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The Fault in Our Stars

Book Report Choice: Journal

By: Destiny Rogers-James

Augustus Waters' Journal (introduction)
In the book, The Fault in Our Stars, John Green writes from the perspective
of the main character, Hazel Lancaster. I thought it would be interesting to hear
from Augustus' point of view. I think it would be interesting to see what he thinks
about and his emotions toward events that happen throughout the story. That's why
I choose to write from Augustus Waters' perspective.

The Fault In Our Stars Summary

The Fault in Our Stars is a book about two average teenagers. The only thing
that sets them apart is that they are not ordinary teenagers. The main character,
Hazel Grace, has cancer and sometimes her lungs don’t function the way they are
supposed to, so she has to carry and oxygen tank everywhere she goes so that
causes her to want to stay inside, and away from people. Eventually, her mother
encourages her to go to a cancer support group at a local church, she obliges
because she is 16 and she needs to act mature. When she goes to the support group
one day, there is a new guy there. The new guy introduces himself as Augustus
Water’s, he had Osteosarcoma but was now in remission. Hazel and Augustus
begin to spend time with each other outside of the group and they become more
and more fond of each other as they hang out more and more often. Later on in the
book, Augustus announces that he has cancer again and Hazel has to go through
the devastation of losing a friend.
Entry 1, The Recurrence

My thoughts on life lately-Everything was all wrong. My battle was

supposed to be over. When I noticed a terrible pain in my hip, I knew something
was wrong. This probably wouldn't have been alarming to a normal, healthy person
but to someone who has had osteosarcoma before, you have to watch out for these
types of signs. So, knowing that something was up, I called my usual cancer doctor
at Memorial and he suggested that I go in for a PET scan. I was nervous, I didn't
want to go through this again, I mean, I already lost one of my legs to this cancer. I
had support though, I knew that. Hazel Grace and Isaac would help me get through
this and I would do the same for them, we had each other and that was a great
luxury to have.

Signed, ___________________________
Entry 2, Cancer Scans

It was strange walking into Memorial again, it felt like I hadn't been there in
a long time. Although, I had, in fact, been to Memorial to visit a few friends since I
was officially cancer free. It's just been a long time since I have actually been
treated there and I was scared out of my mind to start all over again. I went into the
PET scan room and my parents waited outside the door like they used to. As I
waited for the results, I became more and more nervous by the second. The nurse
eventually came in with the doctor and my parents. I remember the exact words
she said to me "Augustus, you lit up like a Christmas tree, the lining of your chest,
your left hip, everywhere." That made it official, I had cancer again, but it wasn't
just in my leg this time. I wasn't ready to tell anyone at the time and my parents
agreed with my decision not to tell anyone, not yet. I had cancer again, there was
nothing I could do about it. Except, spend the rest of my days with Hazel Grace
and I knew the perfect way to do it.

Signed, ___________________________
Entry 3, Amsterdam

I came up with a great plan to spend more time with Hazel before my time
runs out. And, it worked. I asked the Genies if I could use my wish to take Hazel to
Amsterdam so we could find Mr. Van Houten and interrogate him until we get the
answers we need, so that we finally learn the ending to An Imperial Affliction, and
the plan worked. Well, some of it. Unfortunately, Hazel and I did not get the
answers we desired, as it turned out, Mr. Van Houten was not the man he once was,
he was no longer the successful writer we both admired. There were highlights of
the trip, though, Hazel and I had a very romantic evening, we toured the city of
Amsterdam together and we visited the Anne Frank house. Amsterdam was a
wonderful trip but I couldn't keep hiding my secret from Hazel, I had to tell her.

Signed, ___________________________
Entry 4, Telling Hazel

I watched Hazel's expression change as I told her about my recurrence. She

seemed like she was in a great mood and I hated to ruin that but it was time she
knew. This why Maslow's hierarchy of needs is so relevant. People with diseases
like cancer were stuck on the second level because they could never really be
secure with the cancer attacking them. That meant that they could never build on
friendships and romantic relationships. If Hazel and I had stayed on the second
level, she wouldn't have to watch me slip away and slowly lose the battle we've
both been fighting. But, she is the reason I am still fighting, I'm fighting to stay
alive so I can spend as much time as possible with her. I've been in her shoes
before; I know what it's like to lose the one that you love. That was what happened
between Caroline and I, but I shouldn’t compare our relationship to the one that
Caroline and I shared, this was different, it was mutual love and respect.

Signed, ___________________________
Entry 5, "Cancer is a side-effect of dying”

I have very, very little time to write now that we know I am on the verge of
death, it’s a tragic ending, but it’s the truth as Hazel had told me, “Cancer is a side
effect of dying.” I had to take my last steps, say my final goodbyes, and have Hazel
Grace take my last few breathes of air away. That’s why I decided to have my
friends (Hazel and Isaac) meet me at the Literal Heart of Jesus church and run
through my pre-funeral. I had to know what it would feel like if I were to attend
my own funeral, I don’t know why, now that I look back my decision was a little
strange but am glad I did it. I asked Hazel and Isaac to each prepare a eulogy and
read it as thought they were actually at my funeral, they both did as I had asked
and it hurt. It hurt all of us, knowing that very soon, it wouldn’t be a pre-funeral, it
would be my real one.

Signed, ___________________________

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