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Nama : Busmawati

Npm. : 2019511016

Kelas : Teknik Informatika (A)


JAKE : This is a story about a new smoking law, restaurant have a smoking and non smoking
section now

CAROL : Yes but you (1) (should) saw people smoking

JAKE : I did

CAROL : No you (2)(didn’t)

JAKE : Yes, I did (3) ( I sure )the man smoking

CAROL : Well, I (4) ( watch ) the tape, I didn’t see a man smoking

JAKE : Can we watch it together?

CAROL : Sure

CAROL : See! The woman (5) (working) into the restaurant. She (6)(talk) to the waiter. She (7)
(asked) for the non- smoking section. Then she (8) ( follow) to the waiter to a table. Then she sat
down and (9 ) (look) at the menu.

JAKE : Then a man (10) (start) to smoked. The woman (11) (point) to the non- smoking sign and
asked him to put out the cigarette.

Watch the video to complete the sentences


CAROL: I did it, I (12) (took) them what I (13) (wanna it)

SUSAN : Good for you

CAROL : OK. What should I do?

SUSAN : Pretend this is a camera . (14) (look at the camera). Look at your notes, but don’t read them
(15) (smile at the camera) OK. (16) (try it something)

CAROL : All right. Ummm…..two men entered a bank and stole five million dollars. There was a fire
on 57th Street last night.

SUSAN : Good. But look at the camera. Try it again

CAROL: In basketball, the lakers (18) (play) the Celtics. The Lakers (19) (one) The (20) (score) was 94
to 81. In baseball, the Mets (21) (BT) the Indians 11 to 3. In football, it was the Patriots (22) (again)
the Giants. The Giants (22) (was) again. The (23) (score) was 13 to 6. For WEFL im Carol green
RITA : This is so exciting, Carol

CAROL : Thanks Rita

RITA : I always (24) (saved) that you were someone special.

CAROL ; Owh Rita

RITA : Don’t be nervous, you look great, I love what youre wearing.

CAROL : Thanks, Susan (25) (given) it to me. She (26) (work) it on her first audition.

RITA : I remember that

CAROL ; You must have some good stories to tell

RITA : Sure, Did you (27) (know) Deborah Hall (28) (had) an audition here?

CAROL : Really?

RITA : Yeah. It was awful. She (29) (broken) her nail right before the show. She was very upset.
But she (30) (did) a good job.

CAROL : I didn’t (31) (know) that Deborah Hall (32) (work) here.

RITA : She didn’t (33) (work) here. She (34) (had) an audition here. She (35) (want) to New York

Watch the video again check the sentences you hear, Choose a or b

36. a. The president traveled to New York today

b. The President traveled to Idaho today

Answer : B

37. a. He gave a speech about his plan to help the farmers

b. He gave a speech about his plan to help education

Answer : A

38. a. The teachers liked what the president said

b. The farmers liked what the president said

Answer : B

39. a. In local news a new restaurant opened in Stamford

b. In local news, a new movie theater opened in Stamford

Answer : B

40. a. One man got in line at 10.00 at night

b. One man got in line at 6.00 in the morning

Answer : B

42. a. Ticket prices were $8.00 a show

b. Ticket prices were $7.00 a show

Answer : A

43. a, People liked the new theater

b. People didn’t like the new theater

Answer : A

On the video, Steven shows carol tape to Linda, choose your choice a,b or c

44. What do steven say about carol?

a. “Just take a look, I think she’s terrific”

b. ‘look at the tape she’s awful’

c. ‘She should be the host”

Answer : A

45. What do Linda say abou carrol?

a. ‘You’re right she’s awful

b. “She needs more experience”

c.” You’re wrong she’s awful”

Answer : B

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