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1. Does your research changed your way of thinking?

Yes, because of the research I've learned a lot. I've learned that, all the little and the simple
things that we do can ruin and destroy our nature. So we must take care of our nature so that the beauty
of our nature will remain. We need to act accordingly to our age, we need to be mature enough when it
comes in our nature. Let us give the next generation the chance to see how beautiful the world is.

2. How these information help you to be a better citizen?

I've learned that all the little things the we will do and throw anywhere can ruin our nature, our
world rather. This research helps me to improve my self for being a better citizen. Now, I already know all
my obligations in our nature as a citizen of the world.

3. What can you contribute to solve or reduce the cause of these issues?

If I will be given a chance to join those programs that are after to the health and beauty of the
nature, I will grab it. But as of now, as a student I will start in my school and in my community. I will join
those activities that are related to the nature. I will plant trees in some open areas in our place. And as a
future educator, I will ask my students in my practice teaching to make some slogan about the nature,
and again I will ask them to post it in front of their house. I will also follow all the do's and don'ts in our
barangay regarding to the nature. In that simple way maybe I can reduce all the issues in our nature.

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