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Report for

Kejal Parag
Date of completion 07/07/2019

Your Greatest Strengths

Your Greatest Strengths
Report for Kejal Parag

Welcome to Your Greatest Strengths
Kejal Parag
DATE OF COMPLETION The Career Navigator system has a unique way of identifying your special strengths.
07/07/2019 It measures 175 traits and identifies your highest priorities and values - where you
invest yourself and what you love doing the most. When you are able to use these
key strengths, your career is more fulfilling and successful. Effort you spend on
Answers were very likely further building your strengths is likely to help your career at least as much as
accurate and truthful focusing on your weaknesses. Strengths relate to enjoyable patterns of thought and
ORGANIZATION behaviors that can be productively applied. When these are refined with practice
Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. and combined with skills and knowledge that you acquire, this gives you a powerful
means of moving your career forward. The Your Greatest Strengths report lists the
things you enjoy and are good at. Come back to it regularly when you need a
reminder. Remember, play to your strengths!

Job Seekers
If you are currently a job seeker, being able to clearly verbalize your strengths can
help you to get the job you are seeking. Consequently, we recommend that you
reflect on the strengths below as well as your achievements that were a result of
applying these strengths. This will enable employers to better understand how your
unique strengths can create value for their organizations.

Currently Employed
If you are currently employed, look for ways you can further apply these strengths
in your current job. The more you can apply your strengths, the more likely you will
achieve high levels of job satisfaction and career success.

Keeping A Positive Outlook

You tend to be extremely optimistic and cheerful. Your positive attitude will be very beneficial when dealing with your
co-workers or clients.
Your extremely positive attitude helps you to work more effectively with others and helps you to see the potential of
situations and strategies. Your tendency to analyze potential problems provides a clear insight into obstacles that
could hinder your success. Being both optimistic and mindful usually helps you to have a clear and balanced view of
situations and strategies. You tend to visualize a positive future while looking out for obstacles.

Continuously Improving

You have a strong intention to improve yourself.

You recognize that self-improvement is the most important goal, because it is the means of achieving all goals.

Copyright © 1991-2019 Harrison Assessments International, Ltd. Completed: 07/07/2019 | Page 2 of 4

Your Greatest Strengths
Report for Kejal Parag

Looking for Win-win Solutions

You tend to be helpful and conscious of others' needs.

You tend to have interactions with others that are mutually helpful. You enjoy thinking of ways to establish mutual
help with your co-workers and you are probably good at working out arrangements that meet their needs as well as
your own. This helps you to establish better working relationships. Your supportiveness is likely to be appreciated.
You very much want your work to provide a meaningful contribution to the world. When there is alignment with your
organization's objectives, you will feel strong loyalty and motivation. Your benevolent intentions are very likely to
inspire others.

Striving for Achievement

You have a very clear idea about what you want and you are highly motivated by a job that helps you to achieve those

Making Thoughtful Conclusions

You very much enjoy reflecting on different ideas and opinions and you are probably very open-minded. You are likely
to be good at brainstorming.
The combination of being moderately certain of your opinions and very open to different ideas will probably enable
you to come to very thoughtful and considered opinions. You seldom express a firm opinion about something unless
you have considered the issues carefully.

Building Affinity And Accountability

You tend to very often express warmth and empathy.

Your very high level of warmth and empathy combined with your strong willingness to enforce rules helps you to be
effective when giving discipline or coaching others. You enforce rules with warmth and compassion. When managing
others, you are firm about compliance to rules, but you maintain rapport while doing so.

Copyright © 1991-2019 Harrison Assessments International, Ltd. Completed: 07/07/2019 | Page 3 of 4

Your Greatest Strengths
Report for Kejal Parag

Engaging In Participative Management

You very much enjoy collaboration and are very willing to collaborate with others with regard to important
Your enjoyment of collaboration inspires you to give input into decisions that others need to make. This helps generate
better teamwork and better decisions.

Logically Solving Problems

Your very logical and analytical approach may be quite useful in solving many problems. It enables you to come to
logical conclusions and give clarity to situations.
You approach a new project by considering all the steps as well as the order in which those steps need to be

Managing Risks

You tend to analyze the potential difficulties of plans and strategies and you are likely to be mindful when making
strategic decisions.
Although you enjoy taking business risks you also analyze potential problems related to those risks. This combination
could enable you to reap significant benefits from your ventures.

Being Adaptive And Organized

You tend to be well organized, keeping things in order.

Your tendency to be organized enables you to create order even in challenging situations. This leads to greater
efficiency. Your orderliness combined with your flexibility enables you to create structure and order that is easily
adaptable to change. When circumstances change, you quickly adjust to meet the new requirements by creating a
different order. As a result you are able to be highly effective in organizing. Such fluid orderliness supports others to
work efficiently without feeling confined or restricted.

Copyright © 1991-2019 Harrison Assessments International, Ltd. Completed: 07/07/2019 | Page 4 of 4

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