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Dry Sourdough Starter

Course: Side Dish Keyword: bread, sourdough


Day 1
1. Mix 60g flour and 45g water.
2. Pick up in hands, work for 30 seconds. Place back in bowl, cover with plasic wrap.
3. Keep at room temperature for 48 hours.

Day 3
1. Add 30g of water and 60g of flour. Mix.
2. Cover for 24 hours.

Day 4
1. Add 30g of water and 60g of flour. Mix.
2. Cover for 24 hours.

Day 5
1. Refresh Starter.
2. Take out 10g.
3. Add 30g water and 60g flour.
4. Mix and put in tuperwear or glass mason jar with lid.
5. Wait 6-10 hours at room temperature until dough bubbles.
. If you don't see any bubbles, refresh on Day 6 and repeat if nessisary.

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