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Chapter XI

1. He lived about 15 miles from the airport, in a locked room in a poor, dirty apartment on the south side of the city.
The apartment was above an evil-smoking eating house.

2. D.O. Guerrero was a thin, sickly sort of man, with an unhealthy, yellowish face, deep hollows around his eyes and
pale, thin lips. He was losing his hair. He was fifty, but he looked older.

3. Guerrero had always been too busy to be interested in other women and his wife. He and his wife couldn’t share
their thoughts with each other.

4. She sent children to her sister after her husband had hit her and hadn’t showed any sorrow or apologies.

5. Guerrero had paid only forty-seven dollars and had promised to pay the rest over the next two years.

6. He couldn’t see future with Inez because he didn’t even have the money to pay the rent on his cheap apartment.
And soon he and Inez would be homeless.

7. His death would be of great value because he had decided to take out life insurance for 75  000 dollars, and to save
his family from ruin by his death.

8. He believed that his plan was perfect because he had intended to learn by the mistakes other people had made in
such cases.

9. As a builder, Guerrero had often used explosives and it was easy for him to make a bomb.

10. Guerrero wrote that he wouldn’t be home for a few days and he expected to have some good news soon. It was
quite a short note after 18 years of marriage.

Chapter XII

1. F – Joe returned to his warm car to telephone the airport

2. T

3. T

4. F – Wet snow had got inside the collar of his coat. It was uncomfortable, and it added to his anger

5. F – he used to lose his temper fast but now he had learnt to control it.

6. F – The policeman didn’t shout to Joe. On the contrary, Joe shouted to him

7. T

Chapter XIII

1. Vernon whistled in surprise because he saw about 300 bottles that had airline names on them.

2. He thought how lucky he was every time he saw Gwen because she was so beautiful.

3. Air hostess could bring the food that the passengers didn’t want and it wasn’t stealing.

4. Gwen told him that she was going to have a baby

5. He wasn’t happy, Vernon was disappointed and shocked.

6. The Three Point Plan consisted to take a “holiday” for girls like Gwen. The baby would give away soon after its
birth, and mother would never see it again.

7. Vernon knew about it so much because he’d already had a baby.

8. Vernon thought that divorce would be stupid. He knew when other men of his age make fools of themselves over
young women it usually ended badly.
Chapter XIV

1. Keith had lost all sense of time because he’d been working a lot of hours and his brain was like a worn-out motor
that was no longer working properly.

2. He intended to swallow a large amount of Nembutal. It would be enough to make him go to sleep and never wake
up again.

3. The room number reminded him of what happened on June 24th a year ago.

4. He worked with Perry Yount, a man who helped Keith, and with George Wallace, who was being trained by Keith.

5. Yes, Wallace made progress.

6. Keith stayed a long time in the bathroom because he thought about how tired he was and how old he was getting.
Also he thought about quarrels with Natalie because of his job.

7. Parry Yount had to clear a way for the plane, where the passenger had had a heart attack, to land at Washington.

8. Controllers became ill more often because this job put so much pressure on them. They often found it difficult to
sleep and suffered from nervous diseases.

9. Keith started to quarrel with his wife because of his job. She wanted him to save his health by changing his job.

10. Beech Bonanza to Baltimor and an Air National Guard T-33 were on collision course.

11. Yes, he tried to prevent an accident

12. Irving Redfern was a good pilot, but not a professional and he was a polite man who always thought before he
acted. He wasted few seconds he had by replying to Keith’s message

13. Perry Yount was blamed for the crash, and he lost his job. George Wallace could never now work as a controller.

14. After the tragedy Keith got little sleep, and when he did sleep he had terrible dreams. He thought about crying girl
Valeri all the time and he couldn’t look at his own two healthy children without feeling guilty.

Chapter XV

1. The stowaway looked like smb’s grandmother on her way to church. A little lady was from San Diego. She was
wearing a black dress.

2. She’d done the same thing quite many times before

3. The old lady’s name was Mrs Ada Quonsett, she had made one mistake to told her secret to another passenger, who
had told it an air hostess.

4. She didn’t fly from San Diego because she was caught on it.

5. She liked Trans America because when she told them truth in NY they was a bit angry but sent her home for free

6. The Airlines knew that it cost more to delay a flight in order to check the passengers than to allow an occasional
stowaway to travel free.

7. The old lady made compliments to Tanya: “You’re nice”, “You’re a lot younger than most of the airline people I’ve
met”, “You must be about 28”

8. The old lady told Tanya how she got on to flights without a ticket.

9. The old lady preferred indirect flights because direct flights got rather full, and then they gave all the passengers
seat numbers.

10. No, she didn’t

D. O. Guerrero was a ruined man, who lived on the side of the city in poor, dirty apartment. He was a businessman,
and as a result of his job his family had become poor. Guerrero was married during 18 years and had 2 children. He
and his wife Inez couldn’t share their thoughts with each other anymore. What’s more he lost his temper fast and the
last time it was he had hit his wife. Guerrero hadn’t any sorrows about it. He was thin with an unhealthy, yellowish
face, deep hollows around his eyes and pale, thin lips. He was losing his hair. Guerrero was smoking continuously but
he couldn’t keep his fingers still because of nervous hands. He was fifty, but he looked several years older.

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