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Amanda Mutiara Dinanti

• Answer the following questions and give the reasons why you choose the option !
The human body is like a machine. It needs fuel to do work. Nutrients are fuel for the
body. They chemicals substances in foods that the body needs for growth and energy. The
body uses nutrients to carry out life process. There are five kinds of nutrients –
carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, and minerals. Some foods are rich in one nutrient.
Most foods contain many nutrients.
A balanced diet is especially important to athletes. Athletic activities are hard work.
An athletes body burn fuel rapidly. It requires greater supply of fuel than does a person
who is not an athlete. Eating health foods increases an athlete’s power and endurance.
Healthful eating helps an athlete manage the weight and protect him from injuries.
Most nutrition experts say that an athlete’s diet should be high in carbohydrates.
Carbohydrates are nutrients that supply the body with energy. Thay also help build
muscle. Straches such as bread and pasta are carbohydrates. They fuel the body with
energy over a long period of time. Sixty to 70 to percent of the food an athlete eats should
be high in carbohydrates.
Water is also important to athletes. More than two-thirds of the human body is made
up of water. People lose some of that liquid when they sweat. Athletes must replace the
lost fluid. Drinking a liter of water before each competition helps maintain the necessary
water balance.
Regardless of the sport, every athlete should eat a meal three or four hours before
competing. Fueling the body on carbohydrates, such as cereals, bread, and pasta, is
important. The meal should include fruits and vegetables too. They supply the body with
important minerals and additional carbohydrates.
Athletes should avoid sugary foods, such as candy and soft drinks. Although they can
give a quick energy, an athletes “boost”, these food also cause a subsequent energy
“drop”. Most importantly, athletes should drink two or three cups of caffein-free fluids.
A balanced pre-game meal helps an athlete reach peak performance.

The main information of the text is about ...

A. Nutrients need to fuel human body
B. How life process are carried out
C. A balanced diet for athletes
D. Types of foods which are rich in nutrients
E. Nutritious food consumed by athletes

There have been numerous attempts to classify consumer responses to different
individualmcolours. But the truth of the matter is that colour is too dependent on
personal experiences to be universally translated to specific feelings. But there are
broader messaging patterns to be found in colour perceptions. For instance, colours play a
fairly substantial role in purchase and branding.
With regards to the role in branding, results from studies such as The interactive
effects of Colour show that the relationship between brands and colour centre around on
the perceived appropriateness of the colour being used for the particular brand. In other
words, does the colour “fit” what is being sold?
The study Exciting Red and Competent Blue also confirms that purchasing intent is
greatly affected by colour due to the impact they have on bow a brand is perceived. This
means that colour influence how consumers view the “personality” of the brand in
Additional studies have revealed that our brands prefer recognizeable brands, which
makes colour important when creating a brand identity. It has been suggested in Colour
Reasearch and Application that is paramount important for new brands inspecifically
target logo colours that ensure differentiation from entrenched. When it comes to picking
the “right” colour, research has found that predicting consumer reaction to colour
appropriateness in relation to the product is far more important than the individual colour
itself. So, if Harley owners buy the product in order to feel macho, you could assume that
the pink and glitter edition would not sell that well.
What is the main idea of the passage?
A. Colour is more important than quality of a product
B. Colour affects consumeers’ choices of product
C. Colour is both personal and universal
D. Sellers are sensitive to the colour of a product
E. Brand image of a product is connected to colour

After answering these questions, find reading texts that have questions related
to main idea and topic (min. 1 question for each text)

Text 1

There are great numbers of deer around here. This whole area is great country for
hunters and fishermen. There are bears, mountain lions, and coyotes. To the east there
streams full of trout, and there are ducks and geese.

1. What is the main idea of the paragraph?

•✓ This whole area is great country for hunters and fishermen.

2. What is the topic of the paragraph?

•✓ Grouping of animals according to their habitat in a specific area

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