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Bem. Danamon Jakarta, 02 Januari 2018 Ref 0102/0201 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN We hereoy ceriy that NameiNIP : LILY ZAHERNI/00026309 Hed been emplayad by PT Bank Dananon Indonesia, Thk. effectively on 02 April 2007 and had resigned due to early letiement effesivey on 31 Gesember 2018 tv the last position as Telle” - OUCOCO26408 - Mikca Bukitinegi PS Payakumtun, We would like fe express our gravtude ‘er the service and wish the emplayte ell he best in tre future endeavors. Yours sinoerely The Management PT.Bank Danamon Inclonesia, Tok This leteris system generated and requires ne signature Gartficate of employmert 02.01.2019

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