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Neuromarketing Step by Step: Based on

Scientific Publications
Erick Valencia, CICRET EA, Colombia


The author's recommendation in its proposal on current marketing is the most

scientific approach to a topic with so many contradictions; due to trendy, current,
efficiency or social deception. These and other statements about neuromarketing
have made a topic of importance in world literature. The purpose at this time, was
to make an explanation of neuromarketing based on rigorous scientific knowledge.
Based on that, the author approaches without fear neuro-scientific concepts with the
expertise of an experienced person in the field, and with the knowledge of the
mixture with the administrative areas. The aim was to go from cell structure and
explanation of how to measure, through the proper interpretation of what is
measured, and reaching the practical application of the technique of neuromarketing
for companies in 10 steps. Finally, clear scientific advances come to increase the
study of “Neuromarketing”.


Neuromarketing not only became fashionable for lovers of marketing, companies,

businesses, etc.; but also for those who are true connoisseurs of brain function. For
many, at this time neuromarketing is a business opportunity for people with wide
creativity in business, people who know make money through business brain
unconventional measurements, or people interested in making money with the
ignorance of the subject by people. Because of this, the credibility of
neuromarketing is getting low as a useful tool for marketing. When the
neuromarketing is discussed from a scientific point of view and not from a
commercial point of view, loss of credibility on the subject has poorly unfounded
(Garcia & Esperanza, 2013).
Thus, the chapter focuses in neuromarketing from a deeper perspective, in relation
to scientific explanation and knowledge in brain function. However, it tries not to
lose the option to make it understandable and commercially applicable to those
working in areas of marketing. It should be remembered, are workers who have
never had knowledge or training concepts of brain anatomy.


Neuromarketing, from the point of view of a scientific analysis it has been poorly
organized web. For a scientific approach, the order of neuromarketing issues should
be according to scientific publications. Thus, this chapter shows neuromarketing
from the point of view of the segmentation of neuromarketing
(Neurosegmentation). As Neurosegmentation of Neuromarketing areas, it means
that there are some publications about neurosegmentation of neuromarketing at this
moment in the scientific literature. These segments are showed according to the
brain behavior. The reason for this bad classification of neuromarketing is the
ignorance of many people about the real meaning of neuromarketing. Sometimes
using topics of measurements, marketing, brain, neuro-linguistic programming (PNL)
or talking about feelings indiscriminately to talk under the theme of
neuromarketing. Therefore in this case the author includes this topic to bring order
to the different sub-themes of neuromarketing. Thus, the segmentation of
neuromarketing includes:
Children Neuromarketing (Lindstrom, 2005, 2011)
Neuroeconomics (Sanfey et al., 2003; Egidi, et al., 2008; Tetaz, 2014)
The concept of Neuro-P and Neuro-O (Valencia, 2013)
Brain waves and their interpretation (Vecchiato et al., 2010; Astolfi et al.,
2008; Vecchiato et al., 2011; Astolfi et al., 2009)
Eye track (Kalliny & Gentry, 2010; Logo, Jozsa, & Hamomik, 2010; AIMC & alt64,
Anatomy and physiology of the purchase button (Hubert & Kenning, 2005; Lin et
al., 2010; Knutson et al., 2007)
Functional MRI (fMRI), applications and interpretations (Lindstrom, 2011; Ohme et
al., 2010)
Segmentation of the 3 genders (masculine, feminine and gender X) (Rapaille, 2007)
Insight and imprints (Klaric, 2014; Quiñones, 2013)
Pentadimencional Brand (Brand 5D), Octadimencional Brand (Brand 8D) and the 4
Rites (4Rs) (Lindstrom, 2005)
Neurovalor. Application of the concepts of neurology at the value chain (Valencia,
Neuroventas (Salazar, 2011; Valencia et al, in pres).

Anatomy and function of the 3 brains, studies applied to marketing (reptilian,
emotional or limbic and cortical) (Casafont, 2015; Ripoll, 2014)

History, Definition, and the Neuromarketing

History, definition and the Neuromarketing progress are closely linked to human
brain development. Buyer's brain development is not formed in a few days or years,
this kind of brain must have gone through several evolutionary changes in the
change of the skull, brain changes and very importantly, changes in addictive
behavior of human beings. In other words, changes in brain structures, nuclei of
gray matter in the hypothalamus, the place of human brain to feel the concept of
addiction and the place to get some pleasure like reward. Some of these places are
the reason for the existence of neuromarketing. Neuromarketing dependent on
changes in the size of the skull. People who study brain of neuromarketing splits it
into 3 main parts, cortical, limbic and reptilian. The brain changed and therefore
also the skull. Thus, the body changed from a body known as Australopithecus to
homo-working, after homo-browser to the homo-factory, then to homo
economicus, ending the twentieth century it became homo-laptop, and finally
homo-addicts. In the latter group it is the homo-buyer (when the purchase is
regarded as addiction). In this analysis, the change in marketing to neuromarketing
reflects the evolution and changes in the function and behavior of the brain. The
structures needed to feel different with the purchase took place, etc. Based on the
above, you can ask the question ¿What external and internal aspects, etc., promoted
the change in the brain? The reason for the change is multifactorial, integrating
components “bio-psycho-social”. Aspects such as the industrial age, the mechanisms
of production, the development of capitalism, social and individual skills, the
supremacy of the ego, social recognition, etc., biopsychosocial changes that made
the brain to adapt its subsistence and thus introduced the “shopping” in addictive
brain functioning (Fisher, Chin, & Klitzman, 2010).
Biopsychosocial development not only participate in the new brain structure for
neuromarketing, also they had to be some additional changes at the beginning of
this century to understand the concept: “Neuromarketing”. The end of the last
century allowed us to enter the information age, which changed the industrial age
by the information age. The problem was no longer generate information, the
problem was how to apply. Any information created on the planet was known
across the planet, could be announced in the coming minutes across the globe. With
that change the twentieth century was completed and began the XXI. These
scientific developments allowed in the second decade of this century started talking
of very large-scale projects for the true knowledge of brain structure and
functioning, as the “Connectome Project”. With advances in “functional magnetic
resonance imaging (fMRI),” with advances in cell function, began the era of the
brain. An era in which the explanations of many aspects of the functioning of

society, individual behavior at home and / or at work, and the explanations inside
the brain, are taking place to know and understand the reason being of “Brain
Age.” Without this development would have been impossible to understand brain
structures, the application of techniques and all that is known by the term
“Neuromarketing” can be defined as “a new way of knowing the consumer. It
consists in applying neuroscience techniques in marketing. It is to study and
understand what the effects of advertising on the brain and how it affects the
behavior of potential customers.
“Neuromarketing” can also be defined as “The discipline that investigates and
examines brain processes that explain the behavior and decisions of individuals in
the fields of action of traditional marketing: market intelligence, product design and
service, communications, prices, brand positioning and sales channels.
Undoubtedly, it is required the knowledge of brain structures, so that the reader
understands how works the neuromarketing. Therefore, all Master Business
Administration (MBA), general management, marketing specialist or Magister must

