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Fear related to phobic stimulus-

D- Patient verbalized “Whenever I’m surrounded with too many people either I know them or not I still feel
scared and restless” Diminished activity, Avoidance, narrowed focus on the source of fear, Pulse of 110,
Pallor, Increased perspiration.

A- Dx
Explored client’s perception of threat to physical integrity or threat to self-concept; Assessed pt.
feared object/situation.
Established rapport; Discussed client’s perception/fearful feelings; Listened to client’s concern;
Provided information in verbal and written form (in simplest sentence; Provided opportunity for
questions and answered pt. honestly; Administered medications ordered by the physician.

Encouraged client to explore underlying feelings that may be contributing to irrational fears; Encourage client
to share the seemingly unnatural fears and feelings with others, especially the nurse therapist. Encouraged to
stop, wait, and not rush out of feared situation as soon as experienced.

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