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investigation of the relation between

Science and Society
physical activity and cognition began in
the 1930s. Evidence for a relationship
Be smart, exercise your heart: between physical conditioning and faster
reaction time was observed during the next
exercise effects on brain and several decades11–13 (although some studies
indicated no such relationship14). The first
cognition systematic examination of this relation-
ship began in the 1970s, with findings
indicating that older adults who regularly
Charles H. Hillman, Kirk I. Erickson and Arthur F. Kramer participated in physical activity had faster
psychomotor speed, relative to their sed-
Abstract | An emerging body of multidisciplinary literature has documented the entary counterparts, on simple and choice
beneficial influence of physical activity engendered through aerobic exercise on reaction-time tests. Interestingly, no such
selective aspects of brain function. Human and non-human animal studies have relationship was observed in comparable
shown that aerobic exercise can improve a number of aspects of cognition and groups of younger adults15–18, suggesting
that the benefits of physical activity on
performance. Lack of physical activity, particularly among children in the developed
cognition were specific to older adults (see
world, is one of the major causes of obesity. Exercise might not only help to improve REF. 19 for a review). With recent technical
their physical health, but might also improve their academic performance. This advancements, contemporary research
article examines the positive effects of aerobic physical activity on cognition and has sought to understand the mechanisms
brain function, at the molecular, cellular, systems and behavioural levels. A growing that underlie the influence of exercise
participation on cognition.
number of studies support the idea that physical exercise is a lifestyle factor that
Here we describe the latest research,
might lead to increased physical and mental health throughout life. in both humans and non-human animals,
on the relationship between physical
Participation in physical activity has been in the year 2000 (Ref. 7). Canadian estimates activity (primarily aerobic exercise) and
associated with the reduction of a number concur, as 2.5% (or $2.1 billion) of the total cognition. The research with humans has
of physical (for example, cardiovascular direct healthcare costs for the year 1999 were mostly focused on the effects of exercise
disease, colon and breast cancer, and obes- related to physical inactivity 8. on cognitive processes, as assessed with
ity) and mental (for example, depression In addition to the physical and economic paper-and-pencil and computer-based tests.
and anxiety) disorders across the adult impact of physical inactivity, a growing body However, neuroimaging techniques, such as
lifespan1. Despite mounting evidence for of literature has linked physical activity with event-related brain potentials (ERP) and struc-
the importance of physical activity, 74% of improvements in brain function and cogni- tural and functional MRI, are also being
adults in the United States do not meet the tion. Animal research has long shown that used to examine the link between exercise
recommended guideline of at least 30 min- enriched environments, including access to and cognition. Non-human animal research
utes of moderate-intensity physical activity exercise equipment (such as running wheels), takes this investigation one step further,
on most days of the week1,2. Recent evidence has a positive effect on neuronal growth and revealing some of the molecular and cellular
further indicates that children are growing on the neural systems that are involved in changes that occur in the brain following
increasingly sedentary and unfit, and that learning and memory, indicating that physi- exercise training. The findings we describe
these lifestyle factors are related to an earlier cally active behaviours influence cognitive could have important implications for future
onset of several chronic diseases (such as function and the supporting brain struc- healthcare and education policies.
type II diabetes and obesity), which typically tures9. A similar perspective has emerged
do not emerge before adulthood3. As a result, in human research10; with recent advances in Human research
recent estimates have indicated that younger neuroimaging techniques showing that Physical activity effects on cognition during
generations, for the first time in United States exercise leads to evident changes in brain childhood and young adulthood. Despite
history, might live less healthy lives than their structure and function. These findings the fact that children in industrialized
parents4–5. The economic cost of this seden- allow for a better understanding of the countries are growing increasingly unfit and
tary lifestyle is enormous in both developed implications of specific lifestyle factors for unhealthy owing, in part, to the comforts of
and developing countries, with estimates cognitive health. technological advancements, the investiga-
indicating that inactivity was associated with Although the roots of a mind–body tion of the effects of physical activity on
2.4% of healthcare expenditures in 1995 connection can be traced back to at least cognitive health during development has
(Ref. 6) and ~US$76 billion in medical costs the ancient Greek civilization, the scientific received surprisingly little attention. In