Figure 1. Structure 3 brains used in neuromarketing . (Ripoll, 2014)

have knowledge of neurophysiological brain functions, if you wants belong to
science of XXI century. Therefore, knowledge of the anatomy and physiology
cerebral required for knowledge neuromarketing, also basic vocabulary and basic
anatomical structures (Lindstrom, 2006, 2011). They are key sites of the brain
involved in explaining primary or “Reptilian” behavior of human beings. These are

areas of the brain involved in feeling like humans, brain areas that process emotion,
areas of analysis of sensations, emotional thinking, analysis by cortex, and
interactions between each of the above. They are places of the gray matter of the
brain, in the external cortex, which explains a lot of how the senses are received
and responded to these, ¿how and where are taken judgment decisions, how
purchasing decisions or disciplined behavior is done? All of the above are some of
the shallow parts to be found on the “Biology and Physiology of the Administrative
Brain” (Casafont, 2015; Kahneman, 2012; Ikemoto, 2010; Santin et al., 2001).
For practical purposes, the entire brain is organized into three main parts. Three
major areas that marketers use to explain neuromarketing. These 3 major parts of
the brain of consumers are (Figure 1) (Ripoll, 2014).

1. Reptilian Brain: This part of the brain is the lowest of the three and the
evolution of the human brain is the most animal, the most primary. This area is
located in the brainstem and midbrain. It is the area of the brain where
unconscious aspects handled as breathing, the heart rate, and some very animal
impulses, impulses and conservation of the species, protecting your family, etc. It is
where many will be born of desire for the preservation of human being, the care,
the image of this. It is in this area where some authors created the concept of
“Insight”. It is in this area where it is believed that the man wants to look better to
females of a herd, it is from there that comes the desire by the male to look at it as
the best and bravest among their peers. It is this part where the woman use all its
attributes and external aids (makeup, heels, lingerie, etc.), in order to that your
male (husband) do not look at another female (woman) (Quiñones, 2013).
2. Limbic and Sensory Brain: This section of the brain is responsible for receiving all
the senses that enter the brain. This area is called the hypothalamus, thalamus,
ventral medial area, basal ganglia. These areas have mentioned many groups of
cells with specific functions. These functions are mainly the reception site of
sensory stimuli. For the general population there are 5 senses, however, for health
personnel are 3 more senses that can be useful at the time of generating sensory
response in the consumer. Full senses are: sight, smell, taste, hearing, touch,
temperature, proprioception, and electrical activity. After receiving the sensations
this area, information is distributed to areas according to the characteristics of the
stimulus. Everything analyzed quickly in these areas is called the system of rapid or
intuitive thinking, called “System 1” (Casafont, 2015; Kahneman, 2012).
3. Rational or Cortical Brain: These areas of the brain is gray matter, or area of the
cerebral cortex; remaining in the outermost part of the brain. In these areas there
are many areas with many functions and are responsible for coordinating all
information received, every cortex, it shares information between cells, these areas
making judgments and making conscious decisions. From a practical point, the

cortex is considered the “System 2” system slowed thinking; and in order to
differentiate the “System 1” (Astolfi et al., 2009; Bechara, Damasio, & Damasio,

To marketing specialists it is obligatory to know and understand the vocabulary

necessary to know how neuromarketing works. It has developed a core group of
words based on the terms that exist in publications or journalist marketers. The
vocabulary allows a better understanding of the biology in marketing (Lindstrom,
2006, 2011; Ripoll, 2014):
Ventral Roof Area, Front, and Back: In the hypothalamus. It is responsible for
receiving and outputting information of the hypothalamus.
Ventral Ribbed: Comprises the “nucleus Acumbens”, olfactory tubercles, tail caudate
and putamen. They are responsible for receiving information which will generate
more addiction, which depends heavily on Acumbens core.
Prefrontal Cortices Are Several: Orbitofrontal cortex, ventral lateral prefrontal
cortex, dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex, prefrontal cortex Ventral Medial and
anterior cingulate Giro. They are responsible for receiving information across data
and make decisions.
Supra Mammillary Nuclei: Located in the posterior hypothalamus. Reception area of
stimuli that remain involved in memory.

The broad approach of the theoretical concepts of biology brain for use in
understanding neuromarketing, has generated more questions than solutions. In
addition, the theoretical concepts of brain functioning should be analyzed by a
person who understands brain because of the difficulty and experience required to
understand the physiology of the brain. Not only applied by personnel with
knowledge in brain biology but by people with knowledge of marketing and
management. In other words, people trained to have wide knowledge (Biology and
management). Such people are those who understand neuromarketing concepts that
cannot be explained by brain theory and are only concepts that have not yet been
fully measurable, in order to give it sufficient scientific rigor.
In papers published in neuromarketing, they have derived a set of questions that
must be the beginning of exploration for all those scholars:
What sensory stimuli must have a product?
How does it affect sales forces neuromarketing techniques?
What my brain works site neuromarketing?
Is there a place in my brain that receives stimuli me brands?
Is there a buy button in the brain?

Could we put that buy button?
What determines the brain sometimes does not show the stimulation of
How do I apply the Insight to the marketing technique of my company?
How do I use technology marketing my company?
It can be seen that the more we know of neuromarketing, is becoming more
scientific marketing techniques to be used by marketing departments of companies.


Having achieved an introduction of neuromarketing, author revised the historical,

anatomical and general things important to the general public. The author makes a
union of different issues that are most important focus in the science of
neuromarketing. The most important issues in the literature of neuromarketing are
often not included in the books of marketing, further study is required from the
scientific point of view. Subject such as brain waves and their interpretation, the use
of these and eye track interaction and proper interpretation of a functional
magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies in marketing. Additionally, having
understood how to measure neuromarketing, the reader can understand a variety of
topics including studies of marketing used by companies: The concept of Neuro-P
and Neuro-O (Valencia, 2013), which is as Neurovalor neuroscience concepts to
apply value chain. After using assessment and application in the company, the
reader can focus on areas of greater depth in the neuromarketing: Neuromarketing
for children (Lindstrom, 2006), the concepts of economic decision making (Egidi, et
al., 2008), learn to understand that there segmentation 3 sex or gender (male,
female, X gender), the technique of creating the Insight and stamps for your
company and its implementation; the use of concepts to understand when is the
Pentadimencional brand (Brand 5D) (Lindstrom, 2005), Octadimensional brand
(Brand 8D) and the 4 Rites (4Rs) and, if possible, with sufficient knowledge, you can
come to understand that “Neuromarketing” It is not equal to “Neuroventa”
(Valencia et al, in press).

