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EXAMPLE 1 (projectile motion)

20 m/s – v0
θ= 25º
g= 9.81
Moving along x direction is constant velocity, moving along y axis is constant acceleration
because of gravitational acceleration.
R- horizontal range, maximum x

g = 9.81

Note that the height of the projectile is given by the component y. it reaches maximum value
when the y component of velocity is equal to 0.
When the projectile changes from moving upward to moving downward, at this point y
component of velocity is 0.

b) time of the flight is the interval of time between when projectile is launched (at t1) and when
the projectile touches the ground (t2)
∆ t = t2 - t1
In the launch (on the ground) and in the touch (on the
ground) y=0.

time =

d) x component of velocity is constant. Because acceleration is in only y direction.

by using this equation, we can find y

component of the velocity at any
time by substituting the final time.
We can find y component of velocity when object hits the ground.

Total velocity is 

This is vector for velocity

We can find magnitude of velocity by using

Bir uşaq yazıb vx= 19.82 m/s vy=-19.47 m/s, müəllim özü yazmır sonrasını.
When the object hits the ground, y component of velocity is downward. X component of velocity
is positive, but y component of velocity when the object hits the ground is negative value.
EXAMPLE 2 (very important example)

y= -23m. negative because we

defined upward direction as

Once we find the time of flight,

we will be able to solve for the
horizontal displacement (∆x).

To solve for the time, consider the fact that we know 3 variables in the vertical direction.

X component of initial velocity is 8.31, and y component of initial velocity is 0, because it is

thrown horizontally.

Indi o vaxtı (2.17s) formulada yerinə

It is the specific type of motion in which an object travel in a circle with a constant speed. For
example, any point on a propeller spinning at a constant rate is performing uniform circular
motion. Other examples are the second, minute and hour hands of the watch. It is remarkable that
points on rotating object are actually accelerating, also rotating rate is constant. Magnitude of the
velocity is constant. But the direction of velocity changes with time.

in one dimensional kinematics, object with a constant speed have 0 acceleration. In two and three
dimensional kinematics, even if speed is constant, particle can have acceleration if it moves
along a curved trajectory, such as circle. Velocity vector is changing. Magnitude is constant, but
direction is changing.

Particle moves
Velocity vector has
constant magnitude.
Particle moving in a circle has constant speed, has acceleration. Direction of this acceleration is
toward the center of the circle. Magnitude of the acceleration is v^2/r


Vaxt qurtardı, eləmir bunu.

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