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Año de la universalización de la Salud”

The Fault in our Stars –extract 1


Message: Further more we
Literary device:


1.- You said that Hazel was embarrased by her parents’ desperation
Before the sugery at the hospital. Why do you think she felt like that?

2.- Why do you think she talks about her surgery in detail?

3.- You mention that in the end she didn`t want to be awake.
What does she mean with that expression?

4.- You said that she compared her father with an earthquake.
In what sense? What did her father do to be compared with an earthquake?
Año de la universalización de la Salud”

5.- You mentioned that Hazel was embarrased because of her parents’ desperation.
What makes you think she was embarrased?

6.- Do you think Hazel was afraid of dying?

7.- So, talking about that difficult moment at the hospital. Do you think that Hazel’s parents’ desparation
contribute with Hazel’s emotion state in a good or in a bad way?

8.- To whay extend is Hazel a Human being with beliefs and values?

9.- What do you think the main message in the extract is?

PART 3: GENERAL DISCUSSION: (Suggestion: Mention the Coar profiles in some answers)

1.- Which of the syllabus themes do you think this extract is related to? Why?

2.- In which ways is the book related to the theme: Experiencies?

3.- Teenagers’ lifestyle (yours) has changed dramatically due to the

Pandemic worldwide. In this context, how do you think this lifestyle
change contribute to form your identity?

4.- In a general way, do you think that our experiences in tragic situations shape our identity?

5.- How do you think our values and believes are shaped?

6.- To what extend can our family desparate reaction in difficult health situation influence our emotion

7.- What do you think our profile should be if we want to contribute with a person who is fighting against
cancer?- regarding the pandemmic time. - How can we give support?
Año de la universalización de la Salud”
Año de la universalización de la Salud”

“Año de la universalización de la Salud”


Año de la universalización de la Salud”


Literary device:


1.- You said that Hazel talks about inevitable human oblivion.
Do you think the expressess herself in that way so it helps her to face death?

I think she does it more because who better than her to express herself about death, that's why Hazel had to
cling to life when she had her lung cancer, in addition to that, she faces death not for fear to oblivion In the
excerpt that she mentioned "There will come a time", she understands that death is a life process more than
all human beings.

2.- Do you think that deep inside her, she is even more afraid of death but she talks about
The inevitable human oblivion to encourage herself to accept and face death?

3.- You mention that she considers a novel writer as a best friend.
Why do you think she has the writer as a friend? Is it common for a teenager?

4.- Regarding Hazel’s opinion of inevitable human oblivion. How coul you explain Hazel’s
expression: “The book that was as close a thing as I had to a Bible” Do you think she
believed in God or no?

I think that expression gave her more than anything for the importance of the favorite book for Hazel "Imperial
Affliction ", that is to say hazel makes a simil or comparison of her book with the Bible, and this holy book for
some religions like catholic, Christian or Jewish, has the purpose of transmitting a message and teaching, so ,
it is exactly what the book "Imperial affliction" does with Hazel, "Wrap her head around something", this book
teaches her more on death by the messages written by the author Peter Van Houten who in this case would
be compared to God as the creator and the one who directs the readers. On the other hand, speaking about
whether Hazel believes in God, I think that she does not show devotion or faith because otherwise, she would
have talked about eternal life after death, but neither do I think that she does not believe in God, because she
attended a group of support where "They prayed in the heart of Jesus", if Hazel had not believed in God, he
would have expressed it as she did with the inevitable human forgetfulness. So I consider that Hazel believes
in God but her devotion is not as strong or notorious.

5.- What’s your opinion about Augustus’ smile? Why does Hazel talk about it?

6.- In which ways is Hazel connecting to Peter Van Houten as considered her third “Best Friend”
And the author book?
Precisely that connection occurs because Peter Van Houten "knows in which direction the wind blows for
Hazel because Van Houten is an author who is Hazel's favorite book and talks about some aspects that are
important to her and that make her feel identified because Hazel has Cancer". Hazel shows a maturity to say
that forgetting and death are one more stage, she learned from Van Houten and mentions it in the excerpt,
that Peter understands what it is to die and not to have died, so Hazel knows what it is like to be dying and
Peter knows this too, which is why the connection is made through Hazel's sense of identification.

7.- Regarding Hazel’s opinion about death and the inevitable human oblivion.
Why do you think then that Hazel joins the support group and all the members and
pray to God together as cancer survivors?

8.- To whay extend is Hazel a Human being with beliefs and values? (Another question:or Augustus or Patrick)

PART 3: GENERAL DISCUSSION: (Suggestion: Mention the Coar profiles in some answers)
Año de la universalización de la Salud”

1.- Which of the syllabus themes do you think this extract is related to? Why?
I consider it to be related to identities, the main character Hazel speaks from her perspective that she has
identified with the teachings of Peter Van Houten and her favorite book "Imperial Affliction" on death and its
process in all people. Likewise the subtopic that stands out within identities is the "mental health" subtopic
because fear is one of the emotions that, if not controlled, can lead to many mental problems such as phobia
or anxiety, and Precisely one of the solutions that Hazel said was acceptance because we must all
understand that fear is an emotion that is part of the human being, but that we must control it to not let fear
control us
2.- In which ways is the book extract related to the theme Identities?

3.- Teenagers’ lifestyle (yours) has changed dramatically due to the Pandemic worldwide.
In this context, how do you think this lifestyle change contribute to form your identity?

4.- In a general way, do you think that our experiences in difficult situations shape our identity?
I think so , because "it is a blessing in disguise" this means that our experiences in difficult situations are good
things that seemed bad at first, and thanks to this, the identity of people is improved under good learning that
taught us to face challenges and these challenges, turn them into our own achievements.

5.- How do you think our values and believes are shaped?

6.- To what extend can our family desparate reaction in difficult health situation influence to our emotion

7.- What do you think our profile should be if we want to contribute with a person who is fighting against
cancer?- regarding the pandemmic time. - How can we give support?
I think that our profile should be an open mind and supportive mindset , because we must learn to understand
other people's problems and be people who are willing to help because, in the case of people who fight
cancer, they need people who do not, In these moments of the coronavirus pandemic, infected people, not
being able to have them close to us, they not only need you to support them physically (medications, oxygen)
but they also need you to support them psychologically, this means that we are motivators, positive to
contribute to an open and caring mind, in this way we can provide support, to strengthen the soul of a person
and be the one who helps them overcome the coronavirus.

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