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1071-412X/01/$04.00⫹0 DOI: 10.1128/CDLI.8.4.686–689.2001
Copyright © 2001, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.


Antituberculosis Treatment: Increasing Evidence for Drug

Effects on Innate Cellular Immunity
AIDS Virus Research Unit, National Institute for Virology, and Department of Virology, Witwatersrand University,2

Johannesburg, South Africa

Over the past several years we have gathered increasing increase in host susceptibility to infections with bacteria or
evidence suggestive of direct effects of one or more of the fungi. Neutrophils in their resting state in the peripheral cir-
currently used antituberculosis (TB) drugs on various immune culation undergo a series of events including signaling, activa-
parameters in patients with pulmonary TB. Throughout the tion, and subsequent migration to the appropriate site of in-
studies, the standard regimen for treatment of tuberculosis fection, which culminates in effector cell function. These
consisted of rifampin, isoniazid, pyrazinamide, and ethambutol functions include phagocytosis of opsonized microorganisms
given for 2 months during the intensive phase of treatment (coated with complement and/or antibody); elicitation of the
followed by isoniazid and rifampin given for 4 months. The oxidative burst, which results in killing of microorganisms via
mean duration of anti-TB treatment at the time of blood col- the production of reactive oxygen intermediates; and degran-
lection from patients did not differ significantly between the ulation, which results in nonoxidative killing via the release of
TB and human immunodeficiency virus-infected TB (HIV/TB) potent antimicrobial enzymes.
groups in any of the studies. Some of the effects on neutrophil
function and receptor expression were contrary to what one
might expect given that the resolution of active TB would be
associated with recovery of function and normalization of re- PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS AND DEFECTIVE
ceptor expression. Most of this evidence is inferred from cross- NEUTROPHIL FUNCTION
sectional studies conducted on TB patients, with only some
support from longitudinal data. The primary objective in all of Mycobacterium tuberculosis is currently the most common
these studies was not the evaluation of the role of anti-TB opportunistic pathogen found in HIV-1-infected individuals in
treatment, and findings reported with respect to drug treat- sub-Saharan Africa. Morbidity and mortality in coinfection are
ment were incidental to the hypothesis being tested in each commonly the result of bacterial superinfections. Our studies
individual study. Nonetheless, the findings highlight some im- have concentrated on delineating neutrophil abnormalities
portant issues that deserve consideration. that could further shed light on the pathogenesis of TB and
HIV-1 infection, which leads to the susceptibility of the host to
bacterial and fungal infections (for a review, see reference 20).
Impairments in neutrophil functions of TB patients, including
The innate immune system differs from adaptive or acquired HIV-1-coinfected patients (HIV/TB group), were found to be
immunity in that it is not dependent on memory of a previous related to both phagocytosis and oxidative burst (a measure of
exposure and therefore has no specificity. Adaptive immunity, oxidative killing capacity) (19). On the other hand, phagocy-
while not present at birth, develops after antigenic exposure to tosis was significantly increased and the oxidative burst was
an organism and is boosted by repeated exposures. The adap- unimpaired in a group of HIV-1-infected patients without TB.
tive immunity effector function is mediated by T lymphocytes, Neutrophils from HIV-1-infected patients, however, were de-
whereas natural killer cells and phagocytes (neutrophils, ficient in their ability to degranulate in response to an agonist
monocytes, and macrophages) constitute innate cellular im- (a measure of nonoxidative killing capacity); this was true for
mune effectors. The neutrophil is an essential component of both HIV and HIV/TB groups (11). Reduced expression of the
innate cellular immunity, functioning as a first line of defence interleukin-8 (IL-8) receptors (CXCR1 and CXCR2) has also
in combating bacterial and fungal infections. The functional been associated with a reduced ability of neutrophils to re-
integrity of this arm of the immune system is therefore pivotal spond appropriately by directed migration, calcium flux (12),
in protection of the host against primary or secondary invasion and degranulation (11). It is therefore evident that the greatest
by pathogenic microorganisms. It is in the presence of immune impairment of neutrophil function (decreased phagocytic abil-
suppression caused by viruses such as HIV or the use of vari- ity and a compromised oxidative and nonoxidative armature)
ous drugs that this becomes evident, and it manifests as an was present in the HIV/TB group. This is consistent with clin-
ical findings of an increased risk of acquiring new opportunistic
* Corresponding author. Mailing address: National Institute for Vi-
infections in patients dually infected with HIV-1 and M. tuber-
rology, Private bag X4, Sandringham 2131, South Africa. Phone: (27- culosis compared to that in persons infected with HIV-1 alone
11) 321-4285/00. Fax: (27-11) 882-0596. E-mail: (22).


