English 9 Second Quarter

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Quarter 2, Week 1

Distinguishing Between and Among Informative,

Journalistic, and Literary Writing
Table of Contents

What I Need to Know................................................................................................i

How to Learn from this Module................................................................................ii

What I Know............................................................................................................iii

Lesson 1:

Distinguish Between and Among Informative, Journalistic, and Literary Writing....1

What I Need to Know..........................................................................1

What’s In ……………………………………………………………... 2

What’s New ......................................................................................3

What Is It.............................................................................................7

What’s More .......................................................................................12

What I Have Learned..........................................................................14

What I Can Do....................................................................................16

Summary………………………………………………………………………………… 20

Assessment: (Post-Test)……………………………………………………………… 20

Key to Answers....................................................................................................... 23

References............................................................................................................. 26
What I Need to Know

Below are the learning objectives that are set for you to learn as you go along
this module. You will be able to:

1. identify and distinguish between and among informative, journalistic, and

literary writing and or text type use in the given sample of passages;
2. create/write a text type using piece of information of your choice using any of
the certain type of text;
3. compose any of the text /writing type; whether it is informative, journalistic,

How to Learn from this Module

To achieve the objectives cited above, you are to do the following:

• Take your time reading the lessons carefully.

• Follow the directions and/or instructions in the activities and exercises diligently.

• Answer all the given tests and exercises.

What I Know (Pretest)

Today, you will answer a pre- test to measure your previous knowledge about this

Multiple Choice:
I. Multiple Choice: Read the statements carefully. Encircle the best answer.
1. It is a type of text which presents information that are found in radio, print or
A.informative B. literary C. journalistic

2. It gives readers straightforward information about a topic.

A. literary B. informative C. journalistic

3. It is a type of text which is usually non-fiction.

A. informative B. journalistic C. literary

1. It is written originally by a writer.

A. journalistic B. literary C. informative

2. It is a type of text which is defined as a wide variety of imaginative and creative

A. literary B. journalistic C. informative

3. It serves to inform or discloses information.

A. journalistic B. informative C. literary

4. It is a type of text which leads to the appreciation of the cultural heritage of


A. literary B. journalistic C. informative

5. It is a type of writing which used to report news stories.

A. literary B. journalistic C. informative

6. It has a unique text type and construction level.

A. informative B. literary C. journalistic

7. It is a type of text in which the intention is to inform the reader about a specific

A. literary B. informative C. journalistic

8. It involves finding, creating, editing and publishing of news to be shared.

A. informative B. journalistic C. literary

9. It is a type of text in which visual representation may include: charts, diagrams,

and tables and these are accompanied by captions that further explain the image.

A. informative B. literary C. journalistic

10. It gives interests to people who would like to be inform of something.

A. Journalistic B. literary C. informative

11. It imparts straight forward information and facts; but never personal opinions.

A. literary B. journalistic C. informative

12. It relates to, or have the characteristics of humane learning.

A. literary B. informative C. journalistic

13. It is a type of text that imparts knowledge to the readers.

A. journalisticB. literary C. informative

14. It is a type of text which has shorter texts like for example: personal essays,
opinion pieces, speeches and literature essay.

A. informative B. journalistic C. literary

II. Identify the type of text use in the following articles such as: informative, journalistic
or literary. Encircle the letter of your answer.

Text A

They walked downtown in the light of mother-of-pearl, to the Majestic, and

their way to seats by the light of the screen, in the exhilarating smell of stale
tobacco, rank sweat, and dirty drawers, while the piano played fast music and
galloping horses raised a grandiose lag of dust.
A Death in the Family by James Agee

1. A. informative B. literary C. journalistic

Text B

A fire of undetermined origin razed to the ground a three-story apartment of

Juana de la Cruz 456 Lapulapu St., Valencia City last night. Five fire companies
subdued it within an hour. The damage, estimated at P5 million, was covered by
1. A. journalistic B. informative C. literary

Text C

Toledo, Spain (Reuters) - Scientists believe they could discover life outside
the Solar System within the next 25 years covered by insurance. “Yes, definitely,
there’s life out there, “Mike Kaplan, director of US space agency NASA’s origins
program, told Reuters during a meeting of Astronomers in Toledo.
The Philippine Star, 15 March 1996

2. A. informative B. journalistic C. literary

Text D

Scientific theories are not guesses or random ideas. A Scientific theory is a

collection of well-supported hypotheses based on repeated testing that explains
some aspect about the natural world.

3. A. literary B. journalistic C. informative

Text E

It was dark and stormy. In her attic bedroom Margaret Murry, wrapped in an
old patchwork quilt, sat on the foot of her bed and watched the trees tossing in the
frenzied lashing of the wind.

4. A. journalistic B. literary C. informative

Process Questions:
1. How did you find the pre-test?
2. What were the terms in the test that you were familiar? Cite some.

n Distinguish Between and
Among Informative,

1 Journalistic and Literary


What I Need to Know

Below are the learning objectives that are set for you to learn as you go along
the module.

You will be able to:

1. distinguish between and among informative, journalistic and literary writing;

2. identify the type of text sample provided;

3. make a Community Service Brochure observing informative text

What’s In
Hello learners! This time you will learn a new lesson which will give you idea
on how to distinguish types of text writing. Before we will proceed deeper to
understand clearly what this topic is all about let us refresh our background
knowledge on informative, journalistic and literary writing.


A piece of writing that you read or create.


It serves to inform or discloses information. It is instructive and / or instructional. It is

literary non-fiction, which has shorter texts like for example personal essays, opinion
pieces, speeches, and literature essay. It is written using special text features that
allow the reader to easily find key information and understand the main topic.


It also presents information but are those that are found in radio, print, television and
online journalism. It is written originally by a writer or journalist with a unique style and
construction level. It’s main goal is to give informative articles to the readers. News
and information are example of journalistic text.


It is defined as a wide variety of imaginative and creative writing that leads to the
appreciation of the cultural heritages of students. It is something related or associated
with literature or scholarly learning and writing. It has a wide variety of imaginative and
creative writing that leads to the appreciation of the cultural heritage.

What’s New

Preliminary Activities:

Now that you are refreshed with the new words introduced to you, try to
answer the given activity attentively.

Activity 1 – Identify the Text

Look at the given sample texts, then identify/distinguish which text type are
examples of informative, journalistic, or literary. Then write your answer at the side of
each texts provided for your answer.

So the thing to do when working on a motorcycle, as in any
other task, is to cultivate the peace of mind which does not
separate one’s self from one’s surroundings. When that is done
successfully then everything else follows naturally. Peace of
mind produces right values, right values produce right thoughts.
Right thoughts produce right actions and right actions produce
work which will be a material reflection for others to see of the
serenity at the center of it all.
—Robert M. Pirsig, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

With an artistic drama, we empathize with one or more of its
characters, but there’s also a distance between us and their
situation—a safety valve that allows us to express a range of
emotions, but also to say, “It’s only a movie,” “It’s only a play,”
“It’s only a novel.” Work is based upon problem solving, how to
eliminate conflict and get the job done. Episodic is fine for
work. We want day-by-day not confrontational trauma—even if
it would lead to life-changing revelation. But drama
exaggerates conflict, pushes situations to their extreme, and
leads us to a big turning point.

In a poem entitled Four Great Poets, Robert Francis puts his
finger on the heart of Frost’s greatness: “His head carved out of
granite O / His hair wayward drifts of snow / He worshipped the
great God of Flow / By holding on and letting go.” Here’s an
example from part of one of Frost’s lesser known pieces, For
Once, Then, Something. In the first half he says friends rebuke
him for looking into a well and seeing only himself, reflected in
the water godlike in a wreath of ferns and cloud puffs. It’s a
criticism that could be aimed at any writer, but what is as
interesting as the meaning of Frost’s reply is this sense of
movement that carries the reader forward to the climatic end.

DHAKA: Hosts Bangladesh will meet Pakistan in the opening
match of the four-nation Asia Cup cricket tournament starting in
Dhaka in March, an official said on Monday. Old rivals
Pakistan and India will meet in a mouth-watering clash on
March 18. The Sher-e-Bangla National stadium will host all the
matches, including the inaugural tie on March 12 and the final
on March 22, Asian Cricket Council chief executive Syed
Ashraful Huq said. “All teams including India and Pakistan have
confirmed their participation,” he said. India won the last
edition of the tournament in Dambulla in Sri Lanka in June

5.From Beowulf
And then, in the morning, crowds surrounded
Herot, warriors coming to that hall
520 From faraway lands, princes and leaders
Of men hurrying to behold the monster’s
Great staggering tracks. They gaped with no sense
Of sorrow, felt no regret for his suffering,
Went tracing his bloody footprints, his beaten

525 And lonely flight, to the edge of the lake

Where he’d dragged his corpse like way, doomed
And already weary of his vanishing life.
The water was bloody, steaming and boiling
In horrible pounding waves, heat

530 Sucked from his magic veins; but the swirling

Surf had covered his death, hidden
Deep in murky darkness his miserable
End, as hell opened to receive him.
Then old and young rejoiced, turned back
535 From that happy pilgrimage, mounted their
Horses, high-spirited stallions, and rode them
Slowly toward Heorot again, retelling
Beowulf’s bravery as they jogged along.

Activity 2 – Listening Attentively with Informative Text

Now that you have done your best in the first activity, let us proceed with the next

Before you listen

(For those with the internet follow this site to listen to the informative text.)

1. Brainstorm on how to use attentive listening with informative text.

2. Concentrate on what the speaker is saying.

3. Clear their mind of any thoughts that could distract your attention.

4. Listen for main ideas, rather than isolated isolated words and phrases.

5. Stay alert for details that are new to you, while you take note of familiar

6. Ask questions that will clarify further what you are listening to.



Look at the picture above. How would you describe the person? In what
situation do you think he is? Have you been in a similar situation? Our listening
selection shows you always to cope with such a situation.

As you Listen

Click on this link. https://youtu.be/yMzDEK2ZhjQ . Listen to an article on how

to conquer stage fright. Take down notes to answer the following questions:

1. What is stage fright?

2. What happens when a person experiences stage fright?

3. What are the tips given by the writer to overcome stage fright?

4. What are some suggestions just before a person goes on stage?

5. Why is stage fright considered normal?

6. Do you agree with the idea? Explain your answer

For those who do not have the internet, I want you to read the informative text.

