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Module 7 Test
1 For questions 1–11, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap.

Joe had always been a (1) _____ type of person and had never been one of those people who are prone to
sudden (2) _____ . He was also a very kind man and not once in all the years I’d known him had he ever had a
(3) _____ word to say about anyone. Some said he had a (4) _____ air about him and that he seemed most
(5) _____ when tinkering with his train set but I’d always found him to be great company and loved tagging
(6) _____ with him whenever I had the chance to. He’d been born in the same house where he now lived and
after years of accumulation it had become a very (7) _____ cottage. He enjoyed living an easy day-to-day life
without any (8) _____ and often frequented the local auctions, which were a regular (9) _____ . He would often
find himself having outbid someone for some item on the (10) _____ the moment which, although not needed,
would (11) _____ inside him a sense of satisfaction.

1 A low-pressure B laid-back C offhand D fed up

2 A outbursts B eruptions C outbreaks D blow-ups

3 A bleak B harsh C clashing D severe

4 A petty B young C babyish D childish

5 A at rest B homely C at home D in comfort

6 A along B about C by D on

7 A crowded B restricted C confined D cramped

8 A contests B hassle C struggle D rumble

9 A appearance B circumstance C occurrence D incidence

10 A turn of B turn at C spur of D spur at

11 A switch up B trigger on C start on D stir up


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2 For questions 1–7, read the text below and underline the correct option.
(1) The reason that / The reason why / The thing that I’ve always really enjoyed about moving house is the
excitement of exploring a new area and making new friends. (2) It wasn’t until / It’s only by / It wasn’t since I
retired that I felt my desire to keep uprooting myself had waned. (3) The reason why I / All I’ve ever / What I
only wanted to do was to find a place where I felt I really fitted in and could be myself. Some people have been
astonished at the number of times I’ve relocated, moving from country to country even, but I have to say (4) it
was my father / it was this travelling / it was the reason who gave me these itchy feet. I guess (5) it is only
when / it is only where / it is the reason I think back that I see how his working abroad shaped my own comfort
zones and travelling experiences. In all the years I lived abroad, (6) the thing I was missing / what I missed
most / all I’d ever missed about my home country was my loved ones and I guess comedy. Ultimately, (7) the
one thing that / it is the place that / the place that I now find myself calling home is one where I am close to
nature and my family.

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3 For questions 1–7, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
using the word given. Do not change the word given. Use between three and six words.
1 It’s a shame you aren’t able to take Monday off.


If only ___________________________ off on Monday.

2 I’m not sure I want us to spend a week in New York. I think Austin sounds better.


___________________________ a week in Austin than in New York.

3 Why didn’t you tell me my boss would be at the party?


I ___________________________ my boss was going to be at the party.

4 I’d love to have been able to go to the concert with you.


If only ___________________________ to make it to the concert.

5 It was a mistake to accept that job offer – I’m really not enjoying the job.


I ___________________________ that job. It’s terrible!

6 ‘Do you think we should have invited Jules to the party?’


What if we ___________________________ with us to the party?

7 They did ignore you on purpose but you pretended they didn’t.


You ___________________________ never purposely ignored you.

Total: 25

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