Neuromarketing Measurement Tools

The great feature of neuromarketing is to measure with any equipment, the effect
generated by a product or marketing technique in the brain. This measurement
capability of neuromarketing is what makes it different from other conventional
marketing businesses. From that point of view, the measurements are a variety of
equipment from high to low sensitivity in capturing the measured response, and
each team varies if the measurement is electrically manifested in brain waves, or
measurement images radiological brain. Therefore, it measures neuromarketing taste

stimuli, temperature, flavors, colors, touch, and sound; and translate those feelings
into electrical waves (Anderson et al., 2011; Ekanayake, 2011; Casper et al.,
2012; Crowley et al., 2010).
The order of equipment and measurement techniques neuromarketing goes from
greater quality information created by measuring, until the lowest-quality
measuring. Some measurement tools are:
1. Functional MRI (fMRI): The use of this technology in the measurements for
neuromarketing is among the more expensive and higher quality of information
derived from the study to be performed. When this technique is used to study a
product to be exposed to marketing it should be analyzed by people who know
that they are sending to the marketing and being measured with fMRI. This
technology can be used for measurement in advertising videos, visual assessment of
brand labels, in the brain's interpretation of aromas brand, in creating sound jingles,
and in comparing whether a product can generate “MOST REMEMBER” that
another, in assessing whether a product “LIKE” more than another (form of a bottle,
color of a label, a label images, an advertising poster, a billboard, a TV commercial),
etc. (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Functional magnetic resonance images (MRI) (Ripoli, 2014).

The principle of measurement technique of fMRI is inside a resonator, inject
intravenous dye the person while he is shown the image to be evaluated, or you
put the sound you want see or smell to be classified as advertising. The brain used
the specific brain areas that are interpreted by the specialist, and he may say

according to images recorded on the computer if the evaluated product “LIKE”
more. The reason for this to work well is because the brain sends glucose into areas
where it concentrates the main function of the brain at the time it is exposed to the
product, and the amount of glucose that reaches the area of the brain is which it is
recorded as a zone of more intense color. The fMRI has been used for the
evaluation of commercial advertising on TV, for the evaluation of political speeches,
for the evaluation of advertisements. What has been demonstrated is that brain
areas which is generated in psychology called “primacy effect” (a strong stimulus for
a video which allows it to remember something in seconds) are the brain areas 17,
18, 19 cortex Brodmann. Similarly, when there is greater intensity fMRI images in
the left prefrontal area, that means the commercial product displayed like best.
Allows the person find the product (Hubert & Kenning, 2005; Bechara, Damasio, &
Damasio, 2000; Deppe et al., 2005; Casper et al., 2012; Lin et al., 2010).
Similarly, a commercial product displayed more remembered, not only there is
required activation of the left prefrontal cortex, but also anterior cingulate area and
Cingular motor. However, if you want to evaluate what is the motivation for a
product, in this example a vehicle, it is required that the left anterior cingulate
cortex is activated, the orbitofrontal cortex and the bilateral front and prefrontal
cortex left. But a vehicle must not only have the motivation encouragement for
sale; there must be something in the design and shape of the vehicle must carry me
the motivation to purchase. Therefore, if you want to reach that goal, the brain
areas that should be further enabled the three previous to see a vehicle under fMRI
are right ventral striated and the nucleus Acumbens. The vehicle that generates this
stimulus in the brain would be an addictive vehicle for buyers (Bechara, Damasio, &
Damasio, 2000; Logo, Jozsa, & Hamomik, 2010).
2. Event-Related Potentials (ERP): One of the first descriptions of the ERP was
conducted since the 1960s, reaching prove a negative slow wave, evocable after a
stimulus (S1) associated with conducting a sensory task (S2), which it was called
“Variant Contingent Negative” (NCV). In the original tests, S1 was constant and
independent of stimulus, while the S2 could be modified by a repeated visual
stimulus. Subsequently it is shown great potential variable amplitude which appear
three hundred milliseconds, called P3 or P300, unlike the VCN. In the following
years the changes of the potentials of the VCN and P300 were evaluated and a
group of positive and negative waves that turned out to be variables in individuals
performing motor or sensory tasks. It is the latter VCN and P300 waves that have
been studied in neuromarketing. Technology evoked potentials related to specific
events has been most commonly used in forensic psychiatry, in language training.
The use of this technology is related to the demonstration by the electrical activity
of the surprise created in the brain when a person is exposed to a commercial
product. That surprise may be positive or negative and thus this technology to
differentiate the stimulus. The indiscriminate use of this technology without

accuracies in the different results, has allowed to researchers produce standards and
guideline measurement in order to talk about the same issues at the conclusion of
results (Hernandez, 2011).
3. Electroencephalography (EEG): This is one of the most practical techniques but
requires training and knowledge of the interpretation of the EEG waves. We used
measuring equipment 64 EEG channels and 16 channels. The important thing is to
make the coupling between measured electrical activity in the cerebral cortex and
the stimulus generated by displaying an article marketing, exposing the individual to
an aroma, taste something or analyze a jingle of a brand. Until now the most
developed studies are in interpreting alpha waves (8-13 Hertz) vs the appearance
theta (4-7 Hertz) in brain areas F3-F4, left prefrontal area and right area
respectively. Science has shown that the use of a marketing stimulus that generates a
theta waves in the left prefrontal cortex vs alpha waves in the right prefrontal

Figure 3. Interpreting EEG waves in neuromarketing (Vecchiato, 2011).

cortex is a product that “Likes” over the person. However, when theta waves are
present in the right prefrontal cortex and alpha waves in the left prefrontal cortex,
the product marketing will be analyzed “Remembered.” Therefore, depending on
what you want with marketing the product analyzed, in some cases over the
memory of the product you want and, sometimes you want the advertising product
like better than the competition. As well as this, many tests and analyzes must be
made with each product when you are studying a new product of marketing
(Astolfi et al., 2008; Vecchiato et al., 2011; Astolfi et al., 2009).

