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"Mom! Mom! Where are you mom? Mom, why are you crying? Mom, I'm right here, why aren't
you listening to me? Can't you hear me? Mom, please answer me." I cried out.

I was so confused, I had no idea why she wouldn't answer me. I was starting to feel invisible. It
was an awful feeling. I ran around screaming and crying for a while before running upstairs to
be left alone with my endless thoughts.

The next day, I decided to go for a walk. Nobody seemed to notice me. It was so strange. Ever
since we moved here from Arizona, I've felt invisible. I used to be popular at my old school, in
my old town but now I hardly have any friends and I feel like the only friends I have only hang
out with me so I will help them with their homework. Sometimes I wished we'd never moved
here. Everything would be a lot better at home, in Arizona rather than this stupid small town of

When I got back home, I noticed a figure standing in my bedroom window. I ran faster than I
ever had before up to my bedroom to find out who or what was in my room. When I got up
there, nobody was in my room. I was confused again, I tried to act normal after that, hoping
that if I acted normal, things would start to feel normal again. Unfortunately, they didn't, they
actually got worse.

I went downstairs to see a group of people standing around an object. When I got closer, I
realized that they were family and friends from my old town. I had no idea what was going on
so I tried to get closer to the object they standing around when somebody stopped me.

I felt a hand on my shoulder so I turned around to see who it was. It was a guy who looked very
familiar but I had no idea who he was. He told me not to go any closer but I really wanted to
know what it was. I wish I would've take his advice. My body was the mysterious object. I died. I
couldn't believe and didn't believe it.

"No, this is a dream, a sick prank, something. I can't be dead." I thought to myself.

Then I realized that it could be true, as much as I hated admitting this truth, I couldn't deny it.
Just when I thought things couldn't get more complicated, he appeared. The mysterious boy I'd
seen earlier had appeared in my room. He was a stranger and I was not in the mood to deal
with a stranger so I started yelling at him and I told him to get out. He did and I was left alone to
think about what was going on. My family is downstairs looking at my dead body and there is a
strange boy that can appear and disappear out of thin air. I had a few answers but I still had
more questions than answers so I called the mysterious boy back so I could ask him.

I asked him if he knew what happened to me and he said he did but he said I wasn't ready to
hear it yet. He told me that I was a ghost and I had been a ghost for about a week. I just noticed
yesterday, I couldn't believe it had actually been that long and I hadn't noticed. After I had
calmed down after this shock, he told me how I died. He said that one night a group of kids
from school came and vandalized my front yard. They posted signs that said 'freak' all over my
lawn. He then said that after that happened, I ran upstairs to my bedroom and then I heard a
noise so I ran to try to see who had vandalized my house but I fell from the third floor and
suffered from a brain injury and eventually died from it. About a day after that, I became a
ghost. I didn't remember any of it, I think it was the strangest feeling ever.

I asked the boy what I was supposed to do now. He said I didn't have to do anything, he said I
could just stay and doing nothing or I could go and do anything I wanted to. I could fly, nobody
could see me and best of all, I couldn't get hurt, I became invincible. I asked him what he did, he
said that he helps people like me adapt to this extremely strange change. I asked him if I could
do that with him. He said I could. We eventually became best friends and I made a lot more
friends with all of the new ghosts.

I was weak before this change, it made me strong, it made me invincible, nothing could break
me down once I was a ghost. Nothing that anyone said or did could affect me anymore.
Becoming a ghost was easy, adapting to life as a ghost was hard. Change is hard but when you
have support from just one person that believes that you can do whatever you are trying to do,
you believe that you can do that too. Change becomes easier if you believe that you can make
the change. I have been a ghost for many years and I have enjoyed it even more than life
because I get to help others all of the time.

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