ANTITUBERCULOSIS TREATMENT AND EXPRESSION in CXCR2 expression on neutrophils would be noted in drug-
OF G-PROTEIN-COUPLED RECEPTORS naive patients versus those on treatment could not be assessed
ON NEUTROPHILS since all patients recruited for this study were already receiving
anti-TB treatment. It was clear, however, that the duration of
G-protein-coupled receptors form part of a family of recep- anti-TB treatment had no apparent effect on CXCR2 expres-
tors that mediate specific functions in response to small sion.
polypeptides such as chemokines and complement fragments. The expression of the HIV-1 coreceptor, CXCR4, showed a
The most notable of these functions is the recruitment of similar pattern of modulation in the different disease groups to
leukocytes from the circulation to sites of infection. Comple- that of CXCR2, in that the most profound decreases occurred
ment factor 5 (C5a), produced during activation of the com- in the two TB groups (S. Shalekoff, S. Pendle, D. Johnson, D. J.
plement cascade, is a classical chemoattractant that binds to Martin, and C. T. Tiemessen, submitted for publication). A
the CD88 receptor and thereby mediates directed cell move- significant negative correlation was found between the relative
ment (6). In addition to CD88, a number of CXC–G-protein- receptor density of CXCR4 receptors on neutrophils and the
coupled receptors are expressed on neutrophils and include duration of anti-TB treatment in the HIV/TB group. Interest-
the two IL-8 receptors, CXCR1 and CXCR2 (9, 15), and ingly, similar patterns of down-modulation occurred in other
CXCR4, the HIV-1 coreceptor utilized by T-cell-tropic virus leukocyte subsets. In the HIV/TB group, significant negative
strains for entry into cells bearing the CD4 molecule (2, 5). correlations were found between the proportions of CXCR4-
IL-8 binds with high affinity to both of its receptors, while expressing CD3⫹, CD4⫹, and CD8⫹ memory cells (identified
growth-regulated oncogene alpha (GRO␣), GRO␤, GRO␥, by coexpression of the CD45RO marker), CD14⫹ cells, and
neutrophil-activating peptide 2 (NAP-2), and epithelial cell- NK cells and the duration of treatment. There were no corre-
derived neutrophil-activating peptide 78 (ENA-78) are potent lations between CCR5 expression on various leukocytes, the
agonists for CXCR2 but not for CXCR1 (14, 18). CXCR4 other major HIV coreceptor studied in parallel, and the dura-
specifically binds stroma-derived growth factor 1␣ (SDF1␣) tion of anti-TB treatment. That these changes show a relation-
and SDF1␤ and mediates functions that do not include che- ship to the duration of anti-TB treatment in the HIV/TB group
motaxis of neutrophils (3). and not in the TB group suggests that it is a combination of
Results from independent studies carried out to determine both the duration of anti-TB drug therapy and HIV-1 infection
how these various receptors are modulated in response to the that results in diminished receptor expression and that differ-
presence of HIV-1 infection and pulmonary TB showed an ent cell types also show similar changes in receptor modula-
overall down-regulation of all G-protein-coupled receptors tion.
studied on neutrophils in all patient groups (HIV, TB, and The expression of the classical chemoattractant C5a recep-
HIV/TB). This reduction in expression was, however, most tor, CD88, on neutrophils showed a reciprocal trend to that