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Pedro Henrique
- CPF:
Nature 026.498.730-60
Publishing Group

fact, only a handful of studies using true Box 1 | Physical activity and academic performance in school-age children
experimental designs exist in the literature
and, arguably, these studies have done Recently, owing to the increasing importance placed on standardized testing, many schools in the
little to advance our understanding of the United States have reduced or eliminated physical education (PE) requirements, in an effort to
increase students’ academic performance. However, no empirical evidence exists to suggest that
mechanisms by which exercise influences
the elimination of non-academic programmes (such as PE) is related to higher academic
brain function and cognition. A recent achievement. In fact, empirical evidence suggests otherwise. Aerobic fitness has a small but
meta-analysis determined a positive relation positive relation to academic achievement, whereas body mass index (BMI) has a negative
between physical activity and cognitive relation23. Recent studies have indicated that achievement in standardized tests of mathematics
performance in school-age children (aged (the left-hand graph in the figure) and reading (the right-hand graph in the figure) was positively
4–18 years) in eight measurement categories related to physical fitness scores, measured using the progressive aerobic cardiovascular
(perceptual skills, intelligence quotient, endurance run (PACER) test (a 20 metre shuttle run that increases in difficulty and is considered a
achievement, verbal tests, mathematic tests, field test of aerobic capacity), in school-age children88. This relationship was selective to aerobic
memory, developmental level/academic fitness, as muscle strength and flexibility fitness were unrelated to academic achievement23.
readiness and other). A beneficial relation- Similarly, beneficial relationships have been observed between physical activity and other
measures of academic performance, such as academic grades in the classroom24,89–90.
ship was found for all categories, with the
Relevant neural networks have been identified for component processes that might be involved in
exception of memory, which was unrelated mathematics and reading performance (see the lower two panels of the figure). Research that
to physical activity behaviour20, and for examined the functional neuroanatomy of reading comprehension revealed an activation of the
all age groups (although it was stronger prefrontal cortex (PFC) and parietal/posterior cingulate cortex (PCC)91. Likewise, mathematical
for children in the age ranges of 4–7 and calculations and numerical magnitude processing have been linked to bilateral regions of the
11–13 years, compared with the age ranges intraparietal sulcus in children and adults92–94. However, children also recruit the right dorsolateral
of 8–10 and 14–18 years)20. The effect size prefrontal cortex92,94. Given that both mathematics and reading elicit activation in the frontoparietal
(ES) observed by Sibley and Etnier20 in their network, there is a sound basis for examining these structures in relation to academic performance.
meta-analysis was 0.32 (standard deviation As fitness has also been related to the frontoparietal network48,53,55, it would follow that children
= 0.27), which is similar to that which was might derive benefits in school performance from increased participation in physical activity.
Finally, a few studies have indicated that physical activity is unrelated to academic performance.
observed in a meta-analysis of the effects of
For example, a study that relied on the self-reported teacher perception of students’ physical activity
physical activity on cognition (ES = 0.25) did not find a relation with academic performance22. However, another study95 reported that pupils
across the lifespan (6–90 years)21. These who engaged in vigorous physical activity performed better in school than those that performed
findings suggest that although physical moderate or no physical activity. Sallis et al.96 observed a trend for improved achievement test scores
activity might be beneficial at all stages of following physical activity, but the relationship might have been blunted because the school district
life, early intervention might be important examined was one with historically high test scores. Collectively these data indicate that, at the very
for the improvement and/or maintenance of least, time spent in physical activity programmes does not hinder academic performance, and it
cognitive health and function throughout might indeed improve performance. Given the positive health benefits that are derived from
the adult lifespan. physical activity, these studies support PE as an important component of children’s health and
Recently, research efforts have focused wellbeing. Bottom panels adapted from REF. 97  (1996) Appleton & Lange.
on the relation between physical activity and
200 200
the academic performance of school-age
Mathematics achievement

