last time you went to a park?
5. Do you prefer to relax with your friends in a park, or an indoor place?
6. Do you prefer parks with open or parks with leisure facilities?
7. What do you want to improve at the parks in your hometown?
8. What should people do to protect parks?

2019-04-23: Part 1
1. Where do you study?
2. What subject are you studying?
3. Do you like your major and why?
4. Is there something that helps you to study efficiently?
5. What do you like the most about your studies?
6. What facilities do university provide?
7. What facilities do you suggest to add there in future?
8. Is there anything you want to change in your university?

2019-04-22: Part 1
1. Do you like cooking?
2. How often do you cook?
3. When was the last time you cooked?
4. What kind of food do you dislike?
5. Do you prefer home-cooked meal or eating outdoors? Why?
6. What meal do people prefer in your country? Why?

2019-04-13: Part 1
1. Do you write letters and cards?
2. Is your handwriting good?
3. When did you last time write a letter?
4. Have you written much letters today than you were a child?
5. Do you prefer to write by hand or type?
6. Do you think computers might replace handwriting one day?
7. Do you love receiving handwritten letters? why or why not?

2019-06-29: Part 2
Talk about a good news that you recently got from Internet or TV.
You should say:
• what the news was about
• when you got it
• how you heard this news
• And explain why you think it was a good news.

2019-06-29: Part 3
1. Do you think everyone should follow the news daily? why?
2. How do most people in your country get their news?

3. Why do some people still like to read news on newspaper?
4. What kind of news people from different age groups like to watch?
5. Is it convenient to read news on the internet in your country?
6. What are the differences for media between current and in old days?
7. Why do some people still want to hear/read news from TV/radio/newspaper
although they have Internet?
8. Do you think the information on the internet is reliable?
9. Do you think the social media has changed the way we share the news with
others? Why?

2019-06-29: Part 2
Describe a person who has interesting ideas or opinions.
You should say:
• who this person is
• how you knew this person
• what interesting ideas/opinions he or she has
• and explain you think why his/her ideas are interesting.

2019-06-29: Part 3
1. When do children begin to have their own ideas?
2. Why are there more and more difference between children and their parents?
3. Can you mention a well-known person who has interesting ideas?
4. Do you think we should spend more time understanding famous people’s ideas?
5. Do you think we should take time to understand opinions of people from the past?
6. Is there someone with good ideas that has changed many people’s lives?

2019-06-28: Part 2
Talk about a historical building you visited recently and I want to study more about.
You should say:
• where the building is
• what it looks like
• what the special features of that are
• why you like to study more about that building.

2019-06-28: Part 3
1. Which one do you prefer, natural sceneries, or historical places?
2. How can people discover historical sites?

3. Why do people like to visit historical building?
4. Do you think people entry fee should be free for the historical building?
5. Is it necessary to protect historical buildings?
6. Do most people agree to the government's funding to protect historical buildings?

2019-06-24: Part 2
Describe an outdoor sport/activity that you do/did.
You should say:
• What it is
• Where you can do this activity
• Is it easy to learn that activity?

2019-06-24: Part 3
1. What are other outdoor sports played in your country?
2. When did football sports come in your country?
3. What are the benefits of outdoor sports?
4. What can people learn from outdoor sports?
5. Do girls play outdoor sports as same as boys in your country?
6. Why some people love dangerous sports?
7. Why have people invented more dangerous sport recently?
8. What are the advantages of outdoor sport?
9. What are the advantages of outdoor sport with a group?

2019-06-23: Part 2
Talk about one situation that you found a lost object.
You should say:
• What you do
• where you find
• how you feel about.

2019-06-23: Part 3
1. What things do people generally lose, why?
2. Do people lose things more as compared to past, why?
3. Should parents teach children on returning the found item?
4. What archaeology means to a country?
5. Why should a country store cultural relic?
6. Where do your country to store those cultural relic?

2019-06-23: Part 2
Talk about a singer or music band you know.
You should say:
• who he is
• where you met him
• why he is your favorite.

2019-06-23: Part 3
1. Do you like traditional music?
2. Why do people think it is important to learn traditional music for their children?
3. Do you think music has an effect on people’s lives? Why?
4. Is music an important subject at school in your country?
5. Do you expect that we will be getting good music in the future?
6. Which is more important to be a great musician, voice or coach?
7. Does music industry prefer to make more money than producing good music?

2019-06-19: Part 2
Talk about a prize that you would like to win.
You should say:
• what prize is
• why you want to win it
• how you will approach this
• and explain what will you do after winning.

2019-06-19: Part 3
1. What is the importance of prize for children?
2. What rewards can children get from school?
3. Is it good for children to compete for prizes at school?
4. What are the adverse affects of competition on children?
5. What do you think some parents push their children to get prizes?
6. What is the difference between competitive attitudes of amateur and
7. What kinds of rewards can companies offer to their outstanding employees?

2019-06-18: Part 2
Describe a book you have read recently.

You should say:
• what it was about
• who wrote the book
• what the story of the book is
• and explain if it is a good book or not.
• Would you recommend this book to others?

2019-06-18: Part 3
1. Why do you think people like reading?
2. What are the advantages of reading?
3. What can you do to influence others to read more?
4. Do you think people read less nowadays? Why?
5. What can parents do to encourage children to read?
6. How do technologies involve in reading?
7. Do you think that electronic books or e Readers are better than real books?

2019-06-07: Part 2
Describe a favorite piece of clothing.
You should say:
• what the item is
• how often you wear it
• why you like it
• whether my friends like the same item that I described.

2019-06-07: Part 3
1. What do you think the designer of clothes and the brands are popular?
2. Do you think there are some reasons behind the high price range of designer
3. What do you think the fashion differences between the old and mew generation?
4. Is it important for designers to be up to date with latest trends?
5. Do you think fashion is more important than clothing according to climatic

2019-06-06: Part 2
Describe a skill you have taught a younger person.
You should say:

• what you taught
• when you taught to that child
• why you taught to that child
• How you felt after completing the teaching process.

2019-06-06: Part 3
1. What skills should be taught to children?
2. What can children learn from teachers and parents?
3. What are the skills that you wanted to learn?
4. What skills do adults need to have?
5. How can people be motivated to learn new things?


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