Conquering Stage Fright

Many people are gifted with different talents but most of them are just a part of the
audience on certain occasions. Their stage fright is the very reason why some are
not stage performers. It is normal to experience stage fright according to stage
performers. Actors and actresses believe that you can overcome your stage fright.
By changing your perception about stage fright and by following basic tips, you can
conquer it.

Try these tips to get you on stage without butterflies in your stomach.

Practice. Constant practice makes perfect. You have to trust yourself. Self-
confidence is the best way to control or overcome stage fright.

Talk to yourself. Instead of thinking that you will be forgetting some lines, or that
you will not be able to pronounce the words correctly, think that you will be delivering
flawlessly, that you have talents to show, and that people will appreciate your
extraordinary performance.

Visualize. Picture yourself on stage with so many people listening as you do your
part without committing a single mistake.

Practice with a small audience. After you have practiced your piece alone, you
may invite other family members or friends to listen as you rehearse. Or prior to
inviting other people, you may rehearse in front of a mirror for you to see the needed
improvements to your facial or body gestures.

Are you beginning to feel confident as the curtain is about to unfold? Are you
still nervous? If yes, don’t worry, that’s normal. Here are some suggestions to
overcome nervousness.

Yawn. Our body needs oxygen to keep our muscles relaxed. Yawning keeps our
tight muscles relaxed and breathing becomes shallow.

Stretch. Just like yawning, stretching also helps muscles relax. Do some simple
exercises like shaking your hands and feet, rotating your neck and your head, then
keep still until the spotlight hits you.

Focus on the first few lines of your piece. After you have delivered the first few
lines, you will notice that your nervousness is slightly disappearing.

Trust yourself. Keep telling yourself that you will not make the audience notice it.

After your successful performance, you will realize that you can overcome

your stage fright and face the even work to your advantage if you learn to overcome
it. After that flawless performance comes another until facing big audiences becomes
fairly easy.

After each performance and your audience is standing ovation acknowledging

your extraordinary performance, bow your head gently and be humble.

What’s Is It

Informative Writing

Informative writing gives readers straightforward information about a topic.

It is usually non-fiction.


 to inform or present information

 to raise awareness and to do so objectively

 to educate (use resources that are reliable and scholarly)


 Introduction paragraph with thesis statement

 Body paragraphs with support

 Conclusion with a unique and engaging restatement of thesis


 Logically – by date or time; by order of importance

 Categorically – by definition; by theme

 Contextually – by comparison and contrast; by historical or contemporary

Types of Informative Writing

a Factual recount – a type of informative text that has an objective of retelling a true
event that happened in the past

b Procedural – a type of informative text that has procedures to do one thing

c Diary – a type of informative text that records the daily experiences of a person

Sample Informative Text

The most popular tourist attraction is the capital city Rome itself, with its rich
cultural heritage. The Colosseum, Castle Sant'Angelo, Fontana di Trevi, the
Pantheon, and the Vatican are some of the most visited sites in Rome. Venice is
another city in Italy that is famous for its beautiful canals and gondolas. And if you
are a lover of Italian art, the Uffizi Gallery in Florence is a place you cannot afford to
miss. The city of Naples is known around the world for its architectural beauty and
surely it is a photographer's delight. The Leaning Tower of Pisa, being on of the
Seven Wonders of the World, attracts the highest number of visitors, not only in Italy,
but in the whole of Europe.
Source: https://penlighten.com/informative-essay-sample

It also gives you the opportunity to widen your business. Social Media is a
great and cheap way to tools.

Aside from that, it lets you meet people who can help you with your career.
You can find out what companies are hiring and hire people to hire for your
company, you can ask and get responds from your friends.

Journalistic Writing

Journalistic writing is different from the other forms of literary texts. Unlike a
short story, poem, or novel, a journalistic text is more closely related to essay. News
reports, features, editorial, sports, and other columns in a newspaper or magazine
are considered journalistic texts.

 To quickly inform (news articles)

 To entertain (comics section, lifestyle column, feature)
 To persuade (editorial, opinion, column)

 Inverted pyramid

Source: https://i2.wp.com/d1fcpxzix8mbyc.cloudfront.net/wp-
content/uploads/2016/03/inverted-pyramid.png?resize=1080%2C125 0

 The essential and most interesting elements of a story are put at the beginning,
with supporting information following in order of diminishing importance.

Types of Journalistic Text

Print journalism – type of journalism that focuses on print media, such as
newspapers and magazines

Broadcast journalism – type of journalism that is being broadcast, . radio and


Yellow journalism – type of journalism that uses exaggerating words or
sensationalism; uses eye-catching heading

Sample of Journalistic Writing

BAYOMBONG, NUEVA VIZCAYA—Vegetable farmers dumped tons of ripe

tomatoes on roadsides here and in nearby Ifugao province due to a glut in supply
and low market prices.

Small and medium-sized tomatoes were found abandoned along the roads in
Tinoc town in Ifugao on Tuesday, a week after tomatoes were also seen rotting on a
roadside in Bambang town in this province.

“The sorry sight of dumped tomatoes adds to the woes of farmers, who are
suffering from the impact of the quarantine,” Adrian Albano, administrator of Ifugao
Highland Farmers’ Forum, told the Inquirer by telephone on Thursday.
According to farmers, the low retail price of tomatoes would prevent them
from recovering their huge production expenses, as it would only cost them more to
transport the produce to buyers.
Source: https://newsinfo.inquirer.net/1287069/tomatoes-dumped-on-roadsides-in-nueva-vizcaya-ifugao#ixzz6OXT4S8BK

MANILA, Philippines — The Philippines’ confirmed coronavirus disease 2019

(COVID-19) cases surged to 20,626 as the Department of Health (DOH) reported
Friday an additional 244 cases.Meanwhile, 82 more patients have recovered from
the respiratory disease, bringing the total recoveries to 4,330.
The new reporting system has resulted in a massive surge in new COVID-19
cases in recent days. But the DOH said the spike in cases does not mean that the
outbreak is getting worse as it attributed the increase to the government’s increased
testing capacity and “aggressive efforts” to catch up on the validation backlogs.
Earlier, COVID-19 Response Deputy Chief Implementer Vince Dizon said the
government is now eyeing to include asymptomatic patients in its “expanded
targeted testing” program.

This came as he reported that the country’s rated testing capacity increased
to nearly 42,000 a day.

However, the DOH earlier said that daily actual tests done by all the
accredited laboratories is only around 8,000 to 9,000 as some testing centers face
operational issues.There are currently 52 accredited laboratories nationwide, of
40 can use RT-PCR tests while the other 12 are testing centers licensed to use
GeneXpert rapid tests.

Source: https://newsinfo.inquirer.net/1286940/philippines-covid-19-cases-surge-to-20626-deaths-near-1000#ixzz6OXWOWfJO
Follow us: @inquirerdotnet on Twitter | inquirerdotnet on Facebook

Literary Writing

Literary writing may not be entirely factual or timely. It may also cover
imaginary events or ideas. It also tends to be subjective where the most important
point may be found anywhere in the text.


 To express
 To entertain

 To communicate or appeal to the emotions


 Depends on the form


 Logically – by date or time; by order of importance

 Categorically – by definition; by theme

 Contextually – by comparison and contrast; by historical or contemporary

Types of Literary Text

a Prose

a Poetry

Sample of Literary Writing

It was a dark and stormy night.

In her attic bedroom Margaret Murry,

Wrapped in an old patchwork quilt,

Sat on the foot of her bed and

watched the trees tossing in the

frenzied lashing of the wind.



What’s More

Activity 3: Think it through:

To further enhance your knowledge on distinguishing the types of writing, Kindly read
carefully the given items then check the column where it belongs.

Items Given Informative Journalistic Literary

1. Novel

2. Factual recount

3. Sports news

4. Editorial column

5. A recipe for carbonara

6. Movie review

7. A social etiquette article

8. A brochure on the detecting signs of drug abuse

9. Poem on entitled: Why Do I Love Thee

10. 10 Signs of Covid 19 as Lead news

11. Magazine

12. The play entitled: “Romeo and Juliet”

13. How to Cook Paella

14. The Legend of Maria Cristina Falls

15. Pres. Duterte may align Funds vs. Covid 19, says

Activity 4: Show your Writing Talent

A. Informative Writing.

After going through the activities, you are now very familiar on distinguishing
the three (3) Types of Text. Choose one (1) of the following themes. Write your own
informative article.

 Friendship
 Love
 Courage
 Loyalty
B. Journalistic Writing.

1. Read an article/story from a newspaper. Cut it then, paste it on a short coupon

bond. Take note on the following key points.

2. Write a short news article on another short coupon bond.

 What is the story about?
 Are there words you do not understand?
 Give me an example of formal language used in the text?
 Write/pick out the five (5) W’s of the article (who, what, where, when, why).
Write down your answer at the bottom of your paper.
C. Literary Writing.

I want you to write one a short poem (1) as your example of literary writing
base on what you have learned from the module.

What I Have Learned

From the examples given, fill out the table below:

Informative vs. Journalistic vs. Literary Writing

Activity 4 A. Fill the table with the needed information



Manner of reading (formal,


Format (where do you find

the text?)

Other Features

B. How Well Do You Know?

Directions: Identify whether the statement described is informative, journalistic or

literary writing.

____________________ 1.It uses a wide variety of imaginative and

creative writing that leads to the
appreciation of a variety of subjects.

____________________ 2.It is the style of writing used to report news

stories in newspapers, television
broadcasts, on radio and on the Internet.

____________________ 3.These are texts which intend to inform the
reader or viewer. They use facts to
describe and explain people, animals,
objects, events, or phenomena.

____________________ 4.It is a piece of written material, such as a

book or poem, that has the purpose of
telling a story or entertaining, as in a
fictional novel. Its primary function as a text
is usually aesthetic, but it may also contain
political messages or beliefs.

____________________ 5.The purpose of this text is to educate and

enlighten the reader. It is a very
straightforward piece of writing.

C. After going through our lesson, let's fill in the triple Venn diagram shown
below. In each circle, enumerate the individual and unique features of informative,
journalistic and literary writing. However, on the overlapping parts of the circles,
identify common features shared between these types of discourse.