children (BOX 1). Several studies have sug-

Reading achievement

180 180
gested that participation in physical activity
160 160
has either a positive relation or is unrelated
to academic performance, with differences 140 140
across studies probably reflecting the tech-
niques that were used to assess behaviour 120 120
and/or the aspects of scholastic aptitude y = 150.44 + 0.68906x R2 = 0.232 y = 150.64 + 0.57422x R2 = 0.160
100 100
that were measured (achievement testing, 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
grade-point average and academic records, Aerobic capacity Aerobic capacity
for example)22–24. Regardless of the measure,
Intraparietal PFC PCC
these studies indicated that an increase in sulcus
the amount of time dedicated towards physi-
cal health-based activities (such as physical
education) is not accompanied by a decline
in academic performance. The implications
of these findings are important for promot-
ing better physical health, without the loss
of other educational benefits, in school-age
Similar to the situation with children,
there is a dearth of research on exercise–
cognition effects in young adults. Although
exceptions exist, especially with regards to
acute exercise effects on cognition25–26 (see
REF. 27 for a review), most research has used

Nature Reviews | Neuroscience

nature reviews | neuroscience volume 9 | january 2008 | 59
Pedro Henrique
- CPF:
Nature 026.498.730-60
Publishing Group

0.8 into a pool-based aerobic exercise group or a

Control wait-list control. All participants were tested
0.7 with a series of single and dual auditory and
visual discrimination tasks both before and
after the 10-week intervention. Participants
0.5 in the aerobic training programme, but not
those in the control group, showed signifi-
Effect size