In new product development EEG, it has allowed a brain mapping, in order to meet
the different waves of the EEG in all areas of the cerebral cortex and thus to obtain
more valuable areas of the cerebral cortex information. When more gets mapping

of the cerebral cortex with EEG, more similar is to fMRI, without being comparable
(Figure 3) (Picton et al., 2009).
4. Eye Track: Eye track technology is an adaptation of elements used by engineers in
different disciplines and the coupling between the functions of the brain to the
muscles that move the eyes. Thus, the track reaches the eye as a marketing tool to
define where the look is directing the client. The eye track is a fundamental tool for
neuromarketing techniques, this allows you to define many variables involved in the
decision to look at an object. The eye track allows you to measure the following
aspects when you gaze focuses on marketing a product:
a. Fixing Item: Measures eye movements under a landmark.
b. Duration Setting: Determines the amount of time a customer delay in the display
of an object.
c. Exhibition Object: This determines a customer cumulative delay time in an object.
It should be remembered that sometimes the customer looks at a product and then
passing other is returned to the initial product that is the summation exposure time.
d. Hot Spot Point: The indicator fixing areas of greatest quantity or time.
e. Important Point: Defines which of the points produce more attention.
f. Tracking: Set the display sequence of events (products) in a given visual field.

This technology can be used in stores mini-entrepreneurs, in large chain

supermarkets, the analysis of the gondolas, the study of the windows, very useful in
the application on the web page design and advertising on the web. In studies for
marketing on the web it has served to establish the relationship between consumers
and the pattern of eye movement, guiding the designers of web pages in the
selection of what is the most attractive point of sale as a marketing tool online.
The use Eye track allows to study the theories of “perceptual fluency” and
“conceptual fluency” valuable concepts because they are explaining the reason to
remember a brand and make the association with the product when being in
contact with this in supermarkets. This is the reason why a print advertising in the
unconscious after being exposed to the text of the brand and logo of a product in
Internet advertising is created. Keep in mind, that this is more intensely present in
the brain to increase the number of exposures to the text of the brand and the logo
on the web. A fact also described by Martin L. in his books.
From the practical point of view, some advantages of using the eye track in
neuromarketing techniques can be summarized in:
a. Increases display a brand.
b. Increases visual attention ads.
c. Reinforces promotions.

d. Highlight key elements of an advertisement.
e. Increase sales through optimal design.
f. Improved product satisfaction and true use.
g. Improving the adoption and use of new products.
h. Increase brand loyalty if it is used with EEG techniques or cerebral blood flow
(Figure 4) (AIMC & alt64, 2005; Courbet, Fourquet-Courbet, & Intartaglia,
Figure 4. Eye track on the screen, eye movement . (AIMC, 2005).

5. Galvanic Response (CPR): For people engaged in science, shows the effects
created by the measuring equipment must be sufficiently clear and proper scientific
methodology. Thus, the single observational assessment, but is part of the first step
of the scientific experiment, it fails to meet targets for sufficient scientific proof.
Scientists have studied the use of galvanic response in neuromarketing, unfortunately
the conclusions are not very encouraging. They have also studied the
neurobiological basis of how emotions influence buying behavior by measuring
physiological parameters that occur as a secondary manifestation initial event or
phenomenon. The physiological parameter studied was the response of skin

conductance (CPR). The authors demonstrated that the CPR does not specifically
reflected in brain activity base in terms of response to emotions (positive or
negative). In addition, activation of the CPR and cortical activation was
demonstrated not only in moments of decision making based on reward but also in
working memory tasks and even spontaneously in moments of repose (Hubert &
Kenning, 2005; Anderson et al., 2011).

6. Emotive: Insofar as we drove in measuring brain activity we lose validation

accuracy of the information gained. Technology “Emotive” was originally designed
for video games. Subsequently, the engineering could detect its registration utility
emotions in the brain or measuring what is called the “cognitive load”. Because of
that some waves he called his “emotional EEG”. The team used 14 points from those
used in the EEG and based on this information creates a summary of the cognitive
load. Emotive this principle is based on comparisons with event-related potentials,
managing to make a meaningful comparison between the P300 wave and the wave
of attention Emotive. Based on studies of laboratory analysis of EEG wave of major
importance in the Emotive is the wave of attention. It must be very careful when
making statements on the waves that reflect emotions. Measuring emotions from
the electrical point of view has its problems due to the activation of quick thinking
system (System 1) on the origin of these emotions, and should not forget that the
“System 1” includes activation sites like head caudate nucleus, and quite possibly
some connections with basal ganglia, areas difficult to measure electrical activity.
This stimulation of the basal ganglia occurs prior to activation of the dorsal lateral
prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and Cingular medial and anterior cortices (ACC).
Therefore, interpretation of waves “Engagement”. A term from the point of view of
marketing means “Hook or brand engagement.” To date, similar to the brain to
explain consumer engagement with the brand's loyalty to the brand, and brand
loyalty is currently measured by the degree of blood flow in the medial ventral
cortex, to be discussed in the following paragraphs. Similarly, there are difficulties
with the interpretation of waves as “long-term Engagement” and the wave of
“frustration.” Topics that are of current research (Figure 5) (Ekanayake, 2011).

Figure 5. Picture of waves with emotive after sound stimulus. Note the positive
wave of 300 ms. (Ekanayake, 2011).

7. Neurosky: Technology “Neurosky” has been evolving in the same way as it did
the previous product. Initially, this technology was created for games that enable
performance assessment of children. It originated medicate based on the “Warning”
and “Relaxation or Meditation”. Based on the same principles as cognitive load
measurement with a summary of the electrical activity of the brain. Due to the
direct interest of Neurosky techniques, studies have focused on its use in measuring
attention on cognitive tasks, tasks that have been compared to neuropsychological
tests. Based on the above, the Neurosky has been used in those tests that measure
the degree of attention as it is the first steps of the Neuroventa, with the
improvement of measuring waves is required, there is now with the measurement
of the different waves with the sole use of Neurosky headband. Based on this
measurement may be obtained theta waves that reflect the emotions in the brain
(Crowley et al., 2010; Valencia et al, in press).

8. Measurement of Blood Flow in the Prefrontal Cortex: Every day has been
developing new technology applicable to different areas of science, application l
management and marketing is not immune to these developments and innovations.
That is why the application of technology assessment blood flow to certain areas of
the brain and has been used for research in Neuromarketing. It has been shown that
a luxurious and attractive product can induce a distinct preference behavior
between brand loyal buyers and new people. The loyal to a brand are affected not
only by the luxury brand but by the attractiveness of the product. The activation of
the medial frontal cortex (MFC) was generated in response to a luxury product, but
there is high fidelity for the product must have an activation of the brain's reward
centers in the hypothalamus. The study demonstrated a pioneering approach to
exploring the relationship between power of the brand, consumer preferences and
activation of MFC (Lin et al., 2010).

