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Own version of Sona

We live in a world full of troubles. Our country was never be the same when the pandemic strikes. No
nations are safe. Neither rich or poor are safe this deadly disease. But let us not loose hope. We must stay
strong and pray for our country and also to the entire world. The vaccine is around the corner. Sooner and
later this virus will be gone and we will be back in our normal lives. For me, I think this is the test to us
by God. To make up to all our sins and also to realize that we must stand as one. In the meantime let us
give gratitude and full support to those who courageously risking their lives for us. I know that this is not
easy but we also share the griefs to those family who loss their lives risking their own safety to help
others. My countrymen, this is so sad when we need to focus to fight against this virus. Many sectors of
our government was affected. The education of the children was affected also. The farmers and the
fishermen also affected. Others cannot get to their regular jobs because of this pandemic. Others just
relies for relief goods just to have food and live. We must follow the safety protocols that are
implemented in our place. Its sad to say but its true that some of us our not listening and not doing their
jobs to help our cititzens and also our government to fight this virus. That’s the reason why the
Philippines has still number of positive cases of covid 19 in our country and its so sad.

2020 is a rough year or the worst year of the entire world. Pandemic is not the only problem that our
country face today but also the typhoons that landed here in our country. There are so much devastation
that the typhoon cause which is very very hard for us to get back because of the damage that it cause and
also the pandemic. But I believe that we can still get back on where we are now in our lives. Because we
Filipinos never give up that easily. We always find a way to get back up and we have the power of
bayanihan or helping one another. So that’s my state of the nation address. Thank you very much and
good evening.

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