0.4 cant improvement in dual-task performance

over the 10-week period. Improvements in
0.3 single-task performance were equivalent for
the two groups.
Although a number of intervention
studies have found improvements in
performance on cognitive tasks for aerobi-
0 cally trained but not control subjects, other
Executive Controlled Spatial Speed studies have found equivalent performance
Task type improvements for both aerobic and control
subjects across cognitive tests. Given that the
Figure 1 | Meta-analytic findings of exercise-training effects on cognition in older adults. The number of randomized intervention trials
Nature Reviews | Neuroscience
results of a meta-analysis of the effects of fitness training on cognition showed that the benefits of
that have examined fitness training effects
fitness training on four different cognitive tasks were significant. As illustrated in the figure, fitness
training has both broad and specific effects. The effects are broad in the sense that individuals in
on cognition is relatively small, and that
aerobic fitness training groups (represented by the red bars) showed larger fitness training effects the particulars of these studies were varied,
across the different categories of cognitive processes illustrated on the x-axis. They are specific in the there are a number of factors that might be
sense that fitness training effects were larger for some cognitive processes, in particular executive responsible for the mixed pattern of results.
control processes, than for other cognitive processes. Figure reproduced, with permission, from REF. 32 Some of these factors include: the cognitive
 (2003) Blackwell Publishers. processes examined; the length, intensity
and type of exercise programme; the age
range, health and education of participants;
younger adults merely for the purpose of Physical-activity effects on cognition and the manner in which fitness improve-
comparison with older adults, to provide during older adulthood. The study of ments were measured. Fortunately, a few
a basis for age-related deficits in cognitive exercise and cognition with older adults meta-analyses have been conducted in
function and to better understand the pro- dates back several decades. Recently the recent years to determine first whether the
phylactic or ameliorative effects of chronic exercise–cognition relation in older adults fitness–cognition effect is robust across
physical activity participation on cognitive has been strengthened by the observation, the literature and second which factors
ageing. One obvious reason for this paucity in prospective epidemiological studies, might moderate this relation32–34. Several
of literature is that cognitive health peaks that there are a number of lifestyle factors important results have been obtained from
during young adulthood28, suggesting that — including intellectual engagement, social these meta-analyses, which examined par-
there is little room for exercise-related interaction, diet and physical activity — that tially overlapping sets of studies. First, and
improvement to cognitive function dur- are associated with the maintenance of perhaps most importantly, the effect size in
ing this period of the lifespan. However, cognitive function and a reduction in risk for each meta-analysis was significant. That is,
recent trends indicating a declining health age-associated neurodegenerative disorders, in all studies, physical activity had a positive
status among children3 suggests that future such as Alzheimer’s disease and vascular effect on cognition. Second, a significant
research should extend to periods of the dementia9,29–30. relationship between physical activity train-
lifespan that are characterized by peak A small but growing number of rand- ing and improved cognition was obtained
cognitive health. omized intervention studies have examined for both normal adults and patients with
There is a small body of literature that whether fitness training has a positive effect early signs of Alzheimer’s disease, in which
examines neurophysiological indices of on different aspects of perception and cogni- memory or cognitive ability was mildly
the benefits of chronic physical activity tion in older adults. These studies generally impaired32–34. Thus, it appears that physical
participation on cognitive function in enrol healthy but sedentary adults between activity can have a positive effect on a wide
young adults; however, the vast majority the ages of 60 and 85 years and ask them range of cognitive functions. Several other
of this research is focused on cognitive to participate in an exercise regime several moderator variables were also revealed32. As
ageing (see below). Future research in times per week over the course of several indicated in FIG. 1, physical-activity training
this area needs to continue to build the months to several years. Cognition and appears to have both broad and specific
physical activity–cognition literature base, fitness is assessed before and after the inter- cognitive effects: broad in the sense that
similar to that for older adults and, if it vention. The central question is whether various different cognitive processes benefit
is to have societal implications, it should individuals who participate in an aerobic from exercise participation, and specific in
also focus on bridging the gap between training regime show larger gains in cogni- the sense that the effects on some cognitive
the basic mechanisms that underlie the tion than wait-list control subjects or control processes, especially executive control proc-
effects of exercise on the brain and applied subjects who participate in non-aerobic esses (which include scheduling, planning,
aspects of cognition related to classroom regimes, such as toning and stretching. In working memory, multi-tasking and dealing
and job performance. one example31, older adults were randomized with ambiguity), are disproportionately

60 | january 2008 | volume 9

Pedro Henrique
- CPF:
Nature 026.498.730-60
Publishing Group

larger. This is particularly interesting as component appears to be generated by a

executive control processes, and the brain network of neural structures, including the
regions that support them (chiefly the frontal lobe, the anterior cingulate cortex Aerobic fitness
The maximal capacity of the cardiorespiratory system
prefrontal cortex), show substantial age- (ACC), the infero-temporal lobe and the
to take up and use oxygen.
related deterioration — the findings suggest parietal cortex, that are involved in cognitive
that even processes that display substantial operations, including stimulus processing Behavioural conflict
age-related change are amenable to interven- and memory updating47. Consistent and The indecision that arises when multiple conflicting
tion. Additionally, the relationship between robust findings have emerged: larger ampli- responses can be elicited in response to a stimulus.