Each of the teams has its different applications, their different interpretation, and
different utility for a given product marketing. Thus, there will be teams that are
most useful for visual advertising, others will be best for product design, others to
establish the shape of the product, and so on, each team has a particular utility, for
that marketing task it is planned in each company. This brings the reader to the
understanding that the concept of using neuromarketing cannot be detached from a
person trained in sensory analysis required by each product in each company. That
person is the expert on “Neurosensaciones Applied Marketing” (NAM), and based
on the above measurement tools are not used separately, and the person skilled in
marketing sensations cannot work without your measurements.
Neuromarketing Applied to Neuro-Price (Neuroeconomics)
Scientists have studied and analyzed the tools available to the Neuro-economy
applications of neuromarketing. Neuroeconomics means an interdisciplinary field
studying human decision making, is the ability to process multiple alternatives and
then select a particular course of action. When it is linked to neuromarketing studies
decision-making in the brain in relation to purchasing decisions and the influences of
money in making those decisions (Sanfey et al., 2003; Egidi, et al., 2008; Tetaz,
When the individual will decide to buy when subjected to stimuli of
neuromarketing, the brain is affected in their thought process by 2 groups of
influential variables in that decision:
1. External Variables: This group of variables is brain functions such as attention,
motivation, beliefs, attitudes and experiences stored in memory.
2. Internal Variables: This group of variables is everything related to the economy
and currency values, political concepts, social and family.

Upon receiving the stimuli of neuromarketing in a product, the brain captures these
internal variables inside memory, receives the external variables, the brain makes an
analysis and evaluation, resave required and the decision to purchase under the
tracks activated for this act (see button data buying). If only the purchase decision is
analyzed based on the concept of price, there are some areas in the brain that will
influence decision making. These areas are activated as selected by the brain:
When a reward is made to a worker, a child or a person, the brain activation is
different when this is done with money, if the reward is performed with only an
“OK” or a congratulations:
- In a compensation with money, the orbitofrontal cortex, the median raphe
nuclei, thalamus and ventral area cortex are activated. They are areas
involved in addiction.
- In a verbal compensation, only the orbitofrontal cortex and dorsal lateral
prefrontal cortex are activated.

Making economic decisions in the purchasing decision, it carries linked a number of

neuropsychological functions in covertly influence the outcome of the decision:
1. Risk Decisions: When there is less risk in the decision, the nucleus Acumbens, an
area involved in reward and reward active addiction. It remains to determine
whether that activation depends on the type of personality, because exposure to
risk as a source of pleasure and addiction has a genetic component this very well
2. Belief Loss to the Decision: The insula is activated by everything related to loss
prevention or prevent loss of silver by the brain.
3. Envy in Economic Decision: Similarly to the above, when the economic decision
has a component of economic envy, the insula is activated as a mechanism of
wanting money but is not allowed to have more. It remains to determine whether
the insula plays a role in envy generated in corruption.
4. Risk Something to Win at the End: In the economic decisions is very common to
find nowadays the concept “win - win”. A concept in the negotiations of the XXI
century closely linked to emotional intelligence. This decision depends on the
activation of the anterior cortical area Cingular (ACC). One of the areas angel
regulatory or purchasing decisions.
5. Business Decision Ambiguous: In times of economic negotiations the deal is
always found with ambiguous decision. The ambiguity of the business can be
positive, creating activation of the amygdala as a manifestation of danger and
orbitofrontal frontal cortex (OFC). When the decision is negative ambiguity, but
there is the option to gain something, or an award for the decision ventral striated

nuclei is activated. Pleasure centers involved in reward. From there comes the
concept that “gives no stitch without thimble,” because negative ambiguity of
negotiations carried on a quest reward fund.
6. Cash Payment: The success of the cash payment is to be a money-saving tool, the
brain activates the insula. Brain making him understand that in this way the money
is going out of hand.
7. Payment by Credit Card: By contrast to the above, the credit card payment,
Insula never becomes activated, however, dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex and the
ventral striated are activated, areas involved in purchasing decisions, and area
involved in reward addiction. The brain does not realize he's losing money by
paying with a credit card. This is the way the financial system used neuromarketing
to influence our minds (Sanfey et al., 2003).
8. Payment of a Product with High Prices: The brain uses the insula activation when
you see a high price, in order to limit the loss, this tool can be used in the
verification of price limits in obtaining an ideal price product to hit the market
(Figure 6).
9. Payment of a Product with Low or Normal Price : To date it has not identifying
which area is involved in accepting a normal price or lower.
10. Preferably from Addiction or Product Brand Loyalty : The preference of a
product by shopping addiction is characterized by activation of the nucleus
Acumbens, but if the purchase decision is linked to brand loyalty, is activated medial
prefrontal cortex (VMPFC) (Lin et al., 2010).
11. Pay One Get 2: price strategies more used they are those of pay one get two.
The reason for the success of this method lies in the brain activation areas in the
ventral striated, thalamus, and the orbitofrontal cortex frontal (OFC). It is a very
sensory stimulation and reward high activation.
12. Leads One to Pay another Half Price: However, this strategy does not have the
same success as the previous one, because the brain activates the anterior cingulate
(ACC), an area involved in monitoring wrongdoing, detecting deception for brain.
13. Economic Evaluation of a Product with Marketing Nonsense or False
Marketing: Same as above strategy, marketing nonsense is very dangerous when the
brain detects. When realizes the false strategy, it behaves similar to the previous
strategy and former Cingular area and insula is activated. The brain is protected
from deception.

Figure 6. Making purchasing decisions based on price

In compiling the large amount of information related to the purchase decision

making involved with the price of a product of neuromarketing, if there is a way for
the adviser neuromarketing keep in mind all these concepts of brain and economy
in order to achieve best advice when making consumer decisions (Lin et al.,
2010; Sanfey et al., 2003; Egidi, et al., 2008; Tetaz, 2014).
Development of Insight: The Impressions and the Reptilians Triggers in
Neuromarketing scientist can´t talk about this without touching the topic of
development “Insigh” and “Impressions”. Insight word means “in: in” and “Sight:
see”, “look inside” or “see inside” the brain. Within the human brain there is a true
and real reason why humans consume products. Those reasons are in that section of
brain anatomy called reptilian brain. The human being, such as anthropology,
behaves like all animals on the planet. Humans use tools to survive, to live together,
to stand in the tribe of other human beings, etc. In developing the brain over the
other species, their world competition led humans to use other tools to excel in
their group, at work, among friends, and other psychological tools that made that
man always sits best. These tools were looking to increase everything that makes

you feel good, allowing you to feel pleasure or what allows you to have more ego.
In short, this is called “Triggers Reptilian” (AR). AR are the real reason inside the
brain of the consumer that leads a person to make purchase decisions.
Detection of an “Insight” is to find the reason that is part of a reptilian activator that
explains why people want to buy something. The Insight are of various types:
Surface Insight: Insight are functional and logical, unemotional
Lower Insight: It has an emotional power
Deep Insight: Is in the consumer subconscious, biological, symbolic, instinctive.

