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Hello, I am Stefanía Rojas and I’m going to tell you about

the changes in society from different points after MY BLOG IN QUARANTINE

– Stefanía Rojas Alméciga–
About me?
My name is Stefanía Rojas Alméciga and I am 20 years old, I am from Choachí
a little town near Bogotá but in this moment I am live in this city. Nowadays
I study civil engineering in the Javeriana University.

Society affter quarantine

Currently, the quarantine in Colombia has ended, however, due to the health
contingency, many things have changed in society. Since the quarantine
ended, many companies and institutions have chosen to continue with
virtuality. Universities, for example, in most programs and subjects have
continued with virtuality, however other educational institutions such as
colleges and schools have begun to take face-to-face modality, this is a fact
that several people are concerned about because this sector should be one of
the last to be activated again.

Other of the most important sectors that have changed have been both large
and small companies. For large chain companies such as Jumbo, Exito,
Alkosto, etc., as well as home apps, this situation has been totally
convenient because they create alternatives for purchases that draw people's
attention in addition to the authorization they receive from the government,
however, small and micro companies, as well as informal vendors, have been
greatly affected as the number of sales they make are very small, reducing
the monetary income of these small families.

Many of our customs have changed and some new ones that we have taken have
The following is a sector that has reached a critical point, this is health. Even made our lives easier, however, if you had bought that candy or that garment
though the number of infections has already passed through its peak, indeed, from an independent seller you would have helped that person's work, so you
there is still a large number that exceeds 6000 daily, therefore, the number of would have been careful before and would have respected The recommended
medical centers that have been involved in the care of the pandemic have been actions would not be in quarantine or in the hospital taking the place of someone
enough leaving without spaces the other health sectors. This is something else in need. These are small actions that greatly change society, we must be
that could have been avoided if it were not for the bad decisions that the aware that these customs can affect others.
government has made, decisions such as opening schools, the little control of
“El día sin iva”, etc. But not everything is bad, the environmental sector has
improved since the pandemic began, as the number of people who stay at home
means that there are fewer carbon emissions from transport as well as less
garbage in the streets.


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