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Directions: Using the websites and video in this module, complete the chart of absolute rulers. When finished, submit
to the Dropbox.

Ruler Country Time Period Significance 🡪 what did they do? Why are they important?

Charles V spanish 1500-1558 He began the rule of the Holy Roman Empire in 1519.

Philip II spanish 1527-1598 Ruled the netherlands, Spain, Sicily, and Spain's colonies in
the Americas.

Louis XIII French 1601-1643 King of France from 1610-1643

Louis XIV French 1638-1715 The king of France from 1643-1715

Ivan the Russian 1530-1584 He expanded russian borders and reformed its government.

Peter the Great Russian 1672-1725 He enhanced Russia’s economy by industrial growth.

Catherine the Russian 1729-1796 She successfully led Russia against the ottoman empire.

Maria Theresa Austrian 1717-1780 Strengthened the army by doubling the number of troops
from her father’s reign.

Frederick the German 1712-1786 Military succession in the Silesian wars and Partitions of
Great Poland.

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