physical activity training and cognition was tude and shorter latency P3s are observed Dipole modelling
also influenced by programme duration, age, across a variety of cognitive tasks in indi- A method to determine the location of the sources that
gender35 and type32. viduals with high aerobic fitness compared underlie the responses measured in an electro­
In summary, although there are a mul- with unfit individuals. These results indicate encephalographic experiment. It provides an estimate of
the location, orientation and strength of the source as a
titude of unanswered questions regarding that greater amounts of physical activity
function of time after the stimulus was presented.
physical activity and cognition in older or aerobic fitness are generally beneficial
adults, there is evidence of a relationship to cognitive processes that are related to Error-related negativity
between fitness training and improvements the allocation of attentional resources and (ERN). A negative deflection in a response-locked ERP that
in various aspects of cognition across a faster cognitive processing during stimulus reflects neural correlates of action monitoring that is
associated with the evaluation of conflict.
broad range of ages. Collectively, the find- encoding. In agreement with these findings,
ings suggest that physical activity is benefi- functional MRI (fMRI)48 and behavioural49–50 Event-related brain potential
cial across the human lifespan. However, the data show a physical activity-related modu- (ERP). A time-locked index of neuroelectrical activation
mechanisms that underlie this relationship lation that is disproportionately larger for that is associated with specific cognitive processes.

are unclear and might differ during develop- task components that necessitate greater
Executive control
ment and ageing, as the brains of children amounts of executive control49. Computational processes involved in the selection,
are still developing and undergoing organi- More recently, neurophysiological scheduling and coordination of complex cognitive functions.
zation whereas the brains of adults are not. research has focused on response-monitoring
Physical activity during childhood might processes elicited by the evaluation of con- Exercise
Repetitive and planned physical activity with the goal of
encourage optimal cortical development, flict during instances of erroneous action. maintaining or improving physical fitness.
promoting lasting changes in brain structure Specifically, smaller error-related negativity
and function. Future research should address (ERN) amplitude following error com- P3
whether the mechanisms that support the mission has been observed in more active A positive deflection in a stimulus-locked ERP that reflects
changes in the neural representation of the stimulus
physical activity–cognition relationship are older adults51 and fit young adults than in
environment and is proportional to the amount of attention
different in children and adults. unfit individuals of similar age26. Given that that is required to encode a given stimulus (amplitude) as
source-localization techniques, such as dipole well as the speed of stimulus evaluation (latency).
Neuroimaging studies of physical activity modelling52, have localized the generation
in humans. Neurophysiological studies of the ERN to the caudal portion of the Physical activity
Bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles with the
have revealed differences in cognitive ACC, these findings corroborate previous expenditure of energy.
function that are related to physical activity fMRI research that showed reduced activa-
behaviour. Examination of baseline spectral tion of the ACC in fit older adults during Top-down control
frequency distributions of electroencephalo- participation in tasks that required variable Refers to an individual’s ability to selectively process
information in the environment. Top-down control relies on
grams (EEGs) has revealed increased activa- amounts of executive control relative to unfit
an observer’s expectancies about events in the
tion in the theta (4–8 Hz), alpha (8–13 Hz) individuals48 (BOX 2). The implication of these environment, knowledge of and experience with similar
and beta (13–20 Hz) spectral bands, and findings is that greater amounts of physical environments, and the ability to develop and maintain an
higher mean frequency in the delta (0.25–4 activity and/or fitness might be associated attentional set for particular kinds of environmental events.
Hz), theta and beta bands in more active or with a reduction in task-related response
aerobically fit individuals36–39. These findings conflict owing to increased top-down control REFS 54,55). Such increases in brain volume
suggest that physical activity influences during task execution. Physical activity- have previously been shown to be predictive
baseline electrocortical function and, thus, related influences on task performance are of performance in older adults35,55.
that it might affect cognitive operations. further observed through the regulation Aerobic fitness training has also been
Support for this influence is garnered from of top-down control, as more active and fit found to induce changes in patterns of
the finding that inter-individual variability individuals exhibit longer reaction times on functional activation using fMRI. For
in spectral frequency activation is related to trials following erroneous action26,51. example, older adults who participated
individual variations in the P3 component MRI has also been used to examine the in a walking intervention over a 6‑month
of the ERP40–41, which has been found to be effects of fitness on cognition. For example, period showed increases in activation in the
especially sensitive to changes in physical in cross-sectional comparisons between middle frontal gyrus and superior parietal
activity participation and aerobic fitness. individuals with high and low levels of cortex and decreases in activation in the
Research conducted over the past two fitness and aerobic fitness training studies, ACC, relative to a non-aerobic toning and
decades has described both aerobic fitness- Colcombe and colleagues48,53 found that stretching control group48. These changes
and physical activity-related differences higher levels of fitness and fitness improve- in patterns of fMRI activation were related
in the amplitude and latency of the P3 ments were related to larger volumes of to significant and substantial improvements
component in pre-adolescent children42, prefrontal and temporal grey matter, as in the performance of a selective-attention
young adults43–44 and older adults37,45–46. This well as anterior white matter (see also task. More recently, increases in measures

