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Unit no:1 ( Human Body)

Qno:2 How does the nervous system work?

Ans: The nerves react to a stimulus. When the message reaches your brain, your
brain sends a message telling your body how to react.

Qno3: How does the heart function? Explain with the help of a simple
diagram. Dia(pg:9)

Ans:Function of Heart

Flow chart

Deoxygenated blood: → Right atrium→ right ventricle → lungs

Oxygenated blood: left atrium → left ventricle → body

Qno4: What is the importance of the respiratory system?

Ans: The respiratory system helps us to breathe.

How does it work? (Diagram pg: 17)


1. Air is inhaled through the nose and mouth.

2. Trachea takes it to alveoli in lungs.

3. From alveoli oxygen is absorbed by the blood capillaries.


1. Alveoli absorb carbon dioxide from the blood and sent it out through
trachea, nose and mouth.

Qno5: a) What are muscles?

Ans: Muscles are very flexible and can contract and expand.
b) What role do they play in the body?

Ans: They help the body to move.

Qno6: a) What is a skeleton?

Ans: The skeleton comprises of all the bones in the body.

b) What does it do for the body? Explain in detail with examples.

Ans: 1.It supports the body and protects the internal organs keeping them in place.
2. It also works with the muscles and tendons to enable movement.

Examples: 1. Skull protects brain 2. Ribcage protects heart.

Qno 7: Name the two types of joints and give an example of each.

Ans: The two types of joints are the

1. Ball-and-socket joints .The hip and shoulder joints are examples of ball-
and-socket joints.

2. Hinge joints. The knee and elbow are examples of hinge joints.

Qno8: How does the digestive process work in the human body?

Ans: 1.We eat food, the saliva and teeth in the mouth break down the food.

2. The food is swallowed and travels down the oesophagus.

3. In the stomach, the food mixes with gastric juices to form a paste.
4. It thenpasses to the small intestine, where food is absorbed
5. The undigested food is passed into the large intestine and removed out of
the body.

Qno9: a) What makes up the urinary system?

Ans:The urinary system is made up of the

Kidney, ureter, bladder, and urethra. The two kidneys act as filters.

b) How does urinary system work?


1. Kidneys filters toxins from the blood and turns then into urine.
2. Urine is then sent to the bladder through urine.
3. The bladder then stores the urine until we need to go to the

c) What part does it play in the normal functioning of the human body?

Ans:The urinary system makes sure that the body has the right amount of water
and removes waste materials in liquid form.


Page 2
Students will label the diagram as on page 7 of the Student’s Book.
The eyes see the ball approaching, the message is then conveyed to the brain
through the nervous system. The brain then works out what to do and sends a
message to the body telling it how to react.
Page 3
Students will label the diagram as on page 9 of the Student’s Book.
Answer as on notebook
Page 4
Students will follow the instructions to make a stethoscope.
Page 5
Students will label the diagram as on page 11 of the Student’s Book.
What happens when you breathe in?
We take in oxygen when we breathe in and the lungs expand.
Oxygen is important for our survival.
What happens when you breathe out?
We take out carbon dioxide when we breathe out and the lungs contract.
Page 6
Students should follow the instructions given to find out about their lung capacity.
Page 7
1. a, c, d 2. c 3. a 4. b, c 5. D
Explain the functions of the skeletal system.
It supports our body and protects internal organs from damage.
Page 8
Students will label the diagram of the digestive system as on page 15 of the
Student’s Book.
1. The saliva breaks down the food making it easier to bite and swallow the food.
2. Answer on notebook
Page 9
1. pharynx
2. Septum
4. Chambers
5. Stomach
6. Skeleton
10. Skull
15. Veins
3. Large
6. Muscular
9. Blood
11. Arteries
12. Rome
13. Mouth
14. Nervous

Unit no:2( The Animal World)

Qno:1Why do scientists put organisms into different classes?
Ans: Scientists put organisms into different classes so that it is simpler to study
Qno:2 What is another name for animals
a) with a spine b) without a spine
Ans: a) vertebrates b) invertebrates
Qno:3 a) What is animal cell ?
Ans:. An animal cell is a cell that holds all the information necessary to keep an
animal alive.
b) What does it do?
Ans: Each type of cell performs a different function.
Nerve cellsin the brain send and receive messages.
Red Blood cells carry oxygen around the body and White blood cells cellsprotect
animals against disease.
c) Name the main parts of the cell.
The main parts of an animal cell are the
a)nucleus b) cytoplasm, c) cell membrane d) vacuole
Qno:4What is the difference between placental mammals and marsupials?

Placental Mammals Marsupials Mammals

• They give birth to well- • They give birth to young who
developed young. are partly developed.
• They live in their mother’s
pouch until they are fully
• Examples : • Examples:
Humans,whales,dogs,and rats Kangaroos , Koalas and

Qno:5What are the common characteristics of the following?

