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The present task is about an interview with Hazel Grace who is a

character of the book The fault in our stars. After reading the book, I note that
there were a lot of doubts in relation with her feelings and her perspective of the
life. Nowadays, readers are thinking what is going to happen with her, because
when Augustus Waters was a part of Hazel´s life, she had a plan to the future,
but when he died it changes. It is why I decided to do an interview where Hazel
explains her ideas.

I choose this format because through it, is possible approach different

topics that people want to listen for discovering more our main character. In this
I can do a lot of questions, one behind another and finding out of wonderful
secrets about Hazel Grace.

Specially, I am going to focus on what Hazel think about her life later of
the death of Augustus Water, with the objective to take it like an example of all
the families that have a sick relative, because I know that the main character
had had so many difficults but she learned encourage herself against it, while
many people who are sick don’t know to face the reality because they aren’t
optimistic. But we know that all people aren’t like them, in this case, is Hazel
Grace who I believe that can teaches them how to transform our life to a good

Word count: 243

Welcome to know more about Hazen Grace

Good morning ladies and gentlemen, today we are at Hazel Grace´s

house because at our facilities arrived the sad news that her boyfriend died last
Wednesday. This woman is a girl that I meet since her childhood. It is important
to say that she is a fighter person because since her thirteen years old, the
doctor diagnosed thyroid cancer stage IV, but she has known how to forget it
and increase like a person. It is why I am here to listen what she feels now that
lost a close person.

To start, ¿What about the life for Hazel Grace?

Without a doubt, I have learned that “life” is not something that we can
define in simple words. In the beginning, I was thinking that life for sick people is
just on book where another person cannot find you to disturb your life. However,
I know that if you want to make the most of the life, you must enjoy it, loving,
teaching, learning and forgetting about death. Maybe each one have different
ideas because it is the perspective of the person and how many defeats had
had a person and how he or she overcome it.

Now. Do you see yourself like an example?

I do not know because I think that it depends of each person and her or
his skill, because for me a good example is myself. When Augustus, my mother
and me went to Amsterdam, we visited Anne Frank´s house, there were so
much steep stairs and Augustus didn’t want that I go up for my sick, however, I
decided to do that, the stairs were slow for me and Augustus both, but I felt
strong and I managed to do it. I believe that you just decided when you can do
something and when you have to say this: “No, it is my limit”.

What does it means be sick?

Many times, sick people feel like if they would have a load on their lives.
In my shorts seventeen years, I have learned that the secret is to forget your
illness, because thinking about it produce your disappointment. The situation of
be sick for me is something normal, but if I have to be honest, it is true that I
believe it since Augustus arrived in my way. Now, I know that you can develop
your ambition and whatever you want like a big history for you.

In simple words, what do you think that your parents would do if you are

Simply, they will continue with their lives and their obligation to take care
of themselves. When somebody died I suppose that you have something why
you are living, it is yourself. Besides, they would help families who have a
parent sick too, without thinking if I am here or not.

Finally, how would do you like that people remember you?

I just remember a scene of my life with Augustus when we talked of our

vision about life beyond all the problems that my or his illness take. He said that
to people remember who you was in your life, you have to leave a mark.
However, I wasn’t being all right with him. I believe that it isn’t true because it
doesn’t matter if you don’t get a mark, only is important enjoy the live doing all
that you like while you are here.

Thanks a lot Hazel, now people have recommendation to improve their

life like they deserve. Thank you to all our audience and we see us tomorrow,

Word count: 598


Green. J. (2012). The fault in our stars. New York, USA: Dutton books.

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