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(Proposal and Adjustments)

Bylaws of
Mingo-Rosanna Murray Green Group, Inc.
MRMGG, Inc. 
Earl Green - Chairman (descendant of William Walter Green)
Benita Benson (descendant of Anna Green Ford Ferguson)
Rosanne Ferrell (descendant of Anna Green Ford Ferguson)
Shirley Gamble (descendant of Cornelia Green Miller)
Valerie Oliver (descendant of Julia Green Brown)
Deborah Slocumb (descendant of Julia Green Brown)
Gwendolyn Wilcox (descendant of Albert Green).


Section 1. ​Name​.​ The name of this organization shall be called the “Mingo-Rosanna
Murray Green Group'' (MRMGG or the Organization).

Section 2. ​Location​. The main office of this organization shall be in the town of Hilton
Head, Beaufort County, South Carolina. The Organization may have other offices
beyond Hilton Head, South Carolina as the affairs of the organization may require.


Section 1. ​Mission​. ​The mission of this organization is to raise awareness of the needs
of the Mingo and Rosanna Murrray Green family members, to highlight the history and
contributions of the Green family, and to assist in the strengthening mainly African
American communities.

Section 2. ​Purpose​. ​The purpose of this organization shall be for family, charitable,
and educational purposes to:

Scholarships. ​Offer scholarships to deserving college and high school

graduates through the Lucille Murray-Crawford Educational Fund.

Charitable Contributions. ​Assist in community development and sustainability

through monetary and in-kind assistance. This may include, but not limited to
designated cemeteries, housing, and properties where there is a need for
maintenance, renovations, permits, burials, etc. to deter community blight, and
loss of property. This may also entail building and obtaining properties to meet
the needs of underserved individuals and communities.

Church Donations. ​An annual monetary gift will be given in honor of our
ancestors to Central Oak Grove Missionary Baptist Church and the Historic First
African Baptist Church. An annual monetary contribution will be given to Mt.
Calvary Missionary Baptist Church for the purpose of maintenance and upkeep
of the Talbird Cemetery.

Green Family Reunion. ​The MRMGG, Inc. will support and maintain annual
family activities such as, but not limited to, The Mingo Rosanna-Murray Green
Family Reunions.


Section 1. ​Membership​. ​Membership shall include descendants of Mingo and

Rosanna Murray Green; their spouses, children by: adoption, children by marriage,
and/or children raised and/or claimed by the descendant to be a child.

Section 2. ​Honorary Members​. ​Honorary members may consist of designated

individuals voted on and approved by the membership. Honorary members shall not be
given voting rights in the organization and not be required to pay dues. However,
donations will be appreciated.


Membership does not require payment of dues, but is strongly urged for the purpose of
carrying out the purpose of the MRMGG, Inc. Dues shall be discussed and amount shall
be decided at the annual meeting of the MRMGG, Inc​.


Section 1: ​Annual Meetings​. ​Annual meetings of the MRMGG includes the MRMGG
January Meeting and Family Reunion Meeting.

MRMGG January Meeting. ​The location and time of each year’s MRMGG shall
be held each January for the purpose of establishing the annual budget for the
MRMGG based on the proposals from each working committee. Communication
regarding meetings shall be published using various mediums and media
platforms. An annual written report shall be presented to the Green Family
Reunion Annual Meeting.

Family Reunion Meeting. ​The location and time of each year’s annual meeting
shall be decided at the previous year’s annual MRMGG meeting. Communication
regarding meetings shall be published using various mediums and media
platforms. All reports from the MRMGG shall be presented to the Green Family
Reunion Annual Meeting.

Presiding Officer. ​The president of the MRMGG will preside over the January
and Family Reunion annual meetings and each committee chair shall present
their committee reports.

Section 2. ​Quorum​. ​The majority vote of the membership in attendance will constitute
a quorum of at least five members for the transaction of business. The action taken by
those present at the meeting shall be the act of the organization.

Section 3. ​Business Transactions​. ​Business transactions of the Organization shall be

the actions taken by the majority vote of the membership in attendance constituting a
quorum of at least five members for the transaction of business. The action taken by
those present at the meeting shall be the act of the organization.

Section 4: ​Communications​. ​Communication regarding all meetings shall be

published using various mediums and media platforms at least ten days prior to the
meeting. Notification of emergency meetings shall be within a 24 hour time frame.