Ans.a. Characteristics of birds:
• They are warm-blooded.
• They have feathers and wings.
• They have scales but only on their legs and feet.
• They have lungs to help them breathe.
• They have a beak, but no teeth.

b. Characteristics of fish:
• They live in water.
• They have gills to help them breathe.
• Most have scales.
• Most lay eggs
• Most have fins to help them move through water.
• They are cold-blooded.
c. Characteristics of amphibians:
• They have thin skins.
• They begin life in the water and then live on land.
• Adult females return to the water to lay their eggs.
• They do not have scales or claws.
• They are cold-blooded.
d. Characteristics of arthropods:
• They are cold-blooded.
• They are found on land, in trees, in water, and underground.
• They are the major source of food for many other animals.
e. Characteristics of reptiles:
• They are cold-blooded.
• They lay leathery, waterproof eggs.
• They have four legs (except for snakes).
• They have scales instead of hair or fur. They have lungs to help them breathe.
They have external ear opening (except for snakes).
Qno:6 What class of animals can be traced back to the dinosaurs?Ans. Birds
Qno:7Draw a type of sponge and a type of molluscand a type of worm
Ans. Students will draw diagrams of a type of mollusc, sponge, and a worm similar
to that on pages 31 and 32

Q:1 Draw an animal cell and label the following parts.
( Cell membrane,cytoplasm,nucleus,vacuole).
Q :2 Which animal has which features?
Ans: Answer on notebook Q #5
Page 13:
Q:3 What physical characteristics help identify an insect?
Ans.The insect’s body is divided into three sections (head, thorax, and abdomen) it
has a pair of antennae,and three pairs of legs on the thorax.

Q:4 Label the different parts of the body on this diagram of an ant.
Ans. Students will label the diagram as on page 29 of the Student’s Book
Page 14:
Q:5 Use the clues below to find names of animals in this wordsearch.
a marsupial that hops—kangaroo
a mammal that flies—bat
a reptile that does not have legs—snake
a very large mammal that lives in the sea—whale
a reptile which hides in its shell for protection—turtle
a bird that can fly backwards—humming bird
an arachnid that spins a web—spider
a crustacean with a single pair of claws—crab
an amphibian that can regrow its tail and limbs—salamander
a worm that lives in soil—earthworm
Page 15:
Q:6 Complete this chart of the animal kingdom.
Ans. Students will label and complete the hierarchy chart as on page 20 of the
Student’s Book.
II. 1. Nucleus2. Nerve 3.Elephant 4. Marsupials 5. Warm 6. Reptiles 7. Famous
8. Invertebrates 9.Arthropods 10. Ants & crabs
Unit: 3 The Plant world
1. Draw and label a plant cell.
Students will draw and label a plant cell similar to that on page 37 of the
Student’s Book
2. What conditions are necessary for seeds to germinate?
These conditions are necessary for seeds to germinate:
1: water
2: oxygen,
3: light,
4: and heat to germinate.
3. Name three plants that grow from spores and three that grow from
Seeds producing Plants
1. Maple tree
2. Papaya
3. Dandelions
Spores producing Plants
1. Ferns
2. Orchids
3. mosses
4. Draw and label a diagram of a monocot seed. Explain the function of its
Students will draw and label the diagram of a monocot seed similar to
that on page 38 of the Student’s Book.
Main parts of seed are:
• Seed coat— It protects everything inside the seed
• Embryo— It is where life starts inside the seed
• Cotyledon— It is the seed leaf that emerges from the seed when it
• Endosperm— It is tissue surrounding the embryo and provides it with

5. In what different ways are seeds scattered?

The structure of the seed determines how they are scattered.

• They can be :1) sticky, 2) have hooks or spikes ,3) be light ,4) or shaped
like wings.
• Heavy seeds fall directly to the ground.
• Seeds inside a fruit are excreted by animals.
• Seeds in seed pods are thrown over a large area when the pods burst.
• What conditions are necessary for spores to germinate?
Conditions necessary for germination:
a) Damp ground
b) right nutrients
c) an area with sufficient light

Page 16:
Q:1 Draw a plant cell and label the following parts:
Students will draw and label the diagram of the plant cell as on page 37 of the
Student’s Book
.Q 2: Match the part of the seed with the correct definition:
The cotyledon is a seed leaf that emerges from the seed when germinated.
The embryo is where life starts within the seed.
The endosperm is a tissue that surrounds the embryo and provides it with
The seed coat protects everything inside the seed so that it has a good chance of
Page 17:
Q: How are monocotyledons and dicotyledons different from each
other?Draw diagrams to explain your answer.
Students will draw a diagram of the monocot and dicot seed similar to that on page
39 of the Student’sBook.
Seeds of flowering plants contain either one or two cotyledons. Those with one
cotyledon are called monocots and those with two are called dicots.
Page 18:
Q: Draw a diagram showing the stages of germination.
Students will draw the stages of germination as on page 41 of the Student’s Book.
Q:Explain briefly what happens at each stage.
1) The seed soaks water.
2) water breaks down food to release energy .
3) the embryo grows and breaks the seed case
4) roots grow downwards and fix the plant.
5) shoot attaches to the cotyledon grows upwards and comes out of the soil.
6) the sun energy help the plant to produce food and grow.
Page 19:
1. This activity will show you how different seeds are scattered.
I. Students will follow instructions given in the Workbook to show how seeds are
II. The structure of the seed determines how they are scattered. They can be sticky,
have hooks or spikes,be light, or shaped like wings. Some plants produce heavy
seeds which fall directly to the ground.
Seeds inside a fruit are eaten and excreted by animals and then start growing in the
ground. Seeds in seed podsare thrown over a large area when the pods burst.
Students should be encouraged to draw diagrams using their imagination.
Page 20:
Complete the following crossword
1: chloroplast 2: evergreen 3: vacuole 4: Seedcoat 5: cotyledon 6: angiosperm
7: monocotyledon 8: spores
Unit no: 4(Other Living Things)

Qno2: Write about any two ways in which microorganisms help us.

