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Optic neuritis is a condition where the optic nerve becomes inflamed.

inflammation usually causes temporary vision loss

female between the ages of 18 and 45

if diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS)

live at a high latitude

most common known cause is MS

vision loss in one eye

pain around your eye 


since ON and MS are related, the test performed includes:

OCT scan Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a imaging test. 

 uses light waves to take cross-section pictures of your retina

so looks into the nerves which in back of our eye

brain MRI uses a magnetic field and radio waves to create a detailed image of
your brain

CT scan, which creates a cross-sectional X-ray image of your brain or other

parts of your body

Treatment for ON includes:

 intravenous methylprednisolone (IVMP)

 intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG)
 interferon injections

disorder that affects eye movement

caused by damage to the sixth cranial nerve

primary function of the sixth cranial nerve - to send signals to your lateral
rectus muscle.

lateral rectus muscle weakens - eye crosses inward toward your nose.


sixth nerve palsy can affect one or both eyes

Double vision is the most common symptom of sixth nerve palsy

Another symptom is poor eye alignment or strabismus, also called crossed

eyes. This is when our eyes don’t look in the same direction at the same time


can be congenital

injury of the sixth cranial nerve during labor or delivery

head injury or skull fracture

inflammation in the sixth cranial nerve.

Risk factors:

no particular group of people

trauma is a common cause - protect your head from injuries

stroke is a common cause of sixth nerve palsy - precautions to reduce the risk
of stroke
tests include:

 brain scan to check for a brain tumor, skull fracture, brain injury, or
increased pressure in the brain
 blood test or a lumbar puncture to diagnose or rule out meningitis
 neurological tests to check for abnormalities in your nervous system

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