nature reviews | neuroscience volume 9 | january 2008 | 61

Pedro Henrique
- CPF:
Nature 026.498.730-60
Publishing Group

Box 2 | Physical activity and the anterior cingulate cortex

Physical activity has been found to enhance
cognition, with a selectively larger effect on MFG
executive control functions compared with
other cognitive processes32,50,98. Accordingly,
brain structures that mediate executive
functions would be expected to show
disproportionate changes as a result of
participation in physical activity. One such
structure is the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC),
which is part of the brain’s limbic system and
has connections with multiple brain structures
that process sensory, motor, emotional and SPL Z = 23 SPL Z = 52 X=4
cognitive information99. Two convergent lines
of research indicate that physical activity Higher-fit error
exerts a substantial influence on the ACC and the concomitant executive processes that it mediates. Higher-fit correct
Neuroimaging research that examined the effects of changes in fitness on the ACC found that Lower-fit error
aerobically trained older adults exhibited a reduction in activation (see figure, top panels), with a Lower-fit correct
concomitant decrease in behavioural conflict, during a task that required variable amounts of –6
executive control, relative to untrained individuals48. Furthermore, increased activation of the dorsal
prefrontal and parietal brain regions involved with task-related inhibitory functioning was –4
observed48, suggesting an increased ability of the frontal attentional network to bias task-relevant
activation in the posterior cortex48. –2
These findings are supported by neurophysiological and task-performance data26,51, which
demonstrated a reduction in error-related negativity (ERN) amplitude52; an event-related brain 0

Amplitude (µV)
potential (ERP) component with its primary neural generator in the caudal ACC (see figure, bottom
panel) . This reduction in the ERN amplitude was associated with greater regulation of behavioural 2
responses for physically active younger and older adults compared with inactive individuals. These
findings suggest an improvement in task performance in aerobically active individuals through a 4
reduction in conflict-related activation of action monitoring processes, resulting in a more efficient
neurophysiological profile. Collectively, convergent evidence supports the view that higher levels of
physical activity correlate with increased top-down control, which could be mediated through more
efficient activation of the ACC, resulting in better performance during tasks requiring executive
control. MFG, middle frontal gyrus; SPL, superior parietal lobule. Coordinates for the locations of 10
the clusters are given in Montreal Neurological Institute space. Top panel reproduced, with –200 –100 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
permission, from REF. 48  (2004) National Academy of Sciences. Bottom panel reproduced, Time (ms)
with permission, from REF. 26  (2006) Elsevier Science.