Ans: Microorganisms help in:

1) food preparation

2)preventing disease,

3) providing nutrients.

4)breaking down food for digestion, breaking down dead organisms returning
nutrients to soil.

Qno3: What are mushrooms? How do they grow?

Ans:Mushrooms are fungi that attach themselves to plants and get their
nourishment from them.

Qno4: How do antibiotics work?

Ans: Antibiotics help to fight diseases. They work by getting the ‘good’
microorganisms to destroy the harmful microorganisms before they can do more

Qno5: What are protists? How do they grow?

Ans:Protists are a type of microorganism. There are two main types of protists:
i.e protozoa and algae.

Protozoa: 1. Protozoa are microscopic single cell organisms

2. They do not depend on other microorganisms and live freely.

3. They have an animal-like cell

4. They move easily from one organism to the other.

Example: Amoeba

Algae: 1.They have a plant-like cell.

2. They live in water and are able to make their own food from sunlight.

Example: Seaweed

Qno6: What is an amoeba? Explain with the help of a diagram.

Ans: Amoeba is a type of protozoa.

• They live in water, among rotting food, and in humans.

• They have arm-like structures that help them move and grasp food particles.

Qno7: In your opinion are microorganisms helpful to human life or harmful?

Ans: In my opinion,some microorganisms are harmful as they cause diseases

while some are useful as they are used in medicines.


Page 21
On notes
Page 22
Some bacteria are used to make : 1) vinegar and 2) milk products e.g yogurt 3)
some help in digestion of food
Other micro-organisms are used to 1) make Vaccines ii) Provide nutrients
iii) Act as decomposers .
Microorganisms cause diseases such as malaria, tuberculosis, diphtheria, typhoid,
fever, cholera, dysentery. They contaminate food.

Unit no:5( Soil)

Qno:1What are the different types of soil ? Write the properties of each.
Ans. Clay:
1.Clay has fine grains with little air between the grains.
2. It can retain water and as a result plant nutrients are not washed way.
1. Sand is made up of weathered limestone, granite, quartz, and shale rocks.
2. Its large grains have lot of air between them and as a result water and
nutrients are washed away easily.
1. Silt is made up of minerals, organic particles, and many nutrients.
2. Nutrients are washed away easily
3. Particles are larger than clay but smaller than sand particles.
1. Loam is a combination of clay, sand, and silt.
2. It contains organic matter.
3. It retains enough water for plants to get nutrients.
4. It allows air to pass through.
Qno:2What type of soil would you recommend for growing flowers ? Why?
Ans. Loam
It retains enough water for plants to get the nutrients they need but
allows air to pass through.
Qno:3What kind of activities take place in the soil?
Ans. Activities that take place in the soil:
• Bacteria and fungi breaking down dead organisms so nutrients from them can be
used by new plants
• Fungi passing on nutrients directly to plants especially those that do not get
enough sunlight.
•Worms,mites, and snails are some of the animals that live under the soil. Their
movement creates space in the soil ,They also eat dead plant and animal matter and
return the nutrients back to the soil.
Qno:4What is soil erosion?
Ans. Soil erosion is when heavy rain or floods pick up and carry soil from one
place to another leaving behind land unsuitable for plants.
Qno:5 Put the following types of soil in order from the worst for growing
plants to the best for growing plants : clay ,loam, silt, sand
Ans. Sand,clay ,silt ,loam
WOEKBOOK Unit no:5
Page 23:

Q :1 Label parts of this graph with the following labels.

Students will label the graph as on page 53 of the Student’s Book.

Q:2 Name some creatures and organisms that live in the soiland say how they
act upon it.
Ans: Worms, centipedes, millipedes, mites, beetles, slugs, and snails are some of
the animals that live under the soil. Their movement creates space in the soil for air
and water. They also eat dead plant and animal matterand return the nutrients back
to the soil. Bacteria and fungi convert harmful chemicals into nutrients that are
good for food.
Page 24:
Q:3 Write short notes to describe each type of soil.
Ans: As in note book Q # 1

Unit no:6 (Food and Diet)

Qno1: Who was James Lind? What is he known for?

Ans: James Lind was a Scottish doctor who discovered that lemon juice was a cure
for scurvy.
Qno2:What is meant by food poisoning? Name the bacteria that cause it.
Ans: Food poisoning occurs when you eat food with harmful bacteria. E.coliand
Salmonella are two types of bacteria that cause food poisoning.
Qno3: Suggest ways to avoid food poisoning./How can food be made safe?
Ans: Tips to help prevent food poisoning
• Cook food until it is really hot.
• Wash your hands before handling food.
• Use washed chopping board.
• Do not let heated food sit for too long before being eaten.
• Check that food is hot all the way through by cutting a piece with a knife.
• Stir food when heating so that the heat is evenly distributed.
• Do not reheat food more than once.
• Make sure that frozen foods are properly thawed before heating them up.
Qno4: What are GM food? How are they produced?
Ans: GM Food:-
GM foods are genetically modified foods.
They are produced when Favourable genes are transferred from one plant to
Pg: 25
E.Coli—It causes food poisoning when food items such as meat or eggs are not
cooked enough to kill the bacteria or when vegetables are not properly washed
before being eaten
Salmonella—It lives in the intestines of animals, including humans, and causes
food poisoning when meat is not cooked properly.