exaggerated in HIV/TB-coinfected patients. As each infectious found for CXCR1 and CXCR4 with respect to duration of
state alone (HIV or TB) has an effect on receptor expression anti-TB treatment (13). A significant positive association was
in its own right, certain relationships due to drug treatment observed between the length of time a patient had received
may become evident or, alternatively, be obscured in TB anti-TB treatment and the relative density of CD88 receptors
and/or HIV/TB patients, thus often confounding the interpre- on neutrophils in both the TB and HIV/TB patient groups,
tation of results. Here we discuss the main findings of receptor with levels approaching those found for healthy volunteer
modulation in the context of anti-TB treatment and attempt to blood donors. Furthermore, quite irrespective of the presence
dissect out disease effects from drug effects. of concomitant HIV-1 infection, resolution of TB resulted in
When the two TB patient groups (TB and HIV/TB) were an increase in CD88 fluorescence intensity with no evidence of
combined, there was no correlation between the expression of drug effects on this receptor.
either IL-8 receptor (CXCR1 or CXCR2) on neutrophils and Although the overall patterns of modulation by the presence
the duration of anti-TB drug therapy (12). Interestingly, the of disease (HIV, TB, and HIV/TB) were similar for the differ-
TB group on its own showed a significant negative correlation ent receptors, anti-TB drug therapy differentially affected their
between the fluorescence intensity of CXCR1 (a measure of expression. This provides us with some understanding of the
receptor density) and the duration of anti-TB treatment. It was capacity of these receptors, which have similar functions, to be
clear that the presence of HIV-1 coinfection obscured this modulated by different agents, either infectious or therapeutic.
relationship. When patients were stratified into two groups on CD88 represented the most robust of this group of receptors in
the basis of time of treatment, approximately half had received that it was not susceptible to direct drug effects in vivo. It may
treatment for ⬍2 months and the other half had received be significant that the tendency of any of these receptors on
treatment for ⬎2 months. There was no significant difference neutrophils to be easily modulated by a variety of cytokines in
between the expression of CXCR1 (percentage of positive vitro seemed to be related to an equivalent ability to be mod-
cells) or CXCR2 receptor (percentage of positive cells or rel- ulated in vivo, whatever the cause. In particular, CD88 was
ative receptor density) between the ⬍2-month and ⬎2-month least likely to be modulated by a wide variety of cytokines
treatment groups. However, the intensity of CXCR1 expres- whereas CXCR2 and, to a greater extent, CXCR4 were easily
sion in TB patients was significantly higher in the ⬍2-month modulated (C. Tiemessen, unpublished data). The question
treatment group than in the ⬎2-month treatment group, remaining is whether CXCR2 and CXCR4 are down-regulated
clearly showing decreased expression despite resolution of TB, only in response to administration of anti-TB treatment, with
the opposite of what one might expect if the original down- no further change as a result of its duration, or to TB itself, or
modulating effect were due to TB alone. Whether the decrease to a combination of the two.