Insight must be appealing and relevant to consumers, in other words you should like
and be required by the consumer. The Insight has four settings:
1. Unattractive and Irrelevant Insight: The Insight has no code and is invisible to the
2. Not Attractive and Relevant Insight: The Insight has code but is incomprehensible
to consumers
3. Attractive and Irrelevant Insight: The Insight has no code and is far to the
4. Attractive and Relevant Insight: The Insight has code is important and helps the
consumer inside survival.

You can develop many Insight to each product: “Ritual insight”, “Behaviour
insight”, “Category insight”, “Sound insight”, “Colour insight”, “Branding insight”,
“Moment insight”, and y “Consumer insight”.
The word “footprint” comes from the Italian language meaning “Imprints” which
means trace. You can leave a mark on a soft material, you can trace a photographic
image or you can trace in our brain events that occurred in the past life of the
consumer. These brain imprints are what determine the actions, deeds or acts, works
or performances, a consumer in their daily lives.
Example: “A person can be addicted to books, because as a teenager what that
person was paramount to achieve maximum knowledge to be above all at home,
where there was only liquor, partying and a life without a future; that addiction but
it does not go against the life of the person, make that person a loyal consumer of

The imprints may be primary (the childhood), significant imprints, impressions and
chaotic recent imprints:

Primary Imprints: those who are rooted from childhood at home and observed the
influence of parents, family and friends
Significant Imprints: when the act really means something to the person, they are
superficial, change over time, and sometimes can change the deep imprint
Recent Imprints: those that occurred recently, are volatile and temporary.
Chaotic Imprints: one that makes a harmful effect, and this can change a deep

It's those Insight and these imprints the help activate or check the “Triggers
Reptilian”. Reptilians are these activators which should be strengthened and should
draw attention to the development of product marketing. The principal activators
Reptilians detected in literature are as follows and each of them has some examples
of global or Latin Americans who have worked products activation of each of these
in product development:
1. Recognition and Be Unique: Products for nutritional Intelligence: “IN”, Gatorade,
Power, and Red Bull gives you wings, Zara, Studio F, Art Business, iPhone; They
have used this approach in its proposed market.
2. Pleasure and Satisfaction: Sex, Food, Perfumes, videos of travel agencies.
3. Gain Control and Order: Apple, Zara, videos inside the house, iPhone, Uncle
4. Belonging and Social Acceptance: BMW, Apple, Perfumes, Studio F, Art Business.
5. Protection and Security: British Airway, videos of travel agencies, Aven.
6. Autonomy and Freedom to be Human: Smoking, Old Parr, Antioquia brandy.
7. Exploration and Discovery: Apple, Videos travel agencies, iPhone
8. Family Heritage and Safeguard: Regional Products
8. Transcendence and Survival of the Gene: Functional foods, videos indoors.
10. Power and Domination: Finance Racing, iPhone, Ensure, Artworks.

Thus, new product marketing must possess a reptilian Activation, you highlight an
imprint of the consumer and should be of interest to the consumer. According to
the percentage of 0 to 100 in each of these parameters, your product will be above
the competition. The success of a product depends on getting a good response to
several questions:
How many has your brand activators Reptilians?

What have you discovered that your triggers active Reptilians?
Your brand has activation or strengthening of a mark?

The solution of these questions is the success of neuromarketing in your brand.

Based on the above, these activators Reptilians to look for in the value chain of
your product. (Klaric, 2014; Quiñones, 2013).
Neuromarketing in the Value Chain
Every product comes from a company that has a market value chain from the time
of manufacture to the time of consumer use and sometimes days or months
depending on the product. Therefore, knowing the value chain of the product, it
allows neuromarketing concepts apply to each point of the value chain in order to
increase product value compared to the competition. This makes it practical to use
the tools of neuromarketing at the time of counseling. Achieving best practice
application (Valencia, 2013).
Neuro-P and Neuro-O in Maps and Marketing Plans
All market strategy has developing a market plan or map. Throughout history it has
been made with the implementation of production 4Ps and service 4Ps, to talk
about marketing 8PS. Because of the involvement of neuromarketing in multiple
areas of consumer behavior, right now there how to apply techniques of
neuromarketing to each 8PS marketing. That is called by the author as the “Neuro-
P”. Neuro-P was applied at 8 Ps of marketing to the “Nutritional Complements IN”
currently in Colombia:
1. Product: Product advantages were highlighted as being a substance made by
doctors and nutritionists, based on knowledge of what the patient really needed.
Unlike pre mixtures made by chemical. This generated more confidence and security
(a reptilian activator) on the consumer.
2. Price: A non-existing formula was developed in Colombia. This allowed the
activation of the insula. Never the product may be more expensive than the
3. Place: Different presentations were made for each consumer, allowing the space
to adapt to consumer buying: hospitals, pharmacies, supermarkets, neighborhood
stores. It giving comfort to the consumer. Consumption of the native, a reptilian
activator family, inheritance and shelter are highlighted. “Colombians for
4. Advertising: Advertising P is where most people believe to be applied
neuromarketing, but only a part. Advertising different for each type of product and
in ascending order, direct marketing, mouth to mouth and Facebook to Facebook

by high dopamine release in nucleus Acumbens, sense of belonging to throw the
nutritionists as leaders of patient management, etc.
5. People: Leadership to nutritionists to manage and no doctors allowed the
counter product without requiring registration of medicine in the country. I give
him a tool to nutritionists to do what they do. They are able to activate the
Reptilians recognition, control and order. Approvals were achieved by associations
of clinical nutrition and nutrition scholars in universities.
6. Productivity: It is teaching the concept of “IPT: IN for All”. Being able to develop
a product that is consumption in all conditions of price, quality, quantity, and
consumer acceptance from 1 year to 100 years. Through donations to religious
communities in order to improve the nutrition of households helped by God. This
concept of IPT helped by God creates an activation of the caudate nucleus.
7. Processes: The use of the CRM (Consumer Relationship Management) is
emphasized, from the time of release in the Colombian Association of Nutritionists
and Dieticians (ACODIN).
8. Presentation: Slowly he is working to create rituals “IN”, days of “IN, hours of”
IN “and the latter has been more successful in older adults.