Qno:2How can food poisoning be prevented?

Ans: Answer on notebook Q#3


Unit : 7 ( Environment)

Q 1: Who was Rachel Carson? Find out more about her work on the internet.

Ans: Rachel Carson was an American environmentalist. She is well-known for her
writings on environmental pollution and natural history of the sea.

Q 2: In your opinion, who is responsible for causing the different types of

pollution? Any advicefor them.

Ans: Humans are responsible for causing the different types of pollution. We
should follow the three Rs i.e reduce ,reuse and recycle the materials in order to
reduce pollution.

Q 3: How is pollution affecting the earth? What steps can be taken to reduce

Ans: Pollution is affecting the Earth in various ways. Different forms of pollution
can result in deadly diseases and other harmful effects on environment such as

• It contaminates the land,

• It causes the death of animals,

• It harms sea life

• and disturbs the food chain.

Various steps can be taken to reduce different types of pollution.

Land pollution
Reduction: follow the three Rsi.e reduce ,reuse and recycle the materials in order
to reduce land pollution.

Noise pollution

Reduction: 1. use of quieter machinery 2. Avoid Pressure horns and loud music 3.
Maintain car engines.

Air pollution

Reduction:1.use of renewable sources, walking, cycling,

2. use of public transport 3. Cars should be well maintained

Water pollution

Reduction: 1. find better ways to dispose off waste than dumping.

2. Less use of oil

Visual pollution

Reduction: Follow the Rules for how to make 1) ,billboards 2),power lines, 3) and

Q 4: What is meant by biodegradable and non-biodegradabale?

Ans.Biodegradable— A type of waste which decomposes naturally.E.g :


non-biodegradable— A type of waste which does not decompose naturally. E.g:

computers, TV

Q 5: What is land pollution? How is it caused and what can be done to reduce

Ans: Land pollution occurs when a part of the land becomes unhealthy for the
organisms that live in it.

Causes:it is caused by

• use of chemical pesticides,

• dumping of rubbish,

• dumping chemicals and other dangerous substances used by factories


• It can be decreased by using the Rs : reducing, reusing, and recycling


Q 6: How is marine life being affected by pollution? Suggest ways to overcome


Ans: Marine life is affected by


• oil pollution from shipping accidents

• dumping waste

• Plastics can be fatal for them too.


• Sea life as part is badly affected and the food chain is disturbed.

Ways to overcome:

• Find better ways to dispose waste

• Less use of oil.

Unit no: 7

Page 26:

Answer on noteboook

Page 27.
1. environment/landscape
2. when too many chemicals are used, they kill microorganisms essential for
healthy soil.
3. can cause hearing loss, stress, lack of sleep, and high blood pressure
4. chemicals, dangerous and poisonous substances, coal fuelled electricity plants,
5. by following the three ‘Rs’: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
6. decomposed naturally
7. it takes it hundreds of years or even longer to break down
8. sewage and chemical waste dumped in the streams, rivers and oceans
9. a great environmentalist
10. the air we breathe contains harmful materials
II. Biodegradable 1. Leaves 2. Paper 3. Fruit and vegetables peel 4. Grass
cutting 5. Bags make up plant fibre Non-biodegradable: 1. Plastic bags 2.
Computer 3. Mobile phones 4. Metal cans 5. Glass bottle
Page 28 Environment wordsearch

U# 8 Matter and Materials

Review Questions
Q1. Complete the following sentences by putting the following four words into
Condensing, freezing, evaporating, melting
a. Changing a solid into a liquid involves melting.
b. Changing a gas into a liquid involves condensing.
c. Changing a liquid into a gas involves evaporating.
d. Changing a liquid into a solid involvesfreezing.
Q2. In physics, what does the term ‘particle’ mean?
Ans.Particlesare very small things that help to make something larger.
1. Electrons
2. Neutrons
3. Protons
4. Atoms
5. Molecules
(Draw diagram of An Atom with it)
Q3. What are the different ways that heating can affect matter? Explain your
answer giving examples.
Ans.Heating can affect matter by changing it from one state to another. It can do
this by melting, freezing, condensation, and evaporation.

1) In melting solid changes into liquid.
2) Heat energy is taken in.
Changing of ice into water.
1) In freezing liquid changes into solid.
2) Heat energy is taken away.

1) In condensation gas changes into liquid.
2) Heat energy is taken away.
Formation of dew drops.
1) In evaporation liquid changes into gas.
2) Heat energy is given in.
Changing of wet paint into dry paint.
(Draw diagram of solid, liquid, gas with it)
Q4. How do solids melt?
1. Solids melt when they are given more heat energy.
2. Heating gives the particles energy.
3. Once the temperature reaches the melting point, the particles have enough
energy to move away. The solid changes into a liquid.
(Draw diagram of water molecule with it)
Q5. How does the freezing of matter take place? Explain with examples.
1: In freezing liquid is changed into solid.
2: Heat energy is taken away.
3: When liquid is frozen, the particles stop moving and come closer. the liquid
becomes a solid.
1. Upon freezing liquid water changes into ice.
2. Liquid wax changes into solid wax.
Q6. What is condensation? Give examples of it from your daily life.
In condensation gas changes into liquid. Heat energy is taken away.
1. Dew forming on grass in the early morning.
2. Fogging up of eye glasses when you enter a warm building on a cold winter
3. Water drops forming on a glass holding a cold drink on a hot summer day.
Q7. How is evaporation different from boiling? Explain with examples.
Ans. Evaporation:- 1.
1. liquids evaporate at temperatures below their boiling points.
2. Evaporation takes place at all temperatures.
Water evaporates from the Earth during the water cycle.
1. Boiling speeds up evaporation.
2. At boiling point,the liquid being boiled will begin to evaporate quickly .
Boiling point of water is 100 C
Answers to Workbook
Page 29:
1. Talc 2. Blood 3. Molecules
4. Container 5. Gases 6. Temperature
7. Heating 8. Dissolved 9. Freezing
Page 30:
block of butter into liquid butter—melting
liquid water into ice—freezing
liquid water into steam—evaporation
orange juice into ice blocks—freezing
sauce into steam—evaporation
solid ice cream into liquid ice cream—melting
watervapour into dew—condensation
wet paint into dry paint—evaporation
Page 31:
Answers will vary.
Page 32
Students will follow the instructions given in the Workbook to cause rain in the