Nature Reviews | Neuroscience

of cerebral blood volume (CBV) in the can directly examine the cellular and pups with mothers that had carried out aero-
dentate gyrus of the hippocampus were molecular cascades that are triggered by bic exercise during the gestational period of
observed in a small group of middle aged exercise, which in humans can only be indi- the pregnancy exhibited a greater number
participants in a 3‑month fitness training rectly examined and inferred. Additionally, of surviving cells in the hippocampus than
study56. The increases in CBV were associ- investigating the effect of exercise in non- pups born from sedentary mothers63–64.
ated with improvements in verbal learning human animal populations has the benefit The functional significance of hippocampal
and memory and cardiorespiratory fitness. of markedly reducing some of the inherent neurogenesis and the survival of the new neu-
The regional specificity of the CBV changes confounding variables that are often rons is a source of great controversy, but the
are particularly interesting, given previous present in human studies (for example, behavioural performance improvements that
demonstrations of neurogenesis in the lack of adherence to treatment protocols, are associated with exercise treatments sug-
dentate gyrus57–59 as well as the association and covariation with other lifestyle factors, gest that these newborn cells might facilitate
between increased CBV and neurogenesis such as social interaction and diet with an learning and memory. Furthermore, demen-
in mice56. CBV changes in the hippocampus exercise intervention) while also providing tias such as Alzheimer’s disease are character-
might serve as a biomarker for neurogenesis a translational and cross-species approach ized by a marked reduction in the number of
in humans. to studying exercise-induced neural and neurons in the hippocampus, which might be
cognitive plasticity. alleviated, in part, by increased neurogenesis
Non-human animal research An increase in cell proliferation and cell resulting from aerobic activity.
Research on humans has demonstrated survival in the dentate gyrus of the hip- The proliferation of new cells in the
improved cognitive performance as a result pocampus is one of the most consistently brain is accompanied by an increased
of physical activity in both children and observed effects of exercise treatment57–61. need for nutrients. This demand is met
older adults. However, there are clearly limi- Exercise-induced hippocampal cell prolif- by the stimulation of new blood vessel
tations on the extent to which the human eration and cell survival can occur at many growth in the cortex65, the cerebellum66,
brain can be examined with neuroimaging stages of development, including young the striatum67 and the hippocampus68.
techniques. Non-human animal research adulthood58, and in old age62. Even newborn The growth of new vasculature might be