Because of the involvement of neuromarketing in multiple areas of consumer

behavior, right now there how to apply techniques of neuromarketing to each 6Os
marketing. That is called by the author as the “Neuro-O”. Neuro-O was applied at
6Os of marketing to the “Nutritional Complement IN” currently in Colombia:
1. Occupation: Who are they and what do they do, they are the users or consumers.
Children, adolescents, elderly, patients, athletes and dieters
2. Objectives: With what objective consumers buy. For people children, women,
elderly, hospital patients and intensive care and athletes in gyms.
3. Occasions: When consumers buy. To study, test taking, to improve intellectual
performance, every day after 55 years in intensive care units and after major surgery
and in addition to their daily performance
4. Organization: Who or those involved in the purchase. Son, mother,
grandmother, active adult, the dietitian, the patient, the athlete and co-gyms.
5. Purpose: With that purpose, reason or because consumers buy. Improve quality
of life, restore quality of life, to improve brain and muscle function, and better
nutrition of the cell.
6. Operation: As consumers buy. According to social stratum, pharmacy,
supermarket, neighborhood, school restaurants, donations and homes for the
elderly, hospitals and suppliers, etc., (Valencia, 2013).

For many marketers this is called segmentation, but for the group from Colombia, is
called neuromarketing neurosegmentacion of 6Os or Neuro-O and Neuro-P. In all
that that word can be applied neuromarketing strategy, this must be included in a
“Map of Neuromarketing”.


In the 10 steps the recommendations of a study of neuromarketing for companies is

The business group from Colombia, in its neurosensory areas, developing a project
“Implementation of Neuromarketing step to your company or your product.” In
counseling, group activities not only develops sensorineural graduates
neuromarketing 36 hours based on the structure of the chapter and processing
workshops, but also consulting projects as “Neuromarketing Step by Step (NSS)”.
The Colombian Group, unlike many other schemes, does not apply neuromarketing
in general for all. The NSS is based on:
STEP 1: Meeting of the expert analysis in 8 emotions and senses, with different areas
of the company: research and development, marketing, general management, etc.
STEP 2: Make a choice of where to direct in approach measurements. This step
establishes that measure, and technical use.
STEP 3: After Neurosegmentacion new product after included within the value chain
of the company, a proposal for the use of Neuro-P and Neuro-O arises, in order to
plan research statistics to make the number of individuals to be used in obtaining the
results of measurements of neuromarketing. Based on the size of this step begins to
establish the cost of the study.

It is in this step 3 in which the sessions Insight detection and imprints of the product
Session Time 1: From 9:00 to 9:50 hours (14:00 to 14:50 hours when it is in the
afternoon): the persons selected to detect Insight them were together in one room
and they offered a glass of red wine. According culture may be some other type of
liquor to trigger a blockage of the cerebral cortex. They enter the room and write
and discuss their thoughts in a sitting position. Absolutely everything must be
recorded and registered.
Session Time 2: From 10:00 to 10:50 hours (15:00 to 15:50 hours when it is in the
afternoon): people selected for detecting Insight them were together in the same
lounge rested after 10 minutes, there was offered cheese and offered a second glass
of red wine. According culture may be some other type of liquor to trigger a
blockage of the cerebral cortex. They enter the room and write and discuss their

thoughts in a sitting position on the floor in relaxing cushions. Absolutely everything
must be recorded and registered.
Session Time 3: From 11:00 to 11:50 hours (16:00 to 16:50 hours when it is in the
afternoon): people selected for detecting Insight them were together in the same
lounge rested after 10 minutes, there was offered cheese and offered a third glass of
red wine. According culture may be some other type of liquor to trigger a blockage
of the cerebral cortex. They enter the room and write and discuss their thoughts in
position lying on comfortable beds and doing relaxing yoga breathing or abdominal
breathing. Supervised by an expert in yoga and relaxation. Absolutely everything
must be recorded and registered.
STEP 4: Proposal and neuromapa explained to the group that the company will
participate in the advice and support. General management and domestic
consumers are invited. This proposal explains what is to be used for:
Areas of the brain that will be activated.
Measurement tools will be used and why (MRI, EEG, Emotive, Neurosky, etc.).
Define if the eye track is required in neuromapa.
Apply concepts of neuro-in price decision with the group finance company.
Define whether it was possible to establish the new “Neurovalor” in the value chain
of the product.
Explain how it is adapted Neuro-P and Neuro-O to the value chain.
Explain if the product requires neurosegmentacion gender (male, female and gender
Explain if the product requires a child neurosegmentacion: application of
neuromarketing child is completely different from adult conditions.
Explain if the product can be branded 5D, 8D brand or rituals (4Rs).
Define whether you can apply Neuroventa training for the group of sellers of the
Explain whether the plan can activate pathways to achieve activation of the cortex
purchase demonstrated in neuromarketing.
STEP 5: Making Measurements (time ranges from 2-4 months depending on the
number of people selected to be measured, based on the budget of neuromarketing
STEP 6: Statistical analysis of measurements (the time required is 1 to 3 months).

STEP 7: Application of neuromarketing study results to the company, show how to
apply the codes and Insight you.
STEP 8: Solve doubts during execution within the company or product
STEP 9: Apply concepts of statistics applied to business to generate information to
measure planned.
STEP 10: Corroborating with the general management results obtained six months
or a year after starting the implementation of the findings of neuromarketing.


Future advances in neuromarketing are aimed at more scientific concepts in 10

topics of major importance. Those ten subjects were divided into five main areas:

New knowledge related to the brain's response to different genders consumers and
neuromarketing child (infant, preschool, school and adolescent) (Lindstrom, 2006).
Concepts such as the brain feels in pregnancy and the different changes in the
evolution of growth in utero be addressed, up to 3 current sexual genders.

1. Scientists new ways to classify the marketing skills should be well structured to
continue talking about the concepts presented already by Martin Lindstrom since
2005. Martin writes in his book “Brand Sense” new marketing skills and knowledge
brain, concepts such as:

“Sensory Brand Management (SBM)” rather Brand Management

“Sensogram” not marketing proposal.

“Constitution of the brand” and not Graphic identity.

“Tearing apart their extensions” and no Market Opinion.

“Sensory Test links” and not test product (Lindstrom, 2005).

2. In addition to each of these areas new terms called “Pentadimencional Brand or

Mark 5D”, “Brand Octadimencional or 8D Brand”, “NeuroMerchandising”,
“NeuroBrand” and “Brand Recall” arises. Some topics derived from the above
concepts. With a scientific approach to these concepts neuromarketing, these topics
will the classrooms of universities as well-founded concepts rather than simple
marketing cultural change (Figure 7). As explained above, for the author, as trained

in the development of administrative and medical technology person, he has
worked under the concept of “Brand Octadimensional or Brand 8D” based on the
senses handled by the staff of the medical sciences (Figure 8).

Figure 7. Pentadimencional brand (Brand 5D) (Lindstrom, 2005)

Figure 8. Octadimensional brand (Brand 8D) (Author).

3. Knowledge related to developments in fMRI of the different pathways involved

in the concept of “Buy Button”. There are many scientific approaches to explain this
and also how to make it more convenient for readers. The purchase decision is part
of one of the tracks on and off discovered in the brain, which allows you to give a
more scientific neuromarketing approach (Hubert & Kenning, 2005), (Deppe et al.,
4. Similarly, marketing experts have been adapting the concepts of neuromarketing
to a more practical way called “Neuromarketing Maps” in order to have more
successful outcomes when advising companies (Renvoise & Morin, 2007).