Journalistic Writing

Literary Writing

Informative Writing

Making Connections to Your Schema

What Can I do

Enrichment Activity Activity 8 Community Services Brochure

The Community Services Brochure is your major output for this lesson. This
brochure specifically informs the public of the services available in your community.
As a form of informative writing, the brochure should present factual information and
details about any club, center or key persons offering services in your
barangay/community which you would like to feature. Other forms of informative
writing include letters, reports, speeches, review and instruction pamphlet.

The criteria for assessment will be: Focus, Content, Organization, Supports,
Visuals, Clarity and Language Mechanics. Here are some ideas which might help
you in the preparation and presentation of a Community Services Brochure. Keep
these points in mind as you go through the process.

Planning Stage

Think of a plan for the preparation of your brochure in which you can
communicate with your barangay but still following the social distancing technique
where the following points should be covered:

 You should create the simplest but presentable community services brochure you
can do but sill have all the essentials that a brochure should have e.g. pictures you
can make use, how to layout your brochure, what are the services in your barangay
that you will feature that you want other people to know etc.
 Identify the topic of your brochure.
 Clarify the main requirements of the brochure which are the topic, purpose, and

 Clarify the purpose of the brochure. Answer these questions: Who will be interested
to read the brochure? Who needs it?
 Identify the key persons whom you will contact in the barangay, clubs or services
that will be highlighted in your brochure.

Gathering Information

Before you gather information, be sure that you have secured a permission to
conduct an interview with the key persons, services or club you planned to feature.

 Look for the key persons in the barangay you can make contact with, clubs, or
centers, that offer services that make a difference.
 Prepare questions (interview schedule) and put them in a logical order.
 Call or visit and interview at least three (3) people to learn more about their services.
 Make a list of their accomplishments/achievements and specialization.
 Find out what they consider important to their success.

 Collect photos, drawings, illustrations, or videos (if possible) showing ordinary people
making a difference by performing their roles in life willingly and graciously.


 Consolidate the information you have gathered, and choose what will be used in
your brochure.
 Use few, simple, short, catchy but meaningful sentences and captions
 Think of the order you will use to organize the factual information.
 Point out the help, support, and benefits the club, or key persons receive as well as
the specialization or services they offer.
 Explain the significance of the services to the target readers.
 Through speaking and writing, report the services and needs of the clubs or

 Use photos and charts in the presentation.

Writing and Presenting

 Ask your teachers to read and evaluate your brochure
 Ask for comments and suggestions
 Look over the first draft and rewrite it.
 Polish your draft incorporating the suggestions made by your evaluators

 Do the finishing touches and present your Community Services Brochure.


Criteria Expert Proficient Developing Basic Beginning

5 4 3 2 1

Focus Information Most of the Some of the Too many No relevant

included are information are information are irrelevant information
relevantto the relevant except for relevant but with included in can be
objectives of one or two noticeable the gleaned
the brochure irrelevant brochure from the
information brochure

Content Has all the Has all the required Has most of the Has little of
required information(see required the
information(s checklist) information required
ee checklist) information
and some

Organization Information is Information is well- Information is Information

well- organized and coherent but not is confusing
organized coherent except 1 very organized to the
and coherent reader

Support Well- Most of the Lacking

supported headings/topics are support
headings/sub- well-supported
headings and

Visuals Graphics go The graphics go Graphics go well Graphics Graphics

well with the well with the text with text but there do not go included
text. but there are too are too few well with are merely
many that they the text and filters
There is good distract from the appear to
mix of text text be
and graphics randomly


Attractivene Has Acceptable but Either too

ss (Layout) exceptionally could not have garish or
attractive done better too bland

Clarity Purpose of Purpose is Purpose for

brochure is somewhat clear making
clear to the brochure is
reader not clear to
the reader

Criteria Expert Proficient Developing Basic Beginning

5 4 3 2 1

Language Writing done 4-5 errors in 6-7 errors in 8-10 errors 10 or more
Mechanics in complete grammar, grammar, in errors in
(Writing sentences capitalization & capitalization & grammar, grammar,
conventions) punctuation punctuation capitalizatio capitalizatio
Capitalization n & n &
& punctuation punctuation punctuation
are correct
the brochure

Copies for Gave >20 Gave 15-19 copies Gave 10-14 copies Gave > 10 No copies
organization copies copies

Posted Posted online Posted online with Posted online with

online with less than 6-10 11-15
5 suggestion suggestions/reactio suggestions/reactio
ns for improvement ns for improvement

Timeliness Submitted at Submitted a day Submitted on Submitted Submitted

least 2 days before deadline deadline date one (1) day 2-4 days
before date after after
deadline deadline deadline
date date

*Points will be forfeited if work is submitted more than 5 days after deadline date

Content Checklist:

 Contact information: This often ends up being the flap or the back of the
brochure; should contain all the ways your clubs or organization can be
contacted (names, addresses, phone number, email, web address)

 Mailing addresses: One of the outside panels of your brochure should have a
return address for your organization and a blank area where you can stick a
mailing label or write and address. Saves you the cost of envelopes!

 Front cover. This should contain your name, logo, and slogan, but not much
more. Keep it from getting too crowded and chaotic,but try to make the reader
interested in opening the brochure up and reading on.

 Features/benefits: This is usually the inside of the brochure. This part of your
brochure should tell a bit about what your program does and what the benefits
are to those who become involved.

 Action: What can the reader do? This could focus on how the volunteer can
pitch in and help the group or coalition, or it could focus on how the volunteer
can benefit from the services him/herself. You can include both, if you’d like.

 Elsewhere, if desired, a brief history of the organization, directions on how to

access or use services provided, how the organization is funded, or information
on the staff.

The learners will make personal connections by using their schema
(background knowledge) in distinguishing between and among the types of text
introduce and provided for them in this module. The learners will also be guided to
apply what they have learned from this module in which they will make use of their
daily life outside the four (4) walls of the classroom.

Assessment: (Post-Test)

I. Multiple Choice: Read the statements carefully. Encircle the best answer.
1It is a type of text which presents information that are found in radio, print or
A.informative B. literary C. journalistic

2.It gives readers straightforward information about a topic.

A. literary B. informative C. journalistic

3. It is a type of text which is usually non-fiction.

A. informative B. journalistic C. literary

4.It is written originally by a writer.

A. journalistic B. literary C. informative

5.It is a type of text which is defined as a wide variety of imaginative and creative

B. literary B. journalistic C. informative

6.It serves to inform or discloses information.

B. journalistic B. informative C. literary

7.It is a type of text which leads to the appreciation of the cultural heritage of

B. literary B. journalistic C. informative

8.It is a type of writing which used to report news stories.

B. literary B. journalistic C. informative

9.It has a unique text type and construction level.

B. informative B. literary C. journalistic

10.It is a type of text in which the intention is to inform the reader about a specific

B. literary B. informative C. journalistic

11.It is a type of text which is instructive and instructional by nature.

A. journalistic B. literary C. informative

12.It is a type of text which is written using special text features that allows the
reader to easily find key information and understand the main topic.

A. informative B. journalistic C. literary

13.It is a type of text which are found in online journalism.

A. literary B. informative C. journalistic

14.It involves finding, creating, editing and publishing of news to be shared.

B. informative B. journalistic C. literary

15.It is a type of text in which visual representation may include: charts, diagrams,
and tables and these are accompanied by captions that further explain the image.

B. informative B. literary C. journalistic

16. It gives interests to people who would like to be inform of something.

B. Journalistic B. literary C. informative

17.It imparts straight forward information and facts; but never personal opinions.

B. literary B. journalistic C. informative

18.It relates to, or have the characteristics of humane learning.

B. literary B. informative C. journalistic

19.It is a type of text that imparts knowledge to the readers.

B. journalisticB. literary C. informative

20.It is a type of text which has shorter texts like for example: personal essays,
opinion pieces, speeches and literature essay.

B. informative B. journalistic C. literary

II. Learner will identify the type of text use in the following articles such as:
informative, journalistic or literary. Encircle the letter of your answer.

Text A

They walked downtown in the light of mother-of-pearl, to the Majestic, and their
way to seats by the light of the screen, in the exhilarating smell of stale tobacco, rank
sweat, and dirty drawers, while the piano played fast music and galloping horses raised
a grandiose lag of dust. A Death in the Family by James Agee

1. A. informative B. literary C. journalistic

Text B

A fire of undetermined origin razed to the ground a three-story apartment of Juana

de la Cruz 456 Lapulapu St., Valencia City last night. Five fire companies subdued it
within an hour. The damage, estimated at P5 million, was covered by insurance.

2. A. journalistic B. informative C. literary

Text C

Toledo, Spain (Reuters) - Scientists believe they could discover life outside the
Solar System within the next 25 years covered by insurance. “Yes, definitely, there’s
life out there, “Mike Kaplan, director of US space agency NASA’s origins program,
told Reuters during a meeting of Astronomers in Toledo.
The Philippine Star, 15 March 1996

3. A. informative B. journalistic C. literary

Text D
Scientific theories are not guesses or random ideas. A Scientific theory is a collection
of well-supported hypotheses based on repeated testing that explains some aspect
about the natural world.

4. A. literary B. journalistic C. informative

Text E
It was dark and stormy. In her attic bedroom Margaret Murry, wrapped in an old
patchwork quilt, sat on the foot of her bed and watched the trees tossing in the frenzied
lashing of the wind.