Unit : 9 ( Heat,Light and Sound)

Q 1: Name three good conductors of heat.

Ans: copper, iron, gold.

Q 2: Many of you must be having ventilators in your room. In case you don’t
find out what ventilators are. What purpose do they serve? Explain this in
context of transfer of heat.

Ans: Ventilator:

It is a device that has an opening for letting fresh air come into a room.


• It is used to keep the air fresh

• The hot air being lighter moves upwards and cold air being heavier moves

Q 3: By which method is heat transferred in each of the following cases?

Ans: a. radiation b. conduction c. convection

Q 4: Why does a pencil placed in a glass of water appear to be broken in the


Ans: It appears to be broken because of refraction.

• Light travels at different speeds through different states of matter. This

causes light to bend resulting in refraction.( diagram from page no.80)

Q 5: Define the following:

a. regular reflection

b. diffused reflection

Ans: a. Regular reflection occurs when light hits a smooth surface forming a
clear image.

b. Diffused reflection occurs when light hits rough surfaces producing a blurred

Q 6: What is echolocation? Do some research and find out how humans use
this to their advantage.

Ans: Echolocation:
It is when sound waves are sent out to locate objects.


• It can help blind people to locate silent objects.

• It is also used to measure the depth of water.

Q 7: What is reverberation?

Ans: Reverberation:

Reverberation occurs when the echo is too short to be heard and the original sound
continues to be heard for a longer time.

Q 8: How is an echo produced?

Ans: An echo is produced when the same sound is heard more than once. Sound
waves are bounced off a surface. The echo is clearer if the surface is harder,
smoother, and flatter.

Q9: What is the difference between concave lens and the convex lens? Explain
with the help of diagram.


Concave Convex
Concave lens appears to be sunken in Convex lens bulges out towards the
the middle light source.
Uses : concave lens used in makeup Uses: convex lens used in view car
and shaving mirrors. mirrors and in shops.

Unit no:9

Page 33
1. hotter 2. sun 3. vibrations
4. reflection 5. moving 6. bends
7. smaller 8. slower 9. echolocation
Page 34
Students will follow the instructions given in the Workbook to observe conduction.

Page 35


1. Diffraction
2. Regular
7. Convection
8. Convex


3. Echo
4. Radiation
5. Refraction
6. Echolocation
9. Concave
10. Conduction

Page 39

1. Write down what will happen if they shout into the canyon

Ans: After a short while the man hear echo of his shout.

2. Write down what would happen if the bottom of the canyon were
covered with cushions.

Ans: The man will not hear an echo because cushions absorb the sound.

3. Write down what would happen if the canyon were much shorter.

Ans: The man will not hear an echo because he is too close to the bottom ,he
may hear a reverberation.


Unit no:10( Forces)

Qno1: What is an unbalanced force? Explain with an example.
Ans:A force becomes unbalanced when it moves or changes speed and
direction.Example: Tug-of-war
Qno2: Look at an object on your table.Explain what forces are acting on it to
keep it still.
Ans: The force of gravity is pushing the book on the table downwards while a
normal force is pushing it upwards in the opposite direction. Since the two forces
are balanced, the book will keep still.
Qno3: Define the following forces,giving examples
Buoyancy ,Gravity, Friction,Air resistance
Ans: Buoyancy—a force that has an upward pressure and works in water. E.g:
boats float in water.
Gravity—a force that makes sure what goes up comes down and pulls everything
towards the centre of the Earth.E.g : Falling of apple on ground
Friction—the force that slows or stops objects that are sliding past each other.E.g:
rolling ball stops due to friction
Air resistance—a type of frictional force where air helps to slow down objects.E.g
Qno4: What happens to astronauts weight and mass when they are travelling
in space?
Ans: When astronauts are travelling in space, their mass remains the same as on
Earth. Since there is no force of gravity in space, astronauts float due to
WORKBOOK Unitno:10

Pg no: 40

Jack and Jill

1. Gravity is pulling them down.

2. Friction is slowing them.
3. When they fall gravity pulls them to the bottom.
4. As they tumble down ,friction is slowing them.

Humpty Dumpty

1. Gravity and normal force are acting on him.

2. Due to unbalanced force,he falls down.
3. Friction slowed down the horses and men.
Hush-a-bye, baby

1. Gravity and normal force are acting on the cradle

2. Due to unbalanced force ,cradle swings , but does not fall due to friction
3. Strong wind reduces friction and cradle falls.

