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Global warming is defined as a consistent rise in the earth’s average temperature.

It is not the same

thing as and in fact contributes to climate change, which is the change that occurs in the earth’s average
weather over an extended period of time.

Since the last ice age, Earth’s average temperature has been increasing very slowly. During the industrial
revolution in the early 1800s, humans started to burn large amounts of fossil fuels like coal and oil to
power factories and mills. Ever since we’ve used enormous amounts of fossil fuels to do things like make
electricity and provide energy for transportation.

Combustion or burning of these fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide into the earth’s atmosphere. Our use
of fossil fuel has increase. Global warming has affected the earth glaciers and large areas of sea ice have
begun to melt rising.

Scientist predict the earth’s temperature will continue to rise due to global warming unless we do
something about the human contribution to global warming.

Now let's talk about the impact of global warming. The sea levels are rising, and coastal cities such as
New York are experiencing floods frequently already. According to research, these cities might require
sea walls to survive in the future. The ecosystems are changing and many fish species have migrated
towards the deep waters so that they have their habitat close to their original one. They do not stay in
areas that are not of their proper temperature. The increase in temperatures have led to a rise in the
reproduction rates of microbes and thus there is a rise in diseases overall.

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