5. A good scientific knowledge really acquired enough respect for the common
people and scientists, when knowledge is evaluated, as clearly as possible.
Therefore, the end of neuromarketing is not like applying it, this is just the
beginning of three concepts that require further expansion:
- How do we show that neuromarketing is working to companies? Are there
replicable techniques for all?
- When brain waves and neuromarketing measurements are not applicable to a
product? Are there any medical limitations, psychiatric, psychological,
pharmacological, etc.?
- Do we need to norms and ethics (“neuroethics”) for regulations on
neuromarketing? Can the human brain be manipulated by neuromarketing?

- Only future research will give clarity and light to the new processes to be followed
in marketing departments, or rather, “Neuromarketing.”

Just highlight the importance of what has been said in the chapter. Not only because
of the significance of the issue, but on the scientific component having.
Neuromarketing entered the social marketing as a very credible way to use. Also as
a scientific explanation of marketing still little understood by most, and as a fashion
for the vast majority do not know that this can be real. Likewise, people thought
neuromarketing was brainwaves. This damages the credibility of many have wanted
to do but even without understanding why. Others wanted to talk about different
components of the item. Topics as if it really were neuromarketing, which is why
there are books of topics such as “Neuro Linguistic Programming” (NLP), or
development of “Insight” or creating “Imprints” or developing techniques for
decision making ” Neuro-economy “or started using measurements of brain without
understanding how to make them. But really all are components of a universe of

When scientists actually entered the task to be understood by marketers, for MBA
(Master Business Administration), general managers, the general public and all those
interested in marketing, from some point of view, things come changing.
Neuromarketing as a scientific demonstrably cheaper more affordable to the small
business owner who also want to be at the forefront of developments in the
marketing, allows them to be in the top marketing tools, applications,

Likewise, academia even not want to change, still has fear and afraid to talk about
neuromarketing in the classroom, shared by many reasons explained above and for

use in the general population. However, and for some it is impossible to see the
marketing of a company without the sensory components. Quite possibly for future
generations, marketing classes will have an area called “Neuromarketing”.


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Médico de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana.
Anestesiólogo de la Universidad de Antioquia.
Subespecialistas en Medicina Critica de la Universidad de Antioquia.
Diploma europeo de Medicina Crítica (EDIC), titulo convalidado en U de A.
Médico del Colegio Médico de Madrid, España.
Intensivista General y de Trasplantes de la Fundación Santafé de Bogotá y el
Freeman Hospital, Newcastle, Inglaterra.
Fellow Clinical Research Metabolisim (FCRM), School of Biological and Molecular
Science, Oxford Brookes University. Oxford, Inglaterra.
Maestría Investigativa (Epidemiólogo), Universidad CES, Medellín.
Anestesiólogo, Clínica Saludcoop Medellín, Colombia
Intensivista, Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Coronarios y Del programa de Cirugía
de Corazón, Clínica SaludCoop, Medellín.
Intensivista, Clínica CES, Medellín

MBA (Maestría en Administración de Negocios), Universidad de EAFIT. Énfasis en

Gerencia de Proyectos,
Diplomado Alta Gerencia, Politécnico de Colombia, Agosto, 2016.
Diplomado Administración de Empresas de Salud, Politécnico de Colombia, Agosto,
Diplomado Control de Calidad en Salud, Politécnico de Colombia, Septiembre,
Diplomado Gerencia del Talento Humano, Politécnico de Colombia, Septiembre,

Diplomado en Finanzas, Politécnico de Colombia, Octubre, 2016.
Diplomado en Educación Basada en Competencias, Politécnico de Colombia,
Octubre, 2016.
Diplomado en Gestión del Conocimiento Educativo. Politécnico de Colombia,
Octubre, 2016.
Diplomado en Evaluación de Procesos de Educación, Politécnico de Colombia,
Octubre, 2016.
Curso de Mercados Financieros (Financial Market), Universidad de Yale, Octubre,
Neurofeedback Training (NFB), Instituto de Psicotecnologia, Medellín. Colombia,
Sur América.
Neurofeedback en el Grupo de Recuperación Nutricional Integral (RNI), consultorio
1103, Intermedica, Medellín y EEG de deterioro cognitivo.
Gerente General CICRET EA,
Investigador asociado EEG Emocional y EEG de NeuroAdministracion,
Neuroeconomia y Neuromarketing, Laboratorio EEG, Escuela Administración,
Universidad EAFIT, 2015
Asesor en investigación del protocolo para la medición de ondas
electroencefalograficas (EEG) para medición de Liderazgo en NeuroAdministracion y
el proyecto de Investigación de ondas cerebrales en Neuroventas con el Dr. Gabriel
Jaime Soto (Jefe de entrenamiento en ventas de EAFIT) y el Dr. Francisco López (Ex
decano de Escuela de Administración), en la Universidad de EAFIT, 2015.
Estudiante Day Trading Academy (DTA), Abril 2016

Maestría Historia del Arte (MHA), American Andrago gy University (AAU).

Estudiante de Doctorado en Historia del Arte (PhD Student) con Interpretación
Neuropsicológica del Arte, American Andragogy University (AAU)
Artista Plástico, escuela privada de pintura de óleo y acrílico
Arte y Marketing, NODE Center, Berlin, Germany, Mayo 2016.
Estudiante Profesionalización del Artista Plástico, NODE Center, Berlín, Germany,

Asesoría en análisis de información en costos de la atención en Metrosalud, 2012,

para la toma de decisiones gerenciales.
Asesoría en la instalación y montaje de 7 proyectos de unidades de cuidados
intensivos del país.
Con participación en 34 presentaciones nacionales e internacionales, participo en
Asomercadeo 2012 y Expomarketing 2012 y Expomarketing 2013, con 33
publicaciones nacionales, 23 publicaciones internacionales en full text, 34
publicaciones de abstract internacionales y cuenta con la elaboración de un libro en
del área medica de cuidados intensivos. Tesis de Respuesta al cambio, 2012.

Dictó el Diplomado de Neuromarketing en Centro comercial Monterrey 2013 y el
Diplomado de Neuromarketing en Centro comercial Premium Plaza, 2013, bajo
patrocinio de Escuela de Administración Esumer.
Elaboración del Lanzamiento Neuromarketing Pentadimencional del Complemento
Nutricional “IN”, ACODIN, Cali, noviembre, 2013.
Elaboración del Mapa de Neuromarketing del Complemento Nutricional “IN”,
Medellín, 2014


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