Page 41

1. His weight has decreased. His mass is the same.

2. Inertia

3. Friction between the ball and the grass.

4. The smaller person will reach the end first because he doesn't cause as much
friction as the larger person.
5. The Sun because it is larger than the Earth.
6. Neither will win because the forces are balanced.
7. There is normal force acting on it. This force operates when two still objects are
in contact with eachother.
8. The ice cube is floating because of a force known as buoyancy. This is a force
that works in water.
9. Air resistance is a type of friction in which the air slows the parachute from
falling quickly.
1. buoyancy
2. matter
3. weightlessness
4. mass
9. Inertia

5. kilogram
6. gravity
8. decreases
10. newtons
11. resistance
U# 11 Electricity and Magnetism
Review Questions
Q1. How would you make a simple electromagnet? Describe all the steps with
the help of diagrams.
(Draw diagrams from page no. 91)
Steps involved in Making of an Electromagnet
1. Remove insulation from a wire.
2. Wrap about one third of the wire around the nail leaving about 10 cm of the
wire at each end.
3. Wrap one end of the wire around the positive terminal and the other end
around the negative terminal of the battery.
4. Nail will attract the paper clips as it is now an electromagnet.
Q2. Try this: run a comb through your hair a number of times. Bring it close
to small pieces of paper. Can you explain in detail why the paper sticks to the
• Friction is created when you run a comb through your hair. The comb is
charged with static electricity because electrons have moved from your hair
to the comb.

• The comb has a negative charge and when you hold it near paper its negative
charge pushes away the negative charge in paper leaving it with a positive

• Positive and negative charges attract, so the paper sticks to the comb.
Q3. What are conductors and insulators?.
Ans. Conductors
They are materials that allow an electric current to flow through them easily. e.g;
metals (copper, iron etc)
They donot allow electric current to flow through them. e.g; wood, rubber, plastic
Q4. What is current electricity? How does it become available to you?
Describe the steps involved.
Ans.Current electricity
It is electricity that is created in one place and runs along a conductor to be used
Stages in transmission of electricity
1. Generation:
• Electricity is produced in a power plant using renewable and non-
renewable resources.
• A transformer receives this electricity and increases its power so that it
can travel long distances.
2. Transmission: It is then sent along the electricity grid and sub-stations.
3. Distribution : Now it travels to its destination through over ground lines
attached to pylons or underground cables.
Q4. What is the function of the following?
a. An Electromagnet : It generates electricity when needed.
b. An Insulator: It disables flow of electric current.
c. A Conductor: It allows flow of an electric current.
d. A Transformer: It increases the power of electricity so it can travel long
e. A Pylon: It supports over ground lines.
f. A Substation: It sends electricity to its final destination.

Answers to Workbook
Page 43:

Students will follow instructions given in the Workbook to observe how metal
objects will be attracted to
a magnet if they are within magnetic fields.
Page 44:
Q: Use the clues below to find the words in wordsearch.
1. static
2. conductors
3. insulators
4. current
5. power
6. electric current
7. poles, cables
Khayaban-e-Jinnah Campus (Girls Wing)
Class V Science( Unit 1)
Short Questions/Answers

1.1 : Nervous System

Q no1: Define central nervous system.
Ans: A central nervous system is the brain and the spinal cord.
Qno2: What is peripheral nervous system?
Ans: Peripheral nervous system is all the nerves throughout the body.
Qno3: Define nerve.
Ans: A nerve is a fiber that carries impulses through the body.
Qno4: Name the two parts of the nervous system.How are they different?
Ans: The nervous system has two parts:
1: Central nervous system :
The central nervous system consists of brain and spinal
cord.when a message from the nerves reaches the brain,the brain works out
what to do,and then sends a message telling our body how to react.
2: Peripheral nervous system:
The peripheral nervous system includes all
the nerves through the body.The nerves react to something and send a message
to the brain.

1.2 : Circulatory System

Q 5: What is the job of circulatory system?
Ans: The circulatory system sends oxygen and nutrients around the body and takes
away waste material.
Q6: What makes up the circulatory system?
Ans: The circulatory system is made up of the heart,blood and the blood vessels.
Q7: Why does our heart beat faster when you exercise?
Ans: The heart beat faster during exercise because it pumps harder to push oxygen
around the body.
Q8: Name the three types of blood vessels.
Ans: Arteries,Veins and Capillaries
Q9:What is septum?
Ans: The right and left sides of the heart are separated by a wall called septum.
Q10: Name the four chambers of the heart.
Ans: Right atrium,left atrium
Right ventricle ,left ventricle
Q11: Define blood vessels.
Ans: The blood travels in tubes are called blood vessels.
1.4: Muscular system
Q15: What is the function of our muscular system?
Ans: The muscular system enables the body to move.
Q16: How many muscles does our body have?
Ans: There are more than 600 muscles in our body.
Q17: What are ?
a) Voluntary muscles ?
Ans: The muscles whose movement can be controlled are voluntary muscles e.g.
skeleton muscles
b) Involuntary muscle?
Ans:The muscles whose movement can not be controlled e.g. Smooth muscles and
cardiac muscles.
Q18: What is the cardiac muscle?
Ans: The heart is a cardiac muscle.It is an involuntary muscle that pumps the
blood around the body.
Q19: What are the three types of muscles in the human body?
Ans: The three types of muscles in the human body are:
1: Skeletal muscles
2: Smooth muscles
3: Cardiac muscles
Q20: Which is the largest muscle in the body and where it is present?
Ans: The largest muscle in the body is the gluteus maximums muscle in the

1.5: Skeletal System

Q21: How many bones are there in?
a) Ahuman adult’s body?
Ans: 206
b) A human child’s body ?
Ans: more than 300
c) Can you explain the difference?
Ans: The difference is because when the babies grow up, the bones become
harder and fuse together to form one bone.
Q 22: Which bones protects our brain?
Ans: Skull
Q23: Which bones protect our lungs, heart and liver?
Ans: Rib cage
Q 24: What are tendons?
Ans: The tissues which connect muscles to bones are called tendons.
Q25: What are ligaments?
Ans: The bones are held in place by ligaments which are short bands of tissue.