Section 1. ​Number of Officers​. ​The officers of this organization shall be President,

Vice President, Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, Financial Secretary,
Historian, and Parliamentarian. Officers shall be elected by the majority membership at
the August Family Reunion meeting. The duties of officers should be carried out
according to Robert’s Rules of Order.

Section 2. ​Tenure​. ​Officers shall serve for one year (August - August) and may be
eligible for re-election for an additional year. Officers shall serve for one year and may
be eligible to serve for re-election.

Section 3. ​Vacancies​. ​In the event of a vacancy, whether by death, resignation,

removal or any other cause, an interim officer shall be appointed by the President until
the next scheduled meeting. The position will be voted upon by majority vote to serve
the remainder of the term.
Section 4. ​President​. ​The president shall be the principal officer of the organization
and shall in general supervise all the business and affairs of the organization. The
President shall be responsible for assuring all state and federal reporting requirements
are met and familiar with the rules and regulations for operating a non-profit

The President of the MRMGG is responsible for, but not limited to, the following:
● Presiding at all meetings of the organization,
● Signing with the secretary, certificates, deeds, and other business documents
which the organization has authorized to be executed,
● Signing with the treasurer all matters regarding the finances of the organization,
● Creating and presenting for approval an organizational structure for how monies
are received and disbursed,
● Overseeing all planning and fundraising for MRMGG by committees and
● Assuring all officers are fulfilling their duties, and
● In general perform all the duties prescribed by the organization.

Section 5: ​Vice-President​. ​The Vice-President shall in the absence or incapacity of the

president, perform the duties and have the legal rights of the President. The
Vice-President may be assigned to special areas of responsibility as assigned by the

Section 6: ​Secretary​. ​The Secretary shall attend and record the minutes of all
meetings; ensure that minutes of meetings are given to the Corresponding Secretary for
distribution; and keep a register of the names, addresses, emails, and/or telephone
numbers of members. He/she shall sign with the President, certificates, deeds, and
other business documents which the organization has authorized to be executed.
He/she shall also perform all other duties as may be prescribed by the Organization.

Section 7: ​Corresponding Secretary.​ ​The Corresponding Secretary shall send

written or electronic notices of all meetings, agendas, events, minutes, and other
relevant documents to the membership in accordance with the time frame and platforms
outlined in the MRMGG Bylaws. The Corresponding Secretary shall assist in keeping a
register of the names, addresses, emails, and/or telephone numbers of members. The
Corresponding Secretary shall receive approval for correspondences from the
President before sending to the membership.

Section 8. ​Financial Secretary.​ The Financial Secretary shall keep and receive a
record of all financial transactions and compare records with the Treasurer to ensure
accuracy; and perform all other duties as assigned by the President or the Organization.
Section 9. ​Treasurer.​ The Treasurer shall be the principal accounting and financial
officer and shall be responsible for the maintenance of all funds deposited, received,
and disbursed for the organization. He/she shall render to the membership an account
of all his/her transactions as Treasurer and perform the all duties of the office as may
be assigned by the President or the Organization. The Treasurer will sign with the
president all matters regarding the finances of the Organization

Section 10: ​Parliamentarian.​ ​The Parliamentarian shall interpret and apply the
MRMGG bylaws, assist the President to manage meetings, and advise on time and
parliamentary procedure as specified by Robert’s Rules of Order. The Parliamentarian
shall advise the Organization on all matters relating to its bylaws and amendments.

Section 11: ​Historian.​ ​The Historian shall document and maintain activities and
events of the MRMGG and Mingo Rosanna Murray Green Family. This may include, but
not limited to various artifacts, photographs, journals, recordings, written, and oral
presentations. The Historian shall gather information regarding genealogy (birth and
death), marriage, and special occasions. The Historian shall assist in submitting
historical information to the MRMGG website.


MRMGG shall consist of two Standing Committees: Green Family Reunion and
Benevolence. Additional committees/subcommittees may be established as deemed
necessary by the membership of the organization. All committees are subject to the
rules and bylaws of the MRMGG.

These bylaws may be amended, altered, changed, added to or repealed by the
affirmative vote of a majority of the membership. The proposed change shall be
distributed to the membership at least ten (10) days before the designated meeting.
Membership will be notified of amendments to the bylaws as outlined in the MRMGG


Robert's Rules of Order shall govern all affairs, business, and meetings of the

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