62 | january 2008 | volume 9

Pedro Henrique
- CPF:
Nature 026.498.730-60
Publishing Group

dependent on the presence of molecules of exercise in non-human animals). Despite through their effects on learning and BDNF.
such as vascular endothelial growth factor having gained some mechanistic insights, Exercise served to reverse the negative
(VEGF) and insulin-like growth factor 1 a large number of questions regarding the effects of high-fat diets on BDNF levels and
(IGF1). For example, systemic injection of generality of the effects of exercise on learn- learning. In another recent study, the effects
IGF1 effectively stimulates angiogenesis ing, the molecular and genetic transcription of exercise on hippocampal neurogenesis
in the brain, and inhibiting IGF1 reduces cascades that result from exercise and the were substantially delayed and reduced for a
angiogenesis. IGF1 might induce new blood durability of the effects, remain unresolved. group of socially isolated rodents compared
vessel formation through the regulation of Although there are many missing links with animals that were housed in a group
VEGF68, a growth factor that is prominently between the human neuroimaging results setting79. Such results suggest the need to
involved in blood vessel formation and and non-human molecular and cellular further study the potential relationship
development. Aerobic exercise increases work, both bodies of research suggest that between social interaction (and social
the production and release of both IGF1 aerobic exercise is an important lifestyle isolation) and exercise on brain function
and VEGF in young rodents, leading to the factor that influences cognitive function and cognition in humans. Finally, several
formation of new blood vessels. It is likely throughout the lifespan. recent studies have described the benefits
that angiogenic processes resulting from of exercise training for the treatment of
aerobic activity occur both in childhood Conclusions and future directions depression79–80.
and in old adulthood67 (however, see REF. 62 The human and non-human animal Although the prospective epidemiologi-
for an exception). research discussed above suggests that cal literature has examined the influence of
Besides IGF1 and VEGF, brain-derived physical activity, and aerobic fitness training various lifestyle factors on cognition and
neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is another in particular, can have a positive effect on neurodegenerative disease, few studies have
molecule that is consistently demonstrated multiple aspects of brain function and cog- explored the separate and interactive effects
to be upregulated with exercise treatments69. nition. Although the number of studies on of lifestyle factors. Karp et al.29 recently
BDNF has been shown to be necessary for physical activity is certainly larger for older reported that cognitive, physical and social
long-term potentiation (LTP), a neural ana- adults than for other age groups, the data engagement had served to decrease the risk
logue of long-term memory formation, and suggest that physical activity can have ben- of dementia in a group of 778 adults over
for the growth and survival of new neurons. eficial effects throughout the lifespan, even a period of three years, with those adults
Blocking the binding of BDNF to its tyrosine for individuals with neurodegenerative dis- with high scores in all three factors showing
kinase receptor (TRKB) abolishes LTP and eases34,75. Studies with non-human animals the greatest benefit. The results of these
neurogenesis. Additionally, BDNF levels in have begun to shed light on the molecular studies are both intriguing and provocative;
the hippocampus have been directly related and cellular changes that are engendered however, they only scratch the surface in
to the enhanced learning and memory proc- by exercise and that appear to underlie the terms of explaining the manner in which
esses that are observed with exercise treat- effects of fitness on cognition and perform- different lifestyle factors interact to pro-
ments in rodents70. Even in humans, serum ance. Fitness training has been observed to mote healthy brains and minds. Clearly,
concentrations of BDNF are increased after selectively enhance angiogenesis, synap- additional observational and experimental
acute exercise regimens71 in both young togenesis and neurogenesis (in the dentate studies are needed to further explain the
adults and patients with multiple sclerosis72. gyrus of the hippocampus), as well as to effects of these interactions with regards to
Increases in BDNF levels in response to an upregulate a number of neurotrophic factors cognition.
exercise treatment could be an important in the mouse brain9,74. In recent years there has also been
finding, as serum and cortical concentra- Despite the wealth of knowledge that increased acknowledgment of the role of
tions of BDNF are reduced in Alzheimer’s has been obtained concerning the effects of genetic polymorphisms on the heterogeneity
disease, Parkinson’s disease, depression, exercise and physical activity on brain and of treatment effects in drug trials, especially
anorexia and many other diseases. Aerobic cognition, there are a multitude of important with regards to the speed with which indi-
activity might be neuroprotective, prevent- questions that remain to be answered. From viduals metabolize different agents81. The
ing the development of certain cognitive and a practical perspective, at present we know study of the potential moderating effect of
neural symptoms that are associated with little about how to design exercise interven- genetic variability has also begun to have a
these diseases, through the regulation of tions that optimize the effects on cognition role in the study of exercise effects on cogni-
BDNF secretion73. and brain health. Future research might be tion. More specifically, a number of obser-
In summary, non-human research able to answer questions such as: when is it vational studies have examined whether the
strongly supports the positive effects of exer- best to begin? What are the best varieties, presence of the e4 allele on the APOE gene
cise on cognition: aerobic activity improves intensities, frequencies and durations of (which encodes apolipoprotein E) influences
learning and task acquisition, increases the exercise? Is it ever too late to start an exercise the relationship between fitness and cogni-
secretion of key neurochemicals associated programme? Can exercise be used to reduce tion in older adults82–85. The answer to this
with synaptic plasticity and promotes the the deleterious effects of neurodegenerative question is, at present, unclear. However,
development of new neuronal architecture. diseases32,77? given that single nucleotide polymorphisms
In addition, non-human animal research is Some intriguing research has begun the exist on a number of genes that influence
not only consistent with human literature important task of exploring how exercise proteins implicated in fitness-training
on aerobic activity, but also provides some interacts with other lifestyle factors in effects86–87 (like BDNF and IGF1, for exam-
important mechanistic claims for how exer- influencing cognition and brain health. For ple) future studies will certainly benefit from
cise exerts its effects on the nervous system example, Molteni and colleagues78 inves- the examination of the moderating influence
in humans (see REF. 74 for an in-depth tigated the interaction of diet and exercise of genetic variability on relevant target
review of the cellular and molecular effects at the behavioural and molecular levels systems.

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- CPF:
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