1.6 : Digestive System

Q 26: What is the function of the digestive system?
Ans: The function of the digestive system is to take in food,extract the nutrients
from it,and get rid of the waste.
Q27: What is meant by the digestive tract?
How long is it?
Ans: The digestive tract is like a long tube in the digestive system known as the
digestive tract.It is about 8 metres long in an adult.
Q28: How long does our food stay in our small intestine?
Ans: About 3 hours.
Q29: What are gastric juices and what do they do?
Ans: Gasteric juices are found in the stomach.These are very acidic and break
down the food into a paste.
Q30: How long does our food stay in our stomach ?
Ans: About 3 hours.
Q31: How long does our food stay in our large intestine?

Ans: About 40 hours.

Qno:1 What is the function of the following :

Vein ,capillary ,artery, alveoli, saliva ,ureter

Ans: vein—carries blood to the heart

capillary—small blood vessels that link the veins and the arteries

artery—carries blood away from the heart to other parts of the body

alveoli— tiny air sacs in the lungs that take in oxygen from the air and carry it to
the blood where it is then pumped throughout the body
saliva—breaks down food and makes it easier to bite and swallow

ureter—tubes that transport the urine from the kidneys to the bladder.


Q 1: How do you organize your shelves and drawers in your room?

Ans: I organize my shelve and drawers by dividing them in different
parts.It is easy to locate things.
Q2: Write down examples of :
• Animals that are warm-blooded
• Animals that are cold-blooded
Fish, frog
• Animals that live on land
Elephant, kangaroo
• Animals that live in water
• Animals that live on land and in water
• Animals that have feathers
• Animals that have fur or hair
• Animals that have scales
Snakes , crocodile
Q 3: How do scientists classify these animals?
Ans: The animal kingdom is divided into vertebrates and invertebrates.
Vertebrates include birds, fish,amphibians, reptiles, and mammals.
Invertebrates include arthropods, echinoderms, cnidarians, sponges, molluscs,
and worms.
Q 4: Write down three main differences between mammals and reptiles.
Mammals reptiles
Mammals are warm-blooded reptiles are cold-blooded
Mammals give birth to fully-formed Reptiles lay eggs
Mammals have hair or fur Reptiles have scales.
Q6: Write down some of the characteristic features of a bird.
• Birds are warm-blooded, lay eggs with hard shells,
• They have feathers and wings, and scales on their legsand feet.
• They breathe through their lungs,
• They have a beak but no teeth, and have a furcula.
Q 7: How do most fish breathe?
Ans: Fish take in oxygen from water through their mouth and pass it over the
gills where the oxygen is extracted.

Unit : 3 The Plant world

Q1: What is the difference between angiosperms and gymnosperms?
Angiosperms Gymnosperms
Angiosperms are also known as They are non-flowering plants.
flowering plant. They have naked seeds.
Their seeds are enclosed with in the Example: conifers, pine
Example: fruit trees and palm trees.
Q2: What are conifers and ferns? Under which class do they come?
1. Conifers are evergreen plants.
2. They have cones and needles on their branches.
3. They reproduce through seeds.

Class: conifers belongs to “ seed Bearing Plants” Gymnosperm

Examples: Pine, fir , spruce etc

Ferns :

1. Ferns are vascular plants.

2. They have roots, stem and leaves.
3. They reproduce through spores.

Class: ferns belongs to “ Spore Bearing Plant”

Q3: Draw a plant cell and explain the function of each part.

Ans: Students will draw a plant cell similar to that on page 37 of the Student’s

cell wall— It provides protection and shape to the plant cell.

chloroplasts— It contains chlorophyll required for photosynthesis

vacuole—stores water, food, and waste.

Nucleus: It is the control centre of the cell.

Cell membrane: It acts as a barrier to the things outside the cell.

Cytoplasm: It helps to move materials around the cell

Q 4: What is the difference between dicots and monocots? Explain with the
help of diagrams.
Monocots Dicots
Plants whose seeds have one cotyledon Plants whose seeds have two
are called monocots. cotyledons are called Dicots.
e.g : Maize, Onion e.g : Beans , Mango

(Diagrams pg: 39)

Q 7. Write the life story of a plant of your choice,taking into account the
a) The plant cell
b) Whether your plant is a gymnosperm or an angiosperm
c) If an angiosperm then how pollination and fertilization took place
d) Whether a dicot or a monocot
e) How your plant developed,grew roots and shoots,and started to flower
f) How it got nourishment through photosynthesis
g) How its seeds were scattered so that a new life cycle would begin.
h) If your plant is a gymnosperm ,include all the steps in its growth till it
becomes a mature plant and is ready to scatter seeds for the process to

Ans: It is an apple plant . It is made up of plant cells. It is an angiospermic plant. It

has dicot seeds. Pollination takes place with the help of insects. Its seeds are
scattered when animals eat the fruit and excrete seeds . Under favourable
conditions seeds start to germinate and grow roots & shoots. Photosynthesis starts
in green leaves and a new plant grow.