ANTITUBERCULOSIS TREATMENT AND expressing a particular G-protein-coupled receptor or the re-

NEUTROPHIL FUNCTION spective cellular receptor densities are likely to affect cell func-
tion, particularly cellular trafficking in response to the specific
In a study conducted to assess the integrity of phagocytic and
receptor ligands. This could present as either altered numbers
oxidative burst capabilities of neutrophils from individuals with
of cells migrating or inappropriate responses such as an altered
pulmonary TB, which were found to be diminished, no signif-
order of specific cell types moving in response to a stimulus at
icant correlation was found between either of these abilities
the site of infection. The infecting agent and use of the current
and the duration of anti-TB drug therapy (19). This was true
anti-TB drugs affect these functions differently, depending on
whether patients had concomitant HIV-1 infection or not.
the particular function or receptor or whether patients are
When patients were stratified into two groups on the basis of
dually infected.
time of treatment, half had received treatment for ⬍2 months
We would therefore, on the basis of the above findings, raise
and half had received treatment for ⬎2 months. There was no
concerns that the use of various antibacterial agents may in fact
significant difference between neutrophil phagocytic capacity
affect natural immune functions that are essential to the clear-
or ability to produce ROI between the ⬍2-month and ⬎2-
ance of invading microorganisms, particularly in patients
month treatment groups.
known to be at higher risk of acquiring secondary infections.
Therefore there was a persistence of both defects in neutro-
However, it must be kept in mind that these findings represent
phil phagocytosis and oxidative burst in in patients with TB
biological phenomena that may reflect activities in vivo which
despite successful anti-TB treatment. Again, these results show
may well not have profound clinical significance. There may be
no return to normal values within the time that drug treatment
a critical threshold at which defective function results in the
was still being administered but the TB was resolved. Interest-
patient becoming susceptible to further infections. On the
ingly, the depression of either function occurred to a similar
other hand, it is not unreasonable to assume that drug-induced
extent in the TB and HIV/TB groups, suggesting that the
suppression may further aggravate defects in one or more
presence of HIV-1 was not exacerbating either of these defects
functions of neutrophils from infected patients. It is also sig-
in function. As mentioned previously, neutrophils from HIV-
nificant that rifampin-induced suppression of lymphocyte func-
1-infected patients without TB showed enhanced phagocytosis
tion, which has been recognized for several decades, has been
and unaltered oxidative burst (19). Further support for a direct
recently attributed to its ability to bind to glucocorticoid re-
role in depressed neutrophil function by one or more of the
ceptors on these cells (4). Whether some of the effects on
current drugs in the standard regimen can be inferred from a
neutrophils noted in our studies could be mediated through a
study that showed decreased neutrophil chemotaxis, phagocy-
similar mechanism remains to be elucidated.
tosis, and killing of Candida regardless of active or chronic
It is therefore important that the true clinical significance of
disease in TB patients receiving anti-TB treatment (1). In
the effects of anti-TB drugs be systematically determined.
addition, another study showed a significantly increased phago-
Good longitudinal follow-up of large numbers of patients is
cytic ability of neutrophils from patients with active pulmonary
essential to determine disease outcomes or altered susceptibil-
tuberculosis prior to commencement of any treatment (16).
ities to other infectious agents. Therefore, a detailed evalua-
Perhaps the greatest support in this regard comes from a re-
tion of anti-TB drug therapy in the context of direct drug
cent longitudinal study conducted to assess the effect of short-
effects on neutrophil functions and phenotype of TB patients
course granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor ad-
(in both the TB and HIV/TB groups) is required, with patients
ministration on neutrophil function in TB patients, where
being monitored from admission throughout treatment to
phagocytic ability in particular was found to progressively de-
completion of therapy. In vitro studies aimed at determining
crease from baseline untreated values through to 1 month.
the specific effects of each individual drug and combinations of
Patients treated with granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulat-
the drugs on cell phenotype and function require elucidation
ing factor, however, showed marked recovery of this ability to
by using cells from both healthy persons and those infected
above baseline values within the same period (Tiemessen, un-
with HIV-1. Once the drug or drug combinations that appear
to have adverse effects on function are identified, it is impor-
Infection with HIV-1 is accompanied by activation of the
tant to determine if they can be replaced with equally active
immune system (7, 21), which seems more pronounced in Af-
and cost-effective drugs that have less influence on immune
rican patients (17). This immune activation has widespread
functions. Adjuvant-type therapies such as the use of colony-
effects including stimulation of viral replication and acceler-
stimulating factors could be useful in complementing anti-TB
ated progression of HIV-1 disease (22). Despite successful
drug therapy, although cost considerations would preclude
treatment of TB in coinfected individuals, sustained activation
their widespread use. Overall, these findings underscore the
of the immune system has been reported (10). Such activation
need for routine chemotherapeutic prophylaxis of bacterial
may play a role in the continued down-regulation of some of
infections in patients with HIV and TB coinfection, a strategy
the G-protein-coupled receptors described as well as in dimin-
which is increasingly being implemented as common practice
ished neutrophil function.
(8, 23).
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