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Assignment: Manpower Planning and Recruitment (Week 02)


1. What are 3 factors affecting manpower planning?

● Exciting stock of manpower
- First base of manpower planning where it’s started to the point of every planning process. It is used to study
the position of total stock manpower, how? It is used by dividing it into groups or formed on the basis of
function, occupation, level of skill or qualification. After that we can or could analyse the result from the
existing stock of manpower
● Wastage
- The second step or factors of affecting manpower planning is wastage. Great planning needed
appropriate adjustment in the existing stock of manpower that must allow wastage of manpower
caused by any foreseeable changes in the organization.Labor turnover rate, labor stability rate and
the duration of successful management can be analyzed in the study of manpower waste. Both of
these considerations should be taken into account in order to make the required changes to the
personnel 's obligation to prepare the workforce.
● Future manpower requirement
- we should have the option to quantify the work needs later on, in the wake of investigating the
supply of work and dissect the variables of work wastage

2. Describe 4 types of manpower forecasting tools.

● Managerial judgement
- This is a kind of method that the manager uses to predict the quality of the employee and what is
the impact for the company in each company. They do it based on the employee knowledge,
efficiency, and their impact for the company. After that it’s gonna need approval from the top
manager to go further. This method use less time and being used by several small companies
● Work-study method
- This is a kind of method that Hr use to forecast. Where they could identify and measure work by
time and motion studies, it helps the manager to plan the time of their work or make time decision
by work unit
● Ratio- trends analysis
- This is a kind of method where they calculate the future ratios bases on time series analysis, after
making some allowances for the organization to change, method, and jobs that's why it help the
company to calculate the ratios on the basis of past data
● Mathematical models
- This is a kind of method where the models express various factors that influencing manpower need
in the form of mathematics for formula where they show a relationship between independent
variables and dependent variables

Explain what is the succession plan and its 3 steps.

● Succession plan ​is a kind of plan where a company plan focuses on identifying and developing employees in
order to help them advance or go through within an organization. It helps to grow the organization and more
effectively to develop current employees. Because it gave the employee clear career or Bright future plan for
the employee that can boost engagement and retention
● 3 steps succession plan
- Identify key positions ​: in this position a company needs to figure out which department is the
problem, which department needs more power to grow, after that they need to find a position to
boost those kinds of problems. Without this person who helps to boost the workforce of the
employee it will make the company grow to slow or even worse to stop. So that's why a company
need to identify which position should be prioritized
- Find the best fit :​ after we can find which position is needed to be filled in the next thing we're
gonna do is which guy or who can be trained or mentored to fill in those roles which were needed.
They were faced to fill in the leader place for the employee.
- Develop a training plan ​: after we identify who's potentially enough to fill in the position we need
to discuss training or mentoring plans. This should include the interest of the employee to let them
move into the new role.

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