5. A. journalistic B. literary C. informative

Key to Answers

I. II.

1. C Journalistic 11. C Informative 1. B Literary

2. B Informative 12. A Informative 2. A Journalistic

3. A Informative 13. C Journalistic 3. B Journalistic

4. A Journalistic 14. B Journalistic 4. C Informative

5. A Literary 15. A Informative 5. B Literary

6. B Informative 16. C Informative

7. A Literary 17. B Journalistic

8. B Journalistic 18. A Literary

9. C Journalistic 19. C Informative

10. B Informative 20. A Informative

Activity 1 Activity 4 Activity 6

1. Informative Teachers Discretion Teacher’s Discretion

1. Literary/Informative

Literary Activity 5 Activity 8

2. Journalistic Teacher’s Discretion. Teacher’s Discretion

3. Literary On the overlapping part

of the diagram the

Answer is : TEXT

Activity 2

1. A normal feeling of nervousness or dread before performing in front of an audience.

2. A person becomes immobilized due to stage fright.

3. a. Practice c. Visualize

b. Talk to yourself d. Practice with a few audience

4. a. Yawn c. Focus on the first few lines of your piece

b. Stretch d. Trust yourself

5. It’s a normal feeling, because even seasoned performers feel nervous during their first few
numbers on stage.

6. Answer may vary.

Activity 3

2. Literary 6. Literary 11. Literary

3. Informative 7. Informative 12. Literary

4. Journalistic 8. Informative 13. Informative

5. Journalistic 9. Literary 14. Literary

6. Informative 10. Journalistic 15. Journalistic

Activity 7


* To inform the reader * informs the public by * it is a piece of writing,
about the natural or social reporting on local, such as a book, poem,
Purpose world national and global news etc.
and events
* It conveys information
accurately. * journalists strive to write
articles that have wide
* it increase knowledge, appeal and can be easily
explain a procedure, or understand
explore a concept in

* uses a variety of * reading literary writing

sentence structure to help like novels, poems is
Manner of Reading the reader from getting * Journalism is about different from reading
(formal, informal, bored, and ideas are telling people what they magazines and news
entertaining/dramatic) organized in a way that didn’t know, stories
makes sense
* makes the reader want * readers get immersed in
* each body paragraph to about it more reading stories and want
should focus on to get to know the
explaining a single idea characters and wonder
that was introduced in the about the outcome
thesis statement and
develops the topic in a
logical order

Format * the basic structure of * follows the 5W’s (who, * follows the introduction,
informative essay is very what, where, when, why) body and conclusion
(where do you find the simple question in order for it to which is the basic
text) report a news stories structure to maintain in
* it needs to have most formats of academic
beginning, middle and writing when it comes to
end. reading stories

* formal by nature that * has literary element that

follows the introduction, describes the ways the
body, and conclusion author uses words- word
respectively choice, sentence
structure, figurative
language and sentence
arrangement all work
together to establish
mood, images, and
meaning in the text.

Other Features Structure: * a style of writing that is * usually fictional, and it
used to report news makes use of figurative
* clear opening stories in a variety of symbolic language
media formats
* general information * usually fiction that
about the topic * obvious characteristics displays a sense or reality
of the style include short,
* summarizing conclusion simple sentences and * tension or conflict
paragraphs that present
* interesting, easy to read * artistic unity ( main idea
objective stories based on
the layout is conveyed)
Language * use figurative language (
* journalists use quotes to
give the story credibility simile, metaphor, irony,
* present tense symbolism, etc.)

* first person or third

person (depends on topic
-can be personal)

* connectives to make it
clear and coherent

* mostly facts (but can

contain opinion if its a
personal text)

* rhetorical questions to
engage reader’s interest

* specific examples

* bullet point summarizes

may be appropriate/help

References ( print and non-print)

Campomanes, IPJ. (2017). “Module 1, Lesson 1: Enhancing the Self.” A Simplified
Learning Module for English Grade 9 BEC K-12/Open High School Program
(OHSP). A learning material submitted to the Division of Valencia City, pp. 48-

Lapid, M.G.; Serrano, J.B.(2018). English Communication Arts and Skills through
Anglo-American and Philippine Literature , English 9 (Eight Edition). Quezon
City: Phoenix Publishing House, Inc., pp. 106-108.

Natividad, V. R. (2017). English in Perspective Anglo-American Literature,English 9

Second Edition). Quezon City: Abiva Publishing House, Inc., pp. 116-117.







Quarter 2 Week 2
Use Normal and Inverted Word Order
in Creative Writing

Table of Contents
What This Module is About.......................................................................................v

What I Need to Know................................................................................................v

How to Learn from this Module................................................................................v

Icons of this Module.................................................................................................vi

What I Know............................................................................................................vii

Lesson 1:

Normal and Inverted Word Order in Creative Writing ………………………….…….1

What’s New ......................................................................................1

What Is It.............................................................................................3

What’s More .......................................................................................4

What I Have Learned..........................................................................5

What I Can Do....................................................................................6


What This Module is About

The sequence of words is crucial when communicating in English because it

can affect the meaning of what you’re trying to say to the other person or something
you have written. The sentence, “Maria crossed the road” and “The road crossed
Maria” could entirely mean two different meanings because the subject and object
are inverted. The same would be true if the verb was used out of order, for instance:
“Crossed the road Maria”

It is then important to learn the correct way of how words are arranged in a
sentence. Hence, this module is very much helpful for you.

What I Need to Know

This Module is intended to:

1. Identify the word order in a sentence
2. Use normal and inverted word order in creative writing

How to Learn from this Module

To achieve the objectives cited above, you are to do the following:

 Take your time reading the lessons carefully.

 Follow the directions and/or instructions in the activities and exercises
 Answer all the given tests and exercises.

What I Know

Task 1. Which is Subject and Verb?

Let us recall your knowledge about subject and verb.

A. Underline the complete subject.

1. The man removed the scales of the fish.

2. This lady wanted attention from you.
3. Our friend needs someone to fix his faucet.
4. Maria and Fe came home with a smile.
5. The store owner gave his employees bonus.
6. Their captain asks for help.
7. My pet has eaten his food.
8. My family and I go to church every Sunday and Saturday.
9. I must study my lesson every day.
10. Along the way, a cat was rescued.
11. Her comes the aid from the government.
12. Are you sure of your decision?
13. Behind the tree is a lonely child.
14. Do you think she did the right thing?
15. Where are the kids now?

B. Using the above sentences, write the verb.

1. ___________________ 9._______________________

2. ___________________ 10.______________________
3. ___________________ 11. ______________________
4. ___________________ 12.______________________
5. ___________________ 13. ______________________
6. ___________________ 14. ______________________
7. ___________________ 15. ______________________
8. ___________________

Normal and Inverted Word
Lesson Order in Creative Writing

What’s New

Just saw this and thought I'd share

I'm very ugly

So don't try to convince me that
I am a very beautiful person
Because at the end of the day
I hate myself in every single way
And I'm not going to lie to myself by saying
There is beauty inside of me that matters
So rest assured I will remind myself
That I am a worthless, terrible person
And nothing you say will make me believe

I still deserve love
Because no matter what
I am not good enough to be loved
And I am in no position to believe that
Beauty does exist within me
Because whenever I look in the mirror I always think
Am I as ugly as people say?
(now read bottom up).

By Abdullah Shoaib

Is there a difference when you read it from top to bottom and from bottom to

In English language, the positions of the subject and the verb in the sentence
determine the sentence’s word order. There are two kinds of word order in English:
A. Natural/ normal word order
B. Inverted word order

Sentences that name their subjects and then say something about it are in
natural/normal word order. Most sentences follow this pattern. Even commands in
which subject is unstated are in natural/normal word order.

Natural/ (A) Many
+ Pray + for + healing.
(You) + Come + here + now.
(subject- + (main verb) + (adverb (object)
+ (main verb) + n) (adverb of time)
unstated) of place)

When the verb or part of the verb comes before the subject, the sentence has
inverted word order. If the sentence starts with a negative, the auxiliary verb comes

Never + Would + he + come near year.
(negative (auxiliary
+ + (subject) (predicate)
word) verb)

A sentence has an inverted word order when an adverb, a helping/ auxiliary

verb, or prepositional phrase is located at the beginning of the sentence and
modifies/describes the verb instead the subject.

Certain sentence types require inverted word order, in which the verb is placed
first before the subject.
 Interrogative sentences (Questions)
Example: What have you done to the victims?

 Declarative sentences that begin with negative or restrictive words such as

never, rarely, scarcely, hardly ever, and not only.
Example: Not only had I gone to the market but also had cleaned the house.

What Is It

Task 1.2 What Am I

Activity: Determine whether the sentences are in natural/normal order or inverted
word order by placing check ( ) on the right column.
Sentences Natural/ Inverted
1. Most of the patients need immediate care.
2. The students are making so much effort.
3. Down the road are the drug dealers.
4. These guys attempted to make a difference.
5. Did they ever ask the victims?
6. Were you summoned by the Barangay Captain?
7. Most of the ripe mangoes were thrown in the canal.
8. Inside the cupboard were different condiments.
9. This pandemic shall pass very soon.
10. I gave my all to this vocation that I have chosen.

Task 1.3 I am the Subject and the Verb…
Using the sentences above, identify the subject and verb.
Subject Verb
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.
6. 6.
7. 7.
8. 8.
9. 9.
10. 10.

What’s More.

Is it possible to change the natural/ normal word order into inverted word
order? The answer is yes!
In transforming natural or normal order to inverted, you simply put the word (or group
of words- phrase) that follows after the verb on the first part of the sentence.
Ex. Many people are on the island. (natural/normal word order)
Subject verb prep. phrase

(Inverted word order) On the island are many people.

Task 1.3 Change Me…

In your activity sheet, write the inverted word order of the following normal word
order sentences.
Example: Many dogs are in the street.
Answer: In the street are many dogs.

1. His daughter hid behind that big tree.

2. My mother is here.
3. She has never been to any of those places.
4. Those learners sit in front row.
5. Few thirsty children are in the line of the water fountain.

6. The athlete jumped over the hurdle.
7. Your friend is over there.
8. Juan is next to the celebrity.
9. Much sugar is inside the jar.
10. I couldn’t work because of the loud noise.

What I Have Learned

Task 1.4 Let’s now play a game…

Activity: A. Arrange the jumbled words that are given to you. Make sure you
come up with natural/normal word order first.
1. the fruits the farmers harvested Ans.________________________
2. his mother cooks delicious meal Ans. ________________________
3. bought important goods father Ans. ________________________
4. popcorn eat the children Ans. ________________________
5. could not the stars see I Ans. ________________________
6. most of the are playing online games boys Ans. _____________________
7. the teachers many check projects Ans. ________________________
8. must take vitamins everyday we Ans. ________________________
9. doctors the patient monitor Ans. ________________________
10. they the message got Ans. ________________________

B. After you answer activity A., change the sentences into a correct inverted word
Task 1.5… It’s Writing Time
Write at least two paragraphs about the following topics written below. Each
paragraph must contain at least five sentences. Underline the sentences which are
written in an inverted order.

* What Would I do to achieve my goals in life?

* My Greatest Achievement as a Student

Here’s a rubric in evaluating your work.

CRITERIA 5 4 3 2
Content All sentences 4 sentences are 3 sentences are 1-2 sentences
are in inverted in inverted in inverted are in inverted
order order order order
Organization of All sentences One sentence Two sentences Clearly no
Ideas have both unity seem unrelated is not coherent organization of
and coherence. with the other ideas; unity and
sentences coherence are
not observable
Mechanics 0-1 error in 2-3 errors in 4-5 errors in Too many errors
grammar, grammar, grammar, in grammar,
spelling and spelling and spelling and spelling and
punctuation punctuation punctuation punctuation

What I Can Do

Let us find out how well you understand this module. Answer the activity
below. Identify whether the sentences are natural/normal word order (NWO) or
inverted word order (IWO).
_______ 1. My toys are in the crates.
_______ 2. Most of the oil is spilled.
_______ 3. These girls need your attention.
_______ 4. The employees are already asking for a raise.
_______ 5. In the fields are the strong working farmers.
_______ 6. Around the corner is a huge mansion
_______ 7. The students are excited for the field trip.
_______ 8. I should have told you earlier.

_______ 9. Man is never satisfied.
_______ 10. Mix all the ingredients properly.
_______ 11. Does it have to end this way?
_______ 12. Behind those wall are the dying people.
_______ 13. Can you fill the emptiness I feel?
_______ 14. This book must be banned right away.
_______ 15. You can read my mind.


● Included all third party materials or sources in developing the


● Follows the Chicago Manual of Style 17th edition

For your guide,


you can also use citation machine generators: citethisforme.com and citefast.co
Normal/Natural or Inverted Word Sentence Module
Answer key:
Task 1. Which Is Subject and Verb
A. Complete subject B. Verb
1. The man 1. removed
2. This lady 2. wanted
3. Our friend 3. needs
4. Maria and Fe 4. came
5. The store owner 5. gave
6. Their captain 6. asks
7. My pet 7. has eaten
8. My family and I 8. go
9. I 9. must study
10. A cat 10. was rescued
11. The aid from the government 11. comes
12. You 12. are
13. A lonely child 13. is
14. You 14. do
15. Kids 15. are
About the poem:
Yes, there is a difference when you read it from top to bottom and from bottom
to top… the essence of being pretty and being ugly…because the title of the
poem itself is- Pretty -Ugly Poem.

Task 1.2 What am I?

1. Normal
2. Normal
3. Inverted
4. Normal
5. Inverted
6. Inverted
7. Normal
8. Inverted
9. Normal
10. Normal

Subject Verb
Most of the patients 1. need
The students 2. are making
3. the drug dealers 3. are
4.These guys 4. attempted
They 5. did
You 6. were (summoned)
Most of the ripe mangoes 7. were thrown
different condiments 8. were
This pandemic 9. shall12pass
I 10. gave
Task 1.3 I Am the Subject and the Verb

Task 1.4 Change Me

1. Behind that big tree hid his daughter .
2. Here is my mother.
3. Has she never been to any of those places?
4. In front row sit those learners.
5. In the line of the water fountain are few thirsty children.
6. Over the hurdle jumped the athlete.
7. Over there is your friend.
8. Next to the celebrity is Juan.
9. Inside the jar is much sugar.
10. Because of the loud noise, I couldn’t work .
Task1.5 Let’s Now Play a Game

1. The farmers harvested the fruits.

2. Mother cooks delicious meal .

3. Father bought important goods .

4. the children eat popcorn.

5. I could not the stars see.

6. Most of the boys are playing online games

7. The teachers check many projects.

8. We must take vitamins everyday

9. Doctors monitor the patient

10. They got the message

Task 1.6. It’s Writing Time
Answer may vary…

Quarter 2 Week 3

Skim to Determine Key Ideas and Author’s Purpose

Table of Contents

What This Module is About........................................................................................................................v

What I Need to Know...................................................................................................................................v

How to Learn from this Module................................................................................................................vi

Icons of this Module....................................................................................................................................vi

What I Know…………………………………………………………………………………………...…...viii

Lesson 1:

Skimming Author’s Purpose.................................................................................................1

What I Need to Know......................................................................................................1

What’s New ......................................................................................................................1

What Is It ...........................................................................................................................2

What’s More ….................................................................................................................4

What I Have Learned......................................................................................................5

What I Can Do..................................................................................................................7

Summary......................................................................................................................... .7

Assessment: (Post-Test)..................................................................................................8

Key to Answers........................................................................................................................................... 9


What I Know (Pretest)

Test 1. Read the following statements below and identify if it skimming by checking
(√) on the blank before the number and writing (X) if it not.

____________ 1. It refers to looking over a text quickly without reading word for word.

____________ 2. It refers to looking through a text very quickly to find specific details.

____________ 3. It is reading the beginning and end of an article, ignoring the details.

____________ 4. It is reading in block of words rather than word by word.

____________ 5. It is reading the title and look at accompanying visuals.

Test 2. Fill in the blanks with the most suitable word to define what skimming is.

important, word, paragraph, general, time,

1.  Skimming is getting the main idea of a text by glancing over it in a short ______.


2.  People are NOT skimming when they read the article word by ________.

3.   Skimming is reading the first and last sentences of the __________.


4.  Skimming is reading rapidly in order to get a _______ overview of the material.


5.  The action of reading something quickly so as to note only the __________ points.


Test 3. Skim the short story to answer the following questions

1. What does Ryan love? _________

2. How many pumpkins did Ryan pick? _______

Ryan is at the pumpkin patch. He loves pumpkins! His mom told him he was allowed
to pick one pumpkin to take home. Ryan picked the biggest pumpkin at the patch! He is
so excited to take it home to show his sister!

3. What did Rico eat at the carnival? __________

4. What did Rico do first? ________________

5. What did Rico win? ___________________

Rico’s class went to the school carnival today. It was a lot of fun. Rico won two prizes.
He won a blue jacket and a smart cellular phone. He had a great time with all his friends.
First, he played a few games. Then, he got a popcorn and lemonade with his friends.
Finally, he got to watch a magic show. Rico can’t wait to get home and tell his parents all
about his fun day.

Test 4. Skim the short passage and choose the correct options according to the readings by

shading the correct answer/s.

One of my favorite vacation places is Mexico. I really like the weather there because it
never gets cold. The people are very nice too. They never laugh at my bad Spanish. The
food is really good. Mexico City is a very interesting place to visit. It has some great
museums and lots of fascinating old buildings. The hotels are too expensive to stay but
there are more affordable options. For example, you can stay at one of the beach resorts
like Acapulco. If you are planning to visit Mexico, you should definitely see the Mayan
temples near Merida.


There's a lot to see and do in Mexico

There aren't a lot of beautiful places in Mexico

Mexico is a dirty place

Tourists never come to Mexico

Last summer, we decided to spend our vacation at the beach because the weather
was very hot in the mountains. The travel agent said that traveling by bus was the
cheapest way, but we went by plane because it was faster. We wanted to have more
time to spend at the beach. The weather was beautiful and we had a great time.

2. We decided to go to the beach because ----.

it was cheaper than going to the mountains
the travel agent said that it was the cheapest
of the hot weather in the mountains
we wanted to spend time at the beach

Every summer Nichole goes to the countryside for a month. She stays at her uncle’s
farm and helps him. She works very hard but she likes it because she loves to spend
time with her cousin Macy. Every morning she wakes up at six o’clock, first she collects
the eggs and feeds the chickens, then she has breakfast at 6:30 and after breakfast, she
helps her aunt with the house chores for an hour. She can't wait to spend time with her
cousin Macy. They always have a great time together. They climb trees, pick fruits and
flowers. They love being outdoors. They come back home before dark and get ready for
dinner. After dinner, they go out and feed the animals. Before they go to bed they watch
TV for a little bit or read books. They are always very tired at the end of the day and
usually fall asleep watching TV or reading.

3. Where does Nichole go in summer?

A) She goes to a big city.
B) She goes to her uncle’s farm.
C) She goes to her cousin’s hotel.
D) She goes camping.

Lesson Skimming Author’s Purpose

What I Need to Know

At the end of this module, you should be able to:

1. Define what skimming is.

2. Appreciate the function of skimming.

3. Use skimming skill in a given text to get the main idea from the author.

What’s New

Why skim?

You need the “big picture” or main points when you’re reading. Even if you’re going
to do a more detailed reading of the text, skimming as a form of previewing can help you
better comprehend what you read. Knowing when 1 and how to skim will help you become a
more efficient, strategic reader. You’ll become better at determining what parts of the text
are most important. There may also be times when your professor wants you to understand
the big picture, not all of the little details. In these cases, skimming helps you understand the
overall points of the text and its relevance to your course without bogging you down.

Make the most of your time. Sometimes you don’t have time to do everything. With
skimming, you’ll be able to cover vast amounts of material more quickly and save time for
everything else that you have on your plate. Maybe you don’t have time to finish your
reading before class, but skimming will help you get the main points and attend class much
more prepared to maximize in-class learning.

You need to review a text you have read before. Skimming is also an efficient way to
refresh your memory of large amounts of material before an exam. Skimming a text that you
have already read helps you recall content and structure.

What Is It

Skimming to save time

     Skimming can save you hours of laborious reading. However, it is not

always the most appropriate way to read. It is very useful as a preview to a
more detailed reading or when reviewing a selection heavy in content. But when you skim,
you may miss important points or overlook the finer shadings of meaning, for which rapid
reading or perhaps even study reading may be necessary.
     Use skimming to overview your textbook chapters or to review for a test. Use
skimming to decide if you need to read something at all, for example during the preliminary
research for a paper. Skimming can tell you enough about the general idea and tone of the
material, as well as its gross similarity or difference from other sources, to know if you need
to read it at all.
     To skim, prepare yourself to move rapidly through the pages. You will not read every
word; you will pay special attention to typographical cues-headings, boldface and italic type,
indenting, bulleted and numbered lists. You will be alert for key words and phrases, the
names of people and places, dates, nouns, and unfamiliar words. In general follow these
Read the table of contents or chapter overview to learn the main divisions of ideas.
Glance through the main headings in each chapter just to see a word or two. Read
the headings of charts and tables.
Read the entire introductory paragraph and then the first and last sentence only of each
following paragraph. For each paragraph, read only the first few words of each sentence or
to locate the main idea.

Skimming is not…

Skimming can present problems if not done intentionally. Skimming is not simply
flipping through a text quickly or paying half attention to it. When skimming, be deliberate
and intentional with what you choose to read, and make sure that you are focused.
Skimming is not a lazy way out or a half-hearted attempt at reading. Make sure that you use
it carefully and strategically and are able to walk away with the main ideas of the text.

Skimming methods

Beginnings & endings: Read first and last sentences of paragraphs, first and last
paragraphs of major sections, and introductions and summaries of chapters.
Wheat vs. chaff: Read only the amount of text necessary to determine if a section presents a
main idea or support for a main idea.
Visual & verbal cues: Watch for signal words and phrases that indicate an author’s direction
(e.g., however, although, moreover, in addition to). Things to focus on while skimming:

• Introduction and conclusion 2

• Chapter/section summaries
• First and last sentences
• Titles, subtitles, and headings
• Bold words
• Charts, graphs, or pictures
• End of chapter review questions

When to skim
There are certain texts that lend themselves to skimming better than others. It is
typically less beneficial to skim novels, poetry, and short stories or texts that do not have text
features such as such as tables of content, chapter or section summaries, headings, bold
words, pictures, and diagrams. Non-fiction texts, like textbooks, journal articles, and essays
are typically full of these kinds of text features and are more suited for skimming.
Skimming can also be a good tool for conducting research and writing papers.
Typically, when researching or writing, you will not need to read every word of every text
closely, but will benefit more from skimming while evaluating your sources or identifying
information important to your work.
Finally, know your context. There may be some texts that you are better off reading
closely and thoroughly. Some professors specifically tell you that they include small details
from the textbook on exams. You may have some classes that are just difficult to
understand, and you may find that reading closely helps you comprehend concepts better.
Before skimming, spend some time thinking about your classes, professors, and needs to
determine if you have any texts you may need to read more closely.
Active reading strategies
When skimming, it’s important to continue to use active reading strategies. This
keeps your brain active, engaged, and focused, and helps you understand and retain
information better and longer. Here are a few effective active reading strategies to pair with
Set a purpose for reading. Instead of approaching the text as something you just have to get
through, identify a purpose for this reading. What do you want to get out of it? Why are you
reading it? Keep this purpose in mind as you read.

Preview. Look through the text before started to read and focus on headings,
illustrations, captions, highlighted items, end of chapter summaries, etc. These features give
you an idea of the main concepts of the text and what you should focus on while skimming.
Make a prediction. Right after previewing, make a prediction about what you think the
chapter or section is going to be about.
Activate prior knowledge. Make a list of what you already know about the topic and
what you want to know about it. Identify and write down any questions you have.
Annotate. Instead of copying down copious notes from the book, jot down brief notes and
thoughts (in your own words) in the margins of the text or in a notebook. PDF viewers, such
as Adobe Acrobat and Preview, also let you add notes directly on the page of a digital text.
Other possibilities include note-taking apps such as Evernote, OneNote, or Google
Keep.Summarize the main ideas. After a section or page, stop and write a 1-3 sentence
summary in your own words. This keeps your brain engaged and ensures you are
comprehending what you read.
Generate questions. Ask and write down questions that you have as you read the
text and/or questions that you would ask a class if you were the instructor. Try using different
levels of questions.

What’s More
Exercise 1: Skim the passage below and answer the statements true or false by

writing T or F on the blank based on the content of the passage.

Mr. Magicman

He is a magic man! He makes magic!

Mr. Magicman is a magician. He performs magic tricks. He is famous in

his town and he goes to all the children’s parties. He performs lots of magic
tricks for them. He makes a kinds of animals from balloons. He plays card
tricks. And, like Harry Potter, he can make things disappear! He tells
wonderful stories. Sometimes, he sings and dances for the children. All the
children love Mr. Magicman.

When children see him in town, they wave and they shout “Hello” at him.
He waves back and sometimes, if he has his hats on, he raises it to greet

Today, Saturday June 10 th, it is Peter’s birthday. Peter is ten. At 2

o’clock, all the children are at Peter’s house. They pay party games an eat
some delicious cakes. They wait for Mr. Magicman, but Mr. Magicman does
not come. The children are sad. Then Peter’s Dad comes in. He says:

“I am very sorry. Mr. Magicman has got a bad back and he cannot come”

All the children are upset! They think a bit and then they make a plan.
They make a banner and they go to Mr. Magicman’s house. They knock on
his door. Mr. Magicman slowly opens his door. He sees the children and he
smiles. The children hold up their banner. The banner says: Get we soon,
Mr. Magicman. We all love you.

Then they gave him a cake. Mr. Magicman opens his mouth- and he makes
it disappear!

________ 1. Mr. Magicman is a magician.

________ 2. He never sings and dances for the children.

________ 3. In town, the children don’t speak to him.

________ 4. The children go to Mr. Magicman’s house.

________ 5. The banner says “Get well soon, we all love you”.

What I Have Learned

Skim the following job advertisements:

1. Needed: Full time secretary position available. Applicants should have

at least 2 years experience and be able to type 60 words a minute. No
computer skills required. Apply in person at United Business Ltd., 17
Browning Street.

2. Are you looking for a part time job? We require 3 part time shop
assistants to work during the evening. No experience required,
applicants should between 18 and 26. Call 366 - 76564 for more

3. Computer trained secretaries: Do you have experience working with

computers? Would you like a full time position working in an exciting
new company? If your answer is yes, give us a call at 344-5487

4. Teacher Needed: Tommy's Kindergarten needs 2 teacher/trainers to

help with classes from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Applicants should have
appropriate licenses. For more information visit Tommy's Kindergarten in
Leicester Square No. 56

5. Part time work available: We are looking for retired adults who would
like to work part time at the weekend. Responsibilities include
answering the telephone and giving customer's information. For more
information contact us by calling

6. University positions open: The University of Cumberland is looking for
4 teaching assistants to help with homework correction. Applicants
should have a degree in one of the following: Political Science, Religion,
Economics or History. Please contact the University of Cumberland for
more information.

Comprehension Questions

• Which position is best for these people? Now scan the text and choose
ONLY ONE position for each person.
- Jane Madison. Jane recently retired and is looking for a part time position.
She would like to work with people and enjoys public relation work.
The best job for Jane is -- __________
- Jack Anderson. Jack graduated from the University of Trent with a
degree in Economics two years ago. He would like an academic position.
The best job for Jack is – ___________
- Margaret Lillian. Margaret is 21 years old and would like a part time
position to help her pay her university expenses. She can only work in the
The best job for Margaret is – ___________

- Alice Fingelhamm. Alice was trained as a secretary and has six years of
experience. She is an excellent typist but does not know how to use a
computer. She is looking for a full time position.
The best job for Alice is – ____________

- Peter Florian. Peter went to business school and studied computer and
secretarial skills. He is looking for his first job and would like a full time
The best job for Peter is – ____________

- Vincent san George. Vincent loves working with children and has an
education license from the city of Birmingham. He would like to work with
young children.
The best job for Vincent is – __________

What I Can Do 6

Having in mind the knowledge that you gained from this lesson, there are
many things that you could do aside from enhancing your understanding
towards different kinds of materials. To showcase your understanding, do
this activity:
A. Skim the important features of your smart phone or any gadgets available,

through creating a short a vlog to be submitted via private YouTube



This part of the lesson will bring us to make generalizations on the content of this
module and to take note of the most important points emphasized in this lesson.

The diagram below will help you recall the importance of the skill of skimming. Take
note of its features.

What to read while skimming


(ignore details)

Bold words

Heading or titles

First and last

Assessment: (Post-Test)

Supply what is asked by skimming salient information based from the poster above.

1. Where: _________________

2. When: _________________

3. Activities: _______________

4. Destinations: ____________

5. Discount: ______________

Key to Answers 3. paragraph

PRETEST 4. genera

Test 1 5. important

1. √ Test II

2. X 1. pumpkin

3. √

4. √ What’s More

5. √ 1. T

Test II 2. one (1)

1. time 3. popcorn and

2. word

4. He played a few 2. The hot weather in the
games mountains

5. jacket and a smart 3. She goes to her

cellular phone uncles farm.

Test IV

1. There’s a lot to see

and do in Mexico.

2. F

3. F

4. T

5. T

What I have learned

Jake Madison- #5

Jake Anerson- #6

Margaret Lilian- #2

Alice Fingelhamm- #1

Peter Florian- #3

Vicent San George- #4

Post Test

1. Italy

2. every Monday an Wednesday

3. wine tasting and pizza eating

4. Vatican, Trevi Fountain

5. 5 %








Quarter 2 Week 4
Arrive at Meaning of Words through Word
Formation (clipping, blending, acronymy,
compounding, folk etymology,

Table of Contents
What This Module is About........................................................................................................................v

What I Need to Know...................................................................................................................................v

How to Learn from this Module................................................................................................................vi

Icons of this Module....................................................................................................................................vi

What I Know.................................................................................................................................................vii

Lesson 1:

Compounding and Blending.................................................................................................1

What I Need to Know......................................................................................................1

What’s New ....................................................................................................................2

What Is It.............................................................................................................................3

What’s More .....................................................................................................................4

What I Have Learned......................................................................................................5

What I Can Do..................................................................................................................6

Lesson 2:

Word Formation.................................................................................................................................8
What I Need to Know......................................................................................................8

What’s New ....................................................................................................................10

What Is It.............................................................................................................................10

What’s More .....................................................................................................................11

What I Have Learned......................................................................................................12

What I Can Do..................................................................................................................12

Assessment: (Post-Test)………………………………………………………………………13

Key to Answers..........................................................................................................................................15


What I Know

Task 1.
What are the things that you need to consider in summarizing the text you have read or
listened to? Write your idea inside the circles provided.


Task 2.

Directions: Read the sentences carefully. Select the letter of the best answer from

the given choices.

1. Filipinos drink cappuccino only in the morning. The underlined word is an example

of what word formation process?

a. clipping b. etymology c. compounding d. blending

2. Juris said, “Oh, my mom needs my attention, BRB…” BRB means “be right back”
which is an example of?

a. etymology b. compounding c. acronym d. clipping

3. There's no need to go to the shops - there's plenty of food in the fridge. Find the clip
(clipping) word in the sentence.

a. food b. shops c. fridge d. plenty

4. When the full moon rises over the country tonight, the total lunar eclipse will already

be underway. Choose the word formation of the underlined word used in the sentence.

a. compounding b. clipping c. etymology d. blending

5. The Department of Education holds a webinar series that is open to all public and
private teachers. Choose the blending word used in the sentence.

a. Department of Education b. public and private

c. open to all d. webinar

6. An earthquake hit the city, causing panic among the population. Identify the
compound word used in the sentence.

a. panic b. earthquake c. city d. population

7. Detectives initiated an operation involving Interpol and Manila police. Interpol stands

a. international police b. international policy

c. interrogation policy d. international politics

8. Shopping Malls selling reasonably priced laptops and notebooks. The underline word
is an example of?

a. compounding b. clipping c. blending d. etymology

9. This type of word formation that creates of a new word out of several existing ones.

a. compounding b. blending c. etymology d. clipping

10. An 'emoticon' is a small group of symbols arranged to show happiness, sadness and
other emotions. Identify the word formation used in the sentence.

a. symbols b. emotions c. group d. emoticon

Task 3.

Match the word together to create new words. Write the new words on the blank. The
words inside the oval can be used at once only.

piece ear xxxiii

nail bleed
nose ball mouth eye

band lobe
finger head

ex. head _______ + band__________ = 11. headband________

__________________ + ______________________ = 12. ____________________

__________________ + ______________________ = 13. ____________________

__________________ + ______________________ = 14. ____________________

__________________ + ______________________ = 15. ____________________

__________________ + ______________________ = 16. ____________________

Lesson Compounding and Blending

What I Need to Know
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

 explain the meaning of word through word formation: compounding

and blending
What’s In

Word formation is making a

new word. The creation of a
new word uses many methods
and the process of forming new
words show the constantly
changing nature of language.

What’s New
Task 1. Pictures on the go!

Here are the pictures that can create a number of possible compound words.

Write down all the compound words that can be made from a specific root word.

Ex. handshake 1. water__________

handmade _______________

handball _______________

2. head__________ 3. sea__________
_______________ ______________
_______________ ______________

Task 2.Guess what is the picture all about. Combine two words (blending some sounds)

to make portmanteau words (compound/blended words).

smoke + fog = smog

1. __________ + ________ = ___________

2. __________ + __________ = ____________

Task 3. Put two words together and blend or omit a few sounds to make

compound/blended word.

Ex. chill + relax = chillax

friend + enemy =

television + marathon =

car + hijack =

situation + comedy =

Stay + vacation =

What Is It

Compounding is the formation of word out of two or more words combine into a single

new word. Compound words may be written as one word or as two words

joined with a hyphen. The two words don’t lose their individual sounds.


mailman handbag

high school fingerprint

notebook sky-dive

Note that compounds are written in various ways in English. They may be written in three types:

1. Open Compound Words (with a space between the elements as in disc jockey, hot dog…)

2. Closed Compound Words (simply with the two roots run together with no separation as in

wallpaper, playground…)

3. Hyphenated Compound Words (with the hyphen between the elements as in part-time,

mother-in- law…)

Task 4 Underline and indicate the type of compound words used in the sentence. Write it on the

space provided.

_________ 1. Anna is asleep in her bedroom.

_________ 2. Five months have passed and it has been a bittersweet quiet.

_________ 3. Pregnant women should try sugar-free products to satisfy their intense cravings.

_________ 4. Her eyes behind the glasses looked like the full moon shining into two windows.

_________ 5. Bluetooth will allow people to be more innovative with the communications.

Blending is the word formation process in which parts of two or more words combine to

create a new word whose meaning is often a combination of the original words.

Below are examples of blending words.

breakfast + lunch = brunch

smoke + fog = smog

news + broadcast = newscast

cybernetic + organism = cyborg

web + seminar = webinar

Task 5. Underline the blended word in the sentence. Then, identify the combination of

blended words. Write your answer on the space provided. The first one is done for you.

ex. Our family always have brunch together on Sunday.

breakfast + lunch = brunch

1. John decided to take his vacation time at home and just take a staycation.

______________ + ____________ = ____________

2. His performance was positively received by both critics and netizens.

______________ + ____________ = ____________

3. Jasper and Denver have a frenemy relationship.

______________ + ____________ = ____________

What’s More
Task 6 . Let’s Do It!
Choose a compound word from the list to complete the sentences below.

footprint deep-fried fire drill sunburn

break-up first aid keyboard high-speed

1. Wontons are usually boiled and served in soup, but they can also be ____________.

2. Prince played the song on his ______________.

3. Anyone can treat minor cuts and scrapes with basic ____________.

4. Jimmy and his friends played ________________ last weekend.

5. She moved away after the ____________ of her marriage.

6. ICNHS will be holding a __________ this morning.

7. Five people have been killed in ___________ tracking by the police recently.

8. My English was suffering from an extreme case of ____________.

9. Investigator believes the ____________ in blood could help trap the killer.

10. You can access your _________ and delete and forward messages from anywhere.

Task 7.

Choose the appropriate blended words in the sentence. Write your answer on the

space provided.

motel spork sitcom emoticons simulcast

1. The kisses and hearts sent through the app are known as ______ or emojis in short.

2. Reynaldo is staying at a _________ while his house is being painted.

3. Concert will be ________ on tv and radio on July 29 at 10:40 in the morning.

4. Are you telling me that I'm not allowed to eat this with a ________, only chopsticks?
5. Pepito Manaloto’s television series is the most popular _________ in the Philippines.

What I Have Learned

Task 8. Read the sentence carefully. Give the word formation used for the underlined
word. Write C if it is compounding and write B if it is blending.

______1. Joseph will only ride the skateboard in a seated position with his knees under

his chin and only indoors.

______ 2. The clash of the new titans is well and truly on, and the stakes are high for

everyone involved.

______3. Growing up, I started to attend comic conventions and to be aware of the

cosplay world.

______ 4. Building your own dog house can be a very satisfying experience.

______ 5. A morning radio newscast, interviewed an " expert ".

______ 6. Well, the lights are back on in Mindoro now after a partial blackout that shut

down a major border crossing.

______ 7. You can have the speaker in close-up, talking directly to the camera.

______ 8. I'm going to risk her wrath, I say, and at last I think there is a glimmer of a


______ 9. The key to edutainment is to make learning fun.

______10. We hang out every weekend and do things together.

What I Can Do
Task 9. Reflect and Learn

a. Create a simple blog about “The Use of Technology in Today’s Pandemic”.

b. In writing the blog, be sure to use atleast 5 compounding/blending words in your


c. Your blog must be accurate, attractive and well-written. Rubrics should follow

to guide you on how your teacher will grade your work.

“The Use of Technology

xl in Today’s Pandemic”
4 3 2 1

Accurate At least four Three Two accurate Less that two

accurate facts accurate facts facts are accurate facts
are written in are written in written in the are written in
the essay. the essay. essay. the essay.

Attractive The essay is The essay is The essay is The essay is

exceptionally attractive acceptably distractingly
attractive in though it may attractive messy or very
terms of in terms of through it may poorly
organization, organization, be a bit designed. It is
design, and design, and messy. not attractive.
neatness. neatness.

Word Formation: Acronymy,
Lesson Clipping and Folk Etymology

What I Need to Know
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

 explain the meaning of word through word formation: acronymy,

clipping and folk etymology
What I Know
Task 1. Fill in the blank by writing the best answer to complete the sentences without

looking a dictionary.

1. The name of the virus for the common cold is ______________.

a. sneeze b. flu c. phlegm d. headache

2. Please contact me ASAP to arrange a time for the two of us to meet. What does
ASAP mean?

a. as on as peace b. as soon as possible

c. as sweet as pie d. always stay alive please

3. Jason took his dog to see the ______ for a check-up.

a. doc b. Capt. C. vet d. nurse

4. She sent me a GIF of laughing minions. GIF means ____________.

a. Graphics Interchange Format b. Graphics Interchange Form

c. Graphics Incredible Form d. Graphics Interconnected Format

5. The pygmy _________, which is the smallest species, occurs in North Africa,
especially in or near rivers, lakes, and swamps.

a. elep b. hippo c. calf d tiger

6. NBI rescues 2 girls, nabs 2 human traffickers in Quezon City. NBI stands for ______.

a. National buries of Investigation b. Narrow Band Imaging

b. New Business Initiative d. National Bureau of Investigation

7. As I was watching the beauty pageant in television, I saw an _____________ for

Jollibee which made me feel so hungry.

a. clip b. show c. ad d. movie

8. Louisa went upstairs and changed into Jeans and a long-sleeved shirt. The word
Jeans originally came from _____________.

a. Arabian b. Italian c. Latin d. English

9. I found a ________ of me and my buddies when we were kids. It brought back happy

a. photo b. friendship c. best d. frame

10. Jeff complained about his low salary. The word salary originally came from ______.

a. Latin b. English c. Arabian d. Italian

What’s In
The word formation processes are the ways in which words are formed. In order to
understand the development of words today, it is important to understand these
processes. It is very helpful and important for people in common usage and are making
their lives better and for sure easier. Those also enrich people’s vocabulary and broaden
their knowledge about the language.

Task 2. DIRECTIONS: Re-arrange the jumbled letters to get the correct answer. Write
your answer on the space provided.

1. A traditional Indian body massage given after pouring warm water over the body and
rubbing it with extracts from herbs.

OMHOSAP = ________________

2. It is a process that forms new words from two more independent words.

NGOCINMODUP = ________________

3. Used to indicate that someone or something has or has not come to the attention of a
person or group.

ARRDA = __________________

4. Reduction of syllables in a word.

GPICNIPL = ________________

5. It’s a funny TV show with a realistic setting, that entails a regular cast of characters in
a sequence of episodes which mainly take place in the same location.

CMITSO = ______________________

6. The origin of a word and the historical development of its meaning.

OGYOETYLM = ___________________

7. A word or name formed from the initial components of a longer name or phrase,
usually using individual initial letters, but sometimes using syllables, or a mixture of the

RCNOYAM = ______________________

8. Combining two separate words to produce a new form by the fusion.

NIGLDBNE = ______________

9. A special program of the United Nations (UN) devoted to aiding national efforts to
improve the health, nutrition, education, and general welfare of children.

ECNIUF = ____________________

10. The process of forming new words from words or word groups with the same root.

DWRO ATNOMIORF = ________________

What’s New
Task 3 Put a check mark on the word which you consider word formation.

_________1. phone

_________2. LOL

_________3. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization

_________4. hamburger

_________5. agenda
What Is It
Clipping – it is a word formation process when a word of more than one syllable is

reduced to a shorter form. It is called clipping because you “clip off” one part

from the rest.


advertisement – ad

gasoline -- gas

telephone – phone
phone (tele + phone)
influenza – flu

Acronyms are formed by taking the initial letters of a phrase and making a word out of



ASAP – As Soon As Possible

AWOL – Absent Without Leave

LASER – Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission Of Radiation

NASA – National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Folk Etymology refers to the changing of a word or a phrase over time which results

from the replacement of an unfamiliar form by a more familiar one. That is to

say, the study of origin and history of words and the changes in their form

and meaning.


Female from the Old French word “femelle”

Bridegroom from the Old English word “Bryd-guman"

Cockroach from the Spanish word “cucaracha”

What’s More

brunch café asap spork disco

kilo motel chairman sitcom modem

Task 4 Identify the clipping wordsmon the table and write your answer on the space
provided below.


2. ______________________

3. _____________________

4. _____________________

5. _____________________

Task 5. Write the meaning of each of the following acronyms.

1. FYI = ___________________________

2. SCUBA = ________________________

3. DepEd = ________________________

4. RAM = _________________________

5. SWAT = ________________________

Task 6. Here are more examples of etymology. Write the old meaning and the new
meaning of the word. You may use a dictionary to know the new meaning of the word.

Word: Avocado (from the word “Nahuatl”)

Origin: _______________

Old meaning: ____________________

Word: Disaster (from the word “disastro”)

Origin: _____________________

Old meaning: ___________________

Word: Salary ( from the word “salarium”)

Origin: _______________________

Old meaning:_____________________

What I Have Learned

Task 7. Read the sentence carefully. Underlined and identify the appropriate word
formation used in the sentence. Write C if it is for clipping, A for acronym and E for

______ 1. It’s good to remember this when performing a DIY function.

______ 2. Tony dropped in at the pub on his way home from work.

______ 3. Coleslaw, "finely chopped cabbage dressed with vinegar, salt, etc. and eaten

as a salad,"From Dutch koolsla, from kool (“cabbage”) + sla (“salad”).

______ 4. The heading includes important particulars including who is receiving the


______ 5. Anna went to the gym four days a week.

______ 6. I bought those expensive sneakers I've been eying—YOLO!

______ 7. The English word “whiskey” from Gaelic uisge beatha "whisky," literally

"water of life," from Old Irish uisce "water".

______ 8. The word originated from disabled veterans in England during King Henry

reign (15th-16th century). Unable to make a living for themselves after war,

were forced to take to the streets with their “cap in hand,” begging for coins.

King Henry VII made it legal for disabled people to beg because he didn’t think

they could hold down jobs. Disabled individuals, therefore, became known as


______ 9. There is still no cure for AIDS.

______ 10. She studied hard and passed the exam.

What I Can Do

Task 8 The Best Info-Ad Campaign

Imagine that you are a famous or influential person who is committed to promote
ways to cope with challenges through using all forms of media; you could also imagine
that you are a government official who will help in the promotion and information drive to
help teenagers in coping with challenges.

A. Presentation

1. Use appropriate technology aids in the oral presentation of your Info-Ad.

2. Present your Info-Ad/Advocacy Campaign on using word formation. Do

not forget to apply in your content the word formation you’ve learned in our

3. Post it in your wall, Twitter, or blog.

4. Invite the public especially your friends to share their comments and
suggestions through FB, Twitter wall, or e-mail.

B. Radio Script

1. Prepare a radio script highlighting an advocacy on Using Positive Ways to

Cope with Challenges.

2. Focus on the important issues confronting teenagers today.

3. Research and gather information about the topic for the ad.

4. Analyze the structure, format, contents, style, and strategies used in the

Rubric for Info-ad and Radio Script

4 3 2 1
Content The advocacy is The advocacy The advocacy The advocacy
exceptionally rich in conveys conveys
content and informational minimal no evident
provides informational
material on the informational
much informational topic. material on the
topic. material on the
material on the topic.

selected topic.

Focus/Purpos Consistent tone and Consistent tone Demonstrates an Demonstrates a

e focus and and focus with a inconsistent tone lack of tone and
demonstrates a general sense of and focus related focus related to the
clear sense of audience for to the audience for supposed audience
audience for each each strategy, each strategy, or lacking audience
strategy, audience, audience, and/or audience, and/or awareness for each
and/or purpose. purpose. purpose. strategy, audience,
and/or purpose..

Well-written There are more than There are two There is one word There is no word
two word formations word formation formation used in formation used in
used in the essay. used in the the essay. the essay.

Assessment: (Post-Test)

Task A. Directions: Identify the word formation process being asked in each number.

encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. A type of word formation process which identifies the origin of a word and the
historical development of its meaning.

a. compounding b. clipping c. etymology d. blending

2. A word formation process in which parts of two or more words combine to create a
new word whose meaning is often a combination of the original words.

a. acronym b. blending c. clipping d. etymology

3. A word or name formed from the initial components of a longer name or phrase,
usually using individual initial letters, but sometimes using syllables, or a mixture of the

a. blending b. clipping c. compounding d. acronym

4. It is a word formation process when a word of more than one syllable is reduced to a
shorter form.

a. etymology b. clipping c. compounding d. acronym

5. It is a process that forms new words from two or more independent words.

a. compounding b. etymology c. clipping d. blending

B. Directions: Read the sentences carefully. Underline the word formation in the

sentence and identify the word formation process used in the sentence

(compounding, blending, clipping, acronym and etymology).

_________________ 1. Come on now sweetie, stop crying – blow your nose on my hankie.

_____________2. Halle Berry won the following awards for the biopic.

_____________3. I sent Trisha a memo reminding her about the meeting.

_____________4. PhilHealth ensures that every Filipino is a member by covering them

under the different membership programs categorized according to

various sectors of our society.

_____________5. I would love to trade my new car for a pick-up truck.

_____________6. Highway patrol’s stop hazmat truckers, perhaps more often than


_____________7. This essential rub is often used for female complaints, such as

PMS, menstrual cramps and menopause.

_____________8. Many girls may wonder what makeup to wear with a pink prom


_____________ 9. In the 1500's, alcohol may have been seen also written as alcofol.

_____________10. Before buying a bag for your MacBook, be sure that it fits properly

Key to Answers B. (in any order)

Pre-test 1. head band

A. 1. b 6. b 2. mouth piece

2. c 7. a 3. eyeball

3. c 8. a 4. earlobe

4. a 9. a 5. fingernail

5. d 10. D 6. nosebleed

Lesson 1 2. telethon

What’s New 3. carjack

Task 1 - many to mention 4. sitcom

1. waterproof, waterfall, waterworks 5. staycation

2. headdress, headlight, headline Task 4

3. seafood, seashell, seashore 1. bedroom – close compound word

Task 2 2. bittersweet – close compound word

1. iPod + broadcast = podcast 3. sugar-free – hyphenated compound word

2. web + blog = blog 4. full moon - open compound word

Task 3 4. Bluetooth – close compound word

1. frenemy

Task 5

1. stay + vacation = staycation

2. internet + citizen = netizen

3. friend + enemy = frenemy

Task 6.

1. deep-fried 6. fire drill

2. keyboard 7. high-speed

3. first aid 8. sunburn

4. basketball 9. footprint

5. break-up 10. voice mail

Task 7

1. emoticons

2. motel

3. simulcast

4. spork

5. sitcom Task 1

Task 8 1. b 6. d

1. c 6. c 2. b 7. c

2. b 7. c 3. c 8. b

3.b 8. b 4. a 9. a

4. c 9. b 5. b 10. a

5. b 10. c Task 2

Lesson 2 1. shampoo 6. etymology

2. compounding 7. acronym Present meaning: an event that results in great
3. radar 8. blending
3. Word: Salary ( from the word “salarium”)
4. clipping 9. UNICEF
Origin: Latin
5. sitcom 10. word
formation Old meaning: the payment for salt (form of
Task 4
Present meaning: used for seasoning or
1. café preserving food.

2. disco Task 7

3. kilo 1. a – DIY 6. a - YOLO

4. fridge 2. c – pub 7. e - whisky

5. math 3. e - coleslaw 8. e - handicap

Task 5 4. c – memo 9. a - AIDS

1. FYI - For your information 5. c – gym 10. c - exam

2. SCUBA - Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Post test

A. 1. c
3. DepEd - Department of Education
2. b
4. RAM - Random Access Memory
3. d
5. SWAT - Special Weapons and Tactics
4. b
Task 6
5. a
1. Word: Avocado (from the word “Nahuatl”)
Origin: Spanish word
1) hankie – clipping
Old meaning: testicle 2) biopic – blending
3) memo – clipping
Present meaning: edible, oily fruit of a tree 4) Philhealth – acronym
5) Pick-up truck – compounding
2. Word: Disaster (from the word “disastro”) 6) Hazmat – blending
7) PMS – acronym
Origin: Italian word 8) Prom – clipping
9) alcohol - etymology
Old meaning: bad star 10) Macbook – blending


“Folk Etymology” VLearn Online, Accessed May 24, 2020.


Hallare, K. “NBI rescues 2 girls, nabs 2 human traffickers in QC”, May 07, 2020.


Shaw, Matt. “10 Words With Interesting Etymologies” Owlcation. Accessed May 24,


Upton, Emily. “The Interesting Origin of The Word “Handicap” Today I Found Out.
Accessed May 24, 2020. http://www.todayifoundout.com/index.php/2013/12/origin-word-

“Your Dictionary” LoveToKnow Media., Accessed May 23, 2020



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