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Lopez, Jose Miguel B. Quiz, Physical Assessment and Essay in P.E.

BSA 2-13 September 29, 2020

Struggling Bug on the New Normal

Adapting to the new normal requires high Adaptability Quotient, and these changes are
inevitable and should embrace by everybody, but the issue is that sudden adaptation on changes
due to this pandemic can completely exhaust one’s physical and mental health. It’s a safe bet to
say that none of us are enjoying on our current situation, or anything about what this crisis is
doing to our daily lives. The only thing that we can do is to follow quarantine rules and
regulations, and stay healthy, as a whole, at all times. There are many ways to maintain our
health, and here are the ways I’m passing my “new normal” days productively.

I consider myself as a very sedentary young adult. I tend to stay at home most of the time,
studying my books in accounting, bonding with my family, playing with my dog, and others.
From these kind of activities that I did during these past few months, I can say, and you can
somehow identify, that I’m not interested in any form of physical actvities. On the contrary, I
preferred mental activities such as solving high school mathematics, playing chess and solving
sudoku. Those activities are the ones which I actually did during the past few months (and even
now). Mental activities are the “boosters” to maintain my mental health, I should say. It is also
worth mentioning that these kind of activities help me keeping from insanity and mental

There is a particular article I just read a few days ago by Insider (2018) entitled “How
giving back can benefit you?”. It was stated in this article that a 2016 study from the University
of the South suggests that performing “random acts of kindness”, for example giving donations,
for others or for the world can boost your mood. This article leads me way back mid of April
when I donated a little amount of money to one specific organization (via PayMaya). Though I
forgot the name of that health organization that produces PPE to our frontliners, it is indeed
visible to myself that I gained positive boost in my mood. In addition, I also donated blood in
order to save my uncle’s nanny from unusual and sudden bleeding from her reproductive organ.
It took a while but it is worth donating because my uncle’s nanny had discharged from the
hospital last week, and I felt relief and proud that I’m a part of saving someone’s life. Although
these aren’t something physical, but I’m proudly saying that I helped my community by giving
donations, which it also gave me a positive boost on my mental health.

Quarantine life, as we should describe it, is undeniably different on our normal lives
before. Embracing the “new normal” as we fight, as one, this pandemic requires changes on our
daily routines, especially those things that are related on maintaining our health. It is comparative
to say that the world, as of now, is indeed like a struggling bug, brawling its way to make itself
stand up.from falling. But also, like itself, making its own go back to normal, I believe that few
months from now, the world will regain its health back and recover from this significant, yet
destructive event.
Lopez, Jose Miguel B. Quiz, Physical Assessment and Essay in P.E.
BSA 2-13 September 29, 2020
Quiz # 1 in Individual/Dual Sports

Directions: MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

__B__ 1.) Which of the following is the best reason to perform dance exercise?

A. Maintain weight C. Both A and B

B. Have a Healthy Lifestyle D. To be a dancer

__C__ 2.) If you are invited to share on how to prevent disease, what will be your focus?

A. Family Experience C. Nutrition and Physical Activity

B. Attitude and Behavior D. Community

__B__ 3.) In dancing, the fitness component required is?

A. Agility C. Speed
B. Endurance D. Time

__D__ 4.) Which of the following is a benefit of Zumba Dance?

A. Improves Cardio Vascular Endurance

B. Tones and tightens muscle groups
C. Burns all calories to loose weight
D. All of the above

__D__ 5.) How can one maintain a healthy weight range?

A. Follow with the latest diet fads

B. Believe in the power of your genes
C. Consult a doctor
D. Balance the amount of food you eat
Lopez, Jose Miguel B. Quiz, Physical Assessment and Essay in P.E.
BSA 2-13 September 29, 2020
Physical Assessment Questionaire


 Do you have any medical condition?  

Are you allowed to perform physical activity?

 Do you feel pain in your chest when you do  

physical activity?

 Do you lose your balance because of dizziness?  

 Do you have a bone or joint problem?  

 Do you know of any other reason why you  

should not do physical activities?

Note: If you answered YES to any of these questions, talk with your doctor before you start
engaging in physical activity. If you answered NO to all questions, you can start participating in
all our physical activity.

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