Write down
1. The three main differences between plants and fungi
Plants Fungi
Have roots ,stems and leaves Do not have roots ,stems and leaves
Have flowers Do not have flowers

Are able to produce their own food Are not able to produce their own

Qno1: What are these?

a) A tiny amount of bacteria or virus that is given to a human to protect

them against a stronger strain of that bacteria or virus

b) Microscopic life forms that live on and in other living things

c) A medicine that helps fight diseases

d) A disease caused by a protozoan

e) These attach themselves to other living things for survival

Ans: a) vaccines

b) bacteria

c) penicillin

d) malaria

e) fungi

2: The two main types of protists

Ans: Ptotozoa and Algae
3: The number of cells that bacteria have.
Ans: One
4: The role of bacteria.
Ans: To act as decomposers.
5: Two things that fungi attach themselves to.
Ans: Animals and plants.
Unit :5 Soil
Short Question/Answers

Q 1: What is soil made of?

Ans: Minerals, water, air, and organic matter.
Q 2: What is organic matter? What effect does it have on soil?
Ans:Organic matter is the remains of dead plants and animals. It provides nutrients
to the soil.

Unit :6 Food and Diet

Short Question/Answers

Q 1: Why must food be made free of bacteria?

Ans: It can cause food poisoning.
Q2: How can food be made safe?
Ans: Anwers 3 notebook.
UNIT:7 Environment

Short Q/A
Q1: What is pollution? Why must it be avoided?
Ans:Pollution occurs when a part of the environment becomes unhealthy for
organisms to live in it. It must be avoided because it can lead to health problems.
Q2: Which type of pollution do you mostly experience in your environment?
In your opinion,who causes it?
Ans: The type of pollution that we mostly experience in our environment is Air
We( Humans) are responsible for causing it.
Q3:Suggest ways of reducing the following types of pollution.
Noise pollution:
Reduction: Use quieter machinery, avoid pressure horns and loud music, maintain
car engines. Plant trees
Visual pollution:
Reduction: Government should make rules about how things like billboards,
power lines, and buildings need to fit into the environment.
Air pollution:
Reduction: Use renewable sources, walking, cycling, and public transport. Cars
should be
well-maintained so that exhaust fumes are reduced to the minimum.
Water pollution:
Reduction: find better ways to dispose waste than dumping, less use of oil.
Q4: Who was Rachel Carson? Find out more about her work on the internet?
Ans: Rachel Carson was an American Environmentalist .She is well-known for her
writings on environmental pollution and natural history of the sea.

Unit: 8 Matter and Materials

Q1:Write a note on Albert Einstein.

Ans: Albert Einstein was an expert in Physics who lived the last century. He is
famous for his theory of relativity. He was given the Nobel Prize for Physics in

Q 2: What determines whether matter is in its solid form, liquid form,or its
gas form?

Ans: The movement and arrangement of particles determine whether matter is in

solid, liquid, or gas form.
UNIT:9 Heat, Light and Sound Class V

Q2: How are these two lenses used?

Ans:Convex lenses are used for people who are long-sighted and concave lenses
are used for people who are short sighted.
Unit :10 Forces
Short Question/Answers:
Q no 1: Write a paragraph about Issac Newton and the incident that got him
thinking about force of will have to do some research for this.
Ans: Newton was a famous scientist and is also known as Father of Physics.
Once while he was sitting in her mother’s garden he saw an apple falling on the
ground. This gave him an idea why Apples always fall to the centre of earth .this
shows he has proposed that earth has a gravitational force.
Q no2: What is the difference between mass and weight?
Mass Weight
Mass is the amount of matter contained in an Weight is an amount of gravitational force
object. acting on an object.
It is measured in Kilograms (kg) It is measured in newton (N)
Unit:11Electricity and Magnetism
Q1. How does an electromagnet work?
Ans. An electromagnet works when an electric current passes through something
with magnetic qualities. When the current is turned on, the magnet works, when
the current is turned off, the magnet stops working.

Q2. Think of different ways an electromagnet can be used. Do some research?

Ans. Electromagnets are used in

1. Hard disc drivers

2. Speakers

3. Motors

4. Generators

5. MRI machines

6. Tape recorders etc.

Q3. How is static electricity produced?

Ans. It is produced when two objects are rubbed together. Friction changes the
balance of positive and negative charge between objects.
Q3. Design an activity to determine whether an object is a conductor or an insulator.
Material Required
1. Three connecting wires, with clips on the end.
2. 1.5 volt battery cell
3. 2. 5 volt light bulb
4. Different materials e.g; plastic, wood, cloth, glass, rubber and different metals.

1. Attach one end of a wire to the negative end of the battery cell and other end to the base
of the light bulb.
2. Attach one end of another wire to the base of the light bulb and leave the other end
3. Attach one end of the last wire to the positive end of the battery and leave the other end
4. One by one join different materials to the spare clips to complete the circuit.
1. The bulb will glow if the material is a conductor. i.e. metals.
2. The bulb will not glow if the material is an insulator. i.e. plastic